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November 30, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-30

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His Teetares I1ave (ained Wide-Spread
Ielputation For Attracting
Capacity Audiences
Speaking I Hill auditorium tonight
at 8 o'clock on the Oratorical lecture
series course, Dr. Will Durant, philos-
opher, lecturer, and author, will take
as the subject of his address, "Is Pro-
gress a Delusion?" It will be Dr.
Durant's first appearance in Ann
Formerly connected with the depart-
ment of philosophy at Columbia uni-
versity Dr. Durant soon became widely
recognized as a lecturer of note, many
of his talks being delivered at Labor
Temple, maintained by the Presby-
terian church in New York.
Among the many lectures which Dr
Durant became accustomed to giving
outside of the university was one on
"Spinoza," which he delivered on one
occasion in the Labor Temple. This
address led to the forniation,of two
classes ,under Dr. Durant which met
at the Labor Temple every week for
40 weeks in the year.
Average Attendance 1,000.
The approximate attendance at
these lectures was 1,000 per week,'
over a period of eight years, and it is
said that these two classes now have
a combined attendance .of 1,600 per-
sons every week. Out of these lectures
came Labor Temple School-an insti-
tution which has won such a place for
itself in the educational life of the
metropolis that its annual dinners
have become the intellectual event of
every season, and the gathering place
of such speakers as John Dewey,
Felix Adler, Stephen Wise, t4arry
Emerson Fosdick, John Haynes
Holmes, Hendrick Van Loon and
As a result of his speeches in the
Labor Temple, Dr. Durant has gained
for himself the recognition of being
one of the most brilliant lecturers on
the American platform today.
In 191 Dr. Durant broke all records
of the Bureau of Lectures of the Board
,of Education in New York when he
gave a series of 20 address on psychol-
ogy at Wadleigh High School which
drew capacity audiences of 1,300 to
each lecture throughout the entire
course. He has given several com-
plete courses for the Kansas City Uni-
versity Extension, his audiences there
in 1920 growing from 450 at the first
lecture to 850 at the fourth. In 1923
he gave 40 addresses in 35 Flays in
Kansas City, nearly all in the same
hall, and drew an average attendance
of 860.J
Has Lectured Often.k
Dr. Durant has also attracted large
audiences at Copper Union, the Brook-
lyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, the
Brooklyn Y.M.C.A., the Jewish Centers
in Brooklyn and Cleveland, O., the
Emil G. Hirsch center in Chicago,
Ford Hall and the Old South Church
is Boston, Athe People's Church of
Cincinnati, the Buffalo Historical So-
ciety, the Milwaukee Open Forum and
the Dallas Forum.
Dr. Durant's book -published last
year, and composed largely of lectures
given at Labor Temple, became the
best-selling non-fiction book in Amer-
ica within three weeks of its publica-
tion. His talk tonight on "Is Progress
a Delusion," is said by many to be Dr.
Durant's best platform lecture.
The box office will be open tonight

at 7 o'clock, according to Carl G.
Brandt, of the speceh department, who
is finance manager of the course, andI
the lecture will start promptly at 8
Government Forest
Expert Will Speak
Before Local Club
Major Evan W. Kelly, chief for-
ester of District 7, will address thej
Forestry club tonight at 7:30 o'clock
in room 2039 Natural Science build-;
ing. Major Kelly has charge of the
entiL'e Eastern section of the national
forests, which includes all land east
of the Mississippi, except the Lake
States district.
Major Kelly gained his forestry ex-
perience in California during the
World war. As a captain of the 10th
Engineers he made an excellent pro-I
duction record. Since the war he has
hben district insnector of the Wash-{


Stresses Importance Of Questions Of
Re-Forestation And Conservation
Of Food Supply

CrA U O lTT V U V A 17 r U C 'T'"X TX7


Tipping habts 1 o University stu-
dents are not very well regulated, ac-j
cording to boot-blacks and waiters
about the campus questioned on this
"Tips for a shoeshine are as scarce
as an intelligent Phi Beta Kappa," says
Tony, who is one of the prominent
campus boot-blacks. Many leave their
dime and nothing more, according to
this authority, who further complains
that besides not giving tips, many stu-
dents. ask him to cash a one dollar
check when paying for their shoe
shine, a check which sometimes comes
hurrying back from the bank in a few
"Do girls pay me many tips?" Tony
ejeculated, "Say! Girls never heard of
G aes HIonora ry Medical Society Is
To Conduct Ifrive On Campus To
Benefit Sick Children

According to the report yesterday
of the attending physician, the con-
tipping." But om'e the other hand they dition of Herman Miethe, '29, Marion
never complain. Some men, however, Reading, '29, and Edna Mower, '29,
consider a complaint an essential part who were injured in an auummobile
of every good shoe shine, according to 4accident Saturday evening, is satis-
this authority.-j factory.
"At the beginning of the year," said I All are now out of immediate dan-
Tony, "tips are fewer than a little ger, and are resting comfortably, an-
later; about Thanksgiving time, five thorities stated, at St. Joseph's hospi-
cents often comes along with the tal, where the injured students were
dime for the shoe shine. Then too, takleii following the accident.
though, many of the fellows come in
with a pair of shoes about 5 o'clock
in the afternoon and want them com-
pletely rebuilt and shined in time to DESCLOS '1YIL SPEAK
wear that evening."
Joe, a waiter of some years stand-j
ing on the campus, substantiates Tony
in many of the allegations, saying that L-
in his line, too, the tips are few and
far between. Joe admitted, however, Is First Of Series Of Lectnrers To
that on one occasion he was tipped a Be Presented To Campus By
quarter by a student who later re- Le Cercle Francals
turned to claim it, saying that there
must. have bieeni some mistake in the
Asked if slow service might be the
reason why he was never tipped, Joe As the first of a series of lectures.
replied, "Absolutely impossible! One Le Cercle Francais, campus French
or two people have ever starved to society, will today present a talk up--
death in any restaurant where I havel
worked, and they weren't customers on Claude Monet, famous French ar--

Dr. Will Durant
Popular philosopher, lectu
writer, who will speak in H
torium tonight on the Orator
ture series course, taking as.
ject, "Is Progress A Delusion

rer and
ill audi-1
ical lee-V
his suf-1

t- - -
Parker Announces Demand For TicketsI
Io Be Greater This Year Than
At Any Time In Past

"As the years roll on and as1
future presents its countless pr
lems, the engineer, more and me
will take his place as a ?eader in
army of progress, and his will be!
brain, and his the hand, thatc
solve the most vital of these pr(
lems, the proper solution of wh
will directly affect the happiness.
comfort of millions yet to corn
John F. Stevens asserted last night
an address given to the engineer
smoker held in the ballroom of
Union. More than 450 engineers
tended the affair.
"More and more as time goes
and as the activities of scientific

waiting for service but cooks."'


Ol, 1 Plans have been completed for the
re- two tag days to be held tomorrow and'

search become deeper, more extened e Friday for the purpose of giving the
PRICE WILL AGAIN BE $10 and diversified, with a corresonding children at the University hospital a f MAMIll
'+'_increase in the exploitation and d- party and gifts on Christmas day, it
Final applications having been dis- velopment of our wonderful natural was announced by the committee in
resources," Stevens declared, "the charge yesterday. The drive on the'
posed of, the tickets for the class of great importance of our purely tech- campus will be conducted under the Leaders Of Movement Admit 1Prob-c
1929 J-Hop will go on sale today and nical schools and our universities and direction of Galens honorary medical blems Of National Defense Re-
Thursday, according to an announce- { colleges, in properly training our society, and Glenn Carmichael, '28M, quire Years Of Toll
I ment made yesterday by Frederick youth for the duties which the future is in charge of arrangements.-
Parker, '29, chairman of ticket distri- will inevitably thrust upon them, be- Tables will be placed at the center TAX BURDEN IS ENORMOUSc
bution for the affair, come more apparent." of the campus in front of the library
The speaker here digressed fV building, and in Angell hall, beside' (By Associtted Prs)t
There were more who wished to at- few moments, telling of his own Eary the University hospital, according to GENEVA, Nov. 29- i to
tend the premier social event of the training and the primitive condition? the arrangements. Representatives , . rig the
University this year than ever before, of schools 55 years ago. Proceeling from Galens will be in charge of its disarmament drive, the
Parker stated, but no more than the to a discussion of some of the major these places during Thursday and League of Nations again is tackling
customary number of tickets will be problems before engineers today he Friday, for the purpose of selling the its hardest assignment, and League
sold. The applications were distribut- emphasized the question of re-forest- tags. It is hoped to raise $1,000. I leaders frankly admit that the prob-
ed by lot according to the various ation and the question o: conservin Several donations for th
schools and colleges of the University, the food supply. have already been gentrto the chair- 1ms culrly th latol ofes
and notices of acceptances or rejectionj and particularly the problem of re-
and notice oin acceptiaces omeection Gives Success Qualities man of the committee, and any indi ducing armaments, are questions re-
ago. Stevens then proceeded to eluch-sviduals or organizations wishing to quiring infinite patience and years of
ago.i ut Stevenshedrthentarproceeded toe ittnc til.-
The tickets will be sold at the side date the qualities necessary for snc- r mail checks ore rive srts may unremitting toil.
desk in the main lobby of the Union cess in the profession, emphasi mi c s ayabe to Gens to The end of the World wvar left the
on the days named from 2 until 6 1 that hard work and tenacious persis- Genn Carmichael, at 300 North In conquering nations withl huge arma-
galls street. The money will be turn-Ir
o'clock and only those whose applica- ttence are indispensable qualificati fs ga1s over to the social service depart- ments which i many countries have1
tions were marked accepted may pur- of success. The training of an engi- I s hopita gradually been reduced; neverthelessl
chase them. The price will again be neer, he stated, is more nearly at its mnt of the Unveisity sa ah ulln 1)on te ;axevertess
$10, and this includes booth privileges beginning that at its conclusion when isoon as it is received and that or-so enormous and peace-lovers in
for every one. A meeting will be the man graduates with a degree from ganization will arrange the party nd many countries are so persistently I
called shortly after the Christmas va- an engineering college, though the I children. raternities;insisting that competitive armamentss
cation period for all independents at- he may have received i and sororities of the campus are es- are endangering new wars, that there
tending the i-op in order that they doubtlin luabl pecially urged by officers of Galens to is found evient that te pop)10of t
may organize into booth groups. Ar- make gro donations to the cause, nd nt a e l
rangenments for fraternity occupancy "Therefore-a message to the young and at a late hour last night all ru a in mn sn 'a.
will be announced at a later date. engineer:" he sai-, "Have faith of the medical fraternities and sorori- reducedtaimn m c
In the event that any tickets are not faith in yourself and faith in the ties and several genel'al sororities had war (listandmg htr w fur-
bought by presenting aplications to- shadowy future; and in the words of pledged donations. an disarmament Washingtonry was fur-
day and Thursday, they will be placed the old German poet, 'Go forth with- The money will be used to provide mshed y Washgton Conference
on general sale at the same hours on out fear in your manly heart.' Re- a party for more than 350 children for limitation of Naval Armaments,
Friday. Announcemet of this will be member that by the sweat of your1 confined in the University, many of ovoked by oresiden. , ar g,
made in Thursday's Daily. brow you shall obtain bread. And re- whom are state patients' and larg which beg o Nov. 12, 121 and
The favors for the af air have been member, too, that in the last analy- numbers of whom will be unable to ende in the signature of i treaty o I
contracted for by the committee, ac- sis, there is but one perfect rule to see friends or relatives on Christmas Feb. 6, 922, While many Americans
cording to John R. Gihartin, '29E, follow, one which should guide your - day. have Insist!]that this conference re-
general chairman. They are of a dif- proessional as well as your ery This is the first time that any such suited in the roinuishment by the
ferent nature and if anything of better walk of life, 'Do unto others as ye comprehensive drive for funds to pro- United States of supremacy of the
quality than those of other years. The would they should do unto you.' " vide a Christmas party for the hospi- seas, ircls that tega ington
-exact nature of them will also be re- Concluding his talk, Stevens stated tal children has been undertaken, and guecr
vealed in the near future. The con- that "The future welfare of oar coon- officers of Galens are hopeful that treaty gave a big push forward to thes
test for the awarding of the decoration try is in the hands of its youth, and the student body will respond. idea of disarmament.
contract has closed, but the judges that they will acquit themselves withj dy l.y the Washington treaty a limitaa-
have not yet rendered a decision. This credit can not be doubted. It is a TRE T ionwas fixed on the battleship
is expected during next week. great charge which is given to their strength of the United States, Great
- keeping, and trebly greater now that WILL GIVE TALKS Britain, Japan, France, and Italy. Ini
SPEECH CLINICIAN we have become the strongest, and as ---- addition to this, the conference plac-
I believe may 1e truly said, the most Jo Chamberlin, '28, managing editor ed a limitation upon aircraft carriers
TO LECTURE HERE powerful influence for world-wide of The Daily; Henry Grinnell, '28, ath- and declared that the maximum ton-
weal or woe that history has ever lete and member of the Student coun- nage of individual cruisers should ie
Both the time and the place for the recorded." cil. and Courtland C. Smith, '28, city 10,000 tons, with a maximum gun of
i lecture to he delivered by Dr. Lee Besides the talk by Stevens, Dean i editor of The Daily and president of eight inches. No limit was placed for
Edward Travis, associate professor of Mortimer Cooley, of the Colleges of the Student council, will go to Mt. the number of cruisers and it was
speech and director of the spech clinic Engineering and Architecture, Ol -Clemens tomorrow morning where this omission which last sunmmr's
at the University of Iowa, were an- leave of absence for the year, attended they )yilI address a Mt. Clemens high three-power naval conference tried to
nounced by Prof. James O'Neill, of the the meeting and introduced Stevens. school assembly as part of a program remedy.
(department of speech, yesterday. Prof. bra S. Duffendack of the physics concerning the University. The pro- More than that, the three-powerei -
Dr. Travis will speak in the Natural department did several experiments gram has been arranged through the conference endeavored to secure an
Science auditorium, Tuesday, Dec. 13, with liquid air, and Stewart Churchill, cooperation of Smith Cady, '27, who is agreement for the limitation of de-
at 4:15 o'clock. His talk will be on spec., played several selections on te now employed on the Nellis chain of stroyers and submarines. Success
the "Place of Speech Correction in marimbaphone to open the program. newspapers with headquarters in At. was practically achieved with refer-
1Modern Education." Perry M. Shoemaker, '28E, presided. Clemens.a ence to destroyers and submarines,
-but the conference collapsed chiefly
RECOVER ANOTHER POMPEII FROM GRAVE IN SANDS States'were unable to reach an agree-
h Uate om -ySome optimists go so far as to
being done at Karalino, Egypt, al- lable sidelights have been shed on the earth bringing to light new knowledge hope that the projected Geneva con-
though there is enough material yet life and culture of ancient Egypt by(of another generation. It is believed Terence for reuction of armaments
Ito be unearthed for another season of the findings of the University explora- that a longer period of ancient history fne or iaducin of armay
strenuous digging, according to Prof. tions, principally through the recovery sterdoseal nin the rbm
R. E. Boak, of the history department. of many papyrus documents of histor-i epint, the period so far know to exist dicover a out te rollem
This spot of the ancient world, at ical value, by the enlightenment shed pform 250 B.C. to 450 A.D. the Geneva Tthhree-ower conference.
which has been found a buried city of by the articles of house furnishings
Egyptian style with Grecian infiu- found, by the instruments of industry E. E. Peterson of the University has The preparatory commission which
ences obvious, in situated on the and agriculture, by the coins, and by been stationed in Egypt since the se- meets tomorrow has already prepared
- northern border of-Faiyum, at a point the house plans and construction de- ond year of the work commenced, a draft treaty on disarmament but it.
50 miles southwest of Cairo. The ox- tails, which was in 1924. Professor Boak is generally recognized that this draft
plorations which are being done here "All the building in this small pro- said that he had not been there since shows so many divergencies on varn-
are under the Near East Research vincial town has done of sun dried 1925 himself, but that various mem- ous points that it is practipally val-
I Fund of the University, a fund do- bricks," Professor Boak continued, hers of the faculty had been there each ueless as an instrument for presenta
nated by private subscription for the "which quite naturally crumbled year, amongst these the late Professor tion to an international conference.I
use of the University. Michigan fac- when great pressure was put on them, I Kelsey, and Professor Bonner, whol ..- --

tist and founder of the school of i
modern impressionism. It will take 1
place at 4:15 in Natural Science and-a
itorium. The speaker wll be Auguste b
Desclos, well-known educator of the h
National Bureau of French Schools 1
and Colleges. t
I)esclos is in Ann Arbor with twot
other French educators for the fur-o
pose of inspecting campus buildings, f
with a view toward getting some u
idea of American architectural meth-
ods as used im educational insti i
This lecture marks the opening
event upon the society's program fori
the year. There will be, in all, seveni
lectures and two dramatic enterpris-
es. The year's program is as fol--
lows: Nov. 30--"Claude Monet,' a 1
lecture accompanied by slides, by '1
Auguste Desclos; Jan. 1l-"A Liter-.
ary Pilgrimage in Savoy," by Prof.
Arthur G. Canfield, former head oft
the French department here; Feb.t
14--"International Politics and Jour
nalism," by Raymond Recouly, well-
known journalist and official lecturer
of the Federation of French Alliance
with United States and Canada; Feb.l
29-evening devoted to dramatics;
March 7-"Cartoons Depicting the
Sentiments of the French P"orle at
the Beginning of the War," fy Prof.
Arthur L. Dunham, of the History de-
partment here; March 21-"Peasant
Life in France," by John B. Cloppet,
of the French department here; April
4-"The Salons of the XVII Century,"
lecture accompanied by slides, by,
Gustave L. Michaud, of the University
French department; April 18--"Some;
Phases of the Theatrical Works of
Brieux," by Professor Anthony J.
Jobin, of the Modern language de-
partment of the College of Engineer-
ing; and on May 3 Le Cercle will pre-
sent its annual theatrical production
at the Mimes Theater.
All lectures and productions will,
of course, be given in French.
This program is not limited to stu-
dents, but is open to the public. The
admission price is 50 cents for an
associate membership ticket, which
entitles the holder to attend all lec-
tures, and, for a slight additional
charge, the annual play as well.
These tickets may be procured from
the sicretary of the Romance lan-
guage department, in room 104 S. W.G
All lectures begin prompty at ':1
o'clock, and, with the exception of.
the first, will all take place in room
1025, Angell hall.
At the final convocation of the fall
series in H1ill auditorium next Sun-
day morning, Hon. Newton D. Baker,
ex-secretary of war, will deliver theI
address. His subject has not yet been
Baker, who for many years has held
a leading place in the legal profes-
sion in Cleveland, O., has always bee
a public figure, both local and na-
tional. He held the position of city
solicitor of Cleveland for 10 years
and the office of mayor in the same
city for four years. He was appoint-
ed Secretary of War by Woodrow Wil-
son in 1916 and served in that capac-
ity until 1921.-
All plans for the convocation are
in the hands of a special committee
appointed by Clarence Cook Little.
The committee is assisted in its worka
by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant

lccident Occurs At Corner Of Packard
And 11111 Streets As Motorist
Made Left Turn
Kenneth Withrow, Unitversity police
iicer employed to enforce the auto-
nobile ban, sustained severe injuries
.o his left leg at 7 oclock last night
Ahen he ran his motorcycle ito a car
>eing operated by Charles I. Barnum
it time intersection of Packard and
Jill streets.
Is Student, Instructor.
Barnum, who is a graduate student
in the University and an instructor
in the Architectural college, was driv-
ng his car north on Packard street
and attempted to turn west onto Hill,
making a left turn across tie south-
bound lane of traffic. Barnum said
he did not see Withrow approaching
Mint on Packard. Withrow attempted
o dodge Barnumm's car but failed,
crashing into it and being thrown to
the pavement. His motorcycle fell
on top of his left leg causing three
fractures and a. skin wound. Barn-
um's car was damaged to some extent,
but the motorcycle was practically
Barnum assisted Withrow, who was
not unconscious, into his car and took
him to the University hospital where
he was attended by Dr. Cushing. Later
in the evening Dr. Cushing reported
that Withrow had suffered a fracture
of the left tibia, fractures in two
places of the left fibula, and a deep
puncture wound Iii the lower leg. He
was admitted to the hospital as a
When interviewed a few hours afte
the accident, Barnum said that he was
fully insured against liability in case
suit.shouhd be brought by Withrow or
by the University, and that he did not
wish to make a statement concerning
responsibility for the collision before
getting in touch with his insurance
company. TIe said that lie did not see
Withrow approaching.
Speedometer Registers Speed.
An examination of Withrow's motor-
cycle after the accident revealed that
the speedometer had jammed at 35
miles an hour. Whether the officer
was prtceeding at that speed or
whether the speedometer was jarred
to that position in the collision can
only be conjectured.
Withrow has been in the employ-
ment of the University since Septen-
ber when the new ruling of the Reg-
eits concerning student-operated au-
tomobiles went in force. H-e is a
state officer, being attached to the
Michigan State Police under the direc-
tion of the State Commissioner of
Public Safety.
New York Times To
Present Film Giving
Story Of Newspaper
Picture Showing ntire Production Of
Big Newspaper Is Part Of
Contest Program
"The Making of a Great Newspap-
er" is the title of a picture to b'
shown here at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow
in Natural Science auditorium. The
film is produced by the New York
'limes, and shows the publication of

that paper from the moment a 'story
is received until it is for sale, por-
traying practically all phases of
n ewspaperdom.
The picture is part- or a program
instituted by the Times to create a
greater interest in , current events.
Every year a contest is sponsored by
tihe. paper for the best score in a
current event examination including
aEll the news for one year.
A National prize of $500 as well ac
local prizes of $250 are awarded The
local prizes are given to each col igj
and university who have entered c
sufficient number of students. Michi-
gan awards $150 to the highest score,
$75 to the best freshman-sophomore
I result, and $25 for third place. The
freshman-sophomore prize is a new
institution to encourage the lower
classmen to participate.
April 27 or 28 is the date set for
the contest, and there is still time
for those who wish to enter to fol-
low the paper now, and read the
past issues in the library. The time


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