THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NO 'i;1i£Ia;R 27, 1927 NOW mwlftmm THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1927 ._.. ..... . ...... .. . .... _... ....... ..... _ 'nval Aiation: ways." Dr. Wilcox has recently been at work in this situation. Postions -BUL TA I The lecture and examination scheduled for Tuesday, November 2th, has Z. C. Di)ckison. My att been postponed to Wednesday, November 30th. E.oI A. StaiihI~I%~ell fact thatinR . Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of The Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday section will meet on Monday at,' 2116, Natura Science Building. Dr. Alvaln E. Woodw.ard will speak on eUirsy.CprcivdbthAssantoh'Psdntuilpositioas th nvest. oyrcevdbyteAsitn t h Peienrni 3 p. n. in room 102, Economis Building. G. iW. IIIodWO1*l. Some propertes of egg secretions." All members are urged to be present. are grad 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) I_________ Faith P. Hladley, Scretary. +have had~ Volaiie . 'SUNIAY, NOV{EM[BER 2i. Number 59. H. S. :- - urcl There will be a meeting of all students now taking suvyn hoaei-lrama Secton Faclty Women's Clu0: o a terested in credit in M. S. 5 towards a Reserve Officer's commission, in my '"'aesdav IDramna Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at the I shall b University Lecture: office at 5 p. i., Monday, November 28th. ,J. IH. Mdion Alpha Chi Omega House, Tuesday, November 2th, at 2:30 p. in. Mrs. C. C. a e inter Professor A. Souter of the University of Aberdeen will deliver a Univer- _____G_____ lover and Mrs. R. W. Sellars will act as hostesses.fcelor aty Lecture on "The Latin Bible" at 4:15 p. i., Thursday, December 8, in the Junor {'oenm: Mrs. F. R. Finch, Sereary. at it Fr Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. The meeting to discuss Junior Girls Play try-outs, which was announced( F. E. RoblbinIs. for'T'uesday, November 2th, at 4 p. in, will be held in Newberry IBall Aui-,'IPrliinme.Michelgan ('lb: Drama S - -- ---tori um instead of Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. All junior women are urged The Philippine--Michigan C'ub will give an informal reception in hoior of Monday Uilversity Lecture: to be present. Elizabeth 'Welman. Sm I Saor Manuel L Quezon and President Rafael Palma of the University ofj meet att Manuel L. Quezon, President of the Philippine Senate, will deliver a ___ _______the~ Philippines o1n Monay, Novemnber' 28, at 8 o'clock p. in. in Lane all Audi- ngalls, lecture on the subject, "Philippine Independence'' in the Natural Science ~ f~u ohnoea~ IprhssT~unui ToeWoHv ~ ' or um. The puic is cordially invited to attend. he28. auditorium, Monday, November' 28, at 4:15 p.m. TIhe public is coirdially in- s I the Requiremnut in Hyivene Lectures: D____________________________Jonato T. Syat, President. in Social Work: tetion has been called to the1 there are a number of posi- in in various agencies for :;o- awork. These a1re full-tinie but p)ossily vcandlidates who uating in February adwho i work in the S 'ocial Service, am might be able to fill themi t-timne basis until gra(I uation.1 eglad to see aniy persons wholv 'ested in these posmtions. Cf- 's Wednesday at 2, Thunrsdlay ,iay at 3. A. E. 1100(1. ection. Faculty Womnu's (1111, revening dramna section will the Club Mouse at 226 Suth 7 :30p.i, nly, ov- Eleanor S. Peterson.. Sec relay'. s Fraternity Schlahrship C'hart: The table recently sent out showing the relative standing of the fraterni- ties and sororities for the past ten years contained an error in the column showing the standing of the professional fraternities for the academic year, 1926-1927. A new table is being printed and will be mailed as soon as it is completed. The correct standing shows that PHI LAMBDA KAPPA leads the pro- fessional fraternities with NU SIGMA NU second. PHI DELTA PHI stands at the head of the law Fraternities and DELTA SIGMA D)ELTA leads the Dental Fraternities. J. A. Burseley, Dean. { The Henry Russell Lectreship: The Council of the Research Club has appointed a committee to report to it on December 14, when the Henry Russell L~ecturer for 1928 will he chosen. The Members o this committee are Professor IH. L. Wilgus, Chairman, and Professors- Moses Gomberg, H. M. Randall and R. M. Wenley, to whom it is requested that suggestions and nominations from any department in the Uni- versity be made. Louis 1. Bredy old, Secretary. Faculty, College of Literaturue, 'scienice, and the Art-s : Midsemester report cards are now being distributed through the Dean's mdessenger service. Instructors are requested to report not later than No- vember 3Q the namves of all students whose standing is at this time D or E. These grades should not indicate merely the mark received on the mid- semester examination, if such an examination is given. More cards, if needed, can be had at my office. 'These cards should be used only for reports of the work of students en- rolled in this college. Mary A. Cutting, Secretary to Assistant Dean. Engineering Students~ and~ Facilty: Mr. John F. Stevens, president of the A. S. C. E., will speak at a smoker given under thme auspices of the Engineering Society on Tuesday, November 29. It will be held in the Union Ballroom at 7:30 p. mn. An admission fee of fiftyI cents will be charged to cover the cost of smokes, entertainment, and refresh- mentsa. Tickets may be obtained in the West Engineering B~uilding Monday or Tuesday. P. 11. Shoema~ker, Chairman A. S. M. E. 1.,3X. Salmond, Chairman A. S. C. E. 'L. J. Van Tuyl, Chairman A. I. E. E. The opening lecture of the Cercle Francais program will be given Wed- nesday, November 30, at 4 :15 o'clock in Natural Science Auditorium. Auguste Declos of the Office National dles Uiniversites et Ecoles Francaises will give an illustrated lecture on "Claude Monet." Tickets for the whole series may be procured from the Secretary of the Romance Language Department, Room 104, South Wing. Renie Ttalanmon. Russian Literature 121: The make up for all students who have missed either the mid-semester ex- amination or any of the quizes will occur Monday, November the 28th, at 4 o'clock, in room 35 A. H. There will be no other opportunity to make up these deficiencies. Lila Pargmnent.. The fifth Hlygiene Lecture will be given on Tuesday, November 29th, at 4 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring blue books. Margaret Bell, 11. D). Freshman Womnen: The fifth Hygiene Lecture will be given on Monday, November 28th, at- 4 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell IBali. Bring blue books.I Margaret Bell, 11. D). Freshman Women: C'aptains of Freshman Groups will meet in the parlors at Barbour Gym- nasium on Monday, November 28th, at 3:45 p. in. to discuss final plans for- the Swimming Meet. Frances MLiller'. h len's Educational Club:{ The club will meet on Monday, November 28 a-t 7 p. in. in Room 318-320 Michigan Union. Professor Calvin 0. Davis will speak regarding the recent Survey of Secondary Schools of Virginia. All men who are interested are welcome to attend. 11'. W. Arnold, President. University Club: Trhirdl University Club Night is Friday, December 2. The program willj begin at 8:15 as usual. Progranm Committee. Economiics Club:I Meets Monday, November 28, at 7:45 in Room 304 Michigan Union. Dr. Delos F. Wilcox, a nationally known consultant on public utility problems, will speak on "The Experience of San Francisco in Operating Street Rail- Ii U 4 1827 Centennial 1927 ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Special Services, Sunday, Novedmber 27th. j 8:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. (Choral) . I l a. m.-Centennial Service, Festival Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. Preacher, Rev. Henry Lewis. 8:00 p. m.-Evening Worship, in keeping with the Cen- tennial. The Public is cordially invited. k. R' Hindustan Club: There will be a meeting of the Hin- dustan Club in Lane Hall at 3 p. mn. sharp on Sunday, November 27, 1927. Prof. Hildner will discuss an interest- ing subject. All members are urged to be present. H. S. Birds, Secretary, Hindlustan Club. Part Time Employment for M1en: Mr. Labbitt off George Harrison Phelps, Inc., wishes to meet several men interested in introducing a new product.. He will be in Office of School of Business Administration, Monday, November 28 at 3 p. mn. Please tele- phone the Office for appointment. C. S, Yoakum. YES, YVOU'LL SEE SUNDAY, NOV. 27 .......................I... .... ..I............................-......... .... . .... 40 Years of Service to Michigan Students EAT AT FOR SUNDAY EVENING Broiled Steaks and Chops Chicken Italian Spaghetti Exclusive for Quality Reasonable in Prices Drop in for your Sunday Morning Breakfast Wheat Cakes and Waffles 1C f ) I0 0 4) fl 14) ... .I The Same to You The Same to You The Same to You The Same to i i Paul (Buck) Samson will be If 'The atLot tile Amp a5w 1 1 1 11 1112 IN IN I You The Same to You The in the 22nd Mimces Union Opera 0 S, Tu ou" Q CD Ca) Z 11 0 "U. 4) ~TIC Cl) ON SALE ,ain esk of Mich igan MODAYE Unionm r« OU. p0 0 SOPERA PLAYS AT WHITNEY THEA Cl) $3w00 $2.50, $2.00 The Same to You The Same to You The Same to You The i TER DEC. 5TH RU10H Same to You The Same to You The 0~ I ;4 C'.a.L1 ...1 /A O n f O TIT'.] TIT, .1_ _ _ ". s. YT~ 11 F'. 1 ,07 © l " ./ Alex See w~hat A lex has says that now, the to say in every ''T _ .1t >t _ 1 .-. 0 r 0 S 1 1 lYt Ptr 1 .11t "sv t- t1 \A/.*-1, , \,41 "th t i \AI-11 1 Hel! 4hP Kill 1 Q-a_ -.C--. I 3 un 12i 2dal) s