IMP MTrHTr.AN T)ATT V L4rTxTy,% A if b.r! .Ywrti7t A v let" . 4, CHURCH TO CELERATE 1111IC01111lielit ogail e lII iilet Ii Year Of St. A iii'es litt jeea Commni on DR. TATLOCK WILL. RETURN As the openinlfg seri Vce :ythe con- nemoration of the one hlundredlthivn- iversa.ry of the founding o«f St. An-, di ew's Episcopal chureb,,.mombers of the parish will gather in theo church at 8 o'clock this morning lor a special Communion service, wilhI music by the church school choir. . Henry Lew- is, rector of St. Andrew's, will preach at a special morning prayer and Ccmmunion service at 11 o'clock and "another special anniversary servico drill be held at 8 o'clock. Next Wednesday night, a special centennial dinner will be held in lHar- ris hall with Prof. Robert M. Wenley is toastmaster. rThe speakers will be D~ean George W. P~atterson, Prof. Ar- thur Cross, Dr. lienr'y Tatlock, for- mrcr rector of the church, the Rev. Penry Lewis, and Bishop 1 lerman oae f the Diocese of Michigan.r Dr. Tatlock is returning especiallyti ce br io .1 e ws pa or f ths church for 32 years, resigning in 1:121 after a pastorate in; which the church experienced its .rno~t fruitfulI yearn; and largest expan sion. Rev. Lewis succeeded Dr. 'at~o( k as as tor. ESPERANTO BOOKS READY' Esperanto booklets, requested by several persons following the address of Prof. C. L. Meader several week., +,Tx-WiMTCst-xviTCMTATV - VAA A.A ~LL I..JSUNDAY, NOVEMBJ~n 27, 127 - I FAMOUS PHILIPPINE SENATOR WILL SPEAK HERE TOMORROW AFTERNOONJ ART EXHIBIT JUST CLOSED WAS MOST SUCCESSFUL EVER HELD, BRUCE DONALDSON BELIEVES 11The mosY ucessf>1ul e xhibit ion the' pressedl by the exhibit. to the extent 'LEWIS RETURNS A deiphi Will Debate FRMCLVLADPhilippineQuestion William M. (Budd) Lewis, '29, who will take the leadin role in this! The subject for debate at the next year'Uion izopera, "The Same To nmeet jug o[ _Adelphi Hoseif ItepreSent- ?You,'' returned yesterdlay from Glove- !tati Ies w% ill dl w ith the qtues-tion of lan (1where he hai consulited with Roy; Fhilipp~ine indiependetnce. The (lebat- loyer, dancing; star of Fred Stone's cozlir~ny onthe ruties or he n-ers arg~uing in favor of the Philipinel lnual Uion01 product ion. Hoyer w~ill h~e autocracy will bo0th be forlmer resi- unable to( come hiere perspually thisj dents of that part of the world(, while '' IV 11t Is(Cia1 ion has eve'r Il;piaved,,, vs t iewopiniocn o ' Priof. B1ruce Don-ofli An ,-oz Art <1 -ioma lion' and head of the fine iit 0_ eartmnt, in regard to bhe fifth n I exiit cf the works of Ann A rbor <:rtIist s mind amatecurs, wvhich closed Fridayv. Thl exibition was opened with a *ec p't'ion ai given onl the night of Nov. Ito flte: mIist s an)d their friends by 8) (1 s