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September 24, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-24

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Five Bore Die As Wing On Comnier
cl Airship Crumples In ffidair!
Froim Uknown Cause.
(By Assocated Press)
BERLIN, Sept. 23.--aron Ago Von
Maltzan, German ambassador to the
United States, and five others were
huried to death today when an air-
plane in which the baron was flying
to meet his wife and child crashed to
earth near Schleiz in Thuringia. The
accident, one of the worst in German
commerecal aviation history, has
plunged the German nation into grief
and caused consternation in German
flying circles.}
The plane was one operated by
Lustchansan, the government sub-.
sidized aviation company. It was of
the SornierMerkur type and had been
in operation for several months. Me-
chanics inspected it this morning be-
fore it left for Berlin, and so far the
exact cause of the accident has not
been determined.
An eye-witness told of seeing the
plane over Schleiz and 'of how a wing
crumbled a~s the plane plunged to
earth. The pilot in charge was Willy
Charlett, a trusted navigator. The in-
ability of aviation authorities to estab-
lish a definite cause of the accident
gave rise to rumors that sabotage was
responsible. Officials of Lustchansan
said there was no foundation for this
It was established that the baron,
pilot Charlett and three passengers
were instantly killed. The mechanic
died shortly after the crash.
The baron, who was on holiday from1
-his post from Washington, boarded
the plane at Berlin this morning. The
plane took the air without difficulty
and flew to Schkeudnitz, which is the
combined airdrome for Leitsic and
1lalle. Another successful takeoff was
made and the plane headed south-
ward. Nothing more was known of it
until a terse message telling of the
crash and the ambassador's death was,
Condolences from the United States;
and other countries have been sent in
large numbers to the foreign office. '
The whole German press deplores the
tragic death as the loss of one of Ger-
many's most able diplomatic repre-
sentatives, whose place will be filled
only with difficulty. Especially
stressed in the laudations and laments
- for the baron is the successful tenure'
of the embassy post at Washington,
where as Germany's second post-war'.
ambassador, he succeeded Dr. Ottot
Wiedfeldt in 1924.
At the beginning of the World war
he conveyed the news of Japan's im-
pending declaration of war to the Ber-
lin foreign office in a plainly worded
cablegram, "Engagement Miss Butter-
fly expected daily. Inform parents."
and this message, so easy of under-
standing, passed through the censor's
-hands 'unchallenged.'
The-baron was considered the father1
of the Rapallo treaty after which he
became secretary of foreign affairs.1
ie held that post until appointed am-
bassador to the United States.

As the result of the work of Librar-
ian William W. Bishop of the Univer-
sity in his examination of the condi-
tions of the Vatican Library, four
members of the Vatican Library staff
have come to America at the expense
of the Carnegie Endowment to study
American library systems. Two are
at the Library of Congress for the!
sake of experience and two are en-
rolled in the Department of Library
science at Michigan.
Today there is being made the first
attempt since the end of the seventh-
teenth century to compile a complete
catalogue of the Vatican Library. The(
present Pope, who was in chafge of'
the library in 1913, began the task, but
the limited means available made a
real catalogue impossible.

In 1926 the Carnegie

Foundati n

Convention Over, Legionnaires Depart
For Old Battlefields; 'Aviaors
Fly In Honor of Legion
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Sept. 23.-The American
Legionnaires have deserted Paris,
overseas caps are absent from the
boulevards, and the stirring tunes of
American bands no longer are heard.
The Legion, its cohvention ended
yesterday, has evacuated the French
capital, journeying to the battlefields
of St. Mihiel, Verdun, Chateau Thierry
and the Argonne, and today Paris pre-
sented its usual typical French appear-
ance without American sidelights.

A squadron of 100 aviators flew
over Le Bourget flying field in honor
of the Legion and a committee of the
Legion headed by its new commander,}
E. E. Stafford, called on France's war-
time premier, Georges Clemenceau.
The old "Tiger" drew in his claws and
purred a welcome and then the Leg-
ionnaires departed and scattered, their
work done.
Gen. John J. Pershing, former na-
tional commander, Howard P. Savage,j
and Commander Stafford alone werel
received by Clemenceau in his tem-
porary Parisian home. As soon as the}
latter caught sight of General Persh-j
ing he leaped forward and clasped the
American wartime commander in his
arms. Both men were deeply moved.
General Pershing was pale and his
eyes heavy as if he were feelingwthe
strain of the last few days, while
Clemenceau's moustache was twitch-
ing and his keen little gray eyes
Then the familiar "Demon" humor-
ously inclined in Clemenceau, rose to
the surface.
"What the devil did you come here1
for?" he asked. in English.
"I came to see you and am glad to
see you younger than ever," General:
Pershing replied.
"You also," Clemenceau answered..
Then he took the General by the hand1
and did a few lively steps, the actions
starting those present applauding.
The American club also gave ac
luncheon to the visiting Legionnaires,
the main item of the conversation at<
the luncheon being Clemenceau. The
delegates who had the honors of ac-
companying General Pershing and the !
committee to the Tiger's den related I
the conversation between Clmenceau l
and Pershing.

for International Peace offered suf- I Mfcetfnst aaou h irr OT P S
ficient funds to catalogue the library JO
under the most modern methods. x
The Vatican library consists' of aD
great number of individual collections'
quired or inherited. During the pres-
ent century 106,000 volumes from four LEAGUE WILL RESI1ME 'DEBATE I
different libraries have - been added, ON AR1AMENT REDUCTION
each with a separate and often inac- ON DECEMBER FIRST
curate catalogue.
Mr. Bishop, reecntly spent several UNITED STATES MAY JI N
weeks in Rome to examifye and advise
upon the existing conditins, while the .Y
assistants to the Prefect at the Vati- ftresemann States Gerhuin Intention
can returned with him to America to of Agreeing to Comipulsory
cAmpare the systems of large Ameri- Arbitration Clause
can libraries and confer with the
Caregi trstes.(by Associated Press)
Carnegie trustees.;
Although the scheme of compiling GENEVA, Sept. 23.-Resumption of
has not been definitely settled, it is the League of Nations disarmament
certain that the card index System drive has bee provisionally set to be-
used in America will be preferred to gin on December 1.
the book system, and that all books France and Germany joined today in
will be classified under authors,-titles, a determined expression not to allow
and subject matter. things to lag, both fearing that delay
No definite sum has been set by the will ruin the chances of eventual suc-
Carnegie Foundation, as the work is Ecess of achieving a reduction in
to great to be judged accurately. It armaments.
is impossible to tell how long the The disarmament drive will be made
work will take, but an estimate of ten by the so-celled League of Nations
years is not exaggerated. The Library preparatory commission of a disarm-
of Congress at Washington has of- ament conference of which the United
fered for purchase any card in its States is a member. This commission
collossdl index, and two sub-librarians, failed last spring to frame a draft
are in Washington studying the mat- treaty considered justifying the con-
ter. This offer will lighten the wQrk Rvention of an international confer.
25 per cent. I ence.
- It is estimated that one million en- C France is more immediately inter-
tries will be made, but it is doubtful ested in security rather than dic
whether any radical reorgani ation armament than is Germany, whit
will take place due to the considera- feels secure enough under the Locar-
tions and terms of bequests. no pact, but is keen on getting her
,neighbors, especially France, to cut
down armaments to a point approxi-
IL~VESSALO DESCRIBE mating the .low German military
To the accompaniment of opinions
Sbfromvarious delegates that American
F R SR IN FINL.AND collaboration, would be vastly appre-
ciated, the disarmament committee of
- ---the Assembly voted today to ask the
Professor Says Organized Reserves United tSates not only to continue to
Are Over 180 Years Old inI sit on the preparatory commission but
Scandinavian Country. also on the special committee which
will be created -to study the best
FINNS DEPEND ON LUMBER means of extending arbitration and
________________________ Isecurity pacts.
"Organized forests of Finland are It is believed that the main item of
Iv the agenda of the December session
over 180 years old," Prof. Yrjo Ilves--will be the actual appointment of this
salo of the Finnish Forest Experi- sub-committee and examination of the
mental Station declared in a lecture scope of its work so that arbitration
given before students of forestry yes- and security may move along as
terday in Natural Science auditorium, swifly as plans for the actual reduc-
tion of armament.
Professor Ilvessalo has been making a What can really be achieved in dis-
survey of American forests and has i armament depends in large measure,
toured the United States extensively it is believed here, on the wil'/igness
on his trip. "Peter the Great planted and activities of the governments, to
the first forest for scientific experi- f reach an accord by direct negotiations
on outstanding difficulties, like those
mentation in the growth of trees. Some on naval matters which caused the
of 'the stand is now forty meters, or collapse of the tri-partite naval con-
120 feet, high and Finland is north ference recently and on army ques-
of the sixtieth degree. This great tions which hitherto have prevented
growth is possible because the Gulf the preparatory commission frot
gtream stprikebhecausdathviGn fframing any really worthwhile drafti
stream strikes the Scandanavian treaty1
Fa'd depends to a great degree With the German foreign minister;
on its forest resources, accordadegree Dr. Stresemann, announcing to the As-
the noted lecturer, and contrary to sembly Germany's intention to sign
at istd beng dontery Unitd the compulsory arbitration clause of
What is being done in the United !the World Court, League leaders feel
States, they are growing about thet .c.e
same amount that they cut. The that significant and practical steps
sameamout tht tey ct. Te Ihave been taken in the direction of
United States grows more than it cuts. strengthening nthe worlds peace
Finland has a yield tax on its forests fabric.
by which the forester is taxed on the Among the matters on the agenda
amount cut, but he is not taxed while of the special comatters o upon which
the forest is growing. Land has been !the United States wil be askedhto
classified into districts and taxed ac- sit is the general problem of the mil-
cording to the yield. Fallow lands itary and naval contributions nations
are .also taxed and in order to escape feel they can make to support deci-
this the natives grow trees on the sions of the League against any nation
vacant land. Finland is as far north breakingthe eaea
as Canada, but it is more fertile, ac- reaking the peace.
coringto r. lvesal. Sotc pie, The object of this is to render it
cording to Mr..Ilvessalo. Scotch pine, easier for countries at the disarm-
Norway spruce, birch, aspen, and al- ament conference to fix the lowest
der are the principal trees of Finland. possible figure for their armaments
A large share of the cut is exported. enabling them to graduate them in ac-
Much of the aspen is cut into matel ieai tmogd ehm

cordance with the security they can -
wood. Over 16 per cent of the forest! cornc wi tme securttynheypcan
ands of Finland are insured. GcoNu Apon in time of national peril.
_____________t GENEVA, S ep t. 23.-American
.[farmers, American business men gen-
CeCil's Act Creates [erally and, in the long run, the Ameri-
can consumer, it is.believed here, will
Sensation At Geneva have an interest in the decision of the
assembl yofi the League of Nations to-
(By Associated Press) night tb create a new organism for
LONDON-Resignatin iscount carrying out the resolutions of the re-
Cecil. from the British' cabinet, be- cent international economic confer-
cause of his disagreement with his! ence for the improvement of world
colleagues on the general policy of economicconditions.
disarament and on the question of the A consultive committee of 35 merm-
Rhine army of occupation, has caused bers will be established and Amen-
a profound sensation in League of cans as individuals, although as repre-,
Nations circles. sentative of the American govern-!
In a memorandum to Prime Mi- ment, will be invited to sit on this
ister Baldwin, referring to his work committee. Persons prominent in in-c
for disarmament as British represent- dustry, commerce, agriculture, fin-{
ative on the League of Nations, Vis- ance, transport, labor -questions andIt
count Cecil says: questions affecting the consumer will
"Over and over again I was com- be invited to participate.
pelled by my instructions to maintain ___
propositions in the commission (on
disarmament) which were difficult to GLEE CLUB TRYOUTS
reconcile with any serious desire forj
the success of its labors." Tryouts for the University of 1
Disarmament discussion scheduled Michigan Glee club will be heldj
for the present assembly of the league on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. '
will be affected, it is recognized, by 1 26, 27, from 4 to 5 o'clock in j

Though no word has been received
by the geology department from Prof.
William H. Hobbs, it was learned yes-
terday that several messages from
him were received in this country by
roundabout routes this summer. In
seeking shelter from a. storm the
Hobbs' party encountered three sipal-
ler boats in a harbor, one of which
volunteered to carry mail back to
civilization. Another message came
through by radio, having been relayed
to New York by a ship at sea. The
'radio carried by the expedition, pos-
sibly due to unfavorable conditions in
Arctic Greenland, has proved unsat-
isfactory, and has failed to reach this
country during the summer.
According to these messages all
members of the party were well, and
Residents Flee ;n Alarm as Disaster
Occurs, but Baltimore Firemen
Protect AmrunitIon Stores
(By Associated Press)
BALTIMORE, Sept. 23.-Fire which
raged for more than an hour in an
amunition nit at the Curtis Bay Ari~y
ordnance depot, several miles from
here, threatened for a time tonight to
wipe out a district in a disaster simil-
ar to that at Lake Denmark, N. J., .n

the researches were progressing sat-
isfactorily. Meteorological balloons
were being sent up daily to collect
data on air currents, and construction
'work on the weather stations was
being pushed. At the time of the last
message, one station has been prac-
tically completed. The party was
pleased with the progress made by
the expedition, and everything was
working smoothly except the wireless
which was practically useless, though
in the hands of an expert operator,
Professor Hobbs holds a theory on
the circulation of air currents over
Greenland which accounts for the
origin of storms which sweep down
from the North over the Atlantic. Hee
has gone to Greenland this summer to
substantiate this theory, and to esta-
blish weather stations which will en-
able meteorologists to prophesy the
storms and unfavorable weather con-
ditions such as have been plaguing
trans-Atlantic flyers during the past
Professor Hobbs return route will
be' by steamer from Holstenberg te
Copenhagen, and thence to some port
of departure for the United States. He
may stop in England long enough to
deliver a lecture before the Royal so-
ciety. His return, according to latest
advices, is set for early October, or
possible the middle of October. [
Authoritative Information Indicates
French Will Lend $0,000,00 To
Finance ARussian Purchases
(By Associated Press)
Moscow, Sept. 23.-The Russo-
French debt negotiations-described
as a settlement here-may well furn-
ish a precedent for settlement with
the United States, Soviet Russia be-
ing willing to solve the much agitated
debt problem in the interest of peace
and goodwill throughout the world,
the Associated Press was informed
on the highest authority tonight.
A foreign office spokesman declared
that a settlement with the United
States should prove 'more simple than
that with France because of the smal-
ler aggregate amount involved and
because of the economic interest of
both countries.
Further details Qf the Russo-French
"settlement" as revealed by the for-
eign authorities are the French gov-
ernment guarantees a $60,000,000 loan
to the Soviet to be expended in the
next five years for financing purchases
by the Soviet government in France;
this loan to be guaranteed in con-
sideration of 60,000,000 gold francs
annuities ($12,000,000) payable by the
Soviet government over a period of 62
Moscow hails the so-called settle-
ment as a big victory for Soviet di-
plomacy, the point being advanced
that before the October revolution
Russia paid to the French 400,000,000
gold francs in interest alone.
Law Senior Receives
Scholarship Awards

Shells dumped into a 15-foot pit for
salvage ,purposes were detonated in a
series of explosions heard and felt
within a radius of a mile. The num-
ber of explosions was variously esti-
mated at from '20 to 100 by residents
of the neighborhood.
While Army oficials at the reserva-
tion would make no statement pend-
ing d reportto Washington, it was
I understood that the fire broke out in a
pit. A silent alarm sumoned Balti-
more fire apparatus, and coast guards-
men afso were called on for aid
The fact that the main ammunition
storehouses, containing hundreds of
thousands of shells and shrapnel, and
12,000 tons of powder, were situated
some distance from the pit, afforded
the workers opportunity to shield them
them as soon as the fire was discov-
SWen the first explosion occurred,
alarming residents of Curtis Bay, esti-
mated at 150 families, hustled what-
ever belongings they could take into
any available vehicle, and started for
Baltimore. They returned, however,
as the fire was brought under control.
A large quantity of ammunition and
explosives has been kept at the Cur-
tis Bay depot for some years. Follow-
ing the Lake Denmark explosion, how-
ever, protests to the War department
brought about the removal of much
of the most dangerous stores kept
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.-President
Coolidge is counting on the continued
assistant of Secretary Jardine in deal-
ing with the Administration's farm
problems, and does not expect the
agricultural secretary to yield to the
overtures of a group of Florida fruit
growers who would like to have him
head. a trust competitive association.
The President authorized the state-
ment today that he not only expected
Mr. Jardine to remain in the depart-
ment, but had great confidence in him
and the department of which he is
It was said at the White House that
the President was particularly im-
pressed with the manner in which the
Secretary had reorganized the depart-
ment with a view to greater efficiency.
ThedWhite House pronouncement
followed by a few hours a public de-'
mand by Representative Wilson;
Democrat, Mississippi, that Secretary
Jardine be asked to resign because of
the recent agricultural department
statement on cotton price trends. No
direct notice of this demand was taken
by White House officials, however, and
there was ever evidence that the ad-
ministration would regard the cotton
statement and its effect on the cotton
market as a closed incident.
Subscriptions to The Michigan
Weekly bought today will include the

Roles Are Only Tentative as Yet 80
' Eligibility List Has Not
Been Given Out.
As the first step in the adv&
preparations for the twenty-seco
annual Michigan Union Opera, ci
Iain members of the cast accompani
G by E. Mortimer Shuter, general
rector of the production, left f
night for Chicago for the making.
pictures to be used in publicity wo
The pictures will again{ be taken
Paul Stone of the Raymour studi
who has done the work for the Mim
on several past occasions. Thc
making the trip were Vincent C. Wf
Jr., '28; T'homas J. Dougall, '28; WI
iam M. Lewis, Jr., '29; Watson
Harbaugh, '28; William S. Rams
Jr., '28, and Richard S. Brecheis
The second feature of the trip
planned is to arrange for costumi
for the production with Lester; w
has but recently returned from Pa
has built the costumes for most
the past Mimes ventures, and Is w
known for his work throughaut t
theatrical world. Several diferent p
tures will be taken of the membĀ°
of the casthmaking the trip in t
costumes which Lester has prepar
No roles have been more tha t
j tatively decided uponmas yet,ans
the eligibility of the various memb
of last year's cast who are returni
will be in doubt until after the offic
notice from the office of the Dean
Students, according to John Starre
the'28, who is general clairman
# the 1927 6pera. Among those 'who a
making the trip to Chicago, Wall a
Dougall were both members of t
year's cast, as well as being the jo
authors of the new production; Le
held the female lead in "Front Pa
Stuff," and the otheirs with thee
ception of Brecheisen, were memb
of -hat company. The title for t
twenty-second annual production b
not been announced as yet.
Almost all of the music for the n
show has been written by Lewis, w
contributed several of the numbE
last year, although the lyrics are st
in the process of construction. T
music this year is of a differbnt ty
than has characterized that of pi
productions, the old operetta st
(having been abandoned in favor
that used in current musical co
edies of the Gershwin and Yoma
style. The numbers have been desi
nated more for fitting in with danci'
than in the past. Five or six music
numbers which seem to have "I
qualities will be emphasized throug
out the production, another distin
departure from the custom ofp
The Opera will be in -two acts a
three scenes, and modernity will,
they keynote, according to Mr. Sht
and the authors. One of the seen
will be built around a supper cll
and a stage orchestra will be .utiliz
to give the cabaret effect. The p1
deals with the stealing of a number
fronds at' a, garden party, and thE
ultimate recovery by the office b
after the customary period of intrig'
'and mishap.
Actual chous rehearsals are sche
uled to begin at the Mimes theater
Monday afternoon, when all those w
tried out last spring are expected
report to Mr. Shuter. Due 'to possil
losses through ineligibility, a
others may regster at that time f

tryouts, despite previous rejectic
Tryouts for committees and for th
orchestra will also be accepted at ti
time. The Mimes theater .orchest
will be enlarged for the Opera trip.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Sept. 23-That seven
round of the Tunney-Dempsey figh
nearly fatal to the hopes of the chai
pion, was accompanied by the dea'
of three fans listening to the radio a
count of the match. Four others die
while tuned in on the fight progra
and one man fell dead in the excit
ment of-an argument after the bout.
Based- onyearly average compil
by statisticians of the Metropolit
Life Insurance company, 5.4 perso
among the estimated 50,0040, OQ wh
"saw" the fight by radio might be-e;
pected to die of heart disease in a
given 30-minute period. The eig
deaths reported exceeded the avera
by 2.6 persons.


WAShINGTON, Sept. 23.-With the
pnst of Germmn ambassador in Wash-
ington left vacant by the death of
Baron Von Maltzan, speculation as toF
his successor brought out a suggestion
that Dr. Carol Shubert, secretary ofI
state in the German foreign office andI
r ght-hand man of Foreign Ministerl
Sir cactmaun, might be assigned here.1
1-Ic is said in informed quarters to
have desired such an assignment as
a relief from the grind of his present
ofc for the last three years, prefer-
ri' ther. London or Washington tol
aa ther diplomatic missions.
:-tatc departme:nt officials expressed,
doubt that the German government
u-mld spare Dr. Shubert from his pres-
ent duties. He is a career-diplomat of
v, ide experience and noted ability and
L:as been keyman of the German diplo_-
mat'c machine in all the recent
weighty conferences and deliberations!
wiih Germany's neighbors.
The German authorities can hardly
fail to note the evidence of respect,
and admiration for the late Baron Von
Maitzan which marked official mes-
sages of sympathy and respect at his'
death which went out from Washing-
toa today. It was evident both in the
message from President Coolidge toI
IP'es ent Hindenbergh and in the
messages and statements made by


To accommodate those students
who have signified their desire of tak-
ing advantage of the plan of exchang-I
ing their seats for seats in the cheer-
ing section, the office in the main
lobby of the Union will be kept open
today from 9 to 12 o'clock, officials
of the Student council in charge of the
plan have announced.
'Under the new plan students who
have already ordered seats in other
parts of the stand may now exchange
them for cheering section seats byk
leaving their names at the Union. The
i Student council, through a special ar-
rangement with the Athletic associa-
tion, has arranged to take over the
work of exchanging these seats.
The cheering section this year is lo-
cated between the 33 yard lines and is
to be a permanent section. Students
who elect to sit in this section have
the privilege, under the new plan, of
sitting with their families or friendsE
during one of the home games. The
exchange of these seats is also mad


{ T

Leslie Henry, '28L, was awarded the
Class of 1908 Memorial Scholarship,
at a meeting of the law faculty, 'held
yesterday afternoon.
The winners of the Faculty-Alumni
Scholarships were also announced at
this time. Henry also won' one of
these. The winners of the other three
Faculty-Alumni Scholarships are Ken-
neth Midgely,, '28L, Leon R. Jones,
'28L, and Milton D. Green, '28L.
The Memorial Scholarship, estab-
lished by Guy B. Findley, '08L, now %
lawyer in Illyrian Ohio, pays the in-
terest on the original endowment of
$1,000. The four other, scholarships
pay $150 a year to the winner. All of
these rewards are given at the com-
pletion of the sophomore year incthe
law school.
Leslie Henry, the winner of two of
the scholarships, had a record o'f 22
A's and three B's during his course inI
the law school.
Announcements of the editorships ofE
the Michigan 'Law Review have been
made by the faculty of the law depart-
The student editors for the coming
year are: R. L. Alexander, L. M. Bir-
rell, R. B. Brody, Alexander Diamond, !
N. P. Feinsinger, M. D. 'Green, Leslie.
Henry, Julius Jacobs, L. R ,Jones, G.
E. McKeough, W. G. Kropohl, N. E..
Mellon, K. E. Midgley, N. W. Newman,

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