ESTABLSHED 1890 g Ar IF t N-a11 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS - EIGHT PAGES VOL. XXXVIII, No 58. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1927 CONVICTS SURRENDER TO PRISN OFFICIALS AFTER FAL MUTINY TOLL OF CALIFORNIA JAIL OUT- BREAK IS 11 DEAD AND , 21 WOUNDED NILI IA RESTORES ORDER ThreatT Flood Cell House And Starve Prisoners Forces Their pulation (By Associated Press) FOLSOM, Cal., Nov. 25-Hopelessly beleaguered by a force of nptional guardsmen and civil officers equipped with weapons of war, revolting con- victs at the state prison here meekly surrendered here, ending a mutiny in which 11 men were killed and more than a score wounded. Threats by Warden Court Smith! shat the cell house in which 1200 of the prisoners were barricaded would be flooded and that the rebels would be starved out contributed to the col- lapse of the mutiny, but the deadly accuracy of riflemen stationed on a hill overlooking the prison was the principal factor in the capitulation. Eleven Lose Lives Nine convicts Knd two prison guards lost their lives in the pitched battle waged yesterday between the rebellious prisoners and the besieg- ers. 17 convicts were wounded and four guards injured. Six convicts declared by the warden to have been the ringleaders in the uprising were placed in solitary con- finement. Murder charges will be filed against them, Warden Smith declared. i Only a few of te 1200 prisoners in the cell house were actively involved in the outbreak, which started late yesterday morning, the warden said. The others were intimidated by the leaders. The surrender came this morning after Warden Smith had communi- cated over the telephone with two spokesmen for the 'mutineers. While 500 national guardsmen equipped with machine guns, tanks, sawed-oi shotguns, tear bombs and one-pounders, and 200 heavily armed civil officers commanded the cell house, the convicts surrendered their weapons to four guards who hd been held as hostages. The guards had not ,be ) injured and carpe out of the building laden with weapons, including two pist.s, an ax, and a number of knives. In quick order the convicts then were sent totheir cells. No Hostilities At Night There had been no hostiitie dur- ing the night, fighting having flared out after the ammunition of the con- victs ran low and the attacking forces had turned a hail of machine gun bullets into the cell house yester- day. State officials, fearing that the im- prisoned guards would be killed and feeling that the mutineers were weak- ening withled futher atacks on the buildings, but warned that they were ready to resume action in the event Of further overt acts on the part of the convicts. Warden Smith was called on the telephone from the turnkey's office by an apparently well-educated prisoner, whose identity could not be learned, but who wanted an agreement that if the convicts surrendered they would not be abused. This was agreed to. Then the spokesman asked assur- ance that ringleaders would not be hanged. The warden told him this was ridiculous, and it was finally agreed that the men would surrender on condition that those placed on soli- tary confinement would not be kept on read and water but would be given one mal a day. The warden demanded to speak to one of the leaders and eventually an- other prisoner came to the telephone and made arrangements for surrend- ering the weapons of the convicts. Prisoners Saw Futility FOLSOM IRISON, Cal., Nov. 25 - 1-lore than 1,000 inmates of the Fol- som penitentiary, the harboring place of "two-time' losers," appeared to realize tonight that defiance of the law is just as futile and dangerous inside prison Walls as it is outside. The realization causeddthe surren- der of the embattled convicts 'after a 20-hour siege by forces of the law numbering a thousand, resulting in the death of 11 men, two of them pris- on guards, and the wounding of 31. The convicts staged their riots within the walls of their cell house. MRS. LITTLE IS TO LAND TODAY MAY BE GOVERNOR MIMES OPERA GIVEN PREVIEW E TO ADDRESS IN LOCAL THEATER THIS WEEKiIIIII? eunvo I GIVES RADIO TALKCANFIELD REED AND IKARPINSKI SPEAK ON FIFTH RADIO PROGRAM z r 1 1 i c t 1 i Major-General John A. hull judge advocate general of the I United. States army, who has been mentioned as a possibility for the gov- ernor-generalship of the Philippine | Islands, to succeed the late Generalc Leonard Wood. His experience in the Through the medium of the news the '22nd annual extravaganza makes reel the 1927 Union opera, "The Same its local debut. To You" is being given a preview this There is something about a re- week at one of the local theaters, and hearsal that creates a desire in the in the manner peculiar- to Ann Arbor observer for a glimpse of the real audiences it is being criticized. Long thing, whether it be for comparison or shots of the choruses and short shots contrast. Opera rehearsals should' of the principals feature the film, ac- prove to be almost as great an at- companied by the admonition that traction, however, as opera perform- things will look rather different a ances, for they are not met'-with every week from next Monday night when day. The exclusive creations of Les- ter of Chicago are lacking, and the f sensational drops and garden settings, of Fred, the scenic artist, are not in evidence, except in the very crudity of FIFT AN Vtheir construction. Stripped of color and muic nothing remains of "The Same To You" but the famous Mimes' novelty. IVEN BY risgcurtain discloses the limbs 1of the ladies of the ensemble, execut- ing some intricate footwork: A fur- ther b~oost shows the ladies them- PAN\-1ELLENIC BALL LAST NIGTs esclad in swimming suits,tgym ATTENDED BY MORE THAN ccstumes-and a few clad only in 27) (UPLES what-not. The trousered leading lady does a few splits, and says a few in-- DECORATIONS ARE SIMPLE audible words, then giving way to the! more handsome but less useful mem- Black Leather 'heck Book Favors For hers of the cast, who take their screen- ; Men And Musical Specialties calls in turn. Are Features With scurrilous remarks cast aside, _-- ;the pictures give evidence of the By Esther A. Pryor changed character of the 1927 opera, Amid the stately decorations of tall and promises a more attractive mod- 'abrand gold chrysanthemum~s and ern style of dancing than any that has ame,~eaie eoe The reels were to the strains of Seymour Simons Mel- taken by the courtesy of Reo-Grams. odian orchestra; the 5th annual Pan- Other moving pictures have been tak- Hellenic Ball came to a close in the en to be shown in different parts of Union ballroom early this'morning. the country. More than 275 couples celebrated NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT SPEAKER IS PROMINENT IN THE ENGINEERING CIRCLES OF COUNTRY DEAN COOLEY TO PRESIDE CAUSES AND TREATMENT DEAFNESS DISCUSSED BY CANFIELD Entertaipment, Refreshments, Short Talks Will Feature Meeting At Union And e d a t e a s e e i (e islands has been of long duration. FOR FRENCH EDUCATORS! TO VISIT UNIVERSITYi Thre Meiber ofFreni Gveriniethtis frst large social event. of the sea - Three Membier of r ren Gvernment s c ab po rd Euaoal onnisoiAe I son, which has been sponsored by uni- v EItdig ulig versity sorority women here for the cLA 'lOD C IN T Studyig Buidingspast four years. O TO BE FACULTY GUESTS Miss M iarguerite Wiliman, '29, was (ance by the Inter-Sorority council. e Three prominent French educators, Her dress of gold lame and burnt members of the French government orange harmonized with the rich FIrst Of This Year's Vehicles To Bec educational commission to the United beauty of the mums. "The Romantic Young Lady," .States, will visit the University Tues- Although the decorations were very A Spanish Comedyt d a, ts wa stnou edUnf r it ye i simple they carried out the stately - - day, it was announced from the office effect well, the warm glow of the blaz- WILL OPEN DECEMBER 13 of Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to ing fire casting wierd shadows of the the President, yesterday. The men I dancing couples. I"The Romantic Young Lady," a ro originally planned to come Thursday The party was enlivened further by ty , of this week, but due to alterations several original feature dances and 1111 sbtsongs given by the orchestra, while as has been chosen by Play Productio 3 in their plans they will spend Tues- favors black eather check books were for its first legitimate campus produc day and Wednesday of next week hef presented to the men. These beside tion of the year. The vehicle will ru ,instead. being useful were clever In being the for three days only due to the near- The men who will come are Senator programs for the evening, a check be-E Andre Honnorat, former1French min- ing necessary for every exchange ness of the Christmas vacation per- ister of public instruction, Auguste dance. iod and the performances of thec Destlos of the Office Nationale des Breakfasts Held Later. Union Opera. It will open at the Mim-t Universitate Francaise, and BeckmanI But the merriment did not end at sdn famuous French acitcwhoButh mrrien di ntee thetrTusa, e.13adwill paoy pren t inhte pat e- 1:30 o'clock with the final chord of D . a pecially prominent in the partybe-c the Melodian Boys, but was trans- lose with the Thursday showing. i cause the major interest of the group ferred in the most part to the various The play is a translation from thet will be the architecture and construe- sorority souses on the campus where Spanish of Sierra by Ha'ley Gran- ti6n of our educational buildings, soorityfsoswe on the c seecille-Barker and his wife, and was breakfasts were held, the excitementfisprdcdnthscnryn19. This committee is here especially continuing hiere until 3 o'clock. rst produced in this c trdin 1925 because of a problem at present con- President Clarence Cook Little, and in Londo n in 19id in o918 fronting the city of Paris at present, Dean John R. Effinger, Professor Ar- and in London in 1920. I fs sad to be where . the Paris "Universitaire," thur L. Cross, Miss Beatrice Johnson, aSremarkable example of the modern s which has a campus on the outskirts Miss Alice Lloyd; Miss Grace Richards, xSpanish drama, of which so litwe is of Paris is in need of a new building. Miss Ethel McCormick, Prof. and Mrs. extant. It is i three acts and two Thus far, surrounding the campus, John Worley, Professor and Mrs. Ar- scenes. this school has six national dormi-~i thur Moehlman, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding The Romantic Young lady" was tories, each for a different nationality H. Yost, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Abbott set for production at an earlier date, of student, and at persent they are 1and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bursley were but due to the extreme demands on planning a large central building. ( among the honored guests of the eve- Mimes theater by the other campus Beckman was supervising architect in I ning present. dramatic organizations and also to a the construction of all of these pres- Imisunderstanding in arrangements, it ent buildings, and it is with the ob- Chad to be postponed. It wi constitute ject of getting some idea of American Gould W ill Confer the last presentation of the legitimate structural methods in educational in- i Byrd] ALu drama before the holidays. stitutions that the committee is here W ithj ByrdAbOUt The story of "The Romantic Young Nate Present. Lady" deals with the blasting of the While here the men will pay par-I Proposed Next Trip foolish ideals and whimsies held by a oicular attention to the Union, since - young Spanish girl, confined by the the problem which confronts them i Prof. Lawrence M. Gould left yester- oppresive and conventional society of one similar to this. They will be day for New York to consult with the capital. Forced to seek an outlet guests of various members of the Commander Richard E. Byrd, famous through romantic novels of one de French department while here. 1 aviator, who is proposing to make a Cordoba, she meets him through ex- flight to the South Pole next summer. traordinary circumstances, and her LITTLE TO GIVE Gould is one of the leading candidates illusions suffer. FRfor the position of chief geologist of Direction of the piece is in the FOUR ADDRESSES~ the expedition. While in New York hands of Earle Fleischman, general DURING DECEMBER he also plans to attend a reunion of director of Play Production work, and all members of the Putnam Baffin Bay the technical details have been taken have expedition of which he was a member care of by Richard Woelhaf,'28Ed, now Four saking Peaeents last summer. a graduate assistant. Sets have been been made by President Clarence The Putnam party is to have a ban- built by the classes in stagecraft. Cook Little for the period between duet for the first showing of moving Tickets will go on sale at the bo now and the end of the year, accord- pictures made on the trip to Baffin office in Mimes theater and in lower ing to an announcement made yester-pi Bay. All of the original members of University hail Thursday, Dec. . l lay from the office of the President. SThree the engagements are in the the expedition will be present except They will be reserved and all priced ste o chiganwhil th urth one. A Pathe cameraman accom at 75 cents. wile le tMNahillenn, where the ut panied the exploration party and made will d at Nashville, Tenn., where the film records which will be shown for SHARP ADVISES President will speak on Dec. 27. the first time at the banquet tomor- The first of these engagements will row. FRATERNITIES TO be filled i Hamtramck, where Fresi- On the proposed Antarctic expedi- 9EFER RUSHING dent Little will go on T'fursaay, Dec. tion planned by Byrd, Professor Gould i 8. While there he will address the Ro- will ,if named, carry on geological and tary club at noon and the teachers, geographical investigations, mapping (By Associated Press) for the Hamtramck schools at 2 o- the regions visited and studying the NEW YORK, Nov. 25.-Abolition of clock in the afternoon. President Lit- ice conditions. The expedition will the "cut-throat" method of rushing col- tle is a member of the local Rotary leave New York next September and lege freshmen into fraternities was club, return the following summer. Definite advocated today by Col. Alexander A. On Tuesday, Dec. 13, President announcement of the personnel will Sharp of Chicago, at the opening ses- Little will go to Kalamazoo, and on not be made until next March, Coin- sion of the Interfraternity confer- Friday, Dec. 16, he will address a mander Byrd has announced, but ence. combined meeting of the luncheon Gould willpr"bay be included in C C oloirel Sharp, who is traveling sec- clubs of Jackson. thprobably retary of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra- The principal address which he will ternity, suggested that no students be i +l,,' o*fl ad A +of . ,Anm- A t " A o AF A A '1AR r r n A '7 F ' pledged during their freshman year. Plans have been completed for the ngineering smoker to be held Tues- ay night at the Union, according to n announcement made yesterday by he committee in charge. John F. tevens, prominent consulting engin- er of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, wilt .ddress the group, and besides the main speaker several short talks and ntertainment features will be includ- ~d on the program. Stevens, the main speaker of the vening, istone of the foremost en- 1neers of the East. Graduating from he University of Pennsylvania in the1 class of 1890, hereceived his degree f M. E. in 1891. He practiced en- gineering and was a member of the1 irm of John S. Stevens and sons of Philadelphia from 1891 to 1893, and' was secretary and treasurer of the LaRoche Electrical works from 1893 to 1895. He then accepted the presi- lency of the Keystone Instrument company, which post he held until 1911. He also held the position of vice president of the American Meter company from 1896 to 1900. From 1902 to 1913 he was a member of the firm of Steward and Stevens ron works. Since 1911 he has been engaged in private engineering prac- tice and he was vice chairman of the conservation board and district chair- man for southeastern Pennsylvania of the power and conservation division of the national fuel administration during the war. Ehlers On Program In addition to the talk by Stevens. which will b the main event on the program, Ralph Ehlers, '27, president of last year's senior engineering class will appear on' the program by led- ing songs to open the night's enter- tainment. An orchestra has also been engaged for the affair. Several experiments with liquid air will be conducted by some member of the faculty of the physics department as one of the features of the enter- tainment, and jStewart( Churchill, spec., will give several selections on the marimbaphone for the event. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the Colleges of Engineering and Archi- tecture, who is now on leave of ab- sence for the year, will return to the city for the event and will introduce Stevens. Tickets for the affair are now on sale. The smoker will at 8 o'clock. CARDINAL'S LIFE IN GRAVE DANGER (Special to The Daily) ROME, Nov. 25.-Grave fears were expressed tonight for the recovery of Cardinal Bonzano who underwent an operation on Saturday. His heart ac- tion was weak and physicians ordered the use of drugs. After a consultation late today the attending physicians did not issue a bulletin, but it was, known that the cardinal's pulse was 120 and his tem- perature 102. RISKO DEFEATS PAULINO IN BOUT (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 25-In a furious and bruising heavyweight battle, Johnny Risko, of Cleveland, fought his way to the front ranks of title contenders with a clean-cut 10-round victory over Paulina of Spain, at R Madison Square garden tonight. Paul- ino weighed 198; Risko 192. WWJBROADCASTS TALKS Karpinski Relates Details of Late Discoveries In Collecting Of Old Maps "Fully ninety percent of the deaf- ness of youth and sixty percent of the deafness of age is due primarily to some trouble with the sound conduct- ing apparatus," declared Dr. R. Bishop ICanfield, Professor of Otolparyngology, of the University hospital, speaking on the subject "Why Be Deaf?" on the Prof. Louis[C, Karpinski Ififth Michigan Night radio program Of the mathematics department, whobroadcstsvestsnghe. spoke on the ifth Michigan Ngtroit News, last night'. radio program over WWJ last night "This trouble," Dr. Canfield contin- Professor Karpinski, who recently re- 'ed, ~is usually based either upon turned from Europe, explained the anomaly of pressud destruction of the significance of old maps stored away r ctinfection ad within it. The in European archives, to American stuursligwhni. Te his tory. eustachian tube, which extends from y the drum of the ear downward to the deeper parts of th 'nose behind and above the soft palate, is the ventilating ESflue of the ear drum and through it air passes during the act of swallowing. It is absolutely essential to nrmal hearing that this ventilating flue be "lQst rT le od" Is in the ear drum becomes absorbed, air KTo pip Of P'riusin, to ~ief o"i pressure fails, and sound waves pass ,rotorroPaor tng r through the ear drums with difficulty" TO orrow Morniig D C1Colds Cause Trouble c" ®- A 71 + IE V , Dr. Canfield went on to explaini that UPHOLDS LIBERAL VIEWS this is the condition existing during ---- mouth breathing or during a head Dr. Charles It. Erdman, pastor of cold which persists as long as the air the First Presbyterian church, Prince- I pressure within the drum is less than ton, N. J., will speak next Sunday that of the air outside. After a num- morning at the second fall series of her of such attacks the ventilation of student convocations, on the subject the ear drum through the eustachian "The Quest For The Chief Good." The 'tube becomes permanetly affected and cenvocation will be held in Hill audi- normal hearing is lost. This, he said, torium, anld the plans are in the hands is the beginning of the o-called of a special committee appointed, by catharrhal deafness of middle life, a President Clarence Cook Little, and I condition from which about two mil- assisted by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as- lion people in United States are suf- sistant to the President, and James j fering. Inglis, a member of the board of trus- "It is a difficult thing to restore the tees of the Michigan School of Re- hearing to the man of forty whose ligion. catarrhal deafness is accompanied by Dr. Erdman, the father-in-law of Ierradicable changes in the ear which Rev. Henry Lewis, pastor of the St. have occured long after their causes Andrew's Episcopal church in this I have disappeared," the speaker de- city, is one of the best known and clared. most admired pastors in the east. [ The majority of cases of deafness, Many books have come from the then, are caused by some interference pen of Dr. Erdman and these writings with the function of the sound con- have done much to enhance his repu- ducting apparatus, Dr. Canfield point- tation as a thinking man who is well Ied out, and this function is the result in touch with the problems of the of interference with the ventilation of world today, and as a man who can the ear drum through the eustachian apply practical theology to the affairs tube or the extension of infection of everyday life. He is an upholder of! through this tube from the nose and liberal views on religion and this at- f throat to the ear. "The care, of the titude enters into all of his writings nose and throat, therefore," Dr. Can- and into his sermons and talks. field said, "is the all important factor Besides his activities as an author, to be considered." and a pastor, Dr. Erdman has also ; The three conclusions Dr. Canfield taken a leading place in the national !reached were: first, that deafness is organization of the Presbyterian Imore easily avoided than cured; see- church. For several years he held the fond, that deafness of the sound con- position of moderator of !the Presby- 1 ducting apparatus is usually caused terian church. He has also held the by some disease of the nose or throat position of professor of practical and is prevented or relived by the theology in Princeton Theological proper attention to the nose and seminary. throat; and third, that deafness of the The soloist for the convocation will sound perceiving apparatus is a dis- be Robert Graham, 'Zs, School of Mu- ease of the central nervous system sic, and the accompanist will be Cas- amd is prevented or relieved by the sius Jolly, of the School of Music. institution of proper treatirent of the Various members of honor societies central nervous systeni disease. on the campus will act as ushers. Professor KarplskI Speaks It is for the real students of Ameri- BODY OF PREMIER can history-those who are not con- tent until as far as possible all the im- TO LIE IN STA TE portant sources of history are taken into account-that the new maps to (y 'Associated Press) I study are sought after and obtained, BUCHAREST, Nov. 25.-Amid every Prof. Louis C. Karptnski, of the math- sign of national grief and mouring, ematics department, the second speak- the body of Premier Ion Bratianu, who er on the program, declared. thdied Thursday, was removed today to "The original documents of Amer- the Antenacum palace where it will ican history from the time of Colum- lie in state until his funeral Sunday. bus to the present ay are scattered through- a hundred American libraries FIVE THE MAT YRS' and thirty or more great foreign li- braries," Professor Karpnsk said. ANS ARE EXECUTED "Every year new documents are brought to light and the real story of ociated Press) American history must constantly be ) line of march and at the cemetery. I revised to take account of the new in- c Every class of society was repre- I formation revealed by these sources." f sented in the great crowd that gath- Professor Karpinski went on to ex- , ered at the funeral-from wealthy and plain that inasmuch as the largest li- d fashionably dressed persons who came braries of America which contain any in fine automobiles to entire families great amount of early original ma- n of barefoot Indians who had walked terial are few in number, recent trips e miles' from the country or from dis- to Europe have proved valuable in the - tant parts of the city. gathering' of informative maps. - Every one carried floral offerings of Professor Reed Talks d some kind even if only wild flowers "The town or township, once in a d plucked along the roadside, and large part of the United States strik- draped and arranged these flowers 'ingly effective form of local govern- - upon the caskets as they passed, while ment able to satisfy most of the gov- t i THRONGS SHOUT 'V AS THREE MEXIC (By Assc MEXICO CITY, Nov. 24.-(Delayed) -Miguel Agustan Projuarez, Catholi priest, who fell, before the bullets o' an execution squad on Wednesday was buried with his three execute companions today as a "martyr." The men, who were executed o. charges for being responsible for th attempt to assassinate former Presi dent Obregon November 13, were car ried through great crowds that line( the route of the cortege, weeping an l at times crying, "Viva the martyrs!" Then they were lowered into separ