ThURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ? -iw' PAGE FIVE AdM6 n C AIL MAEN SORORITIESHOLD Length Of Sleeves Criterion Of Style In Japan Is Opinion Of Otsuka Sisters ATIITI[ I L L B[OPINK LEMONADE HAS BEEN CIRCUS TRAITONFOR OVER SEVENTY YEARS BHEAKIAM-I IIUNIUH I i a i 1):nvig Xill BeC(hijef Diversioii I:Nry rn ihg IParties A fter P~alhelleiiie. Ball At F ! f WILL VARY DECORATIONS Ater the Pan-hellenic ball, which will be given by the inter-sorority as- sociation tomorrow night at the Mich- igan Union, many of the sororities will entertain at breakfasts. Dancing and singing will be the chief diver- sions at the breakfasts which will terminate at 3 o'clock. A star composed of five large ta- bles arranged about a smaller table upon which will be large centerpiece of chrysanthemums will be the deco- rative scheme at the Pi Beta Phi house. Mrs. Mabel D. Conger, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Christian will be the chaperones. Kappa Alpha Theta will use candles and American beauty roses on their tables. Mr. and Mrs. John Worley will act as chaperones. Cabaret decorations and music will be the feature of the Sigma Kappa breakfast at which Mrs. Violet Pea- cock and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Swasn will be chaperones. Acolor scheme of pink and silver is being worked out for the breakfas at the Zeta Tau Alpha house. Pink candles with silver bows and pinl ro,,es will be used. Kappa Kappa Gamma plan to serve a Pullman breakfast. Mrs. Thoma. Anderson will be chaperone. Yellow and white seem to be the popular colors among the other hous- es having breakfasts with chr san- themums as the chosen flowers. Fire- side sings and dancing between cours- es promise to be the favorite means of entertainment at all houses. Of the 350 tickets sold for the ball 150 were given out to independent women. No sorority received more than 16 tickets. Freshman Swimming Meet To Be Dec. 8 At a meeting of the captains of the Freshman groups yesterday at Bar hour gymnasium, Frances Miller, '29 Freshman intramural manager, ex plained the coming Freshman swim- ming meet which is to be held Thurs day, Dec. 8, at 7 o'clock at the Union There will be five main events, the 25 yard free style, the 25 yard back crawl, divine, novelty relay, and re- lay. The 25 yard elementary back stroke, and the 25 yard side stroke the two events which are giver for the intermediate swimmer. To enter the relay a group must have four people on a team and to enter the novelty relay there must br six members on a team. Each womay may enter diving, novelty relay, anal two sneed events. All entrants art expected to sign up on the poster or Barbour gymnasium Bulletin Boar o by Friday, Nov. 25. Another captain's meeting wil be held Monday, Nov. 28, at 3:45 at Bar- bour gymnasium. The Japanese Kiniona.7 By Ruth Long, '29 "No, the styles in Japan do not hange very much," smiled both Lu- ile and Catherine Otsuka, Japanese ;tudents at the University, in answer :o the question put them. "At least, not 'as your American nes do. We always wear the kimona. sometimes the ends of our sleeves ire long and hang nearly to the floor. sometimes they are short. But mostly, the change comes just in materials end colors." "Are styles in one part of the ;ountry different from those in the )ther?" I asked. "No our climate is much the same hings, what do you call them-dress- Theta Sigma Phi Holds Initiation, Initiation services for its four new- y elected members held the interest >f members of Theta Sigma Phi, na- ional honorary journalistic society or women, at its meeting last Tues- lay night. Margaret Arthur, '29, Mlaine Gruber, '29, and Marjorie He- witt, '28, were admitted into mem- )ership at that time, and Mrs. Doro- hy Desmond was made an honorary nember. Following the initiation, a brief re- iew of the work of Bert Leston Tay- or, famed "colyumist" of the Chicago Pribune, was presented by Sylvia c. atone, '29, B. L. T. was one of the 'are genius that broke down the rule >f destiny for newspaper folk, that s, that none is indispensable. The >aper would look the same no mat- er who dropped off. This was not rue of B. L. T.: it is not true now, he report brought out. es all alike. Yes, uniforms a long full pleated sirt over the kimona." S'he slipped on the kimona, a graceful thing that fell to the floor about her feet, until she bloused its at the waist with a wide, stiffly em- broidered sash, "obi" she called it, that tied in a bow behind. all over the country and varies little' during the year," Lucile answered.' "But the students wear different Coals Hang Straight "I will show you the coat, too," and she slipped it over the kimona, tucking the square, bag-like ends of the one into the similar but larger ends of the other. "You see, it is made just like the kimona, but that it is shorter and hangs perfectly straight." "But what are those small, flower- like things in circles that are em- broidered in gold, here on each sleeve and in the middle of the back?" I asked. Both women puzzled a moment. "Family marks, I think you would call them," at last ventured one. "They are like your coat of arms, or family seal. Ours is the Japanese carnation and we wear it always on our coats andon wedding dresses." The Japanese wedding dress is beautiful and graceful, made of heavy silk or satin richly embroidered. Al- though the "obi" is worn tied in a large decorative bow in back, the skirt is permitted to remain loV, forming a graceful train. That is as it has been. The European fashions are gradually taking the place of the old picturesque styles. Busness Women Wear European Dress The white dress and veil is much less expensive and has been adopted by many of the people. Business wo- men have taken on European dress. because of its added practicality. And bobbed hair too is growing in popu- larity, though the married woman still distinguishes herself with great rolls and puffs, from the unmarried girl. . "But, it really all depends on the family," said Catherine. "Some of them permit bobbed hair, short skirts and European styles. We conform with the desire they express. Wear Wooden Shoes In Rain "Perhaps you would like to see our shoes and stockings, before you go?" She handed me two flat felt pads. more than an inch in thickness, to be held in place presumably, by rope- like felt cords that slipped between the toes. The stocking was linen and mittenlike with a separate place for the big toe that the sandle might fit It reached slightly above the ankle. "When it rains we wear wooden shoes, a pair of high thin boards that raise us above the ground like stilts," concluded Catherine. "You see, our streets get so mud- dy," supplemented Lucy, smiling. Ten million women throughout the country are working for prohibition, according to Mrs. Henry W. Peabody, chairman of the Woman's National Committee for Law Enforcement. Judge Charles S. Burnell of Los Angeles favors five year trial mar- riages. PECULATED BY POINThI At a recent meeting of the point system committee of the Women's League several statements were made as to qualiications of University wom- en to take part in campus activities. These qualifications have not been ad- hered to by a great many women who have participated in campus work so far this year. No woman-can take part in any cam- pus work who is not eligible on ac- count of her scholarship standing. A great many times women who are eligible are placed on committees by committee heads who are ignorant of this fact. However as soon as they II become acquainted with this know- ledge they should come to Barbour gymnasium and take the names off their lists of women who are eligible. New Women Must Get Permission. Another fact which has not been ad- hered to this semester is that all new women who are here at the University' f t 1 for the first time this year in order to = take part in campus work must get for Rural Schools special permission from the office of Advisers to Women. Thistdoes not re- Says Commissioner fer only to entering freshmen women but to all upperclass women who are "The rural school teacher faces par- here for the first time this year. "h ua coltahrfcspr All committee heads who have had ticularly great problems of responsi- charge of committees so far this year bility; and for that reason women should have their lists of committees seem pecularily fitted for the rural in at the League office at the present schools," is the opinion of Miss Cora in a the Leaguep o ffi cet s t he pres B. H ayes, Rural School com m issioner time. The point system committeeofWstnwcuy. MsHae headed by Helen Hawkins, '28, is now of Washtenaw county. Miss Hayes checking- up on the points acquired by has the singular privilege of being the each woman on the campus and un- second woman school commissioner eachwomn o th capu~andun-in the history of the county. Prey- less these lists are in, the women who os a rural oo techer hrelf, served on the committees will not re- and later a teacher in the Normal 2eive credit for the time she spent on-I training school, Miss Hayes has an the particular campus' work. ideal background for her present posi- May See Card Catalogue. Ion. Also each woman should visit the "The whole system of rural educa- card catalogue which is placed in the tion," continued Miss Hayes, "depends oflice of the Advisers to Women and soley on the teachers, who, alone have check up on her own points. This is the responsibility of the children all the only way that each woman can day, and who act as a second mother t c 1 i 1 1 squeamishnos as to its source-tar- fUn W omen s Face t'are acid, sonme sugar, enough aniline ,II dye to give it a rich pink coloring, I n Athletic World and for a finish some thin slices of lemon, and there you have your pink An editorial in the Daily Cardinal The slices of lemon are known as says that at last women have found "floaters," and any which are left in a place in the athletic world. When "flathers, and any whish are l' bsin they first entered the goal was the the tub at the close of a days busi- records and accomplishments of men. ness, together with those which come But it developed quickly that in at- back in the glasses, are carefully itempting to emulate men they were do- saved for the next day's use. ing themselves more harm than good. Singularly enough, the laboring The strains involved were too great men and the canvasmen around a for safety. show are as eager for the circus This editorial goes on to say that in lemonade as the public, with this dif- recent years American colleges have ference, that they have no idea of set up another ideal in women's ath- buying it. It therefore becomes neces- letics. Now the motto for women in sary for the lemonade man to watch sport is "A team for every girl, and out or he will find that while his back every girl on a team." The National has been turned much of his stock has Amateur Athletic Federation has been disappeared. Besides being a man of instrumental in laying down this ideal, great originality, then, the seller of and believes in the spirit of play for pink lemonade must also be a regular its own sake. detective. The results have thus far been en- couraging. The federation has checl- Juanita Gregg of Liberty, N.C., won ed the harm which the imitation of honors at Greensboro College for men's games would have caused, and looks, athletic prowess, scholarship has established for women a satis and personality. factory and enduring basis. 1 J With the great Sophomore Sisters' sold splendidly and he could not wait Incorporated, Amalgamated, and Con- on the crowds fast enough. solidated Circus coming to town in the One day he was surrounded by a near future, everyone who is not too mob scrambling for the liquid refresh- sedate to dream of circuses has been ment, when he found that his water dreaming of peanuts, popcorn, bal- supply had run out. There were no loons, and "pink lemonade" in that wells or springs near. He rushed connection. It would be no less sur- around the show for water but could prising to find a circus without a find none. In his eagerness for it he clown than for one to appear without went into the dressing tent as a last a plentiful supply of pink lemonade. resort. The invention of pink lemonade is Fannie Jamieson, one of the bare- credited to Pete Conklin, who traveled back riders, had just finished wring- with the famous Jerry Mabie circus ing out a pair of pink tights. The color during the middle part of the last cen- had run and left the water a deep tury. In 1857 he was fired from the pink. Without giving any explanation show, and being a resourceful young- or stopping to answer her questions, ster, he bought a couple of mules and Pete grabbed the tub of pink water an old covered wagon with his say- and ran. It took only a minute to ings, and had enough money left to throw in some of the tartaric acid and lay in a stock of sugar, tartaric acid, the pieces of the "property" lemon, and one lemon. In telling the story and then he began to call out, "Come Pete always said that "that lemon was quickly, folks, buy some fine straw- the best example of a friend I ever met. berry lemonade!" That day his sales It stayed with me to the very end." i doubled and from then on no first- With this outfit he followed the circus class circus has been without pink wherever they went. The lemonade lemonade. I!The recipe for circus lemonade has Women Are Fitted not changed from that day to this. A tub of water-with no particular know for sure that she has received all the points for which she has worked. Women are asked to visit this cata- logue as. soon as possible and if by, any chance there are some points for which she has not been given credit the is asked to leave a note stating the work which she did and for which she received no points. This is a personal question to every woman who had taken any part in ,ampus work at all, for unless this checking over is done there are pos- sibly a great many credits for which no points will be given at all and there will be no way to check up on them. May Ferrick, daughter of Mrs. Kate Merrick, owner of numerous London night clubs, is reported engaged to marry the Earl of Kinnoull, scion of one of England's oldest nobilities. Sterling North, of the University of Chicago, is winner of the, Witter Byner poetry prize. SAN FRANCISCO-Helen Wills has been given a bust of herself, by Haig Patigan, as a gift from the city. A letter signed by Martha Washing- ton has recently been found, written at Mt. Vernon. to them. Women seem particularly fitted to assume a responsibility of that kind. You see it is quite differ-I ent from the city school where the sup- erintendent and several teachers can all work together." "This fall season I have already visited the 148 schools of the county, and I manage to see every teacher once a month. The eight groups into - which the teaching staff is divided meet monthly, and carry out the same program.', "I have 3,000 children," Miss Hayes said, " and I have succeeded in be- coming acquainted with most of them this fall. Getting to know the chil- dren is one of the great problems, for the personal side of education is of the highest importance." Miss Hayes aims to lessen the pres- ent isolation of the rural school by unifying them into one great whole. Her program also includes the im- provement of teaching technique. "Several counties in the state have begun to elect women school commis- sioners," said Miss Hayes, "and I be- lieve that the next few years will see a considerable increase followed by a more complete relization of women's exceptional capabalities in that direc- tion."j I i .; i- I i 4 I GIVING FOR THANKSGIVING Is such a charming custom when it is carried out by a clever shopper who goes to a good shop and selects a pretty card to accompany- A pair of sheer chiffon hose, A chic piece of costume jewelry, A delicate boutonniere, or A bewitching hand-painted 'kerchief. THE RUB'LEY SHOPPE In the Arcade r. . . . . . . .r.., . . , , . . v .v. . .1.rrrrrr. . ., ,rre e. rrrr, .rrirr. . ' Ii 1 Albrecht Fur Sale Fine Showing of Albrecht Furs Friday and Saturday, Nov. 25 and 26 W--------si.vr+-wss' riri. nrw/I VMli" II/A/1Ytl .11/4I /Mr04 SALEx a . WHAT? 200 Hats in Felt and Velour WHEN? Thursday Price Before Sale $5-$7.50 Price During Sale $2.00 Place 1 The Day of Thanksgiving, -- - - - - - - - - - - 8s s cs c 1 s s s Dial 8191 st, Dial '3OS3 Marcel Made Permanent Our Specialty MICHIGAN BEAUTE' SHOPPE Manicuring, Scalp Treatment, Shampooing, Facials, Marcelling, Henna ' Rinse and Finger Waving Women and Children's Hair Cutting I Turkey Dinner, 12 to Store Closed from 1 1:30 and 5 to 9 :30 to 5 today OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS THE WHITE HELMET 1204 S. Univ. Prompt Delivery Service M. Julian, Mrs. Clesta Lirette, Formerly of the Powder Puff :Michigan Theatre Bldg., Room 208 1 arrv. . . .s. . .sr. .e.,v. . .r. ,. +.. .,r. r.. .A..r. .a. . ,recrcrr..rrrrr. , .r. .rir. r. ,rrss..: 11 - ' .-,, ! ; I I 0 * At Thanksgiving Time We take this op- portunity to thank our friends and patrons for their valued and con- tinued patronage. U I I! I Furs take on a new elegance- following the dress mode,' they resort to tiers, and flares, to soft curving lines and a graciousness that has been missing from the fur mode for many a season. Their shawl collars grow bigger, their cuffs deeper, and their flaring sides wider. FOX, CARACUL, SEAL, MUSKRAT, WOLF, MINK, BEAVER Deferred Payments Special offer of a payment plan is made in selling Albrecht Furs for these women who know and appreciate good values ip Furs and yet are unable to make the entire payment on the coat at the time of purchase. Select the coat you wish and arrangements will be made for deferred payments. I i DAY DREAMS Come and revel in the genius of expert designers that have turned mere frocks into bewitching creations. I I I! 11 11 i iI 11