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November 24, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-24

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Geologist Forced To Appear In New
York; Specialist Will Give_
Seond Talk
Broadcasting of the fifth Michigan
Night radio program will take place
tomorrow night between 7 and 8
o'clock over station WWJ, the Detroit
News, by direct wire connections with
the campus 'studio located on the
fourth floor of University hall, accord-
ing to Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetorict
department, who is program manager1
and announcer of the series. 11sa
"The Vanishing Township as av
Unit in Politicaland Social Life" wills
be the subject of Prof. Thomas A.
Reed, of the political science depaft-
ment, who has been secured to re-
place Prof. Lawrence M. Gould of the
geology department, who was orig-
inally scheduled to speak on tomor-
row night's program, but who since;
has been caled to New York for an
address there the same night. Pro-
fessor Gould will appear on a later1
program, Mr. Abbot said yesterday.
Dr. R. Bishop Canfield, professor of
Otolaryngology and nose, ear and
throat specialist in the University
hospital, will be the second speaker
on the program, taking as his sub-
ject, "Why Be Deaf?" This is the
second of a series of talks by Dr. Can-
field, the first having been deliveredr
on the 1926-'27 radio series on the1
subject "Common Diseases of the Ear."
Karpinsk To Talk.
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, o the
mathmetics department, who recent-1
ly returned from Europe where hel
spent the past year studying and mak-1
ing a collection of old maps relating
to North America, will tell the radios
fans of the changes of topographyl
as revealed by the maps which came
under his observation.
The fourth speaker of the evening
will be Prof. George E. Myers, profes-
sor of vocational education and guid-
ance in the School of Education, whot
will speak on the subject of "Voca-I
tional Guidance."
Two soloists are included on the1
fifth program, Dr. Robert ;Dieterlie,
who is now pathologist in the Statet
Psychopathic hospital here, and who I
was recognized as a soloist during hisi
undergraduate days will render sev-
eral numbers. According to an
nouncer Abbot, favorable comment fol-,
lowed Dr. Dieterlie's appearance be-1
fore the microphone in the 1926-27
series. Otto J. Stahl, acting head of
the theory department and instructor
in the piano at the University School
of Music will be Dr. Dieterlie's ac-
Several instrumental solos will also
be rendered by Stewart E. Churchill,
specialist, who will play the marimba-
This will be the last radio program
of the present year but one, accord-
ing to Mr. Abbot. The sixth and last
University radio night of the first
half of the 1927-28 series will be given
Friday night, Dec. 9, the next pro-h
gram to be early in January after the
Christmas holidays.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 23.-Thirteen ex-
uberant college boys who ripped awayI
Columbiauniversity's grand stand for
a bonfire to light their football team
to victory last night, were freed from

the clutches of the law today. They
received suspended sentences on
charges o disorderly conduct.j
PatrolmanGaylor,twho helped to
arrest the 13, told the court it was
no celebratioi at all-it was just a
low-life riot."
"The language I heard was awful,"
he related. "It wasn't fit for the
gutter and most of it was about thej
Irish cops and firemen."'
The police inspector who command-
ed the riot squad described the rally#
as 'the worst exhibition of rowdyismr
in th^ annals of the police depart-
"There was never anything worse on
the Eowery or anywhere else," he said.
The students were arrested when
the rally developed into a riot that
brought into play nightsticks and fire
hose. Leon Ridtz, a student at the,
Columbia school of advertising and
spokesman for one group of the de-
fndants, said their conduct had been
gentle and polite, but the magistrate
doubted his story.



Marking the second concert within a
week Josef Hofmann, well-knbwn
pianist, and Lea Luboshutz, Russian
violinist, appeared last night in Hill
auditorium in joint recital beforee a



IIIIIII&WA I x ixwl/Y.xx six vaa i

Sen. Albert H. Fall.
The latest picture of Sen. Fall, tak
ton during the conspiracy trial whic
Harry F. Sinclair, and other principa
Right, Neil Burkenshaw, assistant U.S
was largely responsible for gathering
and declaration of a mistrial.
Kay Receive Byrd Offer To Sail With
Him As Geologist Of South
Pole Expedition
Prof. Lawrence M. Gould, of the
geology department, member of the
recent Putnam expedition to Baffin
Bay, will leave tomorrow for New
York where he has been called to
consult with Commander Richard E.
Byrd, famous aviator. Gould will
probably be a member of the South
Pole expedition to be sent out next
summer, of which Byrd is to be the
Professor Gould is one of the lead-
ing candidates for membership in the
expedition, Commander Byrd said in
his lecture last Tuesday in Hill audi-
torium. Gould had a brief interview
with Byrd before the latter gave his
speech, and reports are that he will
be accepted as chief geologist and
geographer for the proposed expedi-
tion. The local professor occupied a
similar position last summer as a
member of the George Palmer Putnam
expedition to Baffin Bay. As a result
of his explorations, Professor Gould
was able to take over 5,000 square
miles off the map of Baffin land which1
had been thought previously to exist.
Professor Gould already is a veter-
an of two arctic exploration trips.
He went with Prof. Wm. H. Hobbs on
the first University of Michigan
Greenland expedition a year ago, and
was in charge of geographical work
on the Putnam expedition last sum-
mer. On the proposed Antarctic ex-
pedition, Professor Gould, if named
as a member of the party, would be
in charge of geological investigations,
making maps of the regions visited
and studying ice conditions. The ex-
pedition will leave New York nex
September and will return the fol
lowing summer. It is being backed fi-
nancially by Edsel B. Ford. Definite
announcement of the personnel o
the party will not be made until next
March, Commander Byrd said.
Byrd will attempt to fly over the
South Pole as he did last year over
the North Pole. If the smoothness o
the ice permits, he will probably land
at the southernmost point and mak
scientific observations. Floyd Ben
nett, his companion of his arctic
flight, will pilot the plane over th
South Pole.
"I think that 'vagabonding' is a ver
good thing in principle but it is likel
to have a disastrous effect if carrie
to the extreme," President Clarenc
Cook Little declared recently in com
menting on the practice of "vagabond
ing" as carried on at Harvard univer
The Harvard practice involves th
habit on the part of students to at
tend, in addition to their regula
scheduled courses, lectures in.any sub
ject given on the campus at any tim
that fancy suits them. The custo
there has reached such proportion
that the Harvard Crimson, studen
newspaper, publishes a list each morn
ing of the lectures to be given that da

by well-known lecturers on the Harv
ard faculty.
If the custom becomes an institu

large audience. This constituted the ,
sponsored by the University Choral LACKING IN DANCE } GRANTED IN 1925
' e {Union. The Flonzaley string quartet' PREPARATIONS IS VALID
{y4}': }y F , t ra:x:N appeared Monday night as the second
.$ number of the extra concert series, PENING AT u Dli STATES MAY CHALLENGE
}2:z: yrpresenting a program of chamber!OPNN DATE IS DEC_____
musi".:_inishing Touches Now Being Speed. Holds Congress Conferred Authority
of:+night's I ed Up; First Showing In Less Upon Secretary Of War To
A review of last night's con- Than Two Weeks Sanction Withdrawal
cert will be found in the Thea-
ter, Books, and Music column on With the opening performances at
page four. the Whitney theatre less than two WASHINGTON, Nov. 23-All mater-
I IJ :.°I ilpae ntedsueoe h
weeks away, preparations are being iial phases in the dispute over the di-
-speeded up for the finished produc- version of water from Lake Michigan
Hofmann, noted wherever music isd tion of 1927 Union Opera, "The Same To were decided in favor of Illinois and
played since his debut as a child You." The special girls, men's and the Chicago Sanitary district by Chas.
e e ilBnessa - n prodigy many years ago, combined girls' choruses have been rehearsing E. Hughes, former associate jus-
en after his illness gained i Washing- with Miss Luboshutz, who has been ' tice, in a report filed by him today
h finally resulted in his co-defendant, winning recognition more of late as twice daily for several weeks past, with the supreme court as Special
ls being cited for criminal contempt. an outstanding woman violinist, in a and are now adding the finishingwates
attorney, just out of law school, who recital of unique quality. Miss Lub- touches to one of the most difficult The Great Lakes states which con-
the videce ladig tothe itai( oshutz appeared here in the ls a and elaborate dance routines ver at-ThGraLkesteswihcn
the evidence leading to the citation Festival.Ma tempted in a Mimes production. The ' tested the diversions will be granted
assistance of Roy Hoyer, leading man Charles E. Iughes. an opportunity to file with the court
with Fred Stone, may be lacking in Former associate justice of the Su- briefs challenging the findings and
the preparation of this year's dances, preme Court, who held yesterday that conclusions reached by Mr. Hughes.
ince the bookings of his show will permission for Chicago's water diver- I Afterwards the court will set a lay
1 1. make it almost impossible for himi sion was valid and effective. Hughes for hearing oral arguments of all
to reach Ann Arbor. Hoyer has as- is acting as Special Master in the parties and will then for itself, under
OJBIS GILES STORYIS TO BE UNI VERSITY sisted in arranging the routines for Lake Michigan drainage hearing. its reserved rights, decide how far
IS___ I most of the past Operas, lending in- it will adopt as its own the findings
valuable professional service in this and conclusions of its Special Master
1lajor Bowie, San Francisco Official, DN E and to what extent, if any, these
Calls Britishl Avator's Pal~ie Irr . D f *M ll one department. IIJMII I\O III i NI iadt htetet fay hs
ua ""inipIh Aviporsle L I I UoDrilling of choruses to date has should be modified.
fallen for the most part on William nnnrr C nY tL n Having before him complaints
1VITOAWIDIRY GANOII4 1.Lewis, Jr., '29, leading "lady" of iAlDISSL1 brought by all the Great Lakes state
AVAO IL R G I IEZON '% 1 rwu ALOfIIJJddJd11L 1Ii.t Iiecp lios ersnig he
01TWI TR AACUO U R ' A RDE AT OElast year's production, "Front Page except Illinois, representing three
OF COUNTRYS GREAT1 Stuff." Coincident with the alteration- separate attacks upon diversion, Mr.
y e rAin the type of music and plot used Dean Urges Foreign Students To Get Hughes, after taking testimony, re-
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23.-Offi- E IN nNENvENrE as compared with that of other years, To Know Americans; Is Fifth commended that thetcases be dis-
vials of the San Francisco weather Ithere has been a decided change in Annual Ba nqet misse. aH f, that the peri
bueutdycs ob ntesoyjthe chorus work. No effects having the granted March 3, 1925, by the Secre-
bureau today cast doubt on the story Has Long Public Record And Is Now he taint of formerkproductions have been URTN VIC IR tary of War, under which the divers-
I Presidentgmaewa vli,.an
of Capt. Frederick A. Giles, British1 President Of Philippine retained, but the steps have been MRS.iBURaTONi ImdS, aVIaSIdTaR
aviator, that a violent storm forced ! Senate Body evolved along strictly modern lines to from etheld that the complaining states
him to turn back at sea yesterday ony meet the competition of contemporary should have the right to proceed
his tturak attemptdfl t awa n Manuel L. Quezon, president of the musical comey. Th solo dancing globe were present last night at the against the withdrawal should it at
his attempted flight to Hawaii. musical comedy. The solo dancing ffhana nentoa hns n iecniu ihu h ac
MjE.HBwifrcseasr-Philip pine Senate and one of the lead-i I displayed by Lewis and Thomas IfthanlItraioa Taksj any time continue without the sanc-
Maj. E. H. Bowie, forecaster, assert- IJ giving banquet at the Union. Dean tion of Congress or of administrative
ed that the atmospheric conditions ing advocates for the independence of Dougall, 29, in last year's vehicle was I Carl G. Huber, of the Graduate school, I
which Captain Giles reported en- that nation, will deliver a lecture on commended by critics for its newness sounded the keynote of the evening Gave Authority
countering about 500 miles out from onday afternoon, Nov. 28, at 4:15 and ingenuity, and this qulity has Is ed he keynote of he evening Takingirtheposition thaty
g aftrnoon Nov.28, athe1 I when le said in his speech w'/ hereCo
the Golden Gate were "simply impos- o'clock in Natural Science auditorium. been extended to include all of the at Michigan want to do and should sent of the United States was eces-
ible" and added "It is not reasonable Present orus work - do, as much as we possibly can fo sary t make any withdrawal lawful
o think that they could have existed." Quezon is regarded as one of the Special Chorus Used all foreign students." Dean Huber il- and that ny with lwful,
to think tht theandouthatvCongress."hadectheCpower Uto
Captain Giles landed yesterday greatest Filipino statesmen that the The special girls' chorus, also a lustrated the spirit in which Ameri- ulate th diversio, Mr. Hughes
afternoon near San Simeon, Califor- I Philippines have ever produced, and 1eature of Front Page Stuff,"? s cans hold Thanksgiving by explaining found that while Congress had not
nia, after taking off here* at 7:24 his public career is similar to that of again used in the show. Those Com- to the foreign students the origin and directl authorized the diversion it
b'clock and heading westward over many great American statesmen. He .prising it are George T. Tremble, Jr., meaning of ,the American holiday. had conferred authority upon the Se-
the Pacific. He reported that he ran1 was one of the first Resident Commis- '30, William W. Reynolds, '30, Vernon Urging the foreigners at the Uni~npde
into a severe storm that sent is bi sioners representing the Philippines S. Dick, '30, William E. Edwards, '30, versity to break down the barriers er o withdrawal wasath
int aerisevereak dow stormr er thatm it ofsenth hist d s
plane into a tailspin, spilled his in- in the American Congress, and it was Roland C. Gies, '29A, and Vincent C. now existing, and learn to really ori and was ir
struments, charts, food and signal largely his untiring energy and effort Wall, Jr., '28. Wall was a member know some students in their classes, ri an was noartrary
flares into the water, damaged the which made possible the passage of of this group last year, and is co- M. A. Wenger, '28, chairman of the fuh compaining sttes were suc
heavily-loaded plane and almost cost the Jones Law in 1916. This law made author with Dougall of this year's ,Students Christian association friend- oessf 8500cubic feet of water
the Philippine Government autonom- book and lyrics. "Maybe I Do," one of ly relations committee, made a strong iversion o cu ter
The flier was en route here to ar- I ous, promising the Filipino people 'the hits of "The Same To You" will d Per second had resulted in l e
range for repairs on the plane and a their coveted independence as soon as be developed by this number. [app ee r A irit of core- the lake leve six es, whereas
arstale frmro govrnmetscoud begirl'lchrusanfiall eetdship between Americans and foreign- Chicago claimed it was only four, but
third attempt to span the 2,400 miles' a stable form of government could bej The girls' chorea as finally selected ers than now is evidenced. He pointed Ciaoeam a nyor
established in the islands. after scores of tryouts in the Mimes tha eic e te the Special Master thought this low-
to Hawaii by air when the weather Iatrsoe ftyusi h ie out that the Americans are at ,/,art erncolbepvntdycme-
bureau statement was made. He had Recalled To Philippines theatre is made up of 16 students: hospitable, but that as condItions are, pe
not been reached for comments late In accordance with the Jones Law, George M. Baker, '29, Melville H. Dot' their life is too hurried for them to sating works which Illinois an e
today the Philippine Assembly became the tenheim, '30, E. Jerome Elhison, '30E, think of many things they would real- sanitary district had offered to con-
"There were no winds such as could House of Representatives, and like- ( Jonathan C. Harbaugh, '30, George E. ly like to do. struct.
have wrecked Captain Giles' plane," wise the Philippine Commission was I Neukom, '30, Arthur L. Lundin, '30, Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the While the diversion primarily was
declared Major Bowie. "Our ships re- supplanted by the Philippine Senate. Emil A. Frederick, 28E, Charles F. Philosophy department, toastmaste or sanitary purposes, Mr. Hughes
ported clouds in some spots, but these At the reorganization of the govern- Holden, '29, Harold A. Jaehn, '29, Ar- of the evening, opened his rem said, he concluded that the interests
were as high as 2,500 or 3,000 feet. ment, Quezon, then Resident Commis- thur L. Richardson, '28, Daniel H. with a cordial welcome to Mrs. Mar- of Navigation were so closely affected
No Abnormal Weather sioner, went back to the Philippines Buell, '30A, John R. Hogle, '28, Sam ion LeRoy Burton, who was one of as to warrant the permit. He expres-
"There were no indications of ab-I and was elected president of the D. Wettlaufer, '28, Gehardus R. Lind- the guests at the banquet. The re- ed the belief that as Chicago pro-
"hihireegSeate. lie haeheldnthis. T'he.re-Igressed with the development of other
normal weather conditions along the Philippine Senate. Ile has held this ; ermulder, '28, Robert Bruce, Jr., '28, mainder of the program included a
course Captain Giles was to cover in office since 1916. Cecil H. Martel, '29. glimpse of college life in South Amer- means of disposing of its sewage the
reports received from the ships. The! As a testimonial to his ability and The men's chorus was also selected ica by Prof. Julio del Toro, of the Lke M i wouldbedecreased
t violent weather conditions reported to the esteem in which the people of from a larger number of tryouts than Spanish department, and an accept- LakeMDiverioul awful
by Captain Giles were simply impos- the Philippines hold Quezon, Juan L. usual, and includes the following: L. ance of Wenger's welcome by H. C. Says Diversion Lawful
sible and it is not reasonable to think Lantihg, a graduate student in the Farnum Buckingham, '28, John T. Chang, Grad., who lauded Americans On the important question of the
they could have existed." f University and at present on leave Hecker, '29, Phillip S. Cocnran, '30E, for their broadmindeiness, and thank- liability of Illinois and the sanitary
f Major Bd that the from the Department of the Interior Howard A. Bloom, 28 Ray C. Hum ed them for the continual hospitality district for damages resulting from
tor and his flight manager, had not of the Government of the Philippines f phrey, '28, Fletcher B. Carney, '29A, to the foreigner.lowering of lake levels, Mr. Hugh-
"played the game" with the weather where he holds an important position, John Q. Tidwell, '29, Ferdinand Ga-~w i given a year es, finding that a part of the lowering
bureau, and said no forecast had been said in an interview yesterday, ensbauer, '29, Richard B. Lewy, '30, under the direction of the friendly ie- was due to the diversion, decided
made for the flyers since last Satur- "Manuel L. Quezon is the most au- Milton J. Drake, '29, John D. Annand, lations committees of the S'tudent against the Great Lakes states. H2
f day. thoritative spokesman of his people '29A, and Byron J. Longyear, '29. I Christian association and the W- took the position that the diversion
Cdin their protracted fight for independ- i 34 To Make Trip1b a's league. Thirty members of tie h epoode under lawul authori-
Captain Giles had acted cotayI!mnslau hrymmeso h tyanthtIloiadCicgcud
e to the advice of the weather bureau, ence. He is held in the highest esteem A total of 34 men will make the faculty of the University had tables, and that Illinois and Chicago could
- Major Bowie asserted. He said when by the Filipinos for his genuine states- j trip on the choruses alone, while at hih the foreign students were not be heldhfor incidental damages.
c asi ndadn arits.Oe; twihth oeg tuetwr As to the effect of the diversion
favorable forecasts were given the air- p . . One more than that number will go along in guests of honor, while other resi-
e man "seemed in no disposition tot fly" of the things people admire in him is the various , capacities of cast and! dents of Ann Arbor and members of upon navigation on the Mississippi,
and then last Saturday when the bu-his ability as a publispeaker. committees. Publicity has been sent the faculty acted as patrons. the report found that during periods
reau warned against a start Captain regarding the Opera to all of the__of
Giles hopped off, flew out 20 miles to A similar attitude toward Mr. cities that are included in current of theC hicago river and the
y sea, dumped part of his gasoline andI Quezon was expressed by other Philip- I the nteay and applications for MEXI "'1 TCNS KILLED.I flow of water from Lake Michigan
returned here. spine students of the University who tickets for these out-of-town perform- AS CONSPIRATORS had resulted in increasing the depth
While no forecast had been furnish- were interviewed among them being: ances will be available shortly. Act- (By Associated Press) !over some of the sand bars.
' Donato T. Suyat president of the II
Y ed after Saturday, Captain Giles was' DhatiTMShi club; Mr C ing life-members of the Union may MEXICO CITY, Nov. 23-Four men
Y supplied with weather reports from Philippine-Michigan club; Maria C. procure their application for local were marched out to their death to- CONSPIRACY PROBE WILL
Sships, Major Bowie said. Lanzar a graduate student here on a performances this, week at the deskday within the walls of the Mexico E IDLE OVER WEEK-END
B C. R. Reed, another member of the Barbour Fellowship; Exequiel . in the main lobby of the Union. Many {City prison. They were executed for

lsas(By Associated Press)
- repotsfro sieax shpa lg thtIM.S osi spain of him e benscrds aa hste eetatmtaanttel
- reports from six ships along the route saidMr. Qzo is hren fom he number includes nearly every male I of Gen. Alvaro Obregon, former pres-
SCaptain Giles was to take, said noth- said,Mr. Quezon is here from thei student in the University. Those for ident of the republic, and now sole WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.-With ar-
ing about squalls or unusual atmo- Philippines with the mission, I think, University women will be distributed j remaining presidential candidate. rangements completed for serving cer-
.e sphericconditions. y next week at the box office in Hill The first to face the firing squad tified copies of the court order citing
- Before leaving San Luis that Congress may adopt regarding was Miguel Agustin Projarez, decrib- Harry F. Sinclair, William J. Burns,
r early today for San Francisco, Captain the Philippines and to work for at Scenery for all four scenes of the ed as a Roman Catholic priest. He and four others to show cause De-
Giles said he was thrown partly out least more local autonomy. The peo- Opera has been largely completed met his fate calmly, kneeling with cember why they should not be held
e of the cockp of his plane when it was!ple of the United States are as a in contempt, the government's investi-
thecocpitofhisplae henit asI whole ignorant of their small colonyj by Mimes scenic artists, and will be clasped hands for a brief prayer, then)I ation of the Fall-Sinclair jury scandal
m thrown into a tailspin at an altitude wh. e Ointand. theImriali sornyset up in the theatre in the near fu- standing and extending his arms in expeteFa-senovr jue scnda
s of 4,000,feet. After dumping 300 gal- in the Orient and the Imperialists or re, preparatory to regular rehears- blessing. He tumbled over as the was
It lons of gasoline to lighten 'the strain Ilopponents of the ultimate independ- ts bullet passed through his body. ewd.
~ on the wings, Captain Giles related ence of the Philippines are taking ad- A mased tr, hi bod. Counsel for the wealthy oil operator,
y that he headed back toward the coast vantage of this ignorance. Mr. Qezon Luis Fegura Vilchis, an electrcal en- the founder of the Burns Detective
and made an emergency landing with is at presentthe president of the The X eather gineer, was led from his cell. He agency, his son, W Sherman Burns,
Philippine Senate. His record of ____ agency manager; C. L. Beitsch,
two of fuel left. faithful and efficient overnment serv- ( AokPd across the courtyard with Burns' Baltimore manager, and Henry
-oBy Associated Press) steady step, glanced with firm, set IMann nav Now Vnr. and Sheldnn

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