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Vol. XXXVIII, No. 56.
PROTE STAThere wiii be an air mail line
Pifro AmericaAUTOo Eur::e within the
next 15 years!"~
ui r Theewr tewrsofCorn-i
BY I~R~lI mander Richard E. Byrd, North Polel
Hill auditorium last night. He then
RESOLUTION A S K S REGENTS went on to say that aviation was
TO MODIFY PRESENT steadily gaining ground, explaining
REGULATION that although no one could predict
just when such a line would be estab-
Appoint Committee To Draw Up'Rules
Regulating Activities During
Freshman Week
Passage of a protest against the
present automobile ban was the chief
feature of a special meeting of the
Interfraternity council, held yesterday
The resolution, which has been un-
der consideration for several weeks,
reads in its final form:
"Whereas, the Interfraternity coun-
cil of the University of Michigan, in
regular meeting assembled has reach-
ed a unanimous decision in regard to
its attitude toward the University au-
tomobile ban.
"Whereas, in the interest of the
best solution of the auto problem we
believe it desirable that the opinion
of this representative student body be
made known to the Regents, therefore,
"Be it resolved, that the followingj
statement be submitted to the Uni-
versity Regents:
Favors Modified Rulingj
"The Interfraternity council hereby
goes on record as being in favor of a
modified auto ruling, making it pos-
sible for scholastically eligible upper
classmen to own and operate motor
vehicles. The council would also ap-
preciate a clear statement of the aims
lished, it was his opinion that it would;
require about that length of time.
"And don't forget then," Commander
Byrd added with a characteristic grin,
"that I should go down as the
transatlantic air mail flyer."
plane the "America" carried air
when it made its flight last summer.)
Asked how flight takeoffs, always
hazardous, might be made less dang-
erous for future flights, Commander
Byrd asserted that this will probably
be accomplished by constructing big-
ger fields in the future. "The field
from which the America took off last
summer," Commander Byrd said, "was
the biggest field in the United States;
and it wasn't halt big enough."
Accepts Three-Year Agreement As
Head Coach At Lansing; Will Stay
here Remainder Of This Year
Harry G. Kipke, all-American half-
back in 1922 and one of the greatest
and most versatile athletes ever to
represent Michigan, will be head foot-
ball coach at Michigan State for the
next three years, according to an an-
Advances Views As To CIrcunistances
Surrounding Disappearance Of
25 Lost In Recent Flights
Difficulties in the America's flight
to France were not ended with the
forced but safe landing last summer
at Ver-Sur-Mer, according to Com-
mander Richard E. Byrd, who spoke
here last night in Hill auditorium.
One of the obstacles after landing at
the summer resort town on the
French coast was to attract the at-4
tention of the inhabitants, who placed
no faith in their appearance. "The
situation was this," Commander Byrd
said, half-humorously, "Lieutenant
Noville spoke French fluently, but3
was deaf from the sound of the en-f
gines; I could hear but couldn't un-
derstand French."
Commander Byrd then went on to
picture the surprise of the inhabi-
tants when they finally were made
to understand that the strange visi-
tors had dropped in from America:
from that time on their hospitalityl
and reception were above reproach,
Byrd said.
Believes Lost Planes Tail-Spinned
Commander Byrd expressed the be-
lief last night that the majority of
the 25 persons who have lost their
lives in the past few months in flight
attempts went down into the sea
where their planes tail-spinned and
that the plane was partially smashed
to pieces when it hit the crest of a3
wave. The waves, he said, were prob-
ably responsible for no trace being
found later in so many cases.
After mentioning briefly some of
I his earlier attempted trans-Atlantic
Parading on 75 individual pairs of
nice, new rubbers, the members of
the Michigan Varsity band paraded
back and forth across the ie of the
sew Olympia arena in Detroit, lastl
night, as a part of the formal dedica-
tion ceremonies. The rubbers were
especially bought for the band by the
Olympia management so that the
bandsmen would find better footing
on the ice of the hockey rink.
The band left here at 4:45 o'clock
yesterday afternoon on special busses.
and were guests at a banquet given
them by the managers, last night.
S'oon after the banquet, they were
taken to the arena and played for
the large crowd which had assembled.
The opening was featured by a Na-
tional League hockey game between
the Detroit team and the Ottawa, Can-
ada, representatives. This game mark-
ed the opening of the National league
season for 1927-28.
British War Ace Gallantly Fights Way
To Caliornia As Tiny Plane
Flals In Slid-Ocean
(By Associated Press)
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 22-Captain
Frederick A. Giles, British war ace,
who set out today from San Francisco,
in a trans-Pacific flight to Australia,
informed the Examiner by telephon
tonight that he had been forced back
after traveling 500 miles to sea and
had landed near the William Ran-
dolph Hearst ranch at San Simeon,
"I never expected to make it," he
said over the telephone, from th
Hearst ranch tonight. "My center sec-
tion bracing wires had snapped; I
had dropped my main gas tank to
;lighten the strain on the broken plane
and the chances were just about ze-
ro. But luck stayed with me- 1 hit
the coast about 60 miles north om
where I landed and had to keep my
ship in, the air for all that distance
before I finally found a landing place
at San Simeon."
"Well, what are you going to do?"
he was asked. And like a flash, "Why,
I'm going to try again," he laughed.
"I'm going to fix the ship and fly
her back to San Francisco. And then,
as soon as the moon is full and I can
get new charts, I'll be off again. I've
started to fly to Australia, and by
George I'm going to do it."{
Utterly beyond control, his little
trans-Pacific biplane went spinning
into a rain-drenched "air pocket" 500
miles out at sea and finally turned
completely upside down, scattering
his charts, his food and his instru-
ments into the ocean below, Giles
It is wholly possible, Commander
Byrd said last night before catching
his train out of Ann Arbor, that Prof.-
Lawrence M. Gould, of the geology
department, who recently returned
with the Putnam expedition from the
arctic, will be included in the party
of. approximately 60 persons, whea
the South Pole expedition is attempt-
"With hundreds of applications al-
ready made for the position of official
geologist," Commander Byrd said, "it
would be no reproach if Professor
Gould were not chosen." Announce-
ment will be made of the party to
make the trip in March and it is ex-
pected to start in September.
- -
No Definite Date Set For Completion.
Of Final Work Of Finishing
Campus Cinemaj
The first showing of the University
moving picture, with the filming prac-
tically complete, was given yesterday
afternoon in room 302 of the Union
before President Clarence Cook Little,
Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to the
President, a small group of newspaper
men and the representatives from the
Metropolitan Moving Picture company
of Detroit, who made the picture.
The film as shown yesterday was
untitled and unedited and complete as
filmed, without the earliest cuts having
been made from the negatives. The
object of the showing was to allow
President Little and Dr. Robbins to
suggest any additions or deletions be-
fore the picture is made up in its
final form.
The moving picture has been made
for the purpose of showing alumni
clubs throughout the country, many of
whose members rarely have an oppor-
tunity to return and see the vast im-
provements in the University and its
equipment. Particular emphasis has
been laid on the new buildings and
accomplishments of the University.
The scenes are laid around a very
loosely woven plot which has for its
central figures two students, Marian
Welles, '28, and Jo Chamberlin, '28,
and an alumnus, Nathan Potter, '98.
Inclndes Football Pictures
Some very effective scenes have
been incorporated into the film, and
some of the slow motion pictures tak-
en of the Ohio State and Navy games
have turned out excellently, according
to the first showing. The crowds at
the Ohio State game are also shown,
together with the inaugurating cere-
The engineering shops and chem-
istry laboratories have also been in-
cluded in very interesting phases, and
several of the rare books at the Cle-
ments library were photographed in
addition to the building itself.
Angell hall and the Union are taken
in characteristic scenes, and several
prominent members of the faculty
have been photographed. The new
University hospital is included amongf
the scenes, though none of the impres-
sive physical equipment of the build-
ing was included as the children's
wards occupied almost the entire at-
tention of the photographers.
Pictures Burton.
The photography of the pictures is
all very clear and well done, and in
addition to the routine scenes of the
I tLnm I VI EI iiL11 I I l I
Yost And Coach Wieman Also Speak
On Program Of Banquet GIven
In Honor Of Football Squad
George E. Rich, '30L, was elected
captain of the football team for next
year, it was announced at the ban-
quet in honor of the football team held
i last night at the Union. At the same
time, Dana Norton, '29,'was named as
manager of the team for next year.
William V. Jefferies, Grad, president
of the Union, opened the program of
speakers, introducing Prof. Arthur S.
Aiton, of the history department, who
acted as toastmaster throughout the
1 remainder of the talk. President
Clarence Cook Little was the first
speaker and based his talk on a com-
George E. Rich.
Who was chosen last night to lead
the 1928 Michigan football team.
Voted Most Popular M inister
Students At Prinerton
to be accomplished by the present
regulation, believing this would pro-
mote better understaanding among
everyone concerned."
This protest is tsomewhat modified
from that presented at the last meet-,
ing, in addition to being couched in{
more formal language. It was passed!
by a unanimous vote of the council.
Wayne Schroeder, '28, president of
the council, and Edward Wachs, '29,
secretary, were selected as delegates
to the National Interfraternity Confer-
ence, to be held in New York City on
Nov. 25 and 26. The National Confer-
ence is expected to be attended by
more than 200 delegates from all parts
of the country representing 60 fra-C
Discuss Deferred Rushing
A discussion of the advisability of
taking some action on the matter of
deferred rushing occupied part of the
session. Due to the conflict between
rushing and Freshman Week activ-
ities, the University had threatened
to take the matter into its own hands
if the council did not take action. The
general sentiment of the members was
that too hasty action on the part ofj
the council might be needlessly dras-
tic and it was decided that certain
rules for the conduct of fraternitiesJ
during Freshman Week would suffice!
to handle the problem.
A committee, consisting of Ellis
Merry, '28, William Pusch, '28, Wayne
Schroeder, '28 and J. B. Wood, was
appointed to' formulate the rules, so
that rushing and any plans of theI
University might not conflict. The
results of this committee's work will
be presented at the next meeting, to
be held Dec. 5.
Edward Wachs, '29, secretary of the
council, presided at the meeting in{
the absence of Wayne Schroeder.
Charles Gilbert, '28, and Cynthia'
Hawkins, '29, will represent the Uni-
versity at the annual convention of the
National Student Federation of Amer-j
ica to be held in Lincoln, Neb., Dec..
1, 2,tand 3, according to action taken
yesterday by the Student council and
the Women's league.
The Student council chose Gilbert
at a special meeting called yesterday!
afternoon, while at a regular meeting
held last night MisssHawkins was j
chosen as the Women's league dele-
gate. She has served for two yearsj
on the board of the league, and will ,
nouncement made yesterday by Ralph
H. Young, athletic director at State
and retiring grid coach.
Final arrangements were concluded
Monday afternoon when Kipke was in
iLansing conferring with athletic au-
thorities although the action was not flights with the NC boats in 1919 and
offical until the meeting of the Ath- 1922, Commander Byrd, who was
letic board yesterday noon. At this speaking on the Oratorical lecture
time the board gave its approval to series course for this year, making
the agreement which will bring Kipke I his second Ann Arbor appearance in
to Michigan State for three years. two years, reviewed again his suc-
Kipke is at present assistant coach cessful flight to the North Pole tn
of both football and basketball at 1925, illustrating his talk with mo-
Michigan and will finish the year out tion pictures of the epochal trip
although he will probably journey to which gave the complete history of
Lansing for spring football, practice. the trip from start to finish.I
C In commenting on the move made by Describes Northern Flight
the State authorities, Fielding H. I After reaching the village of Etah,E
Yost, director of athletics, said that northernmost Eskimo village in the
he had only that old remark, "Michi- I Arctic, Commander Byrd told how the1
gan's great loss is State's great gain," huge Fokker plane was unloaded from
and although Coach Wieman had the Navy ship, the S. S. Chantier, and
nothing definite to say he reiterated carried ashore on a raft. Skis then
Yost's sentiments. replaced wheels and Commander
In assuming his duties at State, Byrd and Floyd Bennett, pilot, were}
Kipke will be returning to his home, off for the North Pole, 700 miles dis-I
Lansing, where he first came into tant, which they reached successfully.
prominence as a fine athlete. On en- Once there, Byrd explained, the only
tering Michigan Kipke proceeded to 1worry was to get back; Spitzenberg,I
live up to his reputation as one of the the scene of their takeoff, lay south,
best athletes ever to matriculate at as did every other direction from the
Michigan and during his college North Pole. Where present day Amer-
career earned nine letters, something ica finds it a struggle for pleasure,
which is done by but very few at Commander Byrd stated, the Eskimo
Michigan. finds it a struggle for existence.
During the fall of his junior year, Pictures of the transatlantic flight
1922, Kipke was chosen for halfback preparations were also shown, show-
on Walter Camp's all-American team ing the crash of the "America" as it
and on graduation went to Missouri attempted to land after its first trialI
university where he acted as assistant flight, in which all were injured,I
coach in charge of the backfield in none seriously, although Bennett was
1924. It was largely through him that !in the hospital for two months and
Missouri's great backfield which car- was unable to take part in the flight.
ried her to Valley and Western honors Commander Byrd then told in detail
was developed. the experiences and thrills of the trip
He remained at Missouri only a which came to a dramatic finish when
year, however, returning to Michigan 'the plane and its passengers, carry-
in 1925 to take charge of the punters. ing the first air mail to France was
While a player Kipke earned the forced to land in the sea off Ver-sur-
right to be called the greatest punter mer.
ever developed and it has been largely Commander Byrd was introduced by
through him that the Michigan backs Robert S. Miller, '28, president of the
and kickers have been on such a Oratorical association, and'was greet-
high plane. The Wolverine backfield ed by an almost capacity house.
this year is considered one of the best
in yearsrand Kipke must have a share The W eather
in the credit.
MINNESOTA-Lt. Conimander John (By Associated Press)
Phillip Sousa has written a new Cloudy today and tomorrow; prob.
{march for the University of Minne- ably light rain or snow today. Sone-
sota. what colder.
Dr. Charles It. Erdman, pastor ofL
the First Presbyterian church, Prince-
ton, N.J., will be the speaker at the
second of the fall seriesof convoca-
tions to be held in Hill auditorium
next Sunday morning. The plans for
the convocations are in the hands of a,
special committee appointed by Presi-
dent Clarence Cook Little, the com-
mittee being assisted in this work by
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
the president, and James Inglis, a
member of the board of trustees of the.
Michigan School of Religion.
Dr. Erdman is one of the most pop-
ular pastors in the east. At a meeting
some time ago when the students of
Princeton were asked to signify who
was their most admired preacher, they
voted unanimously for Dr. Erdman.
Besides his activities with his
church he has taken a place as one of
the leaders in the national organiza-
tion of the church and has held the
office of moderator of the PresbyterianI
church. He also held the position of
professor of practical theology in
Princeton Theological seminary.
Dr. Erdman is the author of many
parison between the support of the
teams and the support of University
regulations as carried out by the
undergraduates of the University.
President Little appealed to the stu-
dents to take the attitude toward the
University authorities that they did
toward the football and other athletic
tams, giving to them the best of
their support. Every student is re-
ceiving a salary from the state during
his attendance and should make him-
self worth this salary by really con-
tributing to the good of the University,
the president declared. Further, any
man who does not consider himself
such a servant of the state does not
belong in the University, and it is the
duty of the authorities to get rid of
this man who is not making proper
use of the salary he is receiving from
the state.
Discusses Auto Regulations.
The automobile regulations, the
President believed, are a just tribute
to the intelligence shown by the
undergraduates of the University. In
referring to service to the University
he further stated, "I or any other
member of the faculty are not asking
you to do anything that we ourselves
are not doing."
President Little also discussed com-
mercialism in regard to athletics here.
The belief of many, he said, was to
the effect that tickets should be eith-
I er placed on sale at greatly reduced
rates or that it should be admitted
that the colleges are seeking to com-
mercialize on the popularity of the
games. The president commended the
Board in Control of Athletics on their
policy to keep all the elements of
amateur athletics present in college
football and yet to take all the com-
mercial advantages possible as a re-
sult of attendance at football and oth-
er contests.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22-Harry F.
Sinclair, William J. Burns and five
other principals in the oil trial jury
scandal ran afoul of the law anew
return next year, while Gilbert is now "W haenMntaaunuer-
serving his second year as a member " We have in Montana a unique or-
of the Student council, where he has ganization of our state educational
been eery active. institutions which is working with
Tha National Student Federation of remarkable success," Melvin A. Bran-
America held its convention last win- non of Helena, Montana, chancellor
ter in Ann Arbor. It is composed of of all state educational institutions of
representatives from a large number that state, declared yesterday in an
of universities and colleges and has interview. "All the institutions of
as its principal ends the promotion of IMontana are under one head," he con-
European travel and world fellowship. tinued, "with a single executive guid-
____-ing the policies of them all."
CFor hancellor Brannon was here yes-
T o Hold Smoker eFor terday visiting the University with the
Former Canal Chi purpose of gaining contacts with men
here who are outstanding in their
GE C Itoday with the filing of criminal con-
tempt proceedings against them in
IONlTANA SCHOOLS the District of Columbia Supreme
zation which the schools of Montana' A rule was issued requiring them
have, Chancellor Brannon told of the to appear before Associate Justice
Frederick L. Siddons on Dec. 5 to
constant competition which existedshow cause why they should not be
between the various institutions for punished for their part in the sur-
state appropriations before the sys- I veillance of the Fall-Sinclair Teapot
tem went into effect. "Each institu- Dome jury, which has been under in-
tion," he said, "maintained its own vestigation by the grand jury /)r
lobby at the State capitol during leg- weeks.
islative sessions, and the result was In praying for the order, District
a general discrediting of the educa- 'Attorney Peyton Gordon charged on
tional enterprises." Battles for legis- behalf of the United States of Amer-
lative favor for one institution or an- ica that the purpose of bringing the
other were frequent, with the result i Burns detectives to Washington was
that there was very little concrete "to spy upon, to bribe, intimidate, and
University bunilings pictures o'res- works dealing with practical religion According to Fielding H. Yost, di-
dent Little's office, Secretary Shirley and these have brought him great re- rector of intercollegiate athletics, the
Sit fiadsherpromince.thner-known throughout the country. They second speakeron the program,d the
ity ocals av eicued. Therlate all partake of the liberal views of re- hUniversity's athletic plant would be
is also a brief picture of the late ligion and the problems of theology the finest in the world by next June
tPresin Marion Leo Burltonfanm and he is known as one of the most t and he asked the appreciation of the
it is possible that the completed film liberal pastors in the country. His !students for what is being done for
will have scenes showing President subject for this talk has not yet been them by the state authorities.
Pictures of the fall games between announced. Coach Elton E. ieman followed
the freshmen and sophomore classes Yost on the rogram, declaring that
at Ferry field turned out exceptionally LITTLE LEAVES FOR EAST any coach would rather coach at
well as well as pictures of the pep I Michigan than at any other university
meeting before the Ohio State game. President Clarence Cook Little left in the country not only on account of
No definite date has been set, as last night for Brookline, Mass., where the general standing of the school in
yet, for the final completion of the he will spend Thanksgiving day with athletics, but also because of the sup-
picture, and it has not as yet been his sister, Miss L. R. Little of that bt that is given by the student body
decided whether there will be a public city. President Little will also see in general, and the spirit of all the
showing of the film locally or not. his two sons. teams themselves. He complimented
all the members of the squad on the
LEGAL KNOWLEDGE WILL PROVE ITS excellent spirit which they showed all
USEFULNESS TO NEW GRID LEADER during the year and brought out
special instances of the type of spirit
By H. E. V. in Laverne Taylor, end who was in-
Certain it is-the 21 letter winners During the 1926 season Rich found jured Jin the Wisconsin game and
on this year's football team made no himself under the handicap of having others.sHe commended Bennie Ooster-
mistake in their choice of George E. too much expected of him but he baan as a fine player, a- fine leader,
Risth, '3Ln ahsr capin of Gtre 18 nevertheless, acquitted himself well and a fine man.
Rich, '30L, as captain of the 1928 earning a letter and the respect of his After thunderous applause, Ooster-
eleven! In view of the ever growing team. baan, the retiring captain, introduced
complexity of rules for football, every Rich has nevei been brilliant or j George Rich as the captain-elect. Fol-
team should be captained by a lawyer scintillating in astounding t'he foot- i lowing this, Charles T. Rich, father
or at least by someone who expects to ball world, but he has always been a of the captain-elect, gave a short talk
be one someday. steady player, one who can be depend- on Michigan characteristics.
But aside from his qualifications as ed on and who is a real power on the . Norton, the football manager for
an interpreter of all that is legalistic defense. next year, announced as his assist-
about the game, Rich has a record This year Rich has played every ants for next year, Edward J. Bell-
which stamps him as being well fitted game and his defensive work has been aire, '30A, Fred Widman, '30, Harry
to take over the honor, responsibility,'' a feature in almost every one of these Wallace, '30, and Richard B. Foga -
and duties of leading a Wolverine I tilts, but it remained for Minnesota ty, '30, with Paul F. Steketee, '30, as
grid team. to find out that his tackles really alternate.
Rich hails from Lakewood, a city meant "stop!" He made nearly half I Harry Bullion, sports editor of the
more or less imbedded in or adjacent of his team's tackles in the first half 'Detroit Free Press who had been an-
to that Ohio metropolis of Cleveland. of that game. nounced as a speaker on the program
He spent his prep school days at But the real feature of Rich's work was unable to be present.
Lakewood High school, one of the this year was on offense! Stagg field
largest in the metropolitan area of saw the birth of a new Rich, a realIBro sseau Committee
Cleveland and while there earned the plunging fullback! He continued by
name of being one of the best backs tearing through the line against Navy CR
in the state, and was named on sev- and pierced the Gopher wall the fewConsiders