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November 22, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-22

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TUESDAY, 'N0VMlhP(h',1.127,

.. .


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Inn Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant' Post-
tipster General.
Suscrition by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phnes:tEditorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor........................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly. Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor ................ Philip C. Brooks
City Editor..............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor------------.Herbert E. Veder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor ............. Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor...R.ichard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaun
Esther Anderson Jack L. Lait, Jr.
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy
biratton Iuck Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie Church Harold L. Passman
William B. Davis Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg
Margaret Gross David Scheyer
Valborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner
Marjorie Follmer Robert G. Silbar
James B. Freeman Howard F. Simon
Robert J. Gessner George E. Simons
Elaine E. Gruber Rowena Stillman
Alice Hagelsaw Sylvia Stone
Joseph E. Howell George Tilley
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer
Donald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke
Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising.............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising..............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising................Edward L. Hulse
Advertising............ Johny W.Ruswinckel
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Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication..................Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock Hal A. Jaehn
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Marie Brumler Marion Kerr
J ames 0. Brton Dorothy Lyons
ames B. Coper Thales N. Leningtoa
Charles K. (orrell Catherine McKinven
Barbara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy
Helen Dancer Francis Patrick
Mary Dively George M. Perrett
Bessie U. gelanji Alex K. Scherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben Fishman Bernice Schook
Katherine Frochne Mary Slate
Douglass Fuller George S pater
Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg Herbert E. Varnum
E. J. Hammer Lawrence Walkley
Carl W. Hammer Hannah Waller
Ray Hoelich
Now that the last game is over, and
the smoke of another football season
has cleared away, it is possible to look
with something of a critical rational-
ism at the accomplishments of the
year, and the course of college foot-
ball. It has been a year marked by
tremendous strides at Michigan, for
it has witnessed the completion of the
gigantic new stadium. It has been a
year of accomplishment in another
way, also, with the complete sell-out
of all seats to that stadium for three
successive home games.
All in all, however, the year has
proceeded like other football seasons,
with the tremendous momentum of the
game carrying it on at such a dizzying
pace that anything like a thoughtful
appraisal of what it all means or

where the whole thing leads to was
impossible. Now at the end of the
season, it is only fair to apply to the
game of football the same cold reason-
ing which we apply to the other phas-.
es of the American educational system.
The stigma of commercialism, lus-
tily cried from the hopsetops of col-
legiate criticism a few years ago, has
gone the way, apparently, of many
ephemeral faults levied against the.
system. More intrinsic errors still re-
main, however, and even the issue of
commercialism has been resolved into
more definite and tangible form. Many
of these errors become more serious
with the passing of each successive
year, and some of them, certainly,
could well be straightened out before
another season rolls around.
Chief of all the problems confront-
ing the collegiate athletic directors
at the present time is the problem
of providing athletic opportunities for
a larger number of students. Athletics
for all, as a topic of conversation, has
been in the public eye for years, but
athletics for all, as an. actual policy,
has yet to be tried.:.Certain univer-
sities, such as Michigan, to be sure,
are taking care of the problem as best
they can by investing the earnings
from football in providing athletic fa-
cilities for the student body.
In fact, the construction of the in-
tramural sports building on Ferry field
and that of the women's field house on

field of college athletics, and much
remains to be accomplished. The uni-
versities of the country generally, and
Michigan among them, stand only at
the threshold of an era of real devel-
opment, and it is a development in
which Michigan, as befits her reputa-
tion, should take the lead.I
Ann Arbor, through the foresight
of the Oratorical association, is host
today to one of the greatest figures
in the history of aviation-Commander
Richard E. Byrd, first man to fly over
the North Pole and conqueor of the
Atlantic, who is at the present time
making preparations for a South Pole
expedition which presages to be one
of the greatest undertakings ever at-
tempted on land, sea or air. Ann Ar-
bor is more than glad to welcome back
the man who, when he spoke in Hill1
auditorium last year, won over his
audience with his quiet and unassum-
ing story of his North Pole flight.
Coming at a time when tremendous
interest is being manifested in avia-
tion, Commander Byrd's address here
tonight has long been looked forward
to with anticipatory interest. Un-
daunted by his narrow escape when
his heavily loaded plane, the "Amer-
ica," was forced to land in the sea at
Ver-Sur-Mer last May, (this decision
on the part of Commander Byrd since
said to have resulted in saving the
lives of himself and his three com-
panions), Commander Byrd has al-
ready begun preparations in earnest
for his next epochal flight. It is
hoped that this, too, successful, the
man who has given nearly his whole
life to the cause of aviation will see
fit to return again soon to Ann Arbor
where he will always be welcome.
Michiganensian officials, aware of
the fact that they have a vital and
permanent product to offer Michigan
students, and particularly seniors,
have launched a campaign this week
that should bring the subscription list
within reach of the mark of which
the book is worthy.
It is generally conceded and em-
phatically backed by past alumni, that
to possess a Michiganensian in the
future means as much as to have ac-
cess to other student publications has
meant in the past. Its permanence
alone, regardless of its past record
of high quality, should insure a vastly
greater number of subscriptions when
the present drive terminates.
Since Mexico first discovered about
a decade ago that certain American
oil interests were exploiting her na-
tural resources the question of Amer-
ican oil rights and their disposal has
been one of the poignant issues with
every Mexican govenment. Pres-
idents have risen to power and fallen
on the issue of American concessions;
American ambassadors have haggled
and threatened and pleaded and the
Washington government has gone
through all kinds of diplomatic con-
tortions and still the omnipresent oil
concession looms in the limelight of
Mexican relations.
Now, however, with the recent de-
cision of the Mexican Supreme court
in drilling permit cases, which opens
a way to expedite the return to Ameri-
can drilling operations in that country,
the whole affair seems closer to a so-
lution than it has been for several
years past. The retroactive provision
of the Mexican law, which affected
American oil properties purchased be-
fore 1917, will probably be abandoned,

if negotiations now under way are
successful; and the way to a solution
is thereby clarified.
Probably very few of the American
interests will object to Mexico's pro-
tecting her own natural resources in
the future. Even a Mexican, however,
might see the injustice in depriving
Americans of the property that they
had already purchased and operated--
in good faith for many years in sev-
eral cases.
Exploitation of the resources of one
nation by the citizens of another is,
of course, unjust. Development of re-
sources of a new nation, however, by
capital imported from abroad is often
beneficial to both parties, and in event
of increasing reasonableness of the
Mexican government, the future de-
velopment of Mexico's resources may
promise to be rapid and successful.
The recent poll of 2.000 editors and
political leaders throughout the coun-I
try on the presidential prospects of!
1928, carried on by George Lockhart,
former secretary of the RepublicanI
National committee, reveals several
very interesting things; and above all
it reveals that the dark horses in the1
1928 campaign will have far less
chance than was originally accorded+
In the poll in both parties the lead-}
ing candidate stood very definitely
ahead of the rest of the field. In theI
Republican party the leadership was+

Jack the Vagabond reminds us,'





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As from class to class he walks, THE FLONZALEY QUARTET
If we don't know where we're go_ A rexiew, by Harold May.
wein'An attempt to find a qualifying
adjective, or phrase, that will ade-
We may hear some rotten talks. I
quately express all the various subtle
excellences that were displayed by the
Have you ever apologetically stole Flonzaley Quartet, in their concert
into the Natural Science auditorium last night, is sure to result in failure;
in the afternoon to hear the words of words are too loose, too general in
some visiting highbrow? have you i their meaning to indicate accurately
ever let conscience burn while you j the fine unanimity, the sureness of
cut a dull class to hear your room- emphasis, and delicacy of feeling with
mate's prof in the Medic school give a which the members of the quartet
lecture? If you've ever even wanted played their things. Individually the
to do such things now is the time to players cannot be considered as being
assert yourself. You're in search of in the. very first rank, but together,
higher education, and you're a Vaga- by skillfully supplementing and quali-
bond. fying each other, they form a wonder-
f,:1u r and deliohtful whole. It was a

Excellent machines of all makes for rent.
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* * * i. . 1C It lt1 I W1 : , v b7 ". " """" ® '°""" ."" "
Even if the idea did come from question, in the reviewer's mind, be-
Harvard, remember they beat Indiana I fore the concert started, whether or
so it's not such a bad place, in spite not the ensemble could produce
of everything that's said against it. enough volume to make a real impres-
Besides maybe they just got the idea sion in such a large auditorium; there Lame house nea
from somewhere else. Don't drop it is something impressively theatrical
on that account. about a lone person, such as Rosa rooms, beautiful porc
* * Raisa, facing an audience and making large fireplace, library
All the instructors fall for it. If it respond to the sound of her voice,
the alarm fails to go off in time, if but four men sitting on a stage look- 0,ak trees. Five-mini
you meet your hest girl -whileoi the ing at each other-one has a right to
way to your class, if you cut the mid- be dubious; however much one might
semester bluebook-you're Vagabond- have gained in catching the last
ing.. It's the ideal excuse. evanescent shades of a pianissimo was
* e * not missed in the general tumult of
o SPECIAL NOTICE The program was selected, so it
TAll Who Are Interested iiseems, to bring out all of the possi-
bilitiesthat a string quartet is capable
THE FOOTBALL BANQUET IS of. First on the program was a Quar-
COMING tet in D minor (Mozart) which is of
H O N Hthe days before music became psy-
chological or even lyric. It is of the
days when the deft handling of a
* * * theme was considered the artist's Br
business, and of the sort of music
ROLLS CAMPUS OPINION which, unless it is informed by genius,
'is sure to be uninteresting; this quar-
tet had the spontaneous and lovely
MINNESOTA SPILLS THE BEANS melodic quality that is most charac- -
To the Editor- teristic of Mozart. The andante of ite
Last Saturday 87,000 people watched was a perfect pattern of delicate and Detroit Theaters
Minnesota defeat Michigan in a clean beautiful sounds. The "Italian Sere- ............................................
hard-fought game. At the same time nade" was .an episodic piece in the
they witnessed a scene that was and modern manner, and Dohnanyi's quar-
is a disgrace to Minnesota. 'tet in D Flat was a piece of lyricism I Woodward, at Eliot
seeking to be Byronic. PLAYHOUSE
The bands had paraded between the * * * Second Week - Beginning
halves, and at last were drawn up in PHI MU ALPHA 3Montday, Nov. 21
fron: o th Mihign sand. Ten.NIGHTS: 75t, 4 150. Mats.Tes
f-ont of the Michigan stands. Then. The Epsilon chapter of Phi Mu Al- Thur. and Sat., soc, 75c
as they swung into the stirring notes lha is presenting a formal musical THE ACE OF TIIIRILLERS
of the Yellow and Blue, the Minnesota this evening in Lane hall, to honor The Mystery Ship
cheerleaders made a display of ig- Dr. and Mrs. Albert A. Stanley, who
norance and boorishness hard to un- have recently returned to Ann Arbor ------------_--_
derstand. after some years abroad. A reception
will be held immediately after the en- CASS DETROIT
Right out onto the field, they shooed tertainment at the chapter house. THEATRE NOW PLAYING
a large goose, decked in the colors of Dr. Stanley has in former years Nights........... $1.00 to $3.50
Minnesota. And while the 87,000 were been actively connected with the Uni- Thanksgiving
- and Sat. Malt. ..-$1.00 to $2.50
standing with heads bared in tribute versity School of Music in various GENE BUCK presents
to Michigan, the goose wandered about capacities and isgat present a member LEON ERROL
the field, flapping its wings and honk- of the Board of Directors.
ing loudly in defiance-a direct insult * * * In the Musical Comedy Success
from Minnesota to Michigan. I THE THETER GUILD REPERTORY "YOURS TRULY" ,
Beafl~l (irS ii Auidanee!
On Thursday afternoon and evening Beaiul twirls Tiller Girls!
Out of respect to their opponents, of this week the Theater Guild Reper- leMOROUS! MElODIOUS!
Minnesota should never have been I tory company will present the second BEAUTIFUL!
guilty of such a breach of etiquette, and third plays of their series in the I
especially since they won the game. Whitney theater. A. A. Milne's "Mr.
0. J. Harpin, ex-cited. Pim Passes By' and Ferenc Molnar's
* * * "The Guard.sman"two of the Guild's
comedy successes of last year will j MICHIGAN PINS
AMONG THE BONDHOLDERS I occupy the boards at that time.
It was a big mistake," declared Mr. Milne, of London and there- FOUNTAIN PENS
( the Bloated Bondholder. "They abouts, in "Mr. Pim" seizes upon the
should have erected this stadium gentlest form of humor, and builds ALARM CLOCKS
in Detroit, and then we wouldn't three acts - of thistle-weight comedy
have to drive through so much and satire. Mr. Carraway Pim, carry-
traffic." ;ing an umbrella that won't stay shut,H
Timothy Hay. patters his way into a perfectly proper
English household, and by merely
mentioning the fact that he once STATE ST. JEWELRS
SPECTATOR DEMANDS ELIMINA.i knew a man named Tolworthy or
TION OF STUDENT CHEERING something of the sort in Australia, he
SECTION ! nearly causes a domestic cataclysm
Complete abolition of the student (Ithat develops into re lou dn

A Real Dance Orchestra
Open for Engagement



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cheering section was demanded by
Emmanuel Sweezey, A. B. (Absolutely
Bifficated) speaking before a large
crowd of spectators seated near the
50 yard line at the game last Saturday.
* * *
"The uniforms hurt my eyes," de-
clared Sweezey, who is a big kleagle
from South Bend. "My brother Moe
from Detroit was given this ticket by
someone that doesn't have to pay for
them either at Ann Arbor, and they
promised he wouldn't be bothered at
all by the students.
Sweezey's remarks were endorsed
by Oscar Whiffle, '07, ex-president of
the Grand Rapids Alumni association.
Alumnus Whiffle was located directly
upon the 45 yard line. "Irrespective
of the fact that we lost the game be-
cause Weiman is a rotten coach," de-
clared Whiffle, "if the students must
have seats in the stadium, they all
ought to be in the end-stands, clear
out of our way."
"What they really ought to do is
send all the students to Hill auditori-
um to watch the alumni grid-graph,"
continued Whi iffle. "Then they could


L111Uuuull7 ilmcre u s anU
whimsical comedy.
"The Guardsman"-also comedy, but
more sophisticated and with the Mol-
nar touch-carries out the same type
of humor which was so well received
in "The Swan." Some six months
after the wedding of a very famous
actress and actor, the household is
filled with taut and jealous emotion.
The actress, at the piano with Chopin,
is coaxing herself into the mood for
another love affair, and her actor-
husband is tortured by jealousy. Con-
vinced from knowledge of his wife's
past amours that the time is ripe for
a soldier lover, he avails himself of
his art to pose-as a Russian Imperial
Guardsman. This situation gives rise
to a highly intelligent comedy, and
provides an interplay of feelings andr
emotions that adds considerably to its
importance, as well as to its comedy
* * *5
AT. Balieff's "Chauve-Souris" has be-
gun its New York run at the Cosmo-
politan on Columbus Circle, and now
the local restaurateurs serve coffee to
these delightful Russian vagabonds,
as well as to the 'hoi polli' of taxi

What can I earn 1.11 the


!vvery pint or quart
of rich An Arbor
Dairy Pasteurized
Mik is a of le
of pur, a'
building food!
Drink more of it
for your !mal'~s

{ F

bond business?
F OR young men about to griaiuat, tt 'n to"-shout the
bond business as a career, that is a natural cue-tion. T O
answer it, Yankee-fashion,"'iHow hard 1and hw .ote'gely
are you willing to work? WA~ould you be villi!n to put in a
year or two with just fair earnings for tho probability of a
much better income after you are v6ll stared ?"
The financial possibilities of a college roan in the bond
business are limited only by his own capacities. One who has
been a good student and a good "mixer' is college, if he
applies himself, will find success more quickly than he wvould
in many other occupations. As a rule, he reaches a satisfac-
tory earning power earlier in life than does the average man
in one of the professions. And his earnings increase as he
gains experience and standing in the business.
Besides the subject of earnings there are other questions
you should settle in determining your interest in and your
fitness for the bond business. To help you in your decision
we have printed a pamphlet, "The Bond Business as an
Occupation for College Men." If you would like a copy,
Zsk for pamphlet MD-Y






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