--4-- THE MICHIGAN DAILY TWO TUESI)AY, NOVEMBER 22, 1927. ~EMLEY GIVES TALK~ ON ENGLISHSCHOOLS Explalns 1)ual Educational S~f tein D~ue tQ Church And State UPPER CLASSES DISTINCT "There is no unitary system of edu- cation in England," stated Prof. Rob- ert M. Wenley, head of th~ philosophy department, in an address before t.he regular staff of the School of Eda- cation at a luncheon yesterday. "After the Revolution of 1688 the nation was divided. As a result the Dissenters were educated in sectar- Ian seminaries while the main sehoo1s became the resort of the members of the Church of England." "All things considered, the ni~embers of the upper and professional class- es were well educated while the na - tion as a whole had little education. In 1870 the public system of edur a- tion supported by the rates was or- ganized in England. This led gradual- ly to a demand for secondary edneii- tion so that there is today an excel- lent group of tax supported schools "These two systems operate alone side each other in contemporary Eng- land." "Great social chan~es. due to tin new system of education, and ciher causes are in progress. What the eventual consequence will be no one (~l1 pi'cdiet but it is c'~rtain that the general influence of the riew syatem is tending in the direction of break- ing down the traditional division be- tween social classes." Accor(bng to l'rofe~eor Wenley there are more students in Vie ton don County school than there is in the entire public school system. The English law makes cdii cal ion compul - ~ory on Lii the 14 ib ear. Nil studenf~ Sti eli(liug In' secondary school sys- tem have an equal chance in t~ie universities' cont'm4itive examinations a ad inn ny I wee S Ii dcv' 1 Ii 50 M ed I he mea~i-; or ~ cesipl educatioti. On ilie o~h~ ~' winO ~ pub'L ~chools ~i iii iii 1W tin' blidren of the lauded proprh) ors the clergy, the successful professional man, and a feW from the merchant class. PLANS POLAR TRIP BY TRACTOR THIEVES REPORTED BUSY operation with the gang of thieves that have been operating here during DURING GAME SATURDAY the football games. inieves apparenriy were more tuan busy Saturday during the game as an- toniobiles, clot hiiig, Jewel rv, and other CALIFORNIA--College st udenl s are noted for their unique ways of earn- 1 fl,.,IVT, Ifl ~ I ii~ .zi~o~ a 1) I U S K I: I h It / rricles valued at several thousand ~ "'~''~' ' "'''~''"''' ollais ha (1 iJeell iQl)0i'tO(l stolen at i'etary of he a I unnil em I)l0YiuOilt ha - ol ice headquhrters late yesterday. rean at the Va iverso y of ( 'al 10 ~ ~ Lists 01 the stolen goods totaled be- the latest one is caring for bahiv ~ I ween $?.,000 and $4,(JO0 in lost val- \VhiiO l)arents are a bseiit a lies, none o~ which has as yet been - - - - u'overed. Nine 1)03's, iriost of them OTT'Ai\VA-\Vhet lies speclije exam- rom I )el rolL, h~t ye i)ecn a i'rested on pIes of mankind have become so 3'( 1 harges of (I ~sorderiy COIi(liict and were man has been an jut dugout ci'eatiive ilied $12. 4~ ('a eli. Tb ey are all being for 450,O0t) years. 211(11 15 the opia ii in eld for inve'~I igat ion as it is suspected of Dr. K. 1\l. Amj, who is back from hat. they uiav have been acting in co- study of prehistoric relics in France. T'~P~rt - BETSY SPECIAL Thanksgiving Candies Tur1~c~ Gc~bb1crs-TurI~e~ Hcis Rows I Turkei~s All candy-filled-other special Thanksgiving Boxes. ROSS SHOP Nickels Arcade C Anthony I nil u. 4rci ic explorer, is planning to make anothet polar journey----tiiis time x'. it ii u. ( ii ( pib ii tractor. lie is convinced there is lan(l in the vicijuty 01 the Non Pul Above he is shown in New York sitting on the sie(l '~ li cli ( irried loin uO~) miles through the Arctic on his last E xpe- (IltiOll. lie is hold ing Il''' ~'no~,'~'hot S used on a former polar journey -~ F kON OTHER CAMPUSES MINNESOTA- More than ~8,500,00() universities, a new resolution was in new buildings and improvements passed by the student council provid- for the campus swings the University ing for the adoption of a system of yells that ~vil 1 give the same number of Minnesota into the greatest build- of salutes to the opposing teams an(l ing program of any year of its exist- coaches as the TIm ins i4eceuve. ence, W. T. Middlebrook, University comptroller, has announced. ______ ________ ____ Work has been carried on all sum- mer, and will be continue(l as long as ~xeatliOi co~1(hition5 permit," Mr. Mid- ____ ________ dlebrook said.I "Constmuctian of new buildings is proceeding at a rate PARTY PROGRAMS I which promises completion at tiuc ANNOUNCEMENTS time stated in the contracts." INVITATIONS STATIONERY DEPA UW----One million dollars has FOLDERS ~ratemu pies en improvenu.ents on I P~\C/XRDS la'en sp~nt by i)epau xv university and NEWSLETTERS ~~ampus buildings completed or under construction this year. The major portion of this sum is being use(i in V. a ~('r '1 Ty and dormitory construc- tions that will give new housing fa- ''' 'i~- ~o 400 students. flA LIFORNIA--In order to promote clean sportsmanship and produe a better snirit between the University of California at Los Angles and other BUSINESS CARDS CALLING CARDS ETC., ETC. ~Ui"hit ~hr~ti I ~ 2 15 S. Main St. (off Liberty) Phone 3231 j For Service and O~aTity, None Better J m s ATTRA HON WILL PLAY THRU WED. ONLY n Intimate of another of the old world's g~'eates~ love macted by the screen's most daring heroine reckless lover presenting dassics and her The Stars of "What Price Glory" Fame a Dolore VICTOR fTJ~H~flI! .. r ..44444 -. .4 .. .4 .4.4........ 4 ... /~ Y ~ ........................................................4.4. . '4. - // .~*~:' , 444.4 .4* 4.~ : : ~ 44444~ ~ ~.4.%w.'..>. a 4/ 4.4 .:.w.%......*..4. / , '. '~ ...~..............4444~47 ~4.. .44.4 4.4 ~ WA. ;;~iI.I.I .4 .4.. .4 444~ws~ 4...... .4 4. -~ * w~j ~1 A I. See Our Hero Gridiron stars who have played their last game for Michigan. POLiCY - 2:00 8:35 85c 56c lOc 7:09 8:40 SOc 25c ALSO MICHIGAN- MINNESOTA FOOTBALL4 PICTURES A iNovelly Ncws, Locals, Art and Beaufy ~jIa.ige* -- watch ,,,, ~,, .4' gp'q/55 are chanqin I effeffteld! / / ~~.~'wgggg ~4,44 4 / / F2.... 44 ~4 44 4 ~44444 I-' 4~~4%444~4444 .44.44444.444 f ,/~:%.:................./ I3ETTE TASTE! \44 / 444.~ 44.4. 444444444 44444444% 4 / 44~~4%444.4~.. /4 I I