ESTABLISHED 1890 4 .er ll'o ,7471 at I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXVIII, No. 55. / ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1927. EIGHT PAGES BYRD MILL DESCRIBE "ATLANTIC AND OTHER FLIGHTS"1IN LECTURE COMMANDER HAS CONQUERED ATLANTIC SINCE LAST APPEARANCE HERE MOVIES ACCOMPANY TALK I Speaker Will Make Some Forecasts Of Proposed South Pole Flights Of Coming Year Having risen to greater heights since his appearance here last year when he discussed his North Pole flight before an Ann Arbor audience in Hill auditorium, Commander Rich- ard E. Byrd, now conqueror of the At- lantic by air, will speak in Hill audi- torium at 8 o'clock tonight on the Oratorical lecture series program. Commander Byrd's subject will be "The Atlantic and Other Flights." Commander Byrd will illustrate his talk tonight with motion pictures of the air undertakings which have served to make him an international figure. In addition to relating his experiences on the Atlantic flight which attracted world wide attention last May, the speaker tonight will make some forecast as to the possi- bility of his South Pole expeditions which, according to advance predic- tions and preparations already under way for some length of time, will be one of the greatest undertakings ever attempted on sea, land or air. Presents Two Viewpoints With the tremendous interest now being manifested in regard to air navi- gation and aviation at the present time, Oratorical officials point out that Commander Byrd, who treats his subject from both the scientific and experimental viewpoint, is probably the most interesting and timely speak- er that could be secured at this time. A Virginian by birth, Commander Byrd has lived a life of great adven- ture. His life has been filled with exploits far beyond the usual lot of man. He first attracted the attention of the flying world when he had charge of the NC boats for the government in 1919. At that time he left the NC-1 at Newfoundland to fly the airship C-5 to England, but the ship was lost before It started. He later planned to navi- gate the ZR-2 back from England but the ship blew up leaving him the sole surviving officer. Later Commander Byrd was with MacMillan in the Arctic, following which he made his North Pole flight and gained for him- self the title of explorer-scientist. Has Earned Honors During the past two years Comman- der Byrd has been the recipient of a score of medals and decorations. When crossing the Atlantic last May, his plane, the "America," carried the heaviest load that any plane ever at- tempted to carry over that body of water. three accomplices being in- cluded in the memorable flight which came to an end when the "America" was forced to land upon the sea at Ver-Sur-Mer. It was the decision of Commander Byrd that saved the lives of himself and his three companions. Persons holding tickets for to- night's lecture are requested by Rob- ert S. Miller, '28, president of the Ora- torical association, to be in their seats by 8 o'clock as the program will start promptly at that hour. Tickets will be on sale at the box office. START OPEN SALE r-4 11D^4 rT KE7TS FAMOUS AVIATOR S TO DEPICT TRIPSNEAT YEA'S CAPTAIN I TO BE NAMED TONIGHT AT FOOTBALL BANQUET TIME IS SET AHEAD SO THAT THOSE PRESENT MAY HEAR BYRI'S. LECTURE LITTLE, YOST TO SPEAK Sale Of Tickets For Affair To End At Noon Today; Fraternities To Have Own Tables ANNUAL 'ENSIAN DRIVE MriesrTo Reanin nNcaragani INAUGURATED TUESDAY Guard IsOrganized NATIONAL GUARDS I N CONTROL TO CLOSE TOMORROW! Commander Richard E. Byrd North Pole flyer and conqueror of the Atlantic, who will be in Ann Ar- bor today, appearing on the Oratori- cal lecture series grogram in Hill auditorium at 8 o'clock tonight. FIFTH RADIO PROGRAM TO INCLUDESOLOISTS Professor Gould Is Unable To Appear On Friday's Program; Will Speak At Later Date REED WILL GIVE ADDRESS Four professors of the University and two soloists will be included on the fifth Michigan Night radio pro- gram to be broadcast Friday night from WWJ, the Detroit News, ackord- ing to an announcement m'ade yes- terday by Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric department, who is program manager and announcer. Prof. Thomas A. Reed, of the polit' ical science department, will speak in place of Prof. Lawrence Gould; who returned recently with the Putnam expedition, as Professor Gould, who was previously scheduled to speak, has been called to New York City to talk on the samne evening. Professor Gould will speak on a subsequent; re ~gram. Prof. Lawrence C. Karpinski, of the mathematics department, who spent the past year in Europe collecting old maps relating to North America, willj tell the radio audience of the changes in topography shown in these maps. Dr. R. Bishop Canfield, professor ofj Otolaryngology, and nose, ear, and throat specialist in the University wj i speak on the subject, "Why Be Deaf?" This will be the second of a series of talks by Dr. Canfield, the first one having been delivered in the 1926- 27 radio series on the subject of "Common Diseases of the Ear." Prof. George E. Myers, of the school of education, will be the fourth speak- er on Friday night's program, speak- ing on the subject that is attracting so n'uch attention in educational cir- cles today-Vocational Guidance. The soloist of the evening will be Dr. Robert Dieterlie, who is now pathologist in the State Psychopf-hic Hospital in Ann Arbor. Dr. Dieterlie, who was one of the most popular so- loists during his college days, sang on Michigan radio night programs Not only the captain of the fooball! team for next year will be ann i ed at the football banquet to be heltd at the Union tonight, but the mana- ger of the tean- for next year will also be named, it was announced yes- terday by officials in charge. The re- tiring captain, Bennie Oosterbaan, and the captain-elect will both give short talks on the program. ' T he time fortthe banquet to start has been advanced to 6:15 o'clock in ! order to accommodate those who wish to attend the talk to be given b t Commander Richard E. Byrd ci the Oratorical association series which will begin at 8 o'clock. Fraternities Have Tables It is expected that 15 fraternitiesj will have special tables for the ban- quet, judging from orders for tickets which have come in, Milton J. Mc- Creery, '29, chairman of the banquet, announced. These will be in addi- tion to the speakers table of eight and the block 'M' arrangement of ta- i bles for the football squad. More than 80 -members of the squads and coach- ing staffs have been invited to attend the banquet. Tickets will remain on sale until noon today at which time the sale will end. 'The speakers on the program will be President Clarence Cook Little, Fielding H. Yost, Coach Elton E. Wie- man, and Harry Bullion, sports edi tor of the Detroit Free Press. Thej toastmaster at the banquet will be Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, of the history department. Orchestra To Entertain Sid Bryant and his Union orchestra1 will offer musical entertainment dur- ing the dinner:'Letters have been sent to all fraternities announcing the banquet and invitations have been sent to many of the prominent busi- ness men of Ann Arbor inviting their to attend. The banquet this year is a contin- uation of the custom started some 1 time ago but interrupted last year. It is hoped that by taking up' the custom again this year it willebe con- tinued in the future as a celebration of the ability of the teams for each year. The continuation of the ci f tomj however, will depend very much on the success of the banquet. ANNUAL TO CONT'AIN FEATURE OF TARIOUIS BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS CAMPAIGN 'PRICE IS $3.50 Athleic Section To Have Special Ac- Vlon Pictures Of Football Games Secured By Special Staff Members of the business staff of the Michiganensian, official annual of the University, started their annual drive for subscriptions for the year-1 book yesterday when six booths were opened on the campus for the general sale conducted each fall. The price of the book is now $3.5), but will be increased to $4.00 on Dec. 15. The campaign inaugurated yesterday Iwill be continued until 12 o'clock to- day and tomorrow according to Tom L. Yates, sales and circulation mana- I ger. The booths are located in the Slobby of Angell hall, the corridor of University hall, on the diagonal near State street, in front of the Library, and at the Engineering arch, and in front of the Union. Building Features Preliminary to the regular feature section of the 'Ensian, which will pre- sent the cross section of college life as represented in various campus ac- tivities and incidents, the annual will contain features of the various build- ings on the campus.In the former connection, the book will show photos of the Opera, football gamnes, dramatic presentations, as well as activities of the alumni and the faculty. As in preceding years, the following tsections of the 'Ensian will contain the senior pictures which will be. ac- companied by the compilation of th} activities of each graduating student, and the pictures of the four officers of each of the lower classes. The athletic division of the boo~k besides the comprehensive reviews of each sport with stories and pictures will be featured this year by special action pictures of football gam-es which have been secured by the edi- torial staff of the 'Ensian. The ac- tivities of the Varsity teams in the, Smajorsports will head this' section with the various minor activities of Michigan athletic teams represented in the following pages.1 Will IDcpiet Activities In the following three sections, the editorial staff of the 'Ensian plan to arrange stories and pictures showing the activities of campus publications; the efforts of students in the fields of music, oratory, and drama; and the academic clubs existing in the dif- ferent schoo1 ld colleges for ex- (By Associated .Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 21-Reorgani- zation of the Nicaraguan national guard under command of American officers was provided for in the agree- ment, negotiated by Henry L. Stim- son as President Coolidge's personal representative which teri-nated the civil war in that country. Pending reorganization of the na- tional guard under American com- mand, the force of Marines in Nica- ragua was augmented to insure an adequate police force. Presumably the reorganization of the national guard or the constabu- lary on the basis outlined in the agreement has reached a point where it can begin to take over the duty of policing the country until the elec- tion is held next year and the prob- lem of maintaining order can be sur- rendered to the president elected at that time. There is no indication, howeverj that the force of American marine! in Nicaragua will be substantially re- duced for son-e time and it is vir- tually certain that a considerable number of Marines will be retained there to back up the national guard until after the election. LUBOSHUTZI HOFMANNI Violinist And Pianist To Appear On Third of Choral Union Program HAVE WON CRITICS' PRAISE f ,! For the second time this week an; outstanding musical attraction willl come to Ann Arbor with the appear- ance tomorrow night of Josef Hof- mann, famous pianist, and Lea Lub-I oshutz, Russian violinist in a join re-; cital in Hill auditorium. This concert1 follows the appearance last night of the Flonzaley string quartet in a pro- gram of chamber music under the auspices of the University School of Music. The concert tomorrow night will constitute the third of the regular series sponsored by the University Choral Union. Hofmann, now well-known through- out the world as a master of the! pianoforte, first came to light as al childprodigy, appearing in Warsaw at the age of five. Afterwards he; played all through Europe and Amer- ica. He retired temporarily and made! a new debut in Berlin in 1894. Miss Luboshutz was born in Odessa, where she studied under her father, I Ijr PRO i I ~ last year, and according to Mr. Abbot, was always favorably received. Otto After a week's sale restricted to J. Stahl, of the University School of sophomores only, the tickets for th Music, will be the accompanist annual Sophomore prom which is to The musical side of the programf be held Dec. 9 in the ball room of will be rounded out by instrumental the Union now on public sale in the solos by Stewart E. Churchill, a spe- main corridors of the Engineering cial stu(lent in the University, who luilding and Angell hall and in the will play the marimbaphone. lobby of the Union.- Complete arrangements have been SENA TE ACCEPTS made for the event, according to the T statement of George Holbrodk, '30E, TWO MEMORIALS general chairman of the affair. An added feature of the evening Reading and adopting of two me- will be the filming of the dance for morials to members of the faculty, de- a news reel. Favors have been se-j ceased during the past school year, lected and ordered and will be dis- constituted the bulk of the business tributed before the time of the prom. transacted yesterday afternoon at the #first regular meeting of the University Senate held in room C of the Law 01110 STATE ABOLISHES bidn. ® i T-T- building. ELECTION OF CAPTAINS The memorial to the late Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of the Latin de- (By Associated Press) partment, director of the Near East COLUMBUS, Nov. 21.-On the theory research division, who died last year that campus politics has interfered in London, was read by Prof. John G.s with proper functioning of Ohio State Winter, of the Latin department, while athletic teams, the university athletic that to Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, of the board has abolished the traditional Graduate school, one time acting election of captains in all sports. president of the University, was read Action of the board was taken No- by Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the AS OPEN HOSTILITIES BEGIN IN COLORADO MINE STRIKE BATTLE FOUR ARE KILLED, TWENTY WOUNDED BY POLICE GUNFIRE; STRIKERS PROTEST INNOCENSE (f|y .!ssociated Press.) DE NVl'R, Nov. 21.-National guardsmen were in control tonight of northern Colorado's strike-ridden coal fields where four strikers were killed and 20 woundel in the first open hostilities since the strike was called five weeks ago by Industrial 'Workers of the World. Gunfire from the barrels of weapons held by 20 officers blazed into the ranks of 500 onrushing picketers who -stormed the Columbine mine, in Weld county, the only coal mine still operating in the northern fields. Of the wounded brought down by the NAhail of bullets, four were not expected to recover. Soon after the smoke had cleared A 11111 I'HT- nII y away, five companies of infantry, two tracurricular work. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Another new feature of the yeah REFUTES PAPER'S CLAI book will be the fact that the canmpus REFUTE PAPE'S CL I views will be pictured in colors.j OF PACIFISTIC LEANINGS 1 These have heretofore been plain ,,1 black and white drawings and photo- Charges of "pacifism" recently graphs. As in former annuals, space made against the University of Wis- will also be devoted to various cam-, cousin were answered last night at a 1pussocieties and to the general and mass meeting held in Madison. The professional fraternities. meeting was primarily a result of at- IUnder the general heading of the tacks made by the Chicago Tribune "Women's" section, the 1928'Ensin n against the Badger school. wil i contain a division devoted t n The Athena literary society had sororities, social clubs, and league charge of the meeting, and a resolu- houses. In the remaining two d e- tion was drafted clearly showing that partments, the various campus activi- Wisconsin holds a favorable attitude ties and athleic sports in which wom- tow ard the R.O .T.C.e s an i pa w ll re resented - The important speakers were Gov. U en sarticipate will be represented Fred R. Zimmerman, Prof. J. F. Pyre, humorous review of the college year and the Rev. George E. Hunt, of the ilmle presented as the last item in Christ Presbyterian church. the yearbook. This section was in- In an'address last Friday before the augurated in the annual twoKyears Kiwanis club, Lieut. Col. Joseph F. ago, and will be continued this year Barnes, Wisconsin R.O.T.C. command- as apopular addition. ant, stated that the motive of the 1923 A legislature in making R.O.T.C. training ternityhaving 15 paid subscriptions optional was "unquestionably po bet- lefore Dec. 15 will receive a compli- ical," but it is not likely the university mentary copy with the name of the board of regents would favor complete fraternity engraved on the cover. abolition of the R.O.T.C. at Madison. *_ He asserted the regents have been I fair throughout in their dealings with GORDON CONSIDERS NEW I him. .IL TRIAL INQUIRY MOVE A time conflict in schedule prevents L students from taking both physical education and R.O.T.C. work, Barnes (By Associated Press) said, which is a situation unique at WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.-A new Wisconsin. The courses in military and surprising move in the Fall-Sin- training on a voluntary basis have clair oil trial jury inquiry is under difficulty in competing in student in- I consideratin by District Attorney Gor-{ terest with physical education courses, don. Its precise nature was not di- I he said, because requirements of the vulged today but it was known that it latter are less rigid and the gymna- would be independent of the grand sium classes seem to have a greater jury investigation and also of the in-I appeal for students. quiry being made by a committee ap- "The only solution in Wisconsin," I pointed by Justice Frederick L. Sid- he declared, "is for fathers to impress dons of the Supreme court of the Dis- upon their sons what they are losing trict of Columbia to determine by not enrolling in military training whether contempt of court has been work and for development of know- committed.- ledge regarding the mission of the The committee composed of James R.O.T.C. and the fullfilling of civic and E. Laskey and James S. Easty-Smith, federal responsibilities." began its work today. Laws involved rin the proceedings were gone over and i ln thn %21.000.000 was earned th Q nffiiiivits alley-inp Ed~ward .Kid- A review of last night's con- I cert will be found in the Theater,I Books, and Music column on page four. - afterwards going to the Moscow con- servatory. When 16 she toured Pol- and, France, and Germany with her teacher, coming later to America. She was heard in recital during last year's May Festival. Critics have proclaimed the joint I concerts of Luboshutz and Hofmann as having wide appeal to average music lovers as well as to select aud- iences. Among the numbers that have been announced as making up, the program are the Sonata in F major of Greig, and the Cesar Franck Sonata in A major. The concert will begin at S o'clock. A large audience last night heard the program offered by the Flonzaley string quartet, as the second number of the Extra concert series. The or- ganization was making its fifth appear- ance in Ann Arbor since its establish-; ment by E. J. de Coppet a quarter of 1 a century ago. Among the numbersI presented were Dohnany's Quartet in D flat, Hugo Wolf's Italian Serenade,I and works from Mozart.I EXPERT WILL GIVE TALK BEFORE ECONOMICS CLUB Dr. Delos Wilcox, '94, franchise and public utility expert, will speak be-. fore the University Economics club Nov. 28 on the subject of "Municipal Railways in San Francisco." The meeting is scheduled for 7:45 o'clock in room 304 of the Union. Dr. Wilcox, who was at one time advisor to the federal electric rail- ways commission, is the author of numerous works treating on public. utility questions, including "The American City," "The Government of Great American Cities," and "The Study of City Government." He is al- so a member of the Academy of Po- litical Science. Final Action On Resolution Against Ban To Be Taken At Meeting This Afternoon ' DESIRE FULL ATTENDANCE Final action will be taken on the protest against the auto ban when the Interfraternity council holds a special meeting at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in room 304 of the Union. The resolution was postponed from the last meeting held Nov. 7 since many members felt that it should be restated before being presented to the Board of Regents. A special commit- tee, appointed by Wayne Schroeder,. '28, president of the council, is in charge of framing the protest in its proper and final form. All houses are urged to send dele- gates to this session since, in addition I to the auto ban protest, other im- portant matters are to be discussed. It is suggested that, in accord with the resolution passed several weeks ago, each fraternity elect a regular dele-. gate to attend all meetings of the council. In this way quicker and more intelligent action may be secur- ed since all the members will be con- versant with the business before the council.I Two other questions will come be- fore the council at today's meeting. Two delegates must be elected to at- tend the meetings of the National In- terfraternity conference to be held in New York Nov. 25 and 26, where more than 200 men from 60 fraternities will meet to discuss problems of nation wide interest to fraternities. It is also probable that the deferred rushing problem will be again brought to the attention of the council. This is a question which has been rife for four or five years and it is the general hope that this year's Interfraternity council will be able to take some definite action. Old records referring to delayed rushing are being unearth- ed from the archives of the council in an effort to gain some working ma- terial. APPLICATIONS OUT FOR UNION OPERA Business of ticket applications for the 1927 Union Opera "The Same To You" is now under way, with several of the dates for applying already an- nounced. Applications for members of the cast, choruses, and all those con- nected with the opera were mailei last week, and applications for all participating life-members of the Un- ion were obtainable at the Union be- ginning yesterday. This group includes almost all of the men students of the University. It is requested by those in charge that all applications of this nature bef made as soon as possible to eliminate confusion. Distribution of the tickets follow- ing the applications will be male shortly. The general sale of tickets will begin Nov. 28 and will continue for three days, while the sale for J University women will be held at the box office in Hill auditorium Dec. 3. Applications for all out-of-town per- fornoances will be given out at a later1 date. Dalton D. Walper, '29, has been I named chairman of the costume com- mittee for the 1927 Union Opera, "The Same To You" by John E. Starrett, '28E, general chairman of the produc- tion, and Robert C. Teter, '28, chair- I man of the make-up committee. Oth- jer mnembers of the committees will be named at a later date. "Seventh Heaven," recent popular success, will be the next legitimate troops of calvary, two armored tanks and a medical detachment o fthe Col- orado national guard were on their way to the scene. Guardsmen took charge of the situation and were de- claredl by state officials. to have the same juisdiction as under marshal law. Riot Order Issued. Gov. W. H. Adams issued an exe- cutive order declaring a state of riot and insurrection existed in Weld and Boulder counties and he cloaked Ad. Gen. Paul T. Newlon with full power to proceed as he saw fit to command the situation. Reports from state representatives describing the skirmish at the Colum- bine, declared the strikers Wassed near the gates to the mine property at dawn and began an advance. Louis N. Sherf, chief of the state law en forcement department, in command of 20 state policemen, gave the order to disperse. The advance of the strikers contin- ued and hand-to-hand combat followed, officers using their guns for clubs while the strikers hurled rocks, sticks and knives. Overwhelmed by the larg- er force, Sherf called his men together and formed a line in front of the mine gates. The order to halt again was given and two warning shots were fired over the heads of the strikers. Warning Is Unheeded. Failing to heed the warning, the strikers swept toward the property, and Sherf sounded the order: 'Fire!" A hail of bullets felled the ranks of the pickets and the advance was stopped. Twenty of the wounded strikers were taken to the /hospital at Longman, a nearby town, and doctors said that at least four of them did not have a chance to live. Two were taken to a hospital at Boulder and others of the wounded were taken to their homes. All of the state officers received in- juries. Among those wounded among the ,strikers ranks was a woman dressed in the clothing of a man. Another woman was found wounded In the Longmont hospital. Sheriff Ben Robinson of Weld county and five deputies and a number of mine guards were stationed at the mine but took no part in the battle. Thomas Amnear, chairman of the state industrial commission; Col. Paul P. Newlon, Adjutant-general of the state;; and Sterling B. Lacey, state budget and efficiency commissioner, and personal representative of the governor, witnessed the fight. They hurried to Denver and reported the situation to the chief executive, who immediately authorized the calling out of the state troops. Adams 'a::tes Strikers. Governor Adams later issued a state- ment placing full blame for the kill- ing on the strikers themselves and de- claring that the state police were forced to shoot as a matter of self- protection. At Lafayette, Colorado, a committee representing the strikers blamed "a fool speed cop" for the shooting and said that not a single one of the strikers was armed. The strikers said they were going to the Columbine postoffice when the state police opened fire. Denver newspapers w e r e ordered destroyed by the committee, as they said the news that martial law had been ordered, would "incite riot." Batt Will Lecture At League Meeting Dennis E. Batt, prominent labor nan and president of the state coun- cil of the machinists' union will