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November 20, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-20

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... . ....... ..




3tlclhigain Eeleven FaiN To Stop Clever
As,%orI nik rf Pas And I






3rd 4th




Intram.ural 1)partien t schledules
List Of Contests For Week's
Card Of Competition


Line Smuashes
Captain Oosterbaan won the toss;
and elected to kick off while Minnesota
defended the south goal. The wind
was blowing mainly from the west.
Nydahl took the kickoff on his 10-
yard line and ran back to the 28-yard
line, being tackled by Rich. Baer
stopped Nydahl at a two-yard gain.
Joesting went off Michigan's left
tackle for four yards. Barnhart lost
two yards at Nyland's end. Barnhart
kicked to Miller who was down on
the Michigan's 7-yard line by Hay-
craft. Gilbert kicked on first down,
the ball rolling to Minnesota's 14-yard
Gabel broke through the Minnesota
line and downed Barnhart on Minne-!
sota's five-yard line. The crowd went
into a frenzy when Barnhart, kicking 1
from behind his own goal, sent theI
ball out of bounds on Minnesota's 252
yard line.
On a double pass, Jim Miller went1
off right tackle for two yards.
With the Minnesota secondary de-
fense sucked in, Bill Puckelwartzt

liii' /


similar l Ia y by Nydahl at the other;
side was frustrated by Baer for no
gain. Faking a double lass, Joesting
smashed through for six yards.
Minnesota's long punt rolled to Mich-
igan's 35-yard line. Joesting found a
hole for four yards, Rich and Baer
making the tackle.
Nydahl held even on the next play.
Joesting faked a play at Michigan's
right end, turning quickly to throw a
forward pass, but Gilbert intercepted
the nnaq s ivin miAfch aizn first down


.... ...4.. ulu p s >", g i g lV I i lgall 111: >l (4)Y
f( arold A ti, tllon her own 24-yard line. Rich went
I through center for three yards. A
Although not the onitstanding l)all necktie tackle stopped Miller without
carrier by any means, the Minnesota gain. After the ball was juggled by
quarterba:'k directed the most re~ Minnesota's safety man Pommerening
markable attack evidenced by a Goph- recovered the ball for Michigan on
er team since the days of Arnold Oss the Gophers' 30-yard line. Puckel-
who led the Northmen to their last wartz's pass to Gilbert was incom-
previous triumph over Michigan in plete, the latter being knocked down
1919. Almquist retained his Confer- by Almquist.
ence scoring lead in yesterday's tilt. Michigan took time out for Gilbert.
left tackle, Tanner making the tackle. A wide pass from center, the ball
Gilbert punted to Nydahl who was rolling crazily back. Two Minnesota
men fell on the ground, but missed
down on Minnesota's 31-yard line. Oos- the ball, Miller finally recovering on
terbaan made the tackle. Nyland and
Michigan's 40-yard line. Gilbert

Rich. On a (iuck forward pass by
Joesting, Baer partially blocked it and
Rich intercepted the ball on Minne-I
sota's 48-yard line. Puckelwartz lostI
six yards. A 40-yard pass, Oosterbaan
to leston. was knocked down. Gil-'
ber, punted to Alniquist on i Iheso-
ta's 15-yard line. Almquist tr.ed to
outsmart Baer, but tailed miserably,
falling in his tracks.c
Nydahl made five yards and on the
next play made four more at Michi-t
gan's right tackle, Rich making both
tackles. Joesting tore savagely throughf
for firs, down on Minensota's 30-yard
line. Walsh replaced Tanner at end'
for Minnesota, and Almquist was re-
placed by Movde. Jlovde droppedt
Joesting's perfect 15-yard pass.l
Joesting's pass to Haycraft was de-
clared complete on Michigan's 43-yardf
line when Puckelwartz interfered
with the receiver. Joesting's pass to1
Walsh was knocked down by Gilbertl
and Oosterbaan.{
Joesting's pass to Walsh was com-
plete on Michigan's 14-yard line, Oos-
terbaan making the tackle. Miller
knocked down H-ovde's pass and Min-

around Michigan's right end, almost
got loose, but was knocked down on Twenty-four fraternity teams are
Mlichigan's 45-yard line. Oosterbaan entered in the interfraternity cross
blocked four interference men to stop country race to be held over the three
Nydahl for less than a yard gain on a
wide end run sweeping clear across s mile course at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow.
the field. Michigan took time out for With the exception of the first 10 men
Oosterbaan. Apparently Oosterbaan placing in the freshmen meet, all Var-
got a bad bump around the shoulders it n freshmn fralernity men are
or neck. Oosterbaan resumed play.
Again Nydahl nearly got loose at eligible to compete in this contest.
Michigan's right end, Miller making All Varsity men who desire to run
the tackle on his own 32-yard line.' in this meet should report to the intra-
Almquist crashed through lichigan's mural department tomorrow morning
left guard for first down on the Wol- with a note of permission from Coach
verine 27-yard line. Oosterbaan came George*Rich Steve Farrell. The winning fraternity
in back of the line to tackle Joesting will receive a handsome trophy.
who made four yards on the play Inb'hklkThe all-eampus cross country meet
through center. Heston replaced Ny- oMiciigani was slow going down the will be run off on Wednesday. All men
land at right end for Michigan. Ali icianwa losoigionrh
quis atregh aa from lBaergand made field. Joesting was stopped on his are eligible to compete except mem-
fist lown ona Michigas 1-ard line own 19-yard line. Almquist made two hers of the Varsity squad and the first
first down on Michigan's 12-Yard line. yards at right guard. Joesting found a 10 freshmen placing in the first year
Another of those shove forward passes, s rig.wl Jtoentr stie
Joesting to Nydahl, gained two yards, stone wall at center.
fieston making the tackle. Joesting Minnesota took time out. Almquist Puckelwartz's pass to Oosterbaan
went through for three more. punted to Miller who fumbled in mid- was incomplete and Michigan was pen-
Almquist smashed at Michigan's left field, Minnesota recovering the ball, alized five yards. Gilbert punted to
tac~kle, making less than two yards. but then fumbled, Rich recovering for Almquist who returned the ball 1.0
Oa a lateral pass to Nydahl, Puckel- Michigan, giving the Wolverines' first yards before he was downed on Min-
O a l and Heston tackled NydahlPkel own on Minnesota's 47-yard line. nesota's 24-yard line. Joesting ad

dropped back and sent a beautiful pass Baer sent Nydahl back and Barnhart punted to Almtuist, who was downed nesota was penalized five yards. Oos-
to aphain Qosterbaan who was by punted, the ball bouncing crazily ton.o his 30-yard line by Baer and Pal- terbaan intercepted a Minnesota pass
Minnesota's left halfback- whes lie Michigan's 47-yard line. Miller made nisol -yaJdesinbytatr-anin- t aan 2ntyrdepte bingeownss
caught the'ball on the one-yard Iine, two yards at right guard. Minnesota merol. Joesting, with a two-man in- and ran 20 yards before being towned
front where he put it across for a smothered an attempted run by Oos- terference, broke through Michigan's by 1ootleon Mnnesota's 45-yard ine
touchdown. Gilbert kicked a perfect terbaan off Minnesota's left tackle, the interference for first down on Minne- as the half ended.
goa fomplaemnt ply osng yrd sota's 48-yard line. Almquist went' Michigan, 7; )finnesota, 0.
goal front placement. ,play losing a yard..,nieOsba' n o fv adTIDQATR
Score: Michigan, 7; Minnesota, 0. Gilbert punted and Nyland downed Oosterbaan' endbfr fie yrs F IhI NyAns k e
Michigan took timfle out for Gabel the ball on Minnesota's six-yard line. Oosterbaan and Gilbert making the For Michigan Nyland is back at end,
who had a cut opened in his face. Barnhart punted out of bounds on Htack1es Gary kicked off for Minnesota, Gil-
Gary kicked off for Minnesota to Gil- Minnesota's 40-yard line. By heady Heston replaced Nyland for Michi- bert running the ball back 30 yards Ic
bert who ran the ball back 20 yards to work, Pugkelwartz recovered the gan. Joesting made three yards Michigan's 35-yard line. Blarnhart
Michigan's 24-yard line. Hanson Michigan 'fumble, losing five yards. through center before being tackled made the tackle. Rich hit the line for
broke through and threw Puckelwartz Gilbert, apparently looking for sun- by Rich. Nydahl crashed for first down 'four yards and then nmade two more
broe trouh ad trewPukelart Giber, apaenty lokig fr sn-on Michigan's 43-yard line. Michigan's through the line. A right plunge
for a two-yard loss. Gilbert sent a flowers, was tackled by half a dozen ihias s3-kad line. Micgan' through te linetA rgte plne
beautiful pn oAmus h a inst lyr na tepe right side was sucked in and NydahlI through center netted three more
downed by Paleroli on Minnesota's pass. neade two yards, before being stopped yards, missing first down by three
by Puckelwartz. With a mountain of feet. Gilbert punted long, NylandE
43-yard line. Nydahl broke through Gilbert punted out of bounds on interference, Almquist made six more. downing the ball on Minnesota's 15-
Michigan's right tackle for first down Minnesota's 22-yard line. Again the Oosterbaan met up with Joesting, the yard line.
on the Wolverine's 47-yard line. "Thunderbolt" went through the Mich- Ooshers anlingtoupfirstingbyarAln sss'
Thunderbolt Joesting met a stone igan line, making two yards. By some Gop.sfinngoffirktme n ut.Aen uito wntin side Oy bein aan-
wall at left guard, but gained nearly great playing by Puckelwartz, Nyland foot.Minnesota took time out.n end for nine yards, finally being down-
two yardIs. A perfect forward pass, and Gabel, Nydahl gained only one Minnesota elected to plunge on ed by Miller. Another play went in-
Nyalds. Tannerwasectomwardepfosyard.Gab Ndahpuned onillyrwho fourth down and Joesting was hurled side of him, making first down on Mir-;
Nydahi to Tanner, was complete for yard. varnhart punted to Miller who back as the Michigan line held firm. nesota's 28-yard line. Joesting made
first down on Michigan's 30-yard line. ran back five yards, being downed in Michigan took the ball on the 34-yard two yards at Michigan's right guard,
Joesting was stopped for a yard gain mid-field as the quarter ended. line. Puckelwartz, attempting to run Minnesota took time out for Gary.
by Rich and Oosterbaan. Score: meichigan, 7; Minnesota, I right tackle, was smothered, gaining Almquist carried the ball with three
Oosterbaan missed a tackle of Joest- SECON QUARTERone yard. Rich made two yards others but Oosterbaan wrestled the
ing s on a lateral pass play which Miller was a little slow on a triple- oe yard. Rich made tw yad oers, but teban wretled the
went for no gain. Oosterbaan had him pass play, Tanner and Gibson catching thughrcenter. Riemade thrt weot bale.
trapped behind the line. Joesting tried him for a four-yard loss. With Miller ont third pa ilbert's punt A yard.
a pass to Tanner, but was hurried and acting like the play was to be a buck, out of bounds on Minnesota's 36-yard A pass from Joesting was incom-
the ball was put out of bounds. On Puckelwartz dropped directly back, ln.
an end-around play on a triple pass, sending a pass to Gilbert, who caught On a wide sweeping end run, Nydahl yards for offside. On a short shove
Minnesota failed to fool the Wolver- it on the Minnesota 35-yard line. GarysbeingdownedbypassforwardNydahltookthebal
ines and they took over the ball on recovered on the 36-yard line when
their own 29-yard line. Nagurski the ball was stolen from Oosterbaan,
stopped Puckelwartz without. gain. Barnhart carrying the ball off Michi-
Oosterbaan fought for four yards off gan's left guard for five yards. A egu latIon Gy mn O u tfits
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failed to make first down and Michi-
gan took the ball on her own eight-
yard line. On first down Gilbert
kicked to Almquist who returned eight
yards to Michigan's 33-yard line as
Michigan missed the tackle. Almquist
passed to open territory. On a double
pass to Nydahl the Gophers gained a
yard. A pass, Almquist to Haycraft,
was com'plete for a five-yard gain. Gil-
bert, who made the tackle, was in-
jured and Michigan took time out.
Gilbert resumed play, but was laid
out on the next play. Joesting's pass
to Tanner was completed and Gilbert,
who made the tackle, was injured on
the play.
Joesting's pass was completed to
Tanner, the Gopher end lighting to
Michigan's one-yard line. Joesting
heaped at Mlchigan's left guard and
went across for the tonclidown.
Pharmner was rushed in to kick the
goal, taking Tanner's place. The pass
from center was fumbled ad Phar-
mner's attemplat to pass for the extra
point was knocked down.

Mich made three yards as lie took the! two yards, being stopped by Rich.
ball out of bounds. Johnson replaced:Schoenfeld tackled Nydahl who made
Gary at right tackle for Minnesota. a yard. Barnhart's punt stopped on
Oosterbaan dropped back quickly but ,Michigan's 45-yard line. Puckelwartz
his pass to Gilbert was much too short. (Continued on Page Seven)
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