. ........................ - - - - . . .._ . . ctroscope To Measure Tiny Waves is Dev eloped In University Laboratory "A Vcu rtn pcrs'~ 'l '1.T1 ( l£t l S E C l S ~efor th e M eh < a ure m ien t of E x trem e U ltra Violet, Ray s" is the formnidable title oft a newly built instrument, now on dis-a play in the East :Physics building. i The instrument, built in the Physict shlop undler the direction of Hiermannl 1. Roemer, director of the shop, em- bodes the latest ideas for the measur- ing of the lower end of the spectrum.Y The general principles were brought ti Back from Europe bly Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer of the Physics dlepartment, who has added a few refinements. A complete description of the instru-s ment will appear in the .Journal of thet Aiie rican Society of Opticians for' Nov. 1927.1 In appearance' the machine is a metal. cylinder about four feet long and 10 inches in diameter. A smaller metal tube runs off to one side. In operation the tube is vacumized. Al Schumann }photogr'aphic lplate, con-; taining practically no gelatine, is is placedl at oneC end(Iand~ a grating at the other end. Tfhis grating is a metal I' DEANT.S ASSIST j IN FLOOD. ELE Students from colleges in the vicin- ity of the Ntiew England flood zone are proving their ability to meet all man- ner of emergency even when the situ- ation requires not edIucation but hard manual labor. Over 150 students of the University of Vermont have come to the aid of the citizens of Waterbury a town hard hit by the flood, and are now engaged in clearing away the debris and rehabilitate the damaged homes. These men sleeping on army cots~ and being fed from an army kitchenI are showing real ability to handle .a pick and shovel in the program of re-' construction. Other student groupst from the same school are helpingf throughout the vicinity.! plate, with lines cut in it, 15,000 or 16,000 per' inch .A light is introdluced through the small tube, and reflectiing against the metal plate is br1oken l io its comp~onent, pa)Urr. Then theo pho- togra ph of the o1 ,T iee lt r'a-vri oet ry iwtrn n, jOO0tmeters inl length is taken. Th, vacuum, the ,Oospcial lplate, and ]hi gily dlevelop~ed reiss1=a1oe1possibl e this; mneasurlemlent ;,. Withlout these fac(tor's the smalest ray which can bie neasured'( is .0000:3800 centimeters long. The instrumnent Is particularly use- full in thle study of at omnic and iodic' stiticet ore. o(curimg ill this region of the sp~ectrinf. WISCONSIN PARTY SELECTS LEADER James . Beck Congessmn frm Wiconsn wh has een amedas te cadidae o the La Fllette rou ocrr h progessie coorsin Wsconin' guenaoia ac nI98 ---- / _ r " fi ; ' jam, , 9 / - . J.:u- ._r .- , .. 7 ... t, "' ,; ', j yy ; /f ' 7 ff' y F.la I X\ i f r ; -, . s ! ~ .: t -y \ i 'g y .,_. ,. a y Come,'Take A Course in "College" Graduate With a Perpetual Smile!, Studying Belles lettres, and just belles! Pursuing Literature and Lingerie ! J' and The_ high est mirth degree ever con- ferred upon a dumb student elbowing his way toward the mirage of success. Come see Keaton burn the midnight oil 'r1c W E' w z- w. 000 } y s - 4 sr f 7y Yv. until It'st Lion. he screamy side of higher educa- Funnier > Thant Y, 'r '-. : ';:'"' . j'r \ .' - . ? i'f", , ;N' '. y ; .. ._._.9i ' _2 ., hr s i - di t Ipp", ff oodward, at E114 Second'Week Beginning0fS e Mon., Nov. 21L'AIOT THE ACE OF TF The of NIGHTSI 75c, $1.54 Ve ias. ueTur. and Sut, F 50c, 7'c 3hip V Theare Hs y fr Mths FIceL ugte "Dozn Soks~~~ = ew Aesop Fable Cartoon SenDett CmeEli HDLALS P1E R MAJESTIC ANwU _-- ORCHESTRA "1 E L I N GINTO =.F..Io Under kte Direction of II 11 i Mystery. ' H d . Z t d ;. 'P' v "', aka ; s , r.:, 't. ,f G ''ems 1i rg. L.' Jc "rr r,'{ 1 T ;< r + yYPr i N 61 E i 'HII THIE i)1tTION ERY" A' ofelty Presenti ng m, -w ~ .. . Karl Wiederhold 11it Frisker Than a Blonde Co-ed. Pa,raoiou N ews "S UGGLED GOODS" ~Shows Sunday 31Ihlt igl- Miliies otsa =:3D.3:00.4 :#68 :40 Footbll Pictures A Beautiful Stage D.ance Novelty Adults Wc, Children 25e I / Gustav Blum's Comedj, That Played on Broad wc Thrills-Suspense-RomE N RUSSO cpmNoi and on the EBE DANIELS and His in "SHE'S. A ORIOLE ORCHESTRA' screen SHEIK" ., ,, .. . _ ,.. i ........ .........................._._.........._.................. .. .....""" li RI i , should be arranged for at once K ] k F 619 . Liberty St. for your ,friends I'll v AT ( HR ISTM AS I IM 1=1 1=1 I fill