Air 4kp
Vol. XXXVIII, No. 54.
(By Associated Press)
01I10 S'TADLIUM, Columbus, Nov. l9.-'Two long passes that
filtered through Ohio State's defense for touchdowns enabled the
Illini to trim the battling Buckeyes 13 to o today and collect the
Wesern Conference championship for 1927.
While a colorful homecoming day crowd of 70,000 alternately
shivered and cheered, Ohio State fought their way to at least three
good chances to score, once missing a touchdown by a foot on a
fumble. The Buckeyes, gallantly trying to regain the prestige lost
daring an errat:c season, put up a sterling battle in the first half,
but the Illini outsmarted them, playing steadier football and captaliz-
mg its best scoring opportunities with well-executed passes.
Illinois scored twice on identical plays, outguessing the Buckeyes
each time. Fred Humbert, sophomore fullback, crossed the goal line
for the first touchdown in the opening period on a 23-yard pass
from Stuessy as a climax of a 50-yard sweep down the field. The
final touchdown was carried over in the third period by Timm, half-
i {
back and star of the Illini aggrega-
tion, on a 26-yard heave from French
that ended a steady advance down
the field from the kickoff.
That year Illinois was forced to
share the top with Michigan but to-
night they have an undisputed . hold
on the cup for the first time since
Ohio State, in its final stand, was
outrushed nearly three to one, out-
played on offense and outgeneraled
on defense, but the Buckeyes went
down the field with colors flying.
Ohio Starts As Underdogs
Underdogs from the start, Coacil
Wilce's men threatened constantly
with forward passes and on several
occasions uncorked running attacks
that menaced the Illinois goal line,
but lack of continuity to their offense,
costly mistakes and misjudgments a
well as their handling of the ball
robbed the Buckeyes of at least one
Only a scant foot separated the
Scarlet and Gray from tallying in the
second half when Rowan, fullback,
after a six yard thrust through cen-
ter, fumbled with the last chalk mark
within reach.
Ohio had advanced the ball 55
yards in a brilliant series of plays,
featured by a 25 yard pass from E.
B. Alber and several long passes ort
tackle by Grimm. It looked like a
certain score as Rowan dashed
through the line, but he funbled, and
Nowack, giant Illinois tackle, leaped
on the ball.
Ohio Loses On Fumble
At least five blue and gold jersied
players were on top of Rowan, but
Nowack had the pigskin when the
heap was untangled.
Ohio's best opportunity to score
filtered away with this fumble, but on
two other occasions the Scarlet and
Gray warriors passed and bucked
their way to their rival's eight-yard
line. One of these advances came in
the second period, when the Buckeyes
were making repeated holes in the
Illini defense, but it was broken up
when two of Robin Bell's passes were
knocked down across the goal line.
(By Associated Press)
Southern Califorina, 27; Washing-
ton State, 0.
Stanford, 13; California, 6.
Temple, 14; Bucknell, 13.
Army, 13; ; Ursinus, 8.
Illinois, 13; Ohio State, 0.
Georgetown, 38; Fordham, 0.
New York U., 31; Allegheny, 0.
Lafayette, 43; Lehigh, 0.
Brown, 31; New Hampshire, 0.
Michigan State, 25; Butler, 0.
Tufts, 32; Massachusetts Aggies, 6.
Holy Cross, 19; Boston U., 0.
Drexel, 19; Washington College, 6.
Cornell, 7; Carlton, 0.
Vanderbilt, 39; Maryland, 20.
Wabash, 13; DePauw, 7.
Hanover, 13; Rose Poly, 6.
Purdue, 21; Indiana, 6.
William and Mary, 33; Hampden
Sindney, 7.
Upsala, 19; New York Aggies, 0.
Creighton, 20; St. Louis U., S.
Howard, 9; Birmingham, 0.
maskell Indians, 14; Dayton, 20.
Tennessee State, 0; Wilberforce, 1S.
Southern, 38; Rollins, 0.
Oklahoma Aggies, 13; Oklahoma, 7.
1ovis and Elkins, 32; Louisville
Representatives Are Requested From
All Fraternities For Purpose
Of Fritming Resolution
All fraternities are to send repre-
sentatives to the special meeting of
the Interfraternity council to be held
next Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'-
clock in room 304 of the Union.
The session has been called by
Wayne Schroeder, '28, president of
the council, for the final action on the
protest against the auto ban. This
resolution was deferred at the last
meeting, held on Nov. 14, as the mem-
bers of the council felt the document
should be couched in more specific
terms. The task of framing the reso-
lution in form for presentation to the
Board of Regents has been assumed
by a special committee appointed by
The officers of the council request
that each fraternity elect a regular
delegate to attend ai meetings of
the Interfraternity council, as at-
tendance in the past has been very ir-
regular. The presence of a represen-
tative at the special meeting Tuesday
is highly important as other vital
matters in addition to the auto ban
protest will come before the body.
Among these, will be the election
Tomorrow is the last day that sen-
iors may make appointments witlO
the photographers for their Michigan-
ensian pictures. Order slips m'ay be
obtained from the Michiganensian
business office tomorrow from 1 to
5 o'clock.
The price of the order slips is $3.00 WILL LECTURE TUESDAY NIGHT
and of this amount $2.00 is allowed ON SUBJECT, "ATLANTIC
on any pictures ordered before AND OTHER FLIGHTS"
Christmas. Dey, Rentschler, Spedding
and Randall Maedel are the official PLANS SOUTH POLE TRIP I
According to editors of the Ensian, Motion Pictures Of is More Recent
over 600 seniors have failed to ar- UnPcr gs Of AitMoreReen
range for their sittings. Since all of nBe Feature Of Talk
the pictures must be in the hands of
the editors by Dec. 16, this allows Commander Richard E. Byrd, North
only a short time for seniors to make
arrangements. Pole flyer and more recently con-
queror of the Atlantic, will speak on
the Oratorical lecture series in Hill
auditorium Tuesday night, taking as
his subject for this year's address,
" TheAtlantic and Other Flights."
A CommanderByrd will be the third
speaker on the Oratorical program for
tis year.
Will .Announce 1112$ Captain4Elect; Commander Byrd, whose ,air tri-
Little, Yost, Wiemnan, Bullion umphs since his appearance in Ann
On List Of Speakers Arbor last year, have made him even
more of an international figure, willI
UNION MEMBERS INVITED also illustrate his talk 'here TuesdayJ
night with motion pictures of his
more recent undertakings. In addi-
Arrangements are practically com- tion to discussing his Atlantic flight,I
plete for the annual football banquet on which the eyes of the world center-
to be held Tuesday in the ballroom of ed at the time of the flight, Comman-
the Union, it was announced yester- der Byrd will make some forecast as
1 day by Milton J. McCreery, '29, chair- to the possibility of his South Pole
man of the comimittee in charge. Ta- expedition, predicted to be one of the
I ble arrangements are now being car- greatest undertakings ever to be at-
ried out. tempted either on sea, land or air,
The committee plans to have a' months having been spent on prepara-
separate speakers table, a block 'M' tion alone.
arrangement of tables for the foot- Commander Byrd, a Virginian by
ball squad, and separate tables seat- birth, has lived a life of great adven-
ing eight at each table for the guests ture. During the last two years
at the banquet. There are to be about medals, decorations and resolutions
ten tables reserved for fraternity have descended upon him by the score.
groups, according to the plans. He has filled his life with exploits far
Speakers at the banquet will be beyond those of the usual lot of man.
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, of the history In crossing the Atlantic by air last
department, serving as toastmaster. May, Commander Byrd's plane, the
President Clarence Cook Little, Field-- "America," carried the heaviest load
ing H. Yost, Coach Elton E. Wieman, that any plane attempted to carry
and Harry Bullion, sports writer of over that body of water. After flying
the Detroit Free Press. It is also 2,000 miles without sight of sea or
planned to have Bennie Oosterbaan, land, Byrd and his three accomplices
captain for this year, give a short landed upon the sea at Ver-sur-Mer,
talk, followed by a short talk from France. It was the decision then
the captain-elect. made by Commander Byrd that saved
Sid Bryant and his Union orchestra the lives of himself and his com-
will offer the music during the din- panions.
ner. The banquet will start at 6:30 Commander Byrd first attracted the
o'clock, and all members 'of the Union attention of the flying world when he
and prom-inent citizens of the state had charge of the NC boats in 1919.
are invited to attend. The tickets for At that time he left the NC-1 at New-
the banquet are selling very fast but foundland to fly the airship C-5 to
the sale will continue from the coun- England, but the C-5 was lost before
ter in the lobby all day Monday. The it started. He later planned to navi-
tickets are priced at $1.25. -!gate the ZR-2 back from England?
The banquet this year is a contin- but the ship blew up leaving him the
uation of the custom started some sole surviving officer. He was with
time ago which was interrupted last MacMillan in the Arctic, later making
Like that famed Greel guard at Thermopylae, Michigan's in-
spired line fought as few forward walls ever have, but in the end
the WVolverines were forced to bow to the unmistakable drive of Min-
nesota's sturdv trio of sturdv senior backs, Capt. Herb Joesting,
HaroktVAlmquist, and Mall} ,vNdahl. A definitely, superior Gopher
eleven exacted retribution for along series of defeats at the hands of
the Wolverines to break the "jinx" that hovered over them since 1919
by earning a 13-7 triumph yesterday before 87,000 persons who
jammed the new stadium.
When thwarted by a st'ffened Michigan line near the the Maize
and Blue goal, the Gophers restorted to an effective passing attack,
something not possessed by Minnesota in years. So effective was
the aerial attack that it may truly be said to have turned the tide in
Minneota's favor as both Gopher touchdowns came as a result of
Michigan's only real flash of power came at the very beginning
of the game when the W olverines went over for a touchdown on the
ninth play after the kckoff to continue the tradition that no Min-
Herb iJoesting.
Who led Minnesota's "Thundering
Herd" to a 13-7 victory over Michigan
yesterday in the last game of his col-
legiate career. Joesting was named as
fullback on Grantland Rice's all-
American team last year, and he bids
fair to repeat the honor again this
Minnesota Rooters
Break All RecordsI
On Ann Arbor Trip
Minnesota's greatest football invas-
ion is over this morning and the 25.
special trains carrying between 7,-
000 and 8,000 football fans have start-
ed back on the long, long journey to
According to the Minnesota Daily,
it was by far the greatest exodus in
Minnesota history; and from the
standpoint of distance it was a record
excursion in the annals of the game
Two weeks ago when 12,000 treked
from Ann Arbor to Chicago to see
the Wolverines trounce the Stagg.
men, it was considered a record num-
ber, but the distance traversed was
scarcely more than 250 miles, while
the Gopher followers have started
back on the second 900 mile lap of
their journey.
The return of the invading thous-
ands will mean the completion of
plans that have occupied the atten-
tion of the three carrying roads for
more than a year and have affected
as many more. One road, the Milwau-
kee with 15 specials, suspended all
freight trains on its Minneapolis-Chi-
cago division all day Friday for the
of two delegates to attend the na- year. More than 80 members of the
tional Interfraternity Conference, to football squads and coaching staffs
be held at the Hotel Pennsylvania in are expected to attend the banquet.
New York on Nov. 25 and 26. The j
Interfraternity Conference is a gath- S
eiring of over 200 delegates, repire-. See
senting 60 fraternities, in addition L oThe Return Of{
the numerous college professors and { Timothy Hay{
deans who attend. Fraternity scholar- I'To
ship and finances will be the chief Toasted Rolls{
problems considered at the coming I Today {
Modesty and Dignity Of Minnesota Duck
C Fxn-iL blrc.Q" Inin AudiePnce
his more recent flights, and gaining
himself the title of explorer-scientist.
The fourth speaker on the Oratori-
cal lecture series program for this
year will be heard in Ann Arbor Nov.
30 when Dr. Will Durant, author of
"The Story of Philosophy," will speak
in Hill auditorium. Said to be one of
the greatest lecturers on the American
platform today, Dr. Durant has had
the reputation of basing many of his
soIes1. on- nr s pia~nff r,. i cntui-es .inns,
nesota eleven can hold Michigan score-
less. Only once have the Wolverines
STATISTICS. scored less than six points against the
Yardage gained from scrim- After Gilbert kicked off, three plays
mage: Michigan, 40; Minnesota,
297. failed to gain and Barnhart punted to
Yardage lost from scrimmage: Miller on Michigan's 7-yard line. Gil-
Mchigan, 56; Minnesota, 22. bert surprised by punting on first
Individual gains from scrim- down and the ball rolled to the Gopher
mage: (Michigan) Rich, 22; 14-yard line. On second down, Minne-
Oosterbaan, 4; Miller, 13; Puck- sota punted out of bounds on her own
elwartz, 1. (Minnesota) Nydahl, 25-yard line and two plays later a per-
127; Almquist, 81; Joesting, 79; I fet pass from Puckelwartz to Cap-
Barnhart, 10. tamn Oosterbaan gave Michigan a
Yardage gained by passes: touchdown. Gilbert kicked the goal
Michigan, 62; Minnesota, 94. to give the Wolverines a sevenpoint
I Passes attempted: Michigan, margin which they held until the
10; Minnesota, 15. , middle of the.third quarter. when the
Passes intercepted: Michigan, power of the Thundering Herd had to
4; Minnesota, 1. be served.
First downs: Michigan 2; ( JoestingHammners Wolverines.
{ Minnesota, 18. s; Time after time the thrusts of Joest-
Penalties: Michigan, 10 yards; ing and Almquist, interspersed pass-
Minnesota, 5 yards. es and an occasional longer run by
I n Average distance of punts: Nydahl, carried the ball into Michi-
Michigan,37; Minnesota, 33. gan territory, but were thwarted when
near the Maize and Blue goal.
The second half, however, found an
F lonzaley Quartet irresistible band of Gophers pressing
44on to a victory which they knew they
W ill Give Program Ifdeserved. The closest the wolverines
got to the invader's goal after the first
period was when Pommerening recov-
As the second number of the Ex- ered a fumble on Minnesota's 30-yard
tra Concert series sponsored by the Ine in the second period.
University Choral Union, the Flon- I Minnesota Resumes Offensive.
zaley string quartette will present a The respite was quite short, how-
.i ever, as Gilbert punting on first down
program at 8 o'clock tomorrow night and Minnesota resuming the offensive
in Hill auditorium. This will mark on the Wolverine 33-yard stripe. After
the fifth appearance of the quartette an incomplete pass and a yard gain on
in Ann Arbor since its establishment a buck, the Gophers resorted to pass-
a quarter of a Gentry ago ing. Almquist completed a pass to
ac aTanner for a, 5-yard gain and then
The quartette was organized by E. Joesting hurled the ball to Tanner who
J. de Coppet in 1903, and shortly aft- caught the pass over Gilbert's opposi-
erwards made an appearance in old tion and dragged three tacklers with
University hall auditorium. It has him for six yards stopping only when
within a yard of the goal line. Joest-
grown to be considerea one of the ing leaped over for the touchdown.
outstanding mediums for the trans- The Minnesota strategy of sending
mission of chamber music in the Pharmer in to kick the extra point
world. The personnel includes: Ifailed to work as against Notre Dame
Adolfo Betti, first violin; Alfred Po- I when Almquist d.ropped McKinnon's
chon, second violin; Iwan I)'Archam- Minnesota's second score to remove
beau, violoncellist; and Nicolas Mold- pass from center. It remained for
avan, viola. But one substitution has { her from the possibility of losing to
been made in the players since the Ian inferior team.
founding of the organization, one of I iayeraf, Nails Pass.
the members being conmpelled to re- Immediately afer the kickoff The
tire from ill health. Thundering Herd. began another drive
which ended in midfield when Rich
trecovered a fumble. After an ex-
ting, H of Game, change of punts, McKinnon intercep-
ted Puckelwartz' pass and ran to
laze of Purple Glary Michigan's 44-yard line. Nydahl
skirted his own left end for 24 yards
an all-American. on the second play for first down and
Oosterbaan inaugurated his final Almquist failed to gain as the quarter
day in a manner unique for Captain ended. Almquist cut inside Ooster-
Ben, winning the toss, and much less baan for six yards, assisted by a four-
uniquely he proceeded to score that man interference a n d Joesting
touchdown, a feat he has never faileri crashed for first down on Michigan's
to accomplish against the Gophers in 8-yard line. After plays at the Wol-
the four times he has faced them. verine line failed to gain Almquist
Down under punts, he personally tossed a pass to Haycraft which was
s covered six of Gilbert's soaring spir- completed on the goal line with Michi-
als, two-thirds of those that were not gan men on all sides of him. Alm-
I placed out of bounds. Twice lie car- quist kicked the goal to end the scor-
ried the ball on the end around line ing.
crashing play, and he gained a net Minnesota continued to drive during
total of three yards. the rest of the period but could not
In the second half Oosterbaan's 8 do more than threaten.
tackles were only two short of the The Lineups:
number made by the entire Minnesota iMchigan Minnesota
squad during the same period. Ball- Oosterbaan, (C). LE....... Haycraft
hawk as at Minneapolis last year, he Pommerening.. . . RT....... Nagurski
recovered a fumble and intercepted a Palmeroli....... LG.......... Hanson
pass. Bovard.......... C....... McKinnon
stories on his platform lectures on
I Hs "toy o Piloopy" won in-
stant recognition and was one of the
best-sellers in the non-fiction field.
Delta Upsilon Wins
There have been nore perfect days and those who had been informed be-D*i
for football games than yesterday, forehand admitted that the designs Cup For Decoraton
but there have not been very many
of them. There have also been more
exciting games of football played,
but they have never been played in
Michigan's new stadium, before thel
were quite clear. The attempt at the
M between halves, however, showed
plainly that it might do no
harm for either band to practice be-
fore the game instead of during it in
the future.
Delta Upsilon, 1331 Hill street, won
the fraternity decorations contest
staged yesterday in connection with
the homecoming game, it was an-
nounced last night by the committee
first time in its history in order to
give the football specials right of
Of the visitors more than 2,000
were students many of whom spent
last night in Detroit where a dance
was staged in the ball room of a De-
troit hotel to the strains of music
played by a Minnesota orchestra.
Snow flurries today; tomorrow,
cloudy with rain or snow in west por-
tion and rising temperature in south
' Oosterbaan and Joes
End Careers in a B
Not unlike Achilles and Hector be-
fore the walls of Troy, two all-Amer-
icans, two retiring heroes, two cap-
tains yesterday stood forth para-
mountly in single combat while their
respective and respected followers
Iwaged inspired battle.
They say that in that Trojan war
the hosts of the fallen leader emerg-
ed victorious, but yesterday there was
no fallen leader-for each almost
literally, and each equally smeared
himself with purple glory.,
Joesting, Jove's Thunderbolt from
Olympus heights, led a grid machine
as devastating as the Car of Jugger-
naut; Oosterbaan led a band of Spar-
tans as courageous as the heroes (,t
Thermopylae. Both were glorious,, the
victors and the vanquished.
With the power of a Jim Thorpe,
!of a Ted Coy, the Gopher pilot thrust
third capacity crowd of the year, with "Biff" and "Bennie," Michigan's which judged the decorations. Sigma
"The Thundering Herd" of Minnesotalive Wolverine mascots, were not in Chi, 548 State street, was second in
performing with such devastating the public eye-being deprived of that the opinion of the judges and Chi Psi,
brilliance. position by the dun-founded goose cr 620 State street, was third. The win-
Rarely, if ever, has a university chicken or duck or whatever it was ner will be awarded the cup which
brought as large a body of rooters that Minnesota brought along. The was donated by Charles Graham, lo-
such a long ways as Minnesota did poor little beast was released by a cal business man.
yesterday. And with the multitude of thoughtless cheerleader in the middle Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1408 Washte-
rooters came also the band, dignified of the field between the halves, but 'naw avenue, Phi Kappa Psi, 1550
but impressive in its red coats and refusing to be dazzled by its ovation, Washtenaw avenue, Lambda Chi Al-
with its 100 pieces. it waddled very deliberately to the pha, 1601 Washtenaw avenue, and the
During the pre-game exercises Min- sidelines, where it avoided photogra- Trigon club, 1617 Washtenaw avenue,
nesota had all the edge on the Vol- phers. In the future Minnesota will were all accorded honorable mention,
verines, for while the Gopher drum' probably be called the "Wild duck though there were no prizes for these
majoir passed his baton over the goal I state," instead of the Gopher state. places. The second place house re-I
Hosts with rythmic precision, the And after all it was the final game ceived a silver cup from Samuel Gold-!
Mlaize and Blue baton wielder, after of the season-which is really quite man, local business man, and the
successfully negotiating the goal important when one stops to think Schumaker Hardware company award-
posts, dropped his wand in the center Ilof it. The gun has sounded for the ed a cigar stand to the third place
of the field. It was a tragic conclu- last time on the college M'otball ca- fraternity.