ESTABLISHED 1890 411 .Ott MEMBERI ASSOCIATED PRESS A VOL. XXXVIII, No. 38. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1927 EIGHT PAGES MEXICAN COURT PISWYF0HOIL GREEMENTI ALUMNUS, ORATOR AND TRAVELER IS IN DIFFICULTY PICKING BEST PLACE STATE DEPARTMENT SEES TO AMERICANS IN DECISION AID MORROW DEFINES POINTS Washington Officials Trying To Reach Working Settlement For Owners 4 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, NoV. 18.-A hope that the action of the Mexican Su- preme court in the Mexican Petroleum company's drilling permit case has opened the way for adjustment of the entire oil controversy with Mexico was expressed today in a formal state- ment made public today by the State department. Officials were not inclined to go beyond this statement in discussing the significance of yesterday's Mexican court decision. The complexity of Mexican law, which differs widely from American practice, makes it dif- ficult to determine the full purport of the decision without detailed study of the written documents which ulti- mately stand as the legal record for the guidance of Mexican courts and executive officials. Ambassador Morrow at Mexico City confined himself to a message which merely said the decision was reported to have held Articles 14 and 15 of the Mexican petroleum law uncon- stitutional in the specific case in which the decision was rendered. It would require four similar decisions on the same point in as many separate cases to wipe those articles of the petroleum at off the statute books of Mexico. In view of the prolonged delay which is expected before Mexican le- gal machinery completes its action on the drilling permit cases, the hope expressed by the State department that this first decision might open the way to adjustment of the controversy is taken in some quarters as Implying the possibility of another attempt at diplomatic negotiations to expedite a return to fulloperation of American- owned oil properties in Mexico. Understanding Possible It -appeared possible that Washing- ton officials were at least meditating over the chances there might now be a working understanding with Mexico which would protect Ameri- can oil properties from retroactive applicati~on of unconstitutional pro- visions regarded by the Washington government as confiscatory. Even if this is the case, it is not to be expected that any definite move toward a modus vivendi would be made prior to the reducing of the supreme court decision to writing where its exact significance could be determined by each government. Aside from any other conlera- tions, however, there is no doubt that the decision as reported has created aprofound impression in Washington and inspired hope for future relations between the two countries that have not existed here for many months. WASHINTON, Nov. 18-Denials of assertions in certain docunents printed in Hearst newspapers re- cently to the effect that the Soviet embassy in Mexico City received funds from the Mexican government for conducting "propaganda" in Mex- ico, were issued today by Boris E. Skvirsky through the Soviet union in- formation bureau. Skvirsky described the attempt to involve the Soviet union through the publication of the alleged documents as "both crude and disingenious," and that the accompanying news stories "are wholly ridiculous." Skvirsky said the persons reported in the purported documents to have received the funds were unknown to him. MICHIGAN HIGH SCHOOLS BEGIN DEBATING SEASON Two hundred and forty high schools throughout the state, members of the Michigan High School Debating league, held first debates in the pre- liminary series yesterday afternoon and night. According to Prof. Gail E. Densmore of the extension division of the University, this is the largest number of high 'schools that have ever taken part in the preliminary rounds "Countries are like the all-Ameri- can team," declared Harry A. Franck, '03, traveler, author and lecturer who last night spoke on the Oratorical se- ries in Hill auditorium; "in trying to pick the one you like best you have to take part of one country and part of another; you cannot pick a whole country and call it the best. Mr. Franck, who is known as the "Prince of Vagabonds," when asked how he acquired that title, said that it was first given him some years ago by an enterprising South Ameri- can editor who ran a series of articles under that heading. The traveler, who speaks eight or nine different languages, is at the present time con- cerned with writing his thirteenth book of world travel. He also has a contract for five other books of travel to be published later. Thus, he in-j tends to travel in the future although' he has already visited so many coun- tries that he is not certain which he will select next, although he believes three of them will be the Balkans, Great Britain and the United States, which would be, he pointed out, "See- ing America Last." MINNESOTA'S BAND TO PARAE BEFORE GAME Visiting Organization Will Be Met By Michigan rDelegation Ipoji Arri al't'oday WILL PLAY IN DETROIT Minnesota university's 128-piece band will arrive here this morning at 8:45 to take part in the ceremonies for the game here this afternoon. Soon after the game, they will pro- ceed to Detroit where they will play this evening before a large meeting and banquet of the University of Min- nesota club of Detroit. The visiting band will be met at the station by a delegation from the Michigan organization and will march up State street to Morris hall which will be their headquarters during the day. Although no definite plans may be made until the visitors arrive, it is expected that the band will lead the Minnesota delegation in some sort of parade around the campus, this morn- ing. The Michigan and Minnesota bands will join forces and begin their march from the Union to the new stadium for the game about 2 o'clock. They will march down State street to the south road, going past old Ferry field, then to the east entrance of the sta- dium. The Minnesota band wil enter upon the field first and will march to the flagpole. The Michigan band will next enter and march to the pole, forming the new M-I-C-H on their { way. The two will combine and play the "Star Spangled Banner" as the flag is being raised. They will then remarch and take their seats. Between the halves, the two organi- zations will take the field and combine to form a huge block "M" in front of the Minnesota stands. They will then play the two most famous songs of the visiting school. It is expected that this large formation of both bdnds will extend from 30-yard line to 30- yard line. A~ter playing the two Minnesota songs, the point of the "M" will be reversed so that the "M" will face toward the Michigan stands |while the bands play "'Varsity" and "The Yellow and Blue." Immediately after the game, the band representing the victorious school will leave the field first and !will lead the march back along the route taken to the stadium to the Union where they will disband. The Minnesota band will leave almost im- mediately on a special train so as to be in Detroit in time for the alumni meeting. The Minnesota band is directed by 'Mike Jalma and is managed by Clar- ence C. Hostrup, '27, who is a former member of Minnesota 'Varsity band and who is now a member of the Uni- versity of Minnesota faculty. OPERA PICTURES ARE ON DISPLAY IN UNION LOBBY Members of the publicity commit tee of the 1927 Union Opera "The 1 Same To You" have placed on dis- play pictures of the various members of the cast which were taken some time ago by Paul Stone of the Ray- nior Studios, Chicago. Most of th Spictures are in costume. Large frames Scontaining 16 pictures have been placed in the main lobby of the Un ion, in the window of the Graham book store on State street, and in the window of one of the downtown I t r TVario n the framed set b n c f t7 h 0 a t] f' V b t] 9 le n Although his books have always been about his travels and therefore non-fiction, Mr. Franck has just re- cently completed his first piece of fic- tion, a short story of adventure. The fifth chapter of his new book, whichl will concern his Mediterrean travels,I was mailed last night from Ann Ar- bor just before he gave his lecture here. Asked by Prof. Richard D. Hollister, of the speech department, what he, as a world wide traveler, thought of the various races of the world, as a whole, Mr. Franck replied that it was fundamentally sound and good; that the masses in particular can usually be trusted and that he, has observed, that the country that has been the greatest success is often times inclin- ed to have the fewest virtues. ENTHUSIASTIC CROWD CHERS FOR TEAM AT1 C'LOSING PEP MEETING AEUlTOR F 1 "VARSTYV" flPEN [[1IR I[ N )|[gM"GABOON" ENTERS IS I SECONDPRINTINGHIGN WILL MEET GOPHERS The second edition of the "Gaily IGaboon," a publication unique in its field, will be out on the streets early this morning, according to an an- I N ORATORICAL SERIES 'nouncement made last night by the iU editors~ who were not exnelIed from ur ~ aa - i I DECLARES ('OUVNTRY RAPIDLYt BECOMING MODERNf SETTLEMENTV HAS ALSO VISITED SYRIA Says Land Is Not All 'Milk And Hon. ey' But Land Of Rocks, Re- ligion. And Strife Giving a comprehensive survey of1 past and present conditions in Pale=- tine and Syria, Harry A. Franck. '03,1 last night spoke in Hill auditoium on the Oratorical lecture series, in-' cluding in his talk much of the ma-j terial to be published soon in his' thirteenth book. Mr. Franck drew a picture of the two countries as being at the present: time ones of rocks, religion and strife. i He said, however, that plans now un- der way to exploit the Dead S'ea, by; PROGRAM WITH SPEECH pumping the water from the sea into ON MICHIGAN 'ditches and basins of the surrounding country and then letting the sun PRINCETON COACH TALKS evaporate the water, leaving rich de- posits of potash, presaged a future if Yost Receives Ovation As He Explains prosperity for the country that might, Creation And Growth Of The result in making it one of the wealth- 4 Athletic Equipment iest smaller countries in the world. German, English and French con- "Michigan expects the best from cerns bargained for the project. Mr. Franck said. but the British repre- both her team and her student body, sentatives won out and immediately and she deserves the best because she set up large pumps for work. The can't live up to her heritage unless speaker pictured Palestine particular- she gets the best," said Fred Lawton, ly as being one of the rockiest sec- alumnus and author of "Varsity," at ftions of the world he had ever seen, of the different sections, Judea being the final pep meeting of the year held the most conspicuous in this respect. at the Yost Field house last night. "It may seem to certain narrow- Fully 3,000 attended the meeting, speaking and biased Jews a land of but only two-thirds of this number 'milk and honey'," Mr. Franck avered, were students. Townspeople and out- "but not so to one coming from a of-town visitors made up the remain- more fertile country." der of the enthusiastic audience. Visited Earlier Lawton, former cheer leader for Mr. Franck declared that he had Michigan, spoke first on the program. visited Palestine previously and for He emphasized the wonderful heritage the first time in 1904, the year after that Michigan holds in athletics, and his graduation from Michigan, but urged that all students doubtful of that he had seen vast changs and for the outcome or discouraged in any the most part vast improvements way, visit the campuses of the many when he returned last summer. On colleges that win but one or two this occasion he arrived in Jerusalem games each season. Lawton paid trib- 1 at Easter time when a dazzling suc- ute to Fielding Yost in relating the cession of great shows-always re- fine men he had developed during his ligious ceremonies- were at te years as coach of Michigan's football height. Day after day, and particular teams. He said that every man of y. nwekeddys hta~e Michigan should be "As loyal to Mich- said, long lines of extremely theatri- igan as he would to his own family." cal looking peoples journeyed to the At the conclusion of Lawton's talk, Holy places the band played "Varsity" and the At the Holy sepulchre. he sai. go-: cheerleader led the audience in sing- diers were stationed whenever core- ing the choruses. Then John Snod- monies were in full swing to prevent grass, '28, who presided at the meet- creed feuds. The speaker said that ing, introduced the next speaker, the Jewish synagogues. sone of them Prof. Thomas Reed of the political subterranean. were also very pictur- science department.-I esque, explaining that through his Reed Talks acquaintanceship with some of the Professor Reed said that the man younger Jews, he was able to visit who returned from the game able to many of them while traveling through speak above a whisper was not a Palestine. Among the other colorful loyal Michigan man. He explained I scenes observed in traversing th that although the team on the field country, he said, were the Moslem might not hear the yells of the stu- ceremonies. Singing, chanting and dent body supporting them, thedmen dancing played large parts in these on the benches could hear and re- affairs which somewhat resernblsd a ceive the inspiration necessary to Imodern parade. except for their in- make them fight the harder when they tense enthusiasm, he said. got into the game.C h Syria Like Palestine Shodgrass next presented Coach Syria, Mr. Franck declared, very Bill Roper of Princeton, close friend much resembled Palestine, except that of Fielding Yost. Cheers were given 1 it was governed by France instead of for Coach Roper, and then Kean Fitz- Great Britain. In this connection, the patrick, a trainer at Michigan for 16 speaker said that after the war Syria years and presetit trainer for Prince- wanted first of all her independence, ton, was introduced. He spoke briefly and next to that to be governed by concerning the coming game and said a United States mandate; if neither that although Minnesota might have of these were possible, they were will- bigger men on their team, the spirit ing to accept, as an alternative, a that had made Michigan teams the ! British mandate. As a result, when champions would drive the Maize and through an agreement apparently Blue to victory. made before the war between France Yost Announced and Great Britain, the former coun- Fielding H. Yost, swas theru an- i try became the one to wave the im nounced amid the cheers of the au- perial wand over Syria, grat difficul dience. Yost told of the wonderful ties and bitterness arose. athletic equipment now available at I-___- Michigan and the small part that the AUSTRALIAN ECO student body had to do with its crea- i tion. He urged that the students OF CHARACTE might consider the amount of labor and energy expended by others in "A middlefloatin vote attached to 'erecting the stadium, the field house, "A me, boting vote, thed and he oherdivisions of the great (o one party but capable of throwing athletic plant so that they might ap its weight to one side or the other, i t the acilthat the i cp- the imnortant characteristic of th preciate the facilities at their com- parliamentary government of Aus *mand and spotthe wr en sdne by the onk te tralia," stated Prof. G. V. Portus, lc- done by the various divisions of the turer in economic history at the Uni - plantc g aversity of Sydney, in his lecture yes e Concerning the game, Yost said lit- terday afternoon in Natural Science tle about the probable tcoe b auditorium. Professor Portus wa stated that it would be a great chance speaking on "The Australian Labo - for every man to show the proper Theory of Democratic Government. spirit towards Michigan."Australia has a wide-sread spiri school at a late hour yesterday. Due G < + l L Y , -I N U A( 1 4 i l j G 3 V . V l I I L E V Y L K _ H 1 b I U H I U J U b to the fact that the entire first edition of 1,000 copies was sold before the newsboys got away from the Press building yesterday afternoon, theI editors have agreed to accede to popu- GILBERT TO FIGHT FOR HIGH SCORE lar demand and another 1,000 were HONORS AS OOSTERBAAN AND run off of the presses last night. A sensation comparable only to that JOESTING END CAREERS which occurred when Lincoln was as- I sinated occurred last night when the BY IERBEET E. VEDDER. screaming headlines announced that With the possibility of blasting their way into a Conference chain- today's game with Minnesota was called off. Anxious ticket holders, eionslI should Bob Zuppke's , llh Wsffer a tmporary laseandwfall unable to procure copies of the pub-ibefore the determincd Buckeyes, the Wolverines and ophers will do lication, called The Daily at five min- battle this afternoon with unnstakable viciousness in their traditional war ute intervals to secure the correct over the "little brown jug." or the third time this year, every seat in information. For the benefit of these Michigan's huge stadium has been sold out and 87,000 persons are ex- anxious thousands, who kept the wires - ! pected to be on hand when,the teams hot until early this morning, Joesting, line up at 2:30 o'clock Ann Arbor did not break his leg and the ball for 'RIIOfNtTS CANg e n l'time. the game is not lost. A second publication, somewhat, Biting cold weather which is one of s en uctimnt,appeardhatr Pflh INflUB1 similar in sentiment, appeared later those annual features of Minnesota- last night under the title. "The Unof- LUMichigan games will again be the ficial program." According to the .order today. While this may lead to best information available this is as f g s c l smaller sheet which is on sale by the some fumblig it is inconceivable that regular program vendors. It has no- conditions will be in any way compar- thing to do with the "Daily Gaboon," able with those prevailing at Minneap- and sells for 10 cents while the Ga- DISTRICT PROSECUTOR RESIGNS olis a year ago. At that time heavy boons can be procured for 5 cents FROM SPECIAL BODY s had fallen and made tme field a while they last. NAMED BY JIJDt E fllsnowad hefel soggy mass while during the game the The Gaboon, according to reliable(odwsamtunerb. reports, is publishedby the local chap- CLAIMS CHANGE OF MIND Thopwasbliostunbfearsn ter of Sigma Delta Chi, national pro- combined with biting cold may put a fessional journalistic fraternity. Justice Siddons Expresses Views Of damper on the varied attacks pos- Declaration, Defines New sessed by both elevens, but prospects Iearingg 'nevertheless point to a great game. Minnesota Favored. (QyU As;(ciatcd Press) Features galore infest today's con- WASHINGTON, 'Nov. 1-An under- test. Foremost of all is the fact that WILL GIYE CONCERTS current of feeling which has pervaded Minnesota has been installed as a de- cided favorite over most of the coun- the District of Columbia Supreme try. Then there is the meeting of Chamber Music Recital And Hofmnann court since the declaration of a mis- two great all-Americans, Capt. Herb Will Be Attractions trial in the Fall-Sinclair oil con- Joesting, the unstoppable thunder- Next Week spiracy case worked its way into the bolt of Minnesota'sgreat thundering Zhopeneoday anherd, and Capt. Bennie Oosterbaan, I z pen odayinn exchange of letters the immovable nonpareil end. Play- LEA LUBOSHUTZ TO PLAY " between District Attorney Gordon and lng under the minor spotlight will be - IAssociate Justice Frederick L. Sid- Louis Gilbert and Harold Almquist After a two-week period of inactiv- dons.ho will settle their dispute over high ity in the musical field, local patrons Tendering his resignation from the scoring honors in ,the Big Ten. At willdein have theopportuity ofrharingeIpresent the Gopher back has an 11 will have the opportunity of hearing special committee named by the jus point lead. two outstanding concerts during the Itice to prosecute criminal contempt Perhaps one of the main reasons f next week. On Monday night the proceedings growing out of the oil for giving Minnesota the edge is that Flonzaley string quartette will appear jury scandal, the district attorney'left Coach Clarence Spears has succeeded Sin a rectial in Hill auditorium as the Ilittle doubt as to his own view that in developing a really varied attack secd m of thdEtruas he action should have been taken by the for his team. The effective use of second number of the Extra Conce court at the time of the filing of the plays has been a series, and on Wednesday night Josef affidavits involving Harry F. Sinclair, feature of therNorthmen's play this 1 Hofmann, famous pianist, and Lea the Burns detectives who trailed thl year, being well interspersed with the Luboshutz, Russian violinist, will ap- I jurors and Edward J. Kidwell, cele- line drives for which they are so pea injitreia s h hrdnmorated juror number 11. famous. The 1927 Gophers are called er otreulaconcertherhirdn- The fact stating that he and special the best ever developed. her of the regular concert series un- government oil counsel were ready to Reports from Minneapolis have it der the auspices of the University prosecute for contempt at that time, that predictions of a 20-point victory Choral Union. Gordon emphasized that the affldavit t for Minnesota are being made freely. The Flonzaley organization will be which they had filed on Nov. 11 were IBut anyone who wants to put this heard in Ann Arbor for the fifth time. "the basis and cause of the action of idea across to the Wolverines will have It was organized in 1903 by E. J. de the court on Nov. 2, in withdrawing to do more than talk. a juror and discharging the jury fromI Michigan Reay. Coppet and appeared here in the old further consideration of the case and The Wolverines are ready for any- University Hall auditorium shortly declaring a mistrial." thing that, Minnesota has to offer, afterwards. The four artists who Assigns Causes although not making any predictions, make up its personnel are the same But Gordon assigned as his imm-e- and every member of the squad with with one exception as those who were diate cause of his, refusal to serve on the exception of Joe Gembis, is in with it in the beginning, the viola'the committee the fact that since the shape for the game. Minnesota, like- player being obliged to leave because mistrial he had presented to a grand wise, has -no cripples. Both teams of poor _health. I jury evidence "on every phase of the boast veteran material with only two Hofmann is recognized as one of situation' and had "quite positive or three new men in the invaders' the outstanding pianists of the coun- views as to whom should be prose- limeup and not a sophomore slated to try. He has been heard in Ann Arbor cuted." He added that in the circum- start for Michigan. on several occasions, while Luboshutz I stances it seemed to him that if he Not oten do men face each other played here last May during the an- acted on the committee he would be four times on the collegiate gridiron, nual Festival. Hofmann first attract- placed in "an alantalous and incon- but such is another of today's feature. ed attention as a boy prodigy, when s*tn -sto, MeKinnon, center, and Captain Joest- he created a sensation in America,Fd ing, the center of power for the Goph- and has been before the public ever In accepting o rwasds resignation,ers will be starting their fourth ganie since with little diminishing popular- i diagainst Michigan. Facing them will ity. After a period of retirement that in expressing his own views as tor- be Captain Oosterbaan, Gilbert and was short he made a second debut in the declaration of the District attor- Baer who have participated in each of wsney to assist the court in the admin- the four battles between the two Berlin. He has appeared in every jistration of justice, by vindicating and elevens in the past three years. r country where m usic is recognized .i niho ty" Mie ins in eupfors t omorowywill and has made several transcontinen- imantaining s authory. tMichigan's lineup for tomorow will tal tours. . Justice Siddons deared tha the be the same as that of a week ago with Luboshutz is a native of Odessa, and inquiry ordered two weeks after te the single exception of Gabel who will studied under her father and in the mistrial wasannounced as oneato de- resume his place at right tackle, with e Moscow conservatory until she was 15, I teriine whether in the national capi- 1 Baer returning to the guard post. -n when she made a tour through ps tal, the administration of justice in Although Schoenfeld and Nyland have - lan, Frane mad German t undr P'one of the courts therein, may be suc- been named to start at center and - land, France and Germany under cessfully flouted and defied." right end respectively, Coach Wieman - Arthur Nikisch. Her American ap- Contempt No Issue said yesterday that Bovard and Heston __aansa____paat ___yew Moreover, the justice declares that are sure to see service as alternates. NO1MIS T TELLS the alleged contempt did not const'i- In this way the Wolverines will be i tute an issue in the oil case, "but is assured of some fresh nmateial to OF LEC ORATE collateral to it and, in a sense, su-{ slow down the onslaught of the famed perior to it, in that, if proved, it Thundering Herd. For the main part, constitutes an assault upon the ad- however, Michigan will depend on her o growth of the Labor party in Austra- ministration of justice, an obstruction "first seven" in the forward wall. lia up to the position it now maintains. of its (the court's) justice and the de- Backfield Set. s i fiance of its power and authority." The Wolverine backfield of Miller, period whc the Lor pa thd "It is peculiar fitting that you, under Gilbert, Puckelwartz, and Rich also periodin which the Labor party found the circumstances, should be selected will probably remain intact during - its origin and mauifestation," he said. with two other members of the bar to most of the game since Hoffman is the - "The triumph of liberalism over radi- 'assist the court in ascertaining the only other back freely mentioned as a - calism in Europe about the middle of ,truth of the matter of such 'grave con- substitute. With Miller holding a I t e ' s r " , ,t k nineteenth century, brought a new cern,'" the justice added. "But your death grip on the quarteback job, element to Australia and created a assistance to be of use, would have to Hoffman's chance is likely to be at new democratic level. This influx was be ungrudgingly and wholeheartedly halfback. due to the golden opportunities which given." Coach Spears plans to rely on the the land afforded in the way of self- Justice Siddons is expected to name ; same men who have carried Minnesota government," he said. another member of the bar to replace through her successful season, marred "Labor grew gradually to look to Gordon and the committee will then only by tie with Indiana and Notre the government for help in the solv- ,be in a position to function. Whatever Dame. The same four backs who s: 1 n of political parties," said Professor STUDENT SENT TO JAIL Portus, "and the concentration of the working population on the eastern