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NEW STADIUM FIELD, Nov. 19.-FIor the first tane since 1919,
the big team from the steppes of Minnesota was able to eke out a victory
over Michigan. The Gophers, in contrast with former years, were able
to vary line crashing with passing to overcome the Wolverines in a great
battle before 87,ooo.persons who jammed into every available seat.
By winning today, the Thundering herd showed itself to be one of
the best elevens in the country and can now lay claims to consideration
for the Big Ten title along with Illinois. The Gophers were tied once
in the Big Ten, by Indiana, but did not suffer a defeat during the season.
Captain Oosterbaan w'on the toss
and elected to kick off while Minnesota
defended the south goal. The wind
was blowing mainly from the west. -
Nydahl took the kickoff on his 10-1
yard line and ran back to the 28-yard
line, being tackled by Rich. Baer
stopped Nydahl at a two-yard gain.
Joesting went off Michigan's left MINNESOTA MICHIGAN
tackle for four yards. Barnhart lost Haycraft..... LE. ... Oopterbaan
two yards at Nyland's end. Barnhart ' , ' (Capt.)
kicked to Miller who was down on Nagurski.......LT .. Pommerening
the Michigan's 7-yard line by Hay- Hanson ........ LG............ Baer
craft. Gilbert kicked on first down, McKinnon .......C.......... Bovard
the ball rolling to Minnesota's 14-yard Gibson .........RG .......Palmeroli
line. Gary ...........RT........... Gabel
Gabel broke through the Minnesota Tanner .........RE .........Nyland
line and downed Barnhart on Minne- Almquist........QB.......... Miller
sota's five-yard line. The crowd went Barnhart .......LH .........Gilbert
into a frenzy when Barnhart, kicking Nyhdal ......... RH .... Puckelwartz
from behind his own goal, sent the Joesting (Capt.).FB.,.......... Rich
ball out of bounds on Minnesota's 25-
yard line. two yards at right guard. Minnesota
On a double pass, Jim Miller went s vothered an attempted run by Oos-
off right tackle for two yards. terbaan off Minnesota's left tackle, the
With the Minnesota secondary de. play losing a yard.
Tense sucked in, Bill Puckelwartz Gilbert punted and Nyland downed
dropped back and sent a beautiful pass the ball on Minnesota's six-yard line.
to Captain Oosterbaan who was by Barnhart punted out of bounds on
Minnesota's left halfback when lie Minnesota's 40-yard line. By heady
caught the ball on the one-yard line, work. Puckelwartz recovered the
from where he put it across for a Michigan fumble, losing five yards.
touchdown. Gilbert kicked a perfect Gilbert, apparently looking for sun-
geal from placement. flowers, was tackled by half a dozen
Score: Michigan, 7; Minnesota, 0. Minnesota players on an attempted
Michigan took time out for Gabel pass.rn
who had a cut opened in his face. Gilbert punted out of bounds on
Gar kickd offcforMine saGil- Minnesota's 22-yard line. Again the
Gary kicked off for Minnesota to G "Thunderbolt" went through the Mich-
bert who ran the ball back 20 yards t line
Michigan's 24-yard line. H anson grnan, making two yards. By some
broke through and threw Puckelwartz great playing by Puckelwartz, Nyland
for a two-yard loss. Gilbert sent a ad Gabel, Nydahl gained only one
beautiful punt to Almquist who was yard. Barnhart punted to Miller who
downd byPalmrol on inneota' '-an back five yards, being downed in
43-yard line. Nydahl broke through mid-field as the quarter ended.
Michigan's right tackle for first down Score: Michigan, 7; Minnesota, 0.
on the Wolverine's 47-yard line. SECOND QtUARTER
Thunderbolt Joesting met a stone Miller was a little slow on a triple-
wall at left guard, but gained nearly pass play, Tanner and Gibson catching
two yards. A perfect. forward pass, him for a four-yard loss. With Miller
Nydahl to Tanner, was complete for acting like the play was to be a buck,
first down on Michigan's 30-yard line. Puckelwartz dropped directly back,'
Joesting was stopped for a yard gain sending a pass to Gilbert, who caught'
by Rich and Oosterbaan. it on the Minnesota 35-yard line. Gary
Pass I IG1
I P 4 j 7 SSjI M i c h i g a n M in n e s o t a
j 1892 ......... 6 16 j
j 1893.......... 20 34 j
1895 ..........20 6
18910...........6 40
1902 ......... 23 6
I 19 3 -. - ... .. .- 6 I
( 1923 ..........5 )06
{j 19 0 .. . .. . 6 0
I 191 .. . . . 7 34
1920 .. . . . 3 0
K 1921 ..........38
1922 . .. ... 6 7
1; 1923 .. . ... . .. 10 0 j
1924 . .. .. . ... 13 0 1
1925 ..........35 0 E
1926 . . . . .20 ()
1926 .. . . . 7 6 1
feet. Gilbert punted long, Nyland
1 downing the ball on Minnesota's 15-1
UN -
Gopher Captain
Plays Fast Game
First Quarter
Illinois 6, Ohio State 0.,
Yale 7, Harvard 0.
Brown 0, New Hampshire 0.
Syracuse 0, Niagara 0.
Army 0, Ursinus 0.
Northwestern 0, Iowa 0.
Chicago 0, Wisconsin 0.
First Half
Illinois 6, Ohio State 0.
Yale 7, Harvard 0.
Lafayette 45, Lehigh 0.
Indiana 6, Purdue 0.
Detroit 6, Carnegie Tech. 0.
Nebraska 0, Kansas Aggies 0.
Army 0, Ursinus 0.
Syracuse 0, Niagara 0.
Third Quarter
Illinois 13, Ohio State 0.
Michigain Cross-Country Aggregation
Ends Race In Tie With Indiana
For Eighth Position
Led by their individual star, Capt.
John Zola, Coach Tom Jones' veteran
and well balanced Wisconsin harrier
team repeated its victory of last sea-
son by capturing the Conference cross
country title for the third consecutive
time with 31 points yesterday morning
over the new Wolverine course.
The Badger victory was won by a
m(uch narrower margin than that at-
tained at Minneapolis a year ago, how-
ever, as Coach Harry Gill's veteran
Illinois aggregation nearly made good
in their attempt to break the Cardi-
nal's long string of Conference victo-
ries, pressing the winners all the way
and finishing right on their heels in
second place with 57 points, just six
behind the Jones-coached team.
Gopher Entry Takes Third Place
Minnesota proved to be the dark
horse of the meet by placing third
Bennie Oosterbaan
Michigan captain who took a pass
from Puckelwartz and crossed the
Minnesota goal line in the opening
Minutes of the game, after eluding the
Gopher secondary defense.
Heston replaced Nyland for Michi-
gan. Joesting made three yards
through center before being tackled
by Rich. Nydahl crashed for first down
on Michigan's 43-yard line. Michigan's
right side was sucked in and Nydahl
made two yards, before being stopped
by Puckelwartz. With a mountain of
interference, Almquist made six more.
Oosterbaan met up with Joesting, the
Gophers failing of first down by a
foot. Minnesota took time out.
Minnesota elected to plunge on
fourth down and Joesting was hurled
back as the Michigan line held firm.
Michigan took the bail on the 34-yard
line. Puckelwartz, attempting to run
right tackle, was smothered, gaining
one yard. Rich made two yardls
through center. Rich made three more
on the third play. Gilbert's punt went
out of bounds on Minnesota's 36-yard
On a wide sweeping end run, Nydahl
made four yards, being downed by
Rich. On a quick forward pass by
Joesting, Baer partially blocked it and
Rich intercepted the ball on Minne-
yard line.
Almquist went inside Oosterbaan's "Thunderbolt" Joesting
end for nine yards, finally being down- Whose line plunging and accurate
ed by Miller. Another play went in- passing gave Minnesota its chiefl
side of him, making first down on Mir:- means of attack against Michigan. He
nesota's 28-yard line. Joesting made lived up to the reputation he has
two yards at Michigan's right guard made as a constant threat, and fin-
Minnesota ,took time out for Gary. ished his career in a blaze of glory.
Almquist carried the ball with three!
others, but Oosterbaan wrestled the Heston making the tackle. Joesting+
ball back, the gain being less than a went through for three more.
yard. Almquist smashed at Michigan's left
A pass from .Joesting was incom- tackle, making less than two yards.
plete. Michigan was penalized five On a lateral pass to Nydahl, Puckel-
yards for offside. On a short shove wartz and Heston tackled Nydahl who
pass forward, Nydahl took the ball failed to make first down and Michi-
around Michigan's right end, almost gan took the ball on her own eight-
got loose, but was knocked down on yard line. On first down Gilbert,
Michigan's 45-yard line. Oosterbaan kicked to Almquist who returned eight
blocked four interference nen to stop yards to Michigan's 33-yard line as
Nydahl for less than a yard gain on a Michigan missed the tackle. Almquist
wide end run sweeping clear across passed to open territory. On a double
the field. Michigan took time out for pas3 to Nydahl the Gophers gained a
Oosterbaan. Apparently Oosterbaan yard. A pass, Almquist to Haycraft,
got a bad bump around the shoulders was conrplete for a five-yard gain. Gil-
or neck. Oosterbaan resumed play. bert, who made the tackle, was in-
Again Nydahl nearly got loose at jured and Michigan took time out.
Michigan's right end, Miller making Gilbert resumed play, but was laid
the tackle on his own 32-yard line. out on the next play. Joesting's pass
Almquist crashed- through Michigan's to Tanner was completed and Gilbert,
left guard for first down on the Wol- who made the tackle, was injured on
verine 27-yard line. Oosterbaan came the play.
in back of the line to tackle Joesting Joesting's pass was completed to
who made four yards on the play Tnner, the (opher end fighting to
through center. Heston replaced Ny- Michigan's one-yard line. Joesting
land at right end for Michigan. Alm- leaped at Michigan's left guard and
quist tore away from Baer and made went across for the touchdown.
first down on Michigan's 12-yard line. Phariner was rushed in to kick the
Another of those shove forward passes, goal, taking Tanner's place. The pass
Joesting to Nydahl, gained two yards, from center was fumbled ahd Phar.
mer's attempt to paiss for the extra
point was knocked down .
TA, 6.
Joesting fumbled the kickoff, but
Michigan was slow going down the
field. Joesting was stopped on his
own 19-yard line. Almquist made two
yards at right guard. Joesting found a
stone wall at center.
Minnesota took time out. t3... . ahead of Iowa, one of the early favor-
punted to Miller who fumbled in mid- ites, with 89 points. The Hawkeyes
field, Minnesota recovering the ball, took fourth with 98 points and were
but then fumbled, Rich recovering for trailed by Ohio State with 24 in fifth
Michigan, giving the Wolverines' first position.
down on Minnesota's 47-yard line. Michigan's showing, with the, single
Rich made three yards as he took the ; exception of Capt. Randolph Monroe,
ball out of bounds. Johnson replaced who placed tenth, proved disappoint-
Gary at right tackle for Minnesota. ing, the Wolverines finishing in a tie
Oosterbaan dropped back quickly but with Indiana for sixth place with a
his pass to Gilbert was much too short. total of 129 points. Northwestern was
Puckelwartz's pass to Oosterbaan seventh with 222 points, while Chica-
was incomplete and Michigan was pen- go captured cellar honors with a total
alized five yards. Gilbert punted to of 241.
Almquist who returned the ball 10 Every school in the Conference with
yards before he was downed on Min- the single exception of Purdue, whose
nesota's 24-yard line. Joesting nvade entry was scratched shortly before
two yards, being stopped by Rich. the meet, was represented in yester-
Schoenfeld tackled Nydahl who made day's run, although only two men
a yard. Barnhart's punt stopped on from Chicago competed. All of the
Michigan's 45-yard line. Puckelwartz other entries were six man teams.
lost two yards attempting a drive off Zola Leads by Wide Margin
left tackle. Zola, the Cardinal captain, took the
Fourth Quarter!lead near the three and three-quarters
Almquist cut inside Oosterbaan for mile iark and gradually outdistanced
six yards, but Bennie made the tackle, the rest of the leaders, finishing more
getting around three Minnesota men. than 100 yards ahead of Fairfield of Il-
Joesting sniashbd through center for jIlinois, his closest rival. Zola covered
first down on Michigan's eight-yard the five miles in Ihe fast time of 24:56,
line. Pommerening smashed through which established a record for, the new
Almquist for no gain. Gabel and Rich Michigan course.
smothered another shove pass forward Dave Fairfield of Illinois took sec-
to Almquist and Minnesota' has the ond honors a short distance ahead of
ball, fourth down on Mchigan's six- Captain Harold Fields, Indiana dis-
yard line. ance ace. Petaja, another member of
A forward pass, Almquist to Hay.,the Badger team. placed fourth just
craft, was complete on the goal line 'ahead of Capt. Leonard Hunn of Iowa,
a touchdown. Almquist kicked the who tied for first in last year's cham-
goal. pionship meet. .Baker of Ohio State
SCORE: MINNESOTA, 13; MICH-. captured sixth place, Anderson of Min-
GAN, 7.nesota was seventh, McElwee of Illi-
WAN, ~*nois eighth, Bullamore of Wisconsin
Gilbert attempted an onside kickoff inth, andCaptain Monroe of Michi-
to Oosterbaan but the attempt waslgan tenth
frustrated and Minnesota ran the ball Brady of Iowa finished in eleventh
back to Michigan's 49-yard line. A position, followed by North of Minne-
pass, Almquist to Haycraft, was com- sota, and Capt. Joe Novak of Illinois.
plet foran ightyardgai. Pukel-I 1onnelto Oho Sae woas fourteenths,
Oosterbaan missed a tackle of Joest-
ing's on a lateral pass play which
went for no gain. Oosterbaan had him
trapped behind the line. Joesting tried
a pass to Tanner, but was hurried and
the ball was put out of bounds. On
an end-around play on a triple pass,
Minnesota failed to fool the Wolver-
ines and they took over the ball on
their own 29-yard. line. Nagurski
stopped Puckelwartz without gain.
Oosterbaan fought for four yards off
left tackle, Tanner making the tackle.
Gilbert punted to Nydahl who was
down on Minnesota's 31-yard line. Oos-
tcrbaan, made- the tackle. Nyland and
Baer sent Nydahl back and Barnhart
punted, the ball bouncing crazily to
Michigan's 47-yard line. Miller made
Robert E. Finch
Nelson J. Smith
Emmons A. Bonfield
(. George C. Tilley I
George E. Simons
recovered on the 36-yard line when sota's 48-yard line. Puckelwartz lost j
the ball was stolen from Oosterbaan, six yards. A 40-yard pass, Oosterbaan'
Barnhart carrying the ball off Michi- to Heston, was knocked down. Gil-
gan's left guard for five yards. A bert punted to Almquist on Minneso-
similar play by Nydahl at the other ta's 15-yard line. Almquist tried to
side was frustrated by Baer for no outsmart Baer, but failed miserably,
gain. Faking a double pass, Joesting falling in his tracks.
smashed through for six yards. Nydahl made five yards and on the
Minnesota's long punt rolled to Mich- next play made four more at Michi-I
igan's 35-yard line. Joesting found a gan's right tackle, Rich making both
hole for four yards, Rich and Baer tackles. Joesting tore savagely through
making the tackle. for first down on Minensota's 30-yard'
Nydahl held even on the next play. line. Walsh replaced Tanner at end
Joesting faked a play at Michigan's for Minnesota, and Almquist was re-
right end, turning quickly to throw a placed by Hovde. Hovde dropped
forward pass, but Gilbert intercepted Joesting's perfect 15-yard pass.
the pass, giving Michigan first down Joesting's pass to Haycraft was de-
on her own 24-yard line. Rich went dared conmplete on Michigan's 43-yard
through center for three yards. A ln when uckelwartz interfered
necktie tackle stopped Miller without w the receiver. Joesting's pass to
gain. After the ball was juggled by Walsh was knocked down by Gilbert
- - T- and Oosterbaan.
Minnesota's safety man Poinmerening
recovered the ball for Michigan on
the Gophers' S0-yard line. Puckel-
wartz's pass to Gilbert was incom-
plete, the latter being knocked down
by Almquist.I
Michigan took time out for Gilbert.I
A wide pass from center, the ball
rolling crazily back. Two Minnesota
plete for an eight yard gain. P'urkel-l Donnell of Ohio State was fourteenth,
w,artb tackliing him in h( tracks.-, Stine of Illinois fifteenth, Burgess of
Almquist went off Michigan's left tac- Wisconsin sixteenth, Clapham of In-
kle, but the play was recalled and diana seventeenth, Captain Binger of
Gabel left the field, Pomirerening Minnesota, eighteenth, Ponzer of Illi-
moving to right tackle and Harrigan nois nineteenth, and Fink of Wiscon-
replacing him at left tackle. Joesting sin twentieth.
made it first down on the 37-yard line. Monroe Makes Lood Showing
Almquist made four on Harrigan on a By finishing in tenth
duck-arouind play.finishig i enhpositio~n Cap-
duck-aroundpay.twinMonroe of the Michigan tean
Joesting was thrown for a yard loss made one of the best showings cred-
by Pommerening. Al Gilbert got his ited to a Wolverine entry in a Big Ten
hands on Almquist's pass to Nydahl championship meet in recent years.
Joesting's pass to Walsh was coin-
plete on Michigan's 14-yard line, Oos-
terbaan making the tackle. Miller
knocked down Hovde'stpass and Min-
nesota was penalized five yards. Oos-
terbaan intercepted a Minnesota pass
and ran 20 yards before being downed
on Minnesota's 45-yard line as the
half ended.
but could not hold it.N
After setting the pace for the first
mile, the big Michigan captain held his