NEStAY'l NOVEMBER 16, 1927 THE M-CHYIGAM DAILY PAPCE SEVEN. Pfl'gI POlINTS TEAM, MICHIGAN END, FRUHINDIANA CONTEST 1NEW YORK- "Bullet" lBaker, sasare out of "Red" Grange and NEW YORK-Red Grange, Yankee! Yankee backfield backfield ace, has retired to a local the lineup with in- hospital to recover from, a recent leg injury. jigolm THIS L A"SS.1 FIE TO eoLuwN oiu ,a CLOSES CLOS E AT3 P.M. ADVEktTISING AT,3 P.1 . jCLOTHING salesmann wanteil, Full time or part time. Mlust be experi- enced. Apply at once. Sair, 200 N. IMin il St. 50, 51l, 52, 53i _ t I Sai n-41y'%,iRattle Looms As Bitterest lin IAPng Rivalry That Bales FrmllF.irst (aiie I~n 1x9~1 LEON HUTJTON NOT TO PLAY (Spe~cial to The D l~ily) LAFAY ETTE, Nov. 15 -- Indiana- Purdue. football games have come and gone sincec to first contest was play- ed back in the early nineties, but never hias such, a c'on~test aroused the interest of this town and campus as the approaching game Saturday at Bloomington. While Jimmy Phelan puts his Boil- ermaker squad through the hardest lractice sessions of the year. behind locked gates, football conversation is (loninating all others. So great is the interest that there seems little doubt but that the greatest crowd which hits ever followed a Purdue eleven to a foreign field will be on hand in' the Memorial stadium next Saturday. Plan Send~off For 'Team While an informal pep session is hald every time a group, of fans geti together Pere, the biggest affair of th~je year is set for next Thursday' evening, when the student body and thousands of townspeople will gather around a huge bonfire on Stuart field in an enthusiastic pep program. Thel sendoff of the team Friday morning,l when it leaves on a special train, is, expected to surpass, the one given the squad when it left for the Harvard encounter, early in the season. Leon lutton, Purdue's star. end, will not .be: able to play because of an injury suffered in scrimmage last week. Iluttlqn dislocated his shoulder at Chicago, but was coming back into shape rapiidly when the scrimmage injury djefitjly placed him on the bench for the remainder of the year. LANSINC-?Michigan State college defeatedAlbion 20 to 6. '.Y X. il y4?tfl }} .. tt , t ,, f cam: ".r' ;.. ,' x: ; Wiz. ' xY L K r::fi>E t f""'" "" N ,' 4 id p"i / to 6P x 1 E r M $ d# v ti ,1 r " ^dR y / P t : .5 tJ ' t t I R.. REL. il.A PIS. Lff.. . NOTICES. NOTICE-We deliver between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p mn. Prompt Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481. 20 100 NOTICE-Will exchange a good tenor Ibanjo for cornet or alto horn. D)ial I6832. Claude. 49, 50, 51 FOR RENT SUTITES for women. Kitchen on same floor for use. 513 East Jefferson St. 49, 50, 51 FOR SALE LAIDIES' fur coats. Salesmen's samples, $59. $79 and $99. Univer- sity Shops, Inc., Michigan Theatre Bdg., 2nd floor. 56 FUR CCOATS-Men's black fur coats. Salesman's samples, $29 and $39. University Shops, Inc., Michigan Theatre Bldg. 2nd floor. 50 TRUTNKS A-ND BAGS for sale; rea- sonlable; brand new; wardrobe trunks, $25; Steamer Wardrobe trunks, $14; Dress trunks, $14; jLadies' Flat Cases, $2.95. University Shops, Inc., M\ichigan Theatre Bldg. 2nd, floor. 50 F'Ol SALE.--Ladies' muskrat coat, $40. Call 31706. 49, 50 NE:Wnmodel Remington p~ortalble Itype-1 writer; excellent condition; ?1$35 cash. Write B~ox 13, Michigan Daily. 50, 51, 52 _ V A N rrI. )} CMANAGERS WANTED-To take charge of various depa rtmnents ; very attractive salaries to those who qualify. Uiniversity Shops, . Inc., Mtichigan Theatre Bldg., 2nd floor. 50 { WANTED _ MINNESOTA TICKEtTS SCall Chilhinan, 8117. 50, 51, 52' WANTED MTINNESOTA TICKETS iCall 3456. 50 WANTEID-Four tickets for Minneso6ta gae. in pairs. B1. ). Lewis, 524 I{Thompson St. Phone 2-1634. 50; 51 E "'llV ra'ti - -4-tay ane1.A:1-4- i i 1 C'OLORED) girl wishes hart time work. Call 21530.. 49, 50, 51 i0 .!I IEN antedl to sell onl comissiont, a1t Minnesota gIame1. Good propos i- tion. For iniformal i ion en IdI "O0tiMich, tUnion, Thu' dayfroml j 3 :00 to :i:00 Ip. Ill. "and1 roomn i 1(2, from 7 :00h to 9t: 101p. in, Bring; your jM~ihUnion. Card. 49, 50, 51 .I LOSTh LOST- Pail, of sel rio la .sses. ;No1 Ecase. Sometime St urdaty evening. Call Mr. a, mn nvriy23 r IS49, int. LOS'T-A_ medium size aligti', con- taining bills andi keys. Re ward. Dial 3301.- Alice Sherman. 49, 5o, 51 LOST--Beaded bag a'. tr Navy gtrne , near Packard atnd St ate. ULbral rewardl. IPholne , .45-50 LO ST--T ii hand-painted silk scarf. Valued gs keepsake. Gertrude G rant, 7042. 50 LOST-Pair fur lined gloves, Mondayv morning, in Angell Hall or Natural Science. Alice Steketee. 4872. 50, 51, 52 LOST-In Subitay Lunch, Sunday Inight, Collection of Milton's Poems andI Black Leather Note Boo0k. Finder please call 2-1741. Rewa- rd. Leroy lHeston Whose consistent djefensive play in the Chicago game stainpedl him as one of the most dIependale endls on the Wolverine squad. By his perform- anice against the Maroons, Rleston proved that he is a worthy successor to his uncle, the great Willie ileston. Thec New Fall models, exclusively Whitehouse & Hardy 1 in design1 andI finish, may be inspected at GUY VWO OLFOtK' 336 South State Street xclusive Laists,and Patterns Designed and Sold Only byI EOm w WFHEHOSE& HARDYC' BROAD WAY.AT 44M STREET 84 BRaADWAY> 144 WEST 420 STREET IK9OLTAK OFMA I49USESUIL4!NI AT WAJ1L STREElT KNICKERBOCKERt BUILDING PMiPAELflIA--1511CHESTNUT MTr rapid steno, and neat University Shops, Inc., Theatre 131(1g. 2nid floor. a ppear1'ing. Michigan , 4 50 1 50 1,' AT XDof graceful and distinguished styling $3.75' an evening Our rental depart- N M From Ofver, the bounding main come- the fabrics from which Goodhnan-Suss overcoats are made. The kind of fabrics too that will stand "many a stormy wind and blow." The tailoring is. of the finest. Skinner satin "seams. Special hand: tailoring at the collar points and lines makes for hang' and 'set.' Skinnier satin linings. that make~s the slip-on easy. The price for this garment is $55. We ask you to come in and examine this coat- and buy: mebbe. Thomp'son s South-U went is for your convenience and it is. stocked with a complete Line of sizes. Our tuxedos are de- signed and tailored by our own, work- men. Smart Accessories at Moderate Prices runing lihn &On. 319 South. Main Street .tno1Ann Arbor's Finest Men's Shop. Wol ok's Shelley "0 The Suit You Should Wear 5 NOHNAhr fmr velous has been the reception - N ,*of the E Part j I Shelley "50". It has been great and '" we are greatful. The final analysis has proved the Woolfolk Shelley "50" 14 the finest suit ever shown in ® ~~Ann Arbor at l e s s than. The Shetley -_ _--By Murray $65.00; proved by compari-, - ~son, proved by results. Q i a rable in O x :ford G ray. Chviot from Roberts of Eng- land. Every, man owes i to himself to at least try on the Shelley before purchasing a suit _ anywhere. ANN ARBOR t ~AT 836 SOUTHB STATE STREETT v v~~~~~f2~~ .a " i i' H 11 q R