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November 15, 1927 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-15

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IIRPURV HI - C N [ T 1o iga' rr in .t t iv ein the 1P-nsecutic seas~ons ~thei~ltin1ye rnu- j~
>kONt lnqit lc inst n tCncen< ie onvur a o l vU vt9Ue VA IE OFEN IVTiH
1 '.t 1iiiji. -ii].].. .1. ..1 1 u.(.i.....f( ' ( ( S..Oin....-.ha .1-t1-veii iv "- h11i



RC~I~1~d y IDecepive Plays
'k id ["orard Pse
"tlli aine if YOU cani, a teamil capale
of u sing' every play that has been em-j

cll r e b c h il h e n i c ion in the Mlichigan1 stadium nlext Sat-
urdlay. is still leading the B3ig Ten
scorc!i°s with 74 points. "Elusive
Lcnuis" Gilbert, Wolverine halfback, is
1:1 po0ints beh'lind the Gopher star with
a tocal of. 6")
,Amquliiiitiregistered one touchdown
<a in t Dllrake last Saturday, making
hiim twI) short of Red Orange's record

ployed aga insi, Yliclipgan by all her of 18 touchdowni's made in 1924. C4
oppoixnents this season and one which, r bert was 'ontient to kick three o
stiil l futier, has commandl over sev- y . .-of four goals against Navy, adding
erl muo1110', ancd YOU Can 72gain 1Ome his lea d( "f rhi in this department. T1'
sort, of lpicture of what lichigan isjL~i(.1Tha licl ohhas scored(15 pin
gigto buck up agalinst Saturday.'" otter touchdown, seven more than A
Thisvwas the opinion voiced yesterday I maist, wxho i y t second place.
t}C(LhTdti~r~t nrfrne'leAcia-~inst aewio to Ifaun which 1Viinesot a will hptP EKo a long way towards settlitg tl
agiithIle olverine-s to cap the thin erence scoring dispute. Almqui
J 92'7 gridliron ecu ntrib uti on. w-ill be out to equal or ti(e Grange
Tl'he plung;ing;, learing , smashing :cord, while Gilbert wiii endeavor
Ihel'h) Joesting an<irl his aceconiplice jw- ierbaul his Gopher opponent by rel
assaults at. sx~srglneSot _terifng 12 points or more to captul
I 1yin lneShrt ]t ;SIJottoJi individual scoring honors, lprovided,
Almguist, are not' the only threats o fore ao ege h sr-:U~,ta qiti edso
the Northinen. This will be at tested I For tortheaBir leagues ao s nur e ~u~e htAmus shl cr
to by Not re Damne's cohorts who. saw geur 01 gtheo ile osieelSuf o0 e lyri the Big Tegesa
lth rig [lull toan oapti ofahesItoiiMcInnis. Shotton will be confronte(! stands aiiy cha nce of passing the Twt iicl axi h -lc
(leili Ih rd tossdafor a rdt passd o w it ifl ni a k in t e Q:~c wo stars in th e scoring departnnel
to fih, 1GIrphrindtfor a touchdwn cilty, as the 1Phillie;; ended i.p the't'iny Lewis of Northwestern is in, thin
to ie heIrih ii helas fw nn11927 season ini the(c(llar piosition.. tWace with 3-1 points.
lit(,5 of tlle ga me.____________________________
r' 143 al e, ay-ihia AL ONG'I HESIDELINE
lyI Sa;lt ui'lay's av-icigncon- LI T
test, the Wolverine fans were treat 'ad
to I hce kind of a gamne they have.
been wanting to see, au' nd or6 Saturday's display of offensive pow- Te jily on whichi the aagular
than full mieasure. The safety plan of er by the Wolverine and Navy grid- lcct191>;ac~kscore&d the first NaVY
campaign wxith much punting and I min, with.IJim Miller and Lloyd and I-olIichdo-1n occucrred so rapidly

. E:

l~l ll~i~i l~ pmeet, writ h will Ilea leiriiliwisovr101-
Old %a ken Bulck 4 etseiiibrling htuh; i'hed Sa!"- i'vniornlilg-over' the Var ino i> and Michigan teamxs.
k~ ow ~1 g Wil B A wa dedliY j~il'5(. w ll lne he h~st ~ W L ' y llac n g. second to the w inners lhour Year to tract B etw een Se r'11 T
-unTa ~ O l P(' I~I ' seltl'fns with ai total of 54 points, Coach Far- l'li5~ge &odigT
To g hii~~~' iie ria alas meet with Ilii-' rel's chat ges continued their per- Ws on oc
HQD EC ET pRATp oi o ho tt't hmag formance of the past two seasonsNAI TE w UL
HOLD SCRET ACTI~i i"and ()iio S a a nounce- hn they finished second to the; A IA V DNW RL
- 1 'P leurt umade 1rny('o:ch Steplen J. aPli. -Scarlet and Gray winners. 'The vie'.
S1W( iz. to I ro~l yeserdayLtry of the Illini, however, was the (By Associated Press)
BLOOMINGTON, Jl.NovIX. 1. Cp.RnolhMnomws tenost decisive ever scored by a teamn NEW YORK, Nov. 1.4.-Any talk: of
India~na University tackling dunmnilesi first Wolverine runner to finish i i n the annual triangular run. a. break in football or other athletic
will be renamed this afternoon whren Saturday's race, placing seventh be- Insoigter(civewn vr relations between the U. S. Naval and
Pa> aesnshsHoir til'ugi hi the six Illinois harriers who tied the Michigan and Ohio teams the Military academies over difeences ina
their initial practice soseofor te~ 1 first place. \\lirf ci was the next;Idassapdthmevsa n eligibility regulations is "absurd,"
Pudebtl er ,tlidy ' 'hcianmnt iih#nnnhPie of the leading contenders for Con- head coach "Riff" Jones, of the Army
Meoil tdu.whhumisx ile \Vchis and Je son were &,evesuth fterence honors, wxhich are heldl iyI gridmen, declared today.
which heretofore have been neired and thirteenth, respectively. Cairlson Wisc'onsinl at the present time, and. The rival schools have signed a
.IetuFangn nneis ilb ld Kennedyweeteohr ic- will be ranked among the favorites i ' four year football contract under
changed to Wilcox and WVetch. Pur- g-ain runnei's wxho earnedl the right to S'aturday's title race, which this year's game in New York
due's brilliant gladiators.i compete in the title meet Saturdayr, When Cant. Joe Navok, Fairfield,i is to be played, so that there is no
One of ti~e stu:ffedi personages is and (lrunow will serve as alternate. Mooneyhxam, McElwee, Ponzer, and i prospect of any rupiture in relations
several inches longer than the otlier, The victory of Coach Harry Gill's Abbott crossed the finish line in a tie for at least three more years, if at
heneit illbe hritend Wlch wh veera Iliniharier ened he ongfor first place, it was the first time! all, Coach Jones pointed out to the
stands over six feet. The shorter line of wins chalked upi) by OhioI such an occurance had been recorded Associated Press today'.
dummy will bear the inscription of his State in this annual meet. For four linl a Big Ten meet. This fact indi- Gossip o a split between Annapolis
running miate. I____________________rates that Coach Gill has one of the and West Point has had its basis in
Coach Page Daiss.4isfied. l best balanced teams in the Big Ten the decision of the Naval academy,
IThe dummies ha.ve withstood a ? .11N ESOTA TICKETS this year and will be able to send six announced last Jdune, to adopt the
strenuous attack for many weeks bat I capable harriers to the tape in his three year Varsity eligibility rule and
the workout they will receive the net More than 600 tickets for thej effort to capture tihe crown hxeld by not to schedule games. with an Institu-
few (lays will b~e far benyond that o Michigan- innesota gamne here I the Bad ger tera, tion lacking the same code.
any other. Coach Page xwas not at a0ll Saturday were returned by the jE-_______________________________________
satisfied with the tackling of his men Minnesota athletic association, _________________________________________________
last week and dleclares they will pt it was announced yesterday by
plenty of exercise at it before Satti'-- ( Harry Tillotson, business miana-I
d cay. ger of tihe Michigan athletic as- 1
Page's sessions were hampered by f;50 ('tati101. 1
lack of conditioned men 'but they These tickets were placed on11
should be ill good shape t his week ;jsaie ye'sterday morning, and ow-
end, barring injuries suffered in the ing to the large demand for Min- Of rsNrhetr ofit h tlts jns atbad atwei
wvere in perfect shape for Minnesota, is assured that these will be
and if the same fight is produced a; disposed of rapidly. Only a few Iro g r
real battle is again slated between the1 boxes havye been reported un-
traditional rivals. sold by the athletic offices.
Rainds To Be Present. __________1


passat. op portutne times to produce
scor es was cast asidhe anid the Wol-
vernues turned to a runnh~ing game
with a most thrilling spectacle re-
"Wise" critics are rather well di-
vided in their opinions of the game.
One group holds that the widely heir-
alded defe('11es of both 'teamls gave
' way to two mases of jelly; tile other
contendls that no defensive, however
strong it might be, could have stop
ped the ripping Michigan and Navy
attacks Saturday.
Backs :Did Fine Work
Although one cannot exactly brag;
on.. the play of the two lines, full
credit must b~e given to some fine
work by the backs. Especial credit
goes to Miller, Lloyd, Ransford, and
Navy's attack netted well over 200
yards but Minlnesota's offensive rates
every bit as strong as thlat of the
Mid dies. In addition to Minnesota's
traditionally strong snmashing game,
the 1927 Gophers have uncovered an
effective forward passing attack.
,Straight plays covered by that fa-
mnous shift have, acording to reports,
passed on and have been succeeded
by tricky deception plays employing
double and triple passes. Dr. S'pears
is given, credit for shaking up Minne-
sota's style at last-and it is this that
tile Wolverines most fear.
Minnesota's play against Drake on
Saturday was far from impressive as
the first team line played in the en-
tire game while the backs stayed in
most of the time to gain a 27-6 win1.
This, again, is a departure from Go'.
pher tradition which ilas dictated that
a high score be piled up the Saturday
previous to the final. battle of the
season with Michigan.$ This year it
might seem that the men from the
North have decided to save some of
their scoring fever for the Wolverines.
But along with offensive strength
it must b~e conceded that Minnesota is
possessel of a. better defense than
that shown by either team Saturday
in. the new stadium. The Gophers
have almost their entire forward wall
intact from last year, having lost only
one lineman in addition to Captain
Whleeler, star end. .
AND-MAichigan must have a de-
fense to match that of the Gophers to


Ransford playing the leaders' rolesj
for thle respective teams, was the
feature of the game, bult defense
seemed to be well-nigh cast into
oblivion by bothl teams.-
Jim Miller. unheralded huat vho
gave all oiiioiis inidication. of Is
caIpabilities ini the Chlicaigo game
a week aago, Ierced and 1slashedl
the Navy forward wall in a man-.
nter that eveni brought forth.
prais eworthty comments from
c'yniical new1saper critics In the
press box. Miller's score or more
thrunsts at the Viddie line am~toun~t-
ed to 117 yards, almost hlalf of the
yardage gained by JIl team, and
that is Certainily no insignaificant
ac'hievemienit .agamist a team suichi
ats represenited the Navy last Sat-
Lloyd and Ransford, dimunitive
halfbacks of the Annapolis eleven,
'more than did their share to keep
the hinge crowd of 86,000 in tense ex-
pectedness during the battle. Lloyd1
electrified the throng in the first
quarter with his spectacular run of
85 yardls to a touchdown.

that 1101113'ihi the stands failed to
see it. It happlenedinit this wvay:
Iloyd, playing behind his own
left endi, took the oval from the
center, slid through a hole be-
tweena guard amid tackle onl tie
riht side of the line, and (with
the three Michigan backs p~erfect-
13' blockied before 1011,I lloy d cant
to his owit left, rand thuen couitina-
nedl riiming aalong the sideliiie
with Jim Miller, safety miunm, plir-
suiing 11i11.


Tne old oakenlbucket xvnich arrived;
froin Lafayette last Tuesday is on dis-
play.. Tile token of victory, whichl
corresponds to the fanious little birown
jug will be awarded the winner for a 1


Heavy oiled upper
stock with extra


What would happen
Ransford started for

to Michigan if
the Navy is a

story that will never be written or
told. It must be acknowledged, howv-
ever, that a man of Ransford's versa-
tility was as good one to be substi-
tuted in thle second half after both
teams were a bit exhausted from the
great offenlsive exhibition of the first
half. Whether Ransford would ac-
cormplish as much in the first half as
ie did. in the second. is a questionl
over which, dark shadows of dubiety
C Defense, as has beeni already
(Continued on Page Seven)


period of one year._ -- -j -----Open to all students enrolled in thel
Saturday's battle will not only be j1' ni versity, with the exception of Var-
folught out on the gridiron hut xill he sity letter men, an all-campus wrest-
handes.Th( eeInna bandd enafulield houe, wllceberheldand 10. Pre-
andest. T bwe Idaand two woner flhoumetwillber held t0thePYos
claimed one of the best in the colleg- ! ininaries will begin at 7 o'clock 011
iate world and Purdue's musicians Friday night. All contestants will ibe
w xill certainly be here in an effort to expected to weigh in at 3 o'clock the
best the Crimson. Captain Cleaver same day. Five pounds overweight
wil start new formations *tomorrowv will be allowed in each class.
for the Indiana marchers to exhibit Prelinlinary bouts will be seveon
before. the crowd of Hoosier football 1Inillutes in duration, and the 'finals
fans,. will be it) minutes each. One minute
Coach Page will keep his men inside advantage in the main bout will be
Memorial Stadium all wveek for deemed sufficient to win a decision,
secret practice. NeNW plays and for- a nd if time match goes to the limit, 30
orations will be issued tomorrow after- seconds wii be enough to win the
noon.. (1 _ e(ision._ . _

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