I vw"W v W" m wvov vv.-% I IL T T-%7)k VT X? I 'PA TlS r 1* *Y TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1927 THE MICHI(3AN [AILY 15ft _ r lli [ 1' 1 V F, ------" "------- . .. n T - ----- a, . tly4W 4 1 " A* _ A _ .T' __ I Struggle For Intercollegiate Sports WOMAN CONSUL For Women Wages In Several Schools LIBRARY OF COIZNS Intercollegiate athletics for women, athletics and that the many are not; HALL0FORBOOK CLUE FRES1IMAN CLASSES TO DEVELOP SPECIAL EIDUATIONAL PROJECTS WILL ENLARGE LIBRARY To Stimulate Interest In Reading And To Offer Individual Wider Field The freshman class of the Univer- sity Hospital School of Nursing has "adopted" the fiction library of Cou- zens Hail and through it will work out special educational projects. Plans are being made to build up an excel- lent and well chosen fiction library. The present library, although still small, has a complete set of Conrad and is starting 'a collection of Kipling. To aid in their work the freshmen have formed a book group, which will put their ideas into active form. The group is working out a method of classifying and catalouging the books, which will be both simple and effi- cient. At the last meeting of the class the freshmen voted to join the "Book a Month Club," which furnishes the sub- scribers with reviews of the outstand- ing books of each month. Upon pay- ment of a fee the subscriber is en- titled to receive the book which is considered by the critics who sponsor the club to be the finest fiction of the month. This book will be put into circulation in the library of Couzens Hall. At the monthly class meetings five-minute book reviews are to be given. It is the purpose of the class to stimulate in this way a greater in- terest in reading, and to bring before * the school a wider knowledge of the best fiction, in such a way that it will become a part of the everyday life ofl an increasing number of students. Special attention is to be paid to the books of dramas and poetry in the library in hope of making them an im- portant part of the collection. Further plans are being made by the book groupato put on a newspaper project which will encourage students to get the "newspaper habit." The details- of this project are yet to be worked out, but tentative plans have been thoght of,. which include stunts, and other unique ways of stimulating; ' interest in current news. The book group will comprise the freshman unit of the literary club which is in the process of organiza- tion in the School of Nursing. The chairman of the group is Ella For- quer, '30, who has as assistants Mar- ian Hassness, '30, and Bernice Ferg- uson, '30. League To Benefit By SaleOf Gloves Mortarboard's annual sale of gloves will be held today and tomorrow in University hall near the candy booth. In addition, they are being exhibited at the various dormitories, sororities, and league houses. The proceeds of + the sale are donated to the Women's league building fund. Anyone who would like to buy gloves, and is not reached through other channels, is asked to call Jose- phine Norton, '28, at 2-1752. OHIO WESLEYAN.-Varsity cap- tains were abolished this yar in ordor to do away with fraternity politics. The midwest section of the Athletic Conference of American College Wom- en will be held at Ohio State Univer- sity this year in the spring. representing another field in which neglected for the few taking part in' women seek expression and develop- intercollegiate sports. ment in lines of activities formerly The success of intercollegiate ath- restricted to men, have been discuss- letics at this eastern university are ed favorably and adversely by athlet- attributed to the present coach, a wo- es and physicians and have been man who realizes the responsibility of experimented with in various schools sage-guarding theo varsity membersI throughout the country. from harmful mental and physical Southern colleges, some private strain. During the hockey and has- schools and small universities are in- cluded in the list of those sponsoring extra-mural sports for women. The University of Maine has had a varsi- ty teams in hockey for five years and in basketball for about fifteen years. They have played such opponents as Sargent, Connecticut Agricultural College, and state normals as well as women's athletic clubs. It is be- lieved that competition in making the university team provides greater in- centive for the development of skill in cooperative athletics, rapid mental and physical coordination, self-con- trol, and resourcefulness. In an attempt to overcome one of the main objections to intercollegiate games for women, namely, that they tend to benefit the few of advanced abilities rather than encourage the many women of mediocre skill, the University of Maine has organized in- ter-class competitive sports for those who are proficient but not sufficiently adept to make the varsity teams. Thus it is maintained, that all are provided with opportunities for participating in ketball seasons regular training rulesI are enforced, the women being re- quired to be in bed at 10:30 o'clock, to eat no food between meals, and to observe regularity in matters of health. In former years very little interest was shown even among the women in intercollegiate sports, the attendance at games being small. The men on the Maine campus gave no support to this activity of the women and gen- eral enthusiasm lagged. Recently, however, it is stated that under the leadership of the present coach, in- tercollegiate sports for women have gained in popularity and are being carried on successfully. In an article printed in a late At- lantic Monthly, it was declared that one of the advantag'eous features of the educational programs at the east- ern women's colleges, such as Vassar, Smith, Barnard, and Mount Holyoke, was that the school year is not in- terrupted by intercollegiate athletics. Interclass contests are encouraged rather than extra-mural activities. Senora Defilia Viqnez Senora Defilia is assuming the post of consul-general of Nicaragua and represents a country in which the women do not have the ballot. Airs. VMargaret hapin, Artist, F irmly Believes In Art Careers For'Women By Eleanor Scribner, '29 Every woman tries to express her did a cover for the flower show pro- own individuality in her home, but gram," Mrs. Chapin related, "which, an artist has a much greater oppor- after being used, brought me the tunity to do so. Mrs. Margaret Cha- opportunity to do illustrating adver- tising for some of the large firms. pin, instructor in Fine Arts in the Neysa McMein, a popular illustrator, University High School, has without broke into her chosen field by first' a doubt succeeded remarkably well doing drawings advertising hats. All for with batiks, oils, pastels, and a favorite illustrators have peddled lovely screen she has made a charm- their work around from one art edi- ing room. Mrs. Chapin, vhwo is a tor to another until they found one graduate of the Chicago Art Institute, who liked their style." is a firm believer in careers for wo- Another line which women are of- I men along artistic lines. ten interested in is batik work or The various fields in art offer un- similar crafts. Portrait painting often told opportunities. First there is il- intrigues some and while at first the lustration, which is the largest field. painter probably begs for sitters, yet To enter the field of illustrators, the if she is good, the situation will be artist must necessarily live in a city reversed. in order to successfully create a de- "For a womafn who likes to remain mand for her work. There are two somewhat domestic the career of an lines of work in illustration: either artist allows her time for her house- the artist may turn her hand as a hold duties while almost all other ,ca- "free lance," or she may work for reers would greatly interfere with her some concern. The latter way is the homelife," Mrs. Chapin concluded. most remunerative for a beginner, for she is sure of her "daily bread" but utdoor Club Hikes the former offers the best chances forO recognition if she has ability. Many AWte d who choose the latter, work for fash- .re Well Attended; ion houses and fashion magazines do- Plan Other Sports ing drawings of various types of ap- parel. Those in the former do il- lustrative treatment for fiction in "Clear, crisp November weather is magazines, peddling their "stuff" ideal for hiking" says Margaret Ohl- from one art editor to another. Con- son, '30," "and for all other sports trary to the popular opinion, art edi- son, t3, "andfor allbother spors tors do not hurry frantically about which the Outdoor club will sponsor artists too do their illustrating, but this fall." The two hikes last week always have plenty of illustrators end were very successful according to seeking them, only too anxious to those who attended them, and many work. others are planned for the month, in- A "free- lance" artist may also do - drawings which could advertise vari- cluding long hikes taking an entire ous commodities and luxuries, going morning, and several weenie roasts about from one concern to another. and breakfast bats. If her work is liked, she is liable to Those who have already signed the do the work of a number of concerns, list desiring membership in the Out- but not be in the exclusive employ ofl'i only one. Finally if she attains ex- door club, and any others who have cellence, she will be able to pick and not signed, but would like to join are choose with care the firms for which urged to attend a meeting Wednesday she will work. Often art students to afternoon, at 4:30 o'clock in Barbour gain recognition do advertising post-Affic ill be ers for firms gratis. If their posters Gym. At this time, ofcers w are found usabl'e, other firms will be elected, committees appointed and anxious for their work. plans for the year will be arranged LEAGUE TO DISPLAY MORTARBOARD GLOVESt For the special benefit of Ann Ar- bor womenrthere will be a display of the Mortarboard gloves, which are being sold for the building fund ofE the Women's league, in the office ofE Mrs. W. D. Henderson, executive headE of the alumnae council, in her officeE in Memorial hall from 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon on Thursday and Friday of this week and on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Ar- rangementsbhave been made so. that there will be women in the office to take measurements and orders. Ar- rangements have also been made so that in case it is inconvenient for a woman to go personally to the office, one of the university women will call at her home at an appointed time. Appointments may be made by calling University exchange 242. The gloves which are being sold by the society are more varied this year and women having bought the gloves in former years will vouch for their wearing qualities. Mrs. Henderson says of them, "I have used these gloves some years and find them ac- ceptable in every way." WOMEN MAY NOT WIN THE RHODES ACADEMIC AWARD Professor Harold S. Quigley, pro- fessor of political science in the Uni- versity of Minnesota, has announced after investigation that women will never be eligible for the Rhodes Scholarship., Until 1914 women were not allowed to attend Oxford. Later they were allowed to take courses but no de- grees were awarded. At the present time the number of women admitted to Oxford is limited, although degrees are awarded to those graduating. Professor Quibley explains this omission by stating that at the time that the will o2 Cecil Rhodes was written women were not admitted to Oxford, and that therefore no provi- sions have been made for them to re- ceive the awards. NOTICES The executive board of W. A. A. will meet at 6:15 o'clock Thursday night at the Cozy Corner Tea Room., All members must be present unless excused by Wednesday night at 6 o'- clock. The hockey banquet will be held at 6 o'clock tonight at Jo Parker's. Tick- ets must be purchased before the ban- quet, and may be obtained from Jean- ette Saurborn, '29. Members of the executive board should buy their tickets from Audrey Wright, '28. Mummers meeting has been post- poned from today to Nov. 29. PARIS.--French feminists protest against the new law granting the right to retain their nationality after mar- riage to a foreigner. They are also against a clause requiring a husband's consent to a wife's retention of her nationality. Phi Beta chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, musical sorority, is to offer a $50 scholarship to women of the music de- partment of the University of Minne- sota. Feminine Beauty Is Subject Matter Of Rubenstein's Book, Mme. Helena Rubenstein, whose book, "Feminine Beauty: the Aesthet- ics, Cosmetics, and Dietetics of Its Preservation," was published last month, is widely known in Europe and America as an authority on beau' ty culture. The subject matter of her book is not limited to a study of physical beauty. It also embraces the subject of beauty as a social force as repre- sented in literature and the other arts and by concrete examples of living personifications of beauty. The de- velopment of various forms of treat- ment, the use of light and heat, ex- ercise, diet, bahs, and the upbuilding of the science of cosmetic dermatolo- gy, clothes, plastic surgery, and other affiliated topics are discussed and ex- plained by Mme. Rubenstein. The book has a wide appeal among women because of its practical value. The oldest Greek letter pin in the United States presented by William and Mary's College of Virginia was found on the Brinton estate by a man plowing. It was dated Dev. 3, 1776 the founding of the fraternity and up- on it was inscribed the name of John Graham, a graduate of the school who went to fight in the Revolutionary war in 1771. i t r 3i 5 r i Y e s e e e Y r e cl d BANQUET, TONIGHT TO END HOCKE1Y SEASON Jo Parker's Restaurant To le Scene Of Annual Atlet le Gathering TO NAME ALL STAR TEAM Tonight will see the formal closIng of the hockey season with a fifth an- nual banquet. - At this time the cup will be presented to the winning hockey team of the past season. According to Janet Jones, '29, hockeymanager, the banquet this year will be the largest and one of the best in the short history of the organ- ization. Jo Parker's will be the scene of the gathering. Beside the four-course dinner, there will be peppy music for dancing, and short speeches by members of the faculty of the physical education department. The four class colors will be used in decor- ations. At this time the all-star hockey team will be announced, the members of which are chosen from the best players of this season and the class numerals will be awarded. At the close of the season in 1922, the hockey manager decided that something should be done to cele- brate. The team managers planned a picnic in the form of a weenie roast, but inclement weather on the day set fo " the picnic forced them to hold it in Barbour Gymnasium. The following year, the same idea 1 was carried out but this time it was in the form of a dinner. For the last two or three years, the affair has been a banquet held at Jo Parker's famous restaurant. Members of all class squads, the executive board, winners and runners- up of both A and B intramural tourna- ments, and any others who are inter- ested in intramural hockey are in- vited to attend. Tickets are $1.75 a piece, and it is absolute necessary that tickets be bought before the ban- quet. They may be obtained from Jeanette Saurborn, '29, dial 4739. College students of 408 colleges and universities, who are working their way through school, earned $25,500,- 000 last year. S 1', J I 1 Y "When I was in the art institute I and organized. Express Your own __ __ __ __ __ _ The true Christmas spirit suggests personal thoughtfulness in gift-making. The gift inspired by sentiment, That is you-your photograph. Personality Dressmaking Service Department Balcony Annex Absolutely Free Service to All Seniors, arrange now for your Michiganensian sitting- The time is over half gone. Pv Forever rf .14 0 O a t Stay All Day We want you to visit our service department. Large cut- ting tables, small sewing table with comfortable chairs, are in this department for your con- venieceand comfort. Comecand stay all day so that you will be near the assistance which we have provided. Make Anything We will help you select a be- coming and size right pattern, find a suitable fabric, and then aid in the technical details of dressmaking. We plan to show every detail from the first to the last. We will help you make lampshades, plan drap- eries or fashion novelty gifts. -, s 1 ~ i- 1 , ' J l . Our Dressmaker Miss Higgins, our dressmaker, is a graduate of Michigan State College, and has been teaching sewing in the schools for several years. She is well trained technically, and her creative talent will help you with many sewing, problems. Hemstitching You may have your hemstitch- ing done at Mack's for 10c a yard, both circular and straight- Buttons Bring your materials in and we will make your buttons for you for just a few cents. 1lilltll N Iilflll!ltitlliililu tllllll111i1!!ltllittlllltl"l {I!1{llIt1{11{ DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR For Formal Wear - - -1 - - Ten DollarsI The coming season will be one of gorgeous and colorful evening fabrics. To grace this new, mode adequately, footwear must har- ,delightful slipper made of im- ported tinsel dyeing brocade is specially pre- pared to take tints of any color. Trimmings So many of the smart frocks use buckles, metallic cloth, bronze braid, and feather flowers. We have a splendid array of- all kinds of trimmings. Fabrics for Winter A few of the materials in ourryard goods department are printed tissue velvet, silk velvet, .ostume velvet, embroidered georgette, taffeta, wool georgette, kasha, crepe Verdella, flannel, wool rep, satin crepe, crepe Faille' and serene crepe. CORN WELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. Butterick Patterns Pictorial u .,"" " R "" $ : . J OI M r ) 1E~i I~ricfINA Patterns I 3 t /~lpf11O I ff IPAVJLC IMAIRIF