THE MICIGAN DAILYI 'TJE,)I1.1N OVEMBER i1:5i, 1:12? .. . ....... . . ....... .... W[LKEYS TALK OP[NS Naval Aviator Makes New Speed Record Traffic Handling Is Problem For Police Pnuinnirnuoornio .~. - As Large Number Of Cars Comes To Game ......t.<:-. .9x..*.-+:*..<.. i i polial ia11 numbe nn ring at least 9 'A K UUUU . (Con.tinued from, Page Onle.) Takliig a text fro nt Paul, "We have this5 ttreasur-e in erhnvessels.". lDr.1 Gilkey showed 11ow the je wel of re- ligion, which clown through the ages; wve gave kept in earthen containers, has been l st from time to time amid the dust, the fragmients, and the con- fuesiont that come when the earthen contajiners are shtiteredl. It is small cause for «wnder that the present gen- eraticn as tempo~tratilyr lost sight of thy. jewe(l aiidIthe f ragfments of the- ological (is1)UtC, contra)ry p~ersonal- iteand antidluatefl fdoctrines. Stu- dfnts, especially, who, feel that they are; losing their faith among the frag-E menits should take heart, for they are on their way to discover the jewel of a brighter, purer religion1. The University Gxlee club sang Bach's "Now Let 'Every T1ongue" as the offeratory. ' '' , K ,, ' i i ', I '7 I J , Althtough the crowd that entered l the city. These streets and their in- the~u salttom Saturday was not quite 1 tersections were virtually ipsal ;o lIr =ce as that of 'the Ohio State !for an hour andl a half to two horsr4 g,'tne three weeks ago, it resulted in after the game was over but w:8n just as man-y autos if net more than all of the outgoing cro)d lhad 1bee1 the 25,000 which jammed the city's !swept from the streets and Ann Arbor> s~ets or ha(iehictio gae. ndwas left to celebrating students and ofi tis group thieve was a difference .in aun who did not leave until Sun- thec general character of the crowd 1 day. w~.hich increased the traffic officer's But there were doubts as to %vheth- (lificutties. With Mlichigan playing er Saturday's crowdi was mateIrialy «n1 iter-sect ioniai gaine by far the+ larger thani that of the first contf erence li1jorily of the cars were Michigan game in the new stadium, and the, men r tos whereas Ohio had contributed who direct the traffic squads were l:a, -ely to the total of the O.S.U* cox- equally confident that next Saturday tc~swould find a much larger crush o. Mlost nciteCalie 0of the long lines of; autos invading the city for the last M1i{-hi fan cars ' was that there was al- tort-,fite in flux of D~etroit autos mean-1 h of course that the arteries of ravel bietweenitntn Arbor and De- troit were crowdled e'ven more than in previous games. rThis added com- i;leitY was thrown up~on two streets in particulari, Division and Liberty,1 allthough Washt enaw was forced to takRe the ent ire jail finally away from, 1 otlicers. These men wereaug~umnnte"d by _Ann Arbor boy scoats whose duty it xvias to dlirect viting drivers into the parking areais designed for them it wans felt tlhat thiis plan nvould ar- move the& congst ion which resuilt i crn nmidrstanding u_ tile signs. i Arl T/ [A?, 1 a , sa } And the t b"yh)-i ;au in 11w..liicl herecently established a new speed reoi o1 322,miles an I i ;Ur, 1ulying; oVer Ot hree cckilometer course at llitchltll Field, N Y. wth a 40i-m-?e a"a his {.ack. The new ma.Irk is un1oflicial s11nCc'the( only check nmad was by Lic tteulant Williams with a stopwatch. '"I .ddlkCAdml CMAVZL TH FOOLS 1 Late Stars of the Ziegf~eld Follies ini their LI5 V-w iLinlolemnl cutformllof art entirely (list inctive in tone and, colorhrig.'Tltese are by Ernest W. Watson. TO- gether with wood cuts by J. J. Lankes they make de- lighitful gifts. $4 to $18. Sixpeinny Teti, served ei vry afternoon from four to six j helps pass away leisure time spent in browsin(g through our hooks. The fact that National Chli- dren's Book Week starts tomorrow means that there will be considerable in- terest in new books we've selected, especialhly those that are out-of-the-orcdi- nary in binding and dec- oration. Trhe -Print ;and Book Shop.- 5.21 F. Jefferson fil('aryhi tilfulhe! I You liked D ix in "'Ihse Q aa Iter- back,''"Wo~n~anlslodled,'' or "'Man I 'owel'' -" I I AN ( iI IA I I~1"1> )''is the f 1927 Danice Revue Assisted 1) 4 A Miss Gay Nell and1( Dorothy Va naist lItroduicing the la-test dancIe creatioii 1THURSAY 64,,N1sCov ry Night"l--4 Big Acts MONT7:,E BL-UE in "THE BRUTE" (Jee-Gose-Lo) IF On the Screen . A JOY MIDE; ON WINGS e , With thme Star of -Also- "What Price LUPIN O LANE LIU ~ in- "a \Glory - "SOME SCOUT" E dmund I arl-tount News - L owe Aesop ale CreIetoon1 Coming Thursday--"The Girl in the Pullman" with Marie Prevost Please Note This Attraction Limited Engagement Today And Wednesday Only Surpassing Her Greatest Past Sucesses! I A HF-ATR 1 If you could siee only one motion picture r:p r;:::- /"r} ~ ,""r S .Ds. f/i,' rrr~e x.", :, F~~ - A~ustas tune shouldh that pic- ' T d .t3 _7 , , ' , w -. R u - tea, ; , + f y. f:":; :". :.;"i ri1i. ee: tl: "::"a'S '" " ' '"" '' "Y.. . /.X tA : V".. I . - to [ - :,a y "f z " G ,"'i _ 7 11; 4 I A! r _. _ 9 -. --- , _ A Modern Viio A 4x 0 4 6 0 1 9 0 ( 1L I smoKers (ionx cuange Amu *Ith the sea, sons hYot au,"tjbh knvoi nthdiv- :': . irr. " ., . :; ; : "7P , i ter smners are ° ¢ zn to unesterieta. ~ FORTIlRET OF GOOD IKIEASONS Sbette 'astf. S t.:-' . .. 4f -/t.:y r -r.. of Dunmas' world famous drama of the one mighty love of Paris' most notorious beauty with GILBERT ROLAND as Armanda who is being sensationally received every- where as a perfect SpaUnish sheik. POLICY 2lt0-l2:01-3 :35-0c,93e, 5oc C :00-8 --.1- 'Oc and 2,-wc MIICH. NAVY Football AND ON THIS 'BILL -NEWS _ -1ICII. =IATi'EST SCOOPS _ LOCALS 2 TOPiICS 4# .........