THE MICHIGAN DAILY t -D Published every mlorning except Mondlay during the university year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Co-nference Editorial he Associated Press is exclusively en- tliled to thc rise for repubhlication of a1 l nes dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- listelhrin Entered at the postofflice att:Ann. Arbor, Michigan, as secoid class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General, Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, $4.50. Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial. 4925; Business 21224. E iITORIAIL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN F~litor .............. ..... lis -B. -Merry Staff Editor................hilip C. Brooks City Editor............olrtland C. Silith E ditor MTichigan Wee'ckly.. Charles E. Behymner Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles Sports Editor............Herbert E. Ved-ler Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr., Telegraph Editor..............Ross W. Ross Assistant Cy Editor........Richard Kurvink Night Editors Robert 1". Finch G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart I ooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaurn Rey Margaret Arthur Alexander N. Bochnowski Ennmmons A. Bonfield Stratton ba Buck crallCampbell Jessie Church Sydney M. Cowan l1arlan Cristy William B. Davis William C. Davis Mason de la Vergne Orville L. Dowzcr Edith V. Egelan r Marjorie Follmer James B. Freeman Robert J. Gesner porters Donald J. Kline Sally Knox Jack L. Lait, Jr. Richard H. Milroy Charles S. Monroe Catherine Price Mary E. Ptolemy Harold L. Passman Morris W. Quinn Pierce Rosenberg David Scheyer Robert G. Silbar Howard F. Simon George E. Simons Sylvia Stone Mary Lou Taylor George Tilley Milton L. Goldstein Edward L. Warner, Jr. Elaine E. Gruber George Wohlgemuth Joseph E. Howell Leo J. Yodicke Charles Kiauffman Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF Telephon'e 21214 .BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager,... George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer Advertising .............Arthur M. Hinckley Advertising................Edward L. Hulse Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel Accounts................Raymond Wachter Circulation . .........George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication.................Harvey Talcott Assistants Fred Babcock, Ray Hofelich George Bradle' Marsden R. Hubbard James 0. Brwn Hal A. Jaehn James B. Coopec James Joran Charles K, ( orrll Thales N. Lenington Bessie U. Egeland W. A. Mahaffy Tien Fishnman George M. Perrett Douglass Fuller Alex K. Scherer Herbert Goldberg William L. Schloss L. H. Goodman Herbert E. Varnum Carl W. Hammer FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1927. Night Editor-NELSON J. SMITH, JR. ADMITTANCE METHODS In his criticism of the present method of 1%dmitting students to the Medical School, Dean Hugh Cabot has called attention to a problem, in ag... travated form, which, in lesser de- gree, faces the entire University. As inferred by the Dean, the admis- sion of 200 students out of four and one-half times as many applicants on the basis of scholastic standings can hardly be fair to the students or to the Medical School. In the successful practice of the medical profession, "character, accomplishments, and the ability to think" rank with the scho- lastic standing. They should be so regarded in the selection of Medical Sohool freshmen. Yet, under the present system when more than three times as many are turned away as ad- mitted, many who are superior in other important characteristics are being- inevitably refused admittance1 becam, of sligbly lower grades. . For the development of a better system which might later be applied to the entire Uiyversity-action which has already been foreseen by Pres- Ident Little, the Medical School would serve as a mode laboratory. Though' the standards might be slightly dif- ferent, the improved system which should be worked out i the profes- sional school would serve as a valu- able guide for the larger groups. A RESOLUTTON The disarmament commission of the League of Nations has accepted unanimously a resolution offered by Poland prohibiting wars of aggres- lion, thus taking a step which has been hailed far and wide by pacifists as foreshadowing the end of all war. PI'o be sure it is encouraging that such a resolution can pass in a conference bf European nations, but after all there is another side to the whole business of disarmament which is far beyond the scope of agreements and treaties and mere pieces of paper. An agreement made today, or a resolution drawn, is merely a refle- tion of the prevailing public opinion of the day, which is almost as change- able as the winds. To be secure and permanent, these agreements must be drawn on convictions more engraved In men then are most principles of in- +nnnntinl law- nnd that is :he stel clauses might be swept into the waste- basket with one descent of the mailed fist. It is not mere treaties, agree- mnents, sealed statements,sor promises that Europe needs, but a sound and firm public opinion, based on best thought of all iuropean nations, which will promote understanding, and condemn war. On that basis alone can Europe achieve a lasting peace. One thing concrete, however, such resolutions as the present Polish proposal can accomplish; and that is the promotion of a thinking public opinion. If the resolution is a re- flection of public opinion, then also the public opinion of Europe can find a model in the existing resolutions; and it is only by painstaking effort in all quarters that the paramount cause of universal peace can be ac- complished. To that end the recent adoption condemning aggressive wars is extremely significant, and it is to be hoped that it is merely the fort- runner of an ever increasing number of such actions sincerely taken by European councils. A hEAT1 SUCCESS The University has just completed its first Freshman week. The magni- tude of the project whereby nearly 1,600 freshmen were occupied for one entire week is not easily conceived; and the efficient and able manner in which the programs were carried off deserves nothing but the highest praise. The value of such a period to an entering group of men and women can not be evaluated in material things or even in the time saved. The personal contacts they received, the chance to learn to know one faculty man in- timately, and the opportunity to look over the University at their leisure are all thing incalculable to a group of new students. Though they had few opportunities to become well ac- quainted with each other, the mem- bers of the class of '31 started classes far ahead of any freshmen group in Ann Arbor since Michigan became a great University. On the whole, however, the week's program was very successfully exe- cuted. Efficiency and organizaition that are a credit to Professor Frayer and his committee were noticeable throughout the arrangements; and as a result some 1,600 new students have found Michigan a much more human place than 'It formerly appeared to entering students. MORE THAN AN EXHIBIT An exceptional opportunity to view early and contemporary American and European paintings is ;offered University students and the public this week through the courtesy of the Ann Arbor Art association and the Detroit Institute of Art. Selected with precision and arrang- ed to show the development of the impressionistic and expressionistic schools of art, the exhibit is consider- ed one of the finest ever shown i Ann Arbor. The Ann Arbor Art association is to be congratulated in its first exhibit of the year, which will be shown for the last time Sunday afternoon in the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial hall, and for the interest and acclaim accorded by those who have taken ad- vantage of the opportunity afforded by the sponsors. TWO PLEAS FOR ACTION E Two important issues which de- mand, by the very nature of their threat, the immediate attention of the government, are raised in the recent reports of Secretary Hoover and Sec- retary Davis in regard to conditions ,In the flooded area of the Mississippi, The Hoover report, while it assures the presence of funds until the first of January, 1928, emphasizes the fact that immediate flood measures must be taken if confidence, security, and credit are to be restored in the south- ern part of the country. Similarly, Secretary Davis states that the War Department has funds to continue its work only until the first of November, but unless some funds reserved by it for other uses can be diverted, all work will have to stop at that time. These two reporth, emphasizing as they do the seriousness of the situa- tion, should merit the immediate at- tention of the lawmakers of Congress. Since 92 per cent of the sufferers from the flood in this locality have al- ready returned to their homes, the problem now before the national gov- ernment is not primarily one of re- lief, but is rather one of devoting unlimited effort and funds for the pre- vention of another national catastro- phe. What is required is an exten- sive engineering plan which will in- volve the impounding of many streams, the construction of many barriers along watersheds, the plant- ing of extensive forest areas. and the OMITED ROLLS /HAIL TO THE FRESHMEN The worm is turning at last. Wound- ed dignity is seeking to avenge its wrongs. The spirit of outraged in- nocence is turning to strike at the oppressor. The lowly Freshmen are crawling out from under their pots and preparing to crush their Sopho- more foe. * * * Unfortunately the Freshmen killed their project at the start by seeking the aid of the Student' council. By the time they have experienced a decapitated Cap Night program or two they will find .there are methods of halting enterprise that are just as easy and will not keep them in sus. pense for so long a time. * * * The plans of the Freshmen were well laid. The uprising was to center about a mass meeting at Hill audi- torium, when the lowly Frosh should gather and, fortified by the strength of numbers, should go out to do bat- tle with the unwary Sophomores. It was a fine plan-until the council got hold of it. * * * ' The plan was brought up before the council 4y the president at the inital meeting Wednesday night. Serious-minded councilmen, campus magnates, BMOCs and dumb poli- ticians waxed eloquent and pondered deeply over the cause of the Fresh- men. It was only after a lengthy de- liberation that they fianlly decided that the cause must perish. j ROLLS FREyHMAN WEEK | Today's Program j 8:00-12:00-Sample classes in cheering, cutting, campus ac-j tivities and other selected sub. jects 1:00-3:00-Recreation period, in charge of Dr. May at Water-j man gymnasium. ( 3:006:00-Tea Party at the home of Dr. May. Rook, tid-j j dley-winks and Bunco will be played by the Freshmen guests. 7:309:00-Elimination contest in general knowledge.j 9:00-Mass meeting for all Freshmen; to punish the mean j Sophomores. * * * A team picked from 10 prominent] sororities will conduct the elimination test in general knowledge. The sur- viving Freshmen will be awarded a date book, filled for the semester. Bids to the Pan-Hellenic ball will be awarded by members of the team to the 10 next best Frosh. * * * Each member of the team will con- duct her part of the contest at her own sorority parlors. Tickets for spectators will be sold for the benefit of the Women's League in their first drive of the season. * * * THEATER BOOKS MUSIC TEXAS-Students of journalism are required to become reporters on the Texan, the university daily, as part of their college work. ,', ' 1 Perhaps you are wondering if the announcement of the addition in this column of a book department wasn't somewhat abortive, but the facts are that the rush of the local theater and music crowded it into temporary oblivion. In the future there will be reviews appearing with a certain measure of regularity. The entire literary field will be perused in a gen- eral way-poetry, novels, belles let- tres and the published drama. low- ever, due to the indefinite nature of publication, the reviews and book notes will of necessity fill in between the definitely scheduled events in the other fields. -- * * * ,JOSEPII CONRAI) : LIFE AND ILTTERS, by G. Jea n-Aubry. Two volumes, 339-376 pages. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company. $10. A review, by Vincent Wall Joseph Conrad's life was singularly lived and reflected in the British press, 'and its general outline and many intimate revelations were made public long before his death. After that there were two or three bio- graphical contributions-one by Ford Maddox Ford, charmingly written and pleasantly inaccurate, and some gent- ly humorous memoirs by Mrs. Conrad. Therefore, the lately published woik of Mr. Jean-Aubry had little to add of the spicy and rosy details that are so eagerly sought after by so many Boswells. This publication is on the other hand . an authorized and definitive version, with a goodly collection of letters and personal comment- scholarly, it is, and conclusive in a literary way, and hardly exciting. In fact it becomes rather boring at times, and I have left quite some pages of blurb and eulogy uncut. But it is fairly interesting to any one who knows the sequence of the Conrad novels and their subsequent relation, for Mr. Jean-Aubry has made an ex- haustive study in the amount of auto. biographical material contained there- in, and has made some rather astounding discoveries. For instance "The Shadow Line," al- though a comparatively late book, is the story of Conrad's first command in the merchant service, and the ex- periences narrated are agood deal his own. And in the samel measure his experiences while voyaging in the waters of the far east, and on the con. tinent are clearly outlined elsewhere. All of this is caught into a definite philosophy by the author's own words: "experience is transposed into spiritual terms-in art a perfectly legitimate thing to do, as long as one preserves the exact truth enshrined therein." This sentence is a clear explanation of Conrad's own ability to couch romance in the most emo- tional and cadenced rhetoric-an ex- planation which makes clear his place in English literature. THE PASSING OF VATI)EVILLE (Editor's Note: The mingling of stage and screen features in the larg- er movie houses-as the Paramount and Roxy theaters in New York-is meeting with severe criticism. 'from many sources. For this reason we quote the following article by W. A. S. Douglas from the October American Mercury clip sheet): TEXAS-More, than 700 students have been aided in staying at school by funds of the Ex. Students Associa- tion, established six years ago. DE PAUW-More than half million has been spent during the summer in repairing the fraternity and soror-' ity homes. PARAMOUNT PAPER CO. Training for Stage; Classical Dances by the Method of the Opera of Paris ANNOUNCES ANNUAL SALE - on - SIX EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTORS STATIONERY With U. of M. S'eal and your name printed on sheets and envelopes. Prices Arc, RLeasonabe Telephone 7997 325 S. 5th Avenue, Ann Arbor I li AO-0 ww ww w .. .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - -------------- Student Representative B. J. DESENBERG 332 E. Jefferson Call Evenings Phone 6976 SODA LUNCHES LGOODNESS CANDIES TIE'S (Near Arc) , THE NEW AND ENLARGED % A p - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - mio w w1w.40,mem, N NI Reopening of the Famou Parisian School of Dance Director, 'Mme. Calliope Chaisse SUGAR BOWL ,y We Teach All Kinds of Modern Dances and Fancy Steps II IS NOW OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION The management of the Sugar Bowl wishes to cordially invite all the Michigan Students to visit the newly equipped and enlarged store. Every- th'ing has been re-arranged for the convenience of the customers. You will enjoy our superior sandwiches and our delicious fountain dishes. Our candy is always fresh and tasty. You will like it packed in the special "M" boxes. I~ J t ! 1 LUNCHES-FOUNTAIN SERVICE-CANDY l PREKETE'S SUGAR BOWL 109-111 So. Main St. Dial 21414 Subscribe For the W fly) POW Michigan Students, Od and New We invite you to our store where you can find a nice line of Hardware, Kitchen Ware, Glass, Crockery and Dinner Ware. Electric Goods, Gifts, Guns, Ammunition, Hunting Clothing, I'l Alarm Clocks, Students Lamps, Etc. NOW IS THE TIME 4 T'here's no time like the present for those who have braved the ordeals of the campus for a semester or two and have found that their worthy instruc- tors are incapable of furnishing suffi- cient occupation for their spare time to step out into the whirl of campus activities. * * * - The various campus organizations are like a pack of wolves, ready to snap up the unwary Freshman or Sophomore who ventures too near. And no matter how fast they come, they're always ready for the next victim. ' * * * Jno.( S O1ALTY._ ashingtongearMin 4. QUL t. s It , C". Fischer Co. JI NefarWaklugto I R I I . , The wouldbe BMOC must travel a hard path to reach his goal. The way- side is covered by the bodies of the fallen. Many must be pushed aside, and the farther you go the harder they fall. It's a battle to the very end. Every campus activity man can prattle unceasingly on the compensa- tions of life. Undying friendships, satisfaction of accomplishment,. posi- tion, recognition, influence-all are mentioned. Balance these against the advantages of leisure, scholastic am- bitions, the prosaic University life and such. Then pick your activity- and get busy. The open season for the unwary is on. The Daily, football squad, foot- ball manager, cheerleader-all are in search of new blood. Soon the debat- ing societies will join the chorus. Now is the time to go. UNFORTUNATELY our own ambi-I tions are about burnt out. But before mw - Ln tvrP'.nno. mnrP +hnz we "No longer can one go to a two.a- day house and see there in one after- noon or evening half a dozen famous performers. Instead, to see the top- notchers, one has to tour the movie houses and see one of them at a time -and this at the cost of having to en- dure a seventy-five piece orchestra led by the claimant to some dukedom, a couple of exponents of the towel- waving school of dance, a saxophone solo, and, last and worst the feature picture. The other five of the vaude- villians one used to see at one time, before Bigtime took its bitter medi- cine, are scattered around the other -cathedrals of the motion picture.' In order to compete with these movie palaces, the new and denaturized Big- time will have to give their sort of shows. Admissions will be scaled down, and the style of entertainment will be changed to suit the morons trained by the cinema. Bigtime, in- deed, must now go the whole hog. It must abandon its old ideas completely and get into 'the Cathedral of the Mo- tion Picture' game. These are the! movie palaces which, as Tad Dorgan would put it, 'stink with class.' In w ,Styk Si ow ADLON A dainty strip pump that Dame Fashion proclaims as the correct style for- evening wear. May be chse in Gold or Silver Kid: i r a: w -. , "-J t, . , ))1. : '' .. f The Walk-Over fall s tyle show is now on at our store. Better, by far, than the run- way with its paid models, is our method of displaying this new and attractive foot- wear on your feet. The fall styles are graceful in shapes, alluring in patterns and pleasing in the variety of materials. Best of all, they have that clinging comfort without which no shoe can be wholly pleasing. May we anticipate the pleasure of showing you these latest style creations? A f -. . -- !4 f t' f,' I, I Hosiery i Special! Service weight $1.85 value now $1.65 3 pair box $4.65 $1.95 value now $1.85 3 pair box $5.0& I. I '