ESTABLISHED 1890 AM r MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 49. ANN ARBOR, MIChIGAN, TUSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRESIDENT OF NATION AWARDS ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL TOLINDBERGiH PAYS HIGH TRIBUTE TO FLIER BOTH AS AVIATOR AND AS CITIZEN DID NOT CAPITALISE FAME President Coolidge Awards Hubbard Medial To Lindbergh On Behalf Of Geographic Society (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.-AwardingI the Hubbard medal for conspicuous achievement to Col. Charles A. Lind- bergh on behalf of the National Geo- graphic society, President Coolidge to- night paid another high tribute to the OFFICIALS REFUTE HIS DENUNCIATION MYSTERlY MAN MAKESIS PRINCIPAL IN APPEARANCE IN TiALI JURY PROBE OF OIL CONSPIRATORSN PLACE MINNESOTA TICKETS IN MAIL Iis CLOSETED WITH GOVERNMENT COUNSEL OVER AN HOUR BEFORE LEAVING INTRODUCED BY M'MULLIN Observers Con inced Trat Testinony Will Be inportitnt Proof For Anti-Burns Evidence (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.-Another man of mystery appeared suddenly to- day in the picture of the Fall-Sinclair oil conspiracy jury scandal. He was introduced by William J. McMullin, government i n f o r m e rI fl ierbothasantavaitor and aman.tagainst William J. Burns and his d- Lindy's flight from New York toi tectives who shadowed the FallSn Paris stirred the heart of the people, clair trial jury, but his identity as well the President said, but it was the iParker Gilbert. as his connection with the case was flier's unselfish dedication of himself I Agent general of reparations from carefully guarded by the federal at- to the advancement of aaviation that Germany, appointed from the United torneys. displayed his clear conception of pub- States, whose recent charges of ex- The stranger came here from,Phila- lic service. travagance against the German gov- delphia with McMullin in the latter's "He determined to capitalize his ernment met a flat denial from official automobile; was closeted with gov- fame not for selfish aggrandizement, sources of that nation. ernment counsel for nearly an hour but the promotion of the art he loved," and then left the District of Columbia Mr. Coolidge said. "He was unmoved Supreme court with a government by the many opportunities for Private GLEE CLUB #LI agen t under strict injunction not to gain." talk. He probably will go before the The President declared that as the{ grand jury tomorrow. result of Lindbergh's flight across the The secrecy which the government Atlantic and his subsequent trip to lH EC INIICONCRTf drew about the new witness convinced every state in the Union, an activity in observers that his testimony is, re- aviation for 1928 "far beyond any garded as of high importance in cor- dream of six months ago" is indicated. 1ill Give Visitors At Football Game roborating if not extending that al- The text of the President's presenta- A Chance to Hear Club And To ready given by McMullin against ition address follows: Fill Time Until Dances A Burns, his son, W. Sherman Burns and Address Given the Burns operatives. Fellow scountrymen: I TICKETS GO ON SALE TODAY Session Is Brief "Transportation and communication Opening the third week of its in- are essential to civilization. Within Tickets for the Glee Club's Home- quiry, the grand jury was in session the year an encouragement has been coming concert, next Saturday night, only a brief time today and heard given to their development that has are to be placed on sale this morning only two witnesses, William J. Burns few parallels in history. The princi- r and his sons, W. Sherman and W. Ray- ples of aviation were demonstrated at Wahr's book store, at the main mond, appeared at the court house and firstt by Americans at the turn of ,the desk in the Union lobby, at the Uni- finally obtained permission to go be- last century. In the intervening years versity and Ann Arbor high schools, fore the grand jury tomorrow under their science progressed, both here and by the various members of the certain stipulations as to their testi- and abroad. Important flights were club itself. mony. made. This is the first of two home con- These stipulations were not made "It remained for one of our own certs which the club will give this public, but governmerft counsel said citizens in May, 1927; to arouse uni- year, the second coming in the spring. that the elder Burns w&od not be per- versal interest in the practical possi- The object of this concert is to per- mitted to make any "stuffp speeches," bilities of travel through the-air. HisfI itthose who mill be he .ins. tlae s tice himself to testimony flight, alone and unaided, from New afternoon for the Michigan-Minnesota; pertinent to the investigation. York to Paris thrilled the world. football game to hear the Glee club Burns urged that he be permitted "It appealed to the imagination of in a full program. According to the to go before the inquisitorial body to humanity. How the hero of this ex- managers of the club, it is also being present his answer to McMullin's ploit was revealed, not as a reckless given so that the students who are charge that reports as to activities of adventurer, but as an able, sober- entertaining guests here for the week the oil jurors and a government em- minded, modest young man of high end will have somewhere to take ployee were fabricated with 'the idea and unselfish purpose has now passed them between game time and the of using 'them as a basis for asking Inito history. What he did to strength- dances at night, according to officers for a mistrial in the Teapot Dome en cordial relation:" between our peo- of the club. case should the defense find such a ple and Europe is well known. The The full strength of 50 men will course necessary. wonderful and sincere welcome he re- sing for the concert and several spe- Neil Burkinshaw, assistant district ceived abroad, the acclaim that greet- cialties have been planned. Among attorney in charge of the investiga- ed him at home, are s'till fresh in the them will be one which made a con- tion, at first declined to accede to the public mind. siderable impression at the recent Burns' request, but after three detec- "But that was not all. With a clear Mount Clemens concert: a piano and tives had conferred with District At- conception of public service, he deter- banjo duo of Anderson and McGuire. torney Gordon and Burkinshaw it was mined to capitalize his fame, not for The regular quartet will give several agreed that they could appear tomor- selfish aggrandizement but for the selections in addition to the whole row in the grand jury room. promotion of the art he loved. He club's entertainment. Burns 19 Reticent was unmoved by many opportunities The concert will begin at 7:30, in? The attitude of William J. Burns for private gain. The flight to Europe Hill auditorium Saturday night, the was in sharp contrast with' that of a was spectacular. It stirred the hearts doors opening at 7 o'clock. The tick- week ago when he first appeared here of the people; but foremost in his ets for the entertainment are 50 cents to stestify before the grand jury. A 'mind was the permanent good that apiece and are not reserved. week ago the internationally known might come from having directed the detective talked freely with the news- thought of human flight.W DIRECTORY WORK papermen and set up a backfire aginst Lauds Lindbergh the government with a charge that a? '"This courageous, clear-headed, IS NEARL Y DONE federal employee had made contact sure-handed youth, whose character with one of the jurors. his withstood the glare of publicity Work on the directory of Angell Today Burns' manner was subdued and the acid test of hero-worshipping Hall is progressing rapidly, according and he appeared rather nervous. He adulation, became an apostle of aero- to an announcement from the office of talked very little with the correspon- nautics. He dedicated himself to ad- I the dean of the College of Literature, dents who -crowded about him before vancing the 'science and practice of I Science and the Arts. With the ar- and after his conference with the' aviation. rival o new materials, the persons prosecuting officers. Before he left "Taking little time to recover from having charge of the work will have it the court house he gave instructions the strain of his experiences, he start- completed in but a short time. that all of his men were to meet him ed on a missionary tour of over 22,000 The directory, when completed, will outside. He called especially for niles. Flying in his 'Spirit of St. have the names of all the faculty men Charles G. Ruddy, of Philadelphia, Louis,' the 'Spirit of America' visited who have offices in the building, who was in charge of the jury shadow- 82 cities in our 48 states. Only once alone with the location of these of- ing operations. did he fail to arrive on scheduled time, fices. It is hoped by those who have There also was a change in the at- establishing a record for reliability. th2 plan in hand that it will faciliate titude of the operatives themselves. He spoke not of himself, but of air- the location of the faculty men and Heretofore they had mingled freely ways and airports in 147 speeches and that it will in general be of great aid and talked much with the correspond- 192 messages dropped from the clouds. to the students, the faculty, and oth- ents, but today they kept themselves Because of what he has said and done, ers who must use the building. in one part of the corridor. Harry F. Sinclair.I Whose trial for conspiracy to de- fraud the government in connection; with the Teapot dome oil leases has been overshadowed by the present sensational disclosures regarding the efforts of private detectives to tamper with the jury. The trial of Sinclair and Fall has been dropped while the grand jury in- vestigates the charges against the, detectives. - - I CLI1NICS TO BE GIVEN FOR, VISITING DCTR Mielheigan Physicians Will Be Guests Of Medical Department Of University here TO EMBRACE ALL SURGERY Members of the Michigan State Medical, society will be guests at a two day clinic to be given Friday and Saturday by the department of post graduate medicine of the Medical, School, acording to announcements given out by Dr. J. D. Bruce, director of internal medicine at the University, hospital and head of the post gradu- ate medicine department at present. Dr. Bruce said that from 10 to 12 o'clock Friday morning, ten sur- gical clinics will be given simultan- eously, covering practically all the different fields of surgery. Demon- strations will be given in the labora- tory of metabolism, in cardiology, and in the X-ray department, all at the University hospital. Also on Friday! morning there will be a clinic given at the Simpson Memorial institute on, the more recent methods of treat- ment of anemias. Friday afternoon, medical and sur-- gical clinics will be given in the Uni- versity hospital amphitheatre from 2 to 5 o'clock. At 6:30 Friday night there will be a dinner given for the visiting doctors at the Michigan Un- ion, at which Prof. W. D. Henderson,( nof the University extension depart- ;ment, will preside. Saturday morning at 10 o'clock! there will be a clinic on the surgical diseases of the stomach in the hos- pital amphitheatre. This clinic will be given by Dr. Donald C. Balfour, of the Mayo clinic at Rochester, Min-1 nesota. Dr. Bruce explained that the de- j partment of post graduate medicine of the Medical School was recently au-1 thorized by the board of Regents and is still in the process of organization. NO TED HISTORIAN' WILL TALK HERE Dr. Dixon Ryan Fox, professor of A merican history at Columbia uni-: All student tickets for the Mine- sota game next Saturday have been placed in the mails, according to Harry A. Tillotson, business manager of the Athletic association. The tickets should be received by Thurs- day of this week. Residents are again urged to answer the doorbell as quickly as possible, since the time necessary to sign the registered letters will delay the mails considerably. FRATERNITY COUNCIL DELAYSAUTO ACTION( Will Of General Body Seems To Desire That Auto Resolution Be Put In More Formal Form TO HOLD SPECIAL SESSION Action on the Interfraternity coun- cil's protest against the automobile ban was held over from the meeting yesterday to a special session to be held a week from today. The draft of the resolution prepar- ed by a special committee was pre- sented at yesterday's meeting of the council, but the general will of the body seemed to be that the resolution should be put in a more formal form. Other problems which will be pre- sented at this special meeting on Nov. 22, were mentioned by Wayne Schroe- der, '28, president of the council. The long deferred question of delayed rushing and pledging is being brought to a crux by the action of University authorities in the cases of the fresh- men who were absent from some of the Freshman week sessions. Several of these absentees said they were de- tained at fraternities, and it seems probable that if the Interfraternity l council does not take action, the Uni- versity authorities will. "I feel that if we could cooperate with the University' in this matter it would be a great thing," Schroeder Said. "The long delays and postpone- ments in this problem have brought a great deal of criticism and ridicule upon the Interfraternity council. At the special meeting the question of sending a delegate or delegates to the National Interfraternity confer- ence, to be held in New York Nov. 25 and 26, will also be decided upon. 1 The treasurer's report showed that all but six fraternities had paid their dues. A vote of the council decided to extend the time for the payment of dues until the next meeting. After this all fraternities whose dues are not in will become liable to expulsion. The report showed a fund in the treasury of $396.04. SYDNEY LECTURERI WILL SPEAK HERE "The Australian Labor Theory of Democratic Government," is the sub- ject of the lecture to be given by Prof. G. V. Portus, lecturer in economic history at the University of Sydney, at 4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon, Nov. 18, in Natural Science auditorium. Professor Portus is an authority in his field, having made a special study of the political and economic aspects of the Australian labor movement. He Shas also lectured widely in this coun- Iy on that subject. In this lecture he will discuss the nature and operation of some of the extra-Parliamentary methods of governmental control which have been developed in Austral- ia in the past few years. During July and August, Professor Portus was associated with Prof. Herbert Heaton in the direction of a round table at the Institute of Poli- tics at Williamston on "Present Prob- lems of the British Commonwealth of Nations." He is known as an inter- esting speaker. SHANGHAI-The fourth regiment of the United States marines celebratedj the 152 anniversary of the founding of the marine corps here recently. I GAS TANK EXPLOSION LEAVES TOLL Of DEATH AND DISASTERwo N NORTH PART OF PITTSBURGH HOSPITALS JAMMED AS POLICE AND FIREMEN SEARCH STRICKEN DISTRICT FOR DEAD (By Associated Press) BULLETIN. PI'ITSBIURGIH, Nov. i.-Rescue workers, using dyna- mite in an effort to penetrate wreckage in the north side district, devastated by a gas tank explosion, tonight located the bodies of eight additional victims behind a boiler in the tottering plant of the Pittsburgh Clay Pot company. This brought the known list of dead to 27. Several sticks of dynamite were placed near the boiler and discharged. The rescuer who set off the charge was behind the discharged debris and reported the bodies of a half-dozen men huddled together. Fire department off:cials said the structure might collapse at any minute and they ordered the rescuers back. It is be- lieved that no effort to bring the bodies out would be made until morning. SAYS HISTORIANS WERE BHRID WITH BANQUET 3eAndrew Trial Goes Merrily Onward With llier As Star Witness For Prosecution FIND PARLIAMENT RECORDS (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Nov. 14--That institu- tion of persuasion and good will-the banquet-was employed by the Brit- ish government to influence 100 history professors to deal generously with the Island empire in depicting Anglo-American relations, the Wil- liam McAndrew school trial recorded today. In making that event a part of the prosecution of McAndrew, superin- tendent of schools, who is charged with insubordination,, the minutes of the British parliament were quoted. Charles Grant Miller, president ofj the Patriotic League for the Preser-I vation of American History, designat- ed the star witness against the sus- pended school head was the only wit- ness. He substantiated the claim of John J. Gorman, former congressman, that English propaganda had entered the Chicago school rooms through the employed history classes. German was then employed by Mayor William Hale Thompson to ascertain if An- glican influence existed in the schools. The mayor claimedait was,and that McAndrew was a party to its admit-i tance. The London Gastronomic subsidy was issued in 1921 at the Savoy ho- tel, and among those who dined were Prof. Andrew C. McLaughlin, head of the American history department, University of Chicago; Prof. Carlton Hayes, Columbia University; Prof. David S'aville Muzzey, of Harvard; and Prof. Willis M. West, of thevUrni- versity of Minnesota, Miller said. These four, he added are authors of histories used in Chicago. DIRECTOR SPEAKS TO JOURNAL CLUB Dr. Cyrus Sturgis, director of the Simpson Memorial institute, spoke4 yesterday noon at the meeting of the Journal club at the University hos- pital. The subject of Dr. Sturgis' speech was "The Bone Marrow in Permicious Anemia." Dr. G. A. Sherman, of the University hospital staff and instruc- tor of internal medicine, followed Dr. Sturgis and spoke on "Some RecentI Advances in the Study of Tubercu- losis." PITTSBURGH, Nov. 14-An entire section of north side Pittsburgh lay in ruins tonight and the bodies of 21 persons lay in the city morgue, mute evidence of the most disastrous ex- plosion in the city's history. Death and devastation swept the old Man- chester district when a mammoth storage gas tank exploded. Tonight as hundreds of victims of the disaster nursed their injuries in hospitals and in other havens of re- fuge supplied by relief agencies, fire- men, policemen and volu'nteers con- tinued the work of explor~ng the wrecked district in the belief that other bodies would be found in the mass of twisted debris. As nightfall descended upon the stricken region, rescue workers erect- ed emergency lights at vantage points. Many of the debris choked streets and tumble-down buildings resisted the efforts of firemen and they resorted to dynamite in an effort to move masses of wreckage. Police iredoubled their vigilance and kept constant watch to prevent looting. I Blast is Sudden^ The quiet of a November morning was shattered throughout the Pitts- burgh district by the tremendous blast. For a moment the city held its breath as buildings rocked and windows crashed. At first it seemed as if an earthquake had gripped the city. Telephone lines were broken and the fire alarm system was crippled. The city stood still waiting and won- dering what was next to come. Then a fire alarm in the downtown district on the Allegheny river front sounded, to be followed a minute lat- or by a general alarm. With the first shock, firemen started the motors of their apparatus, and, as a gong sounded, they rushed forth. The city soon realized that there was a dis- aster at hand. Automobiles, trucks, taxicabs, ambulances and all availa- ble motor cars, soon were rushing through the downtown district, bear- ing the injured to hospitals. When the firemen reached the scene they were halted by the appalling sight. Streets had been heaved into the air breaking water mains and sewers,, flooding the entiredistrict. Homes, factories, warehouses, and in- dustrial plants lay in ruins. Men, wo- men and children, many with blood streaming from face cuts and other injuries, ran screaming through the streets as if mad. Canse Soon Apparent The cause of the disaster was soon apparent, for, inthe nidstof -tho ruins, lay a twisted mass of steel, some of the supports of the giant gas tank, said to be the largest nat- ural gas reservoir in the world. Thirteen men went to the work of repairing the tank at 8 o'clock in the morning. 43 minutes later, as the workmen handled their torches on the steel framework, the shock came. Eye-witnesses said that the tank, with a capacity of some 5,000,000 cubic feet, shot into the air like a balloon. a ball of fire traveled higher than the tip of Mount Washington, across the Ohio river from the scene. Se- tions of the steel frameworl went up hundreds of feet, to crash in the ;descent through the roofs of houses and buildings and in the street. Within a brief period of time all north side hospitals were jammed to capacity. Nearly every doctor in the city, as well as nurses, responded to the call for help. Some of the in- jured were treated on hospital steps for the corridors and every available inch of space within, was occupied. Panic-stricken men and women for- got their injuries in their efforts to locate loved ones, and several hours after the blast occurred, mothers and J we are told that aeronautic plans for ONnvriy e orwl eie w 1928 indicate an activity far beyondIGILKEY TALKS ON 'REFINING RELIGION' ectr swwee in aturalciernc any dream of six months ago., T O EN N O VO A I N S RV C S adioim!Tefrt "Refuse Ideas "Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, it _AT OPENING CONVOCAT ION SERVICE anditor ium. Thes w e gen 1a has been the privilege to do as much ia~hi ipsl"wl egvna for a cause in so short a period of Addressing a capacity crowd in Hill way, sometimes with fanaticism and 4:15 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon time. You have richly merited the Auditorium last Sunday at the first tsuperstcombnedli it ondeed isn pur- saksthesecoughtsC ElturoeanSKna- many honors already bestowed. To- of this year's student convocations, ities that we humans are plausibly diers in America, 1776-1783," at 4:15 -night I have the utmost gratification he Rev. Charles W. Gilkey, D.D., tempted to do with out the steel, with- o'clock Thursday. in awarding you this further recogni- pastor of Hyde Park Baptist church, out the strength that religion can af- Dr. Fox is an historical expert of ion of achievement, the Hubbard preached a sermon on the topic, "Re- ford. national reputation, and has been as- mhedal of the National Geographic fining Religion." Turning to the "The secret of reconciling our de- (sociate professor of American history{ society modern conflict between religion and sire for religion with saintly but un- at Columbia since 1922. Previously he science for the analogies on which he congenial personalities is to extract had served as a member of the re- DAILY RATES ADVANCE Ilbased his address, Dr. Gilkey com- and discard those traits which we search association of the Carnegie in-_ TOMORROW s pared the derivation of strength and cannot copy, and derive their spirit stitution, and was also for some time i support from religion to the scien- and attitude toward life. oi tbe editorial board which produced, Unpaid subscriptions to The tific extraction of steel from ore, and "When we moderns with our twen- the Yale historical moving pictures, SMichigan Daily must be paid to- the derivation of vital power and en- tieth century superiority complexes "Chronicles of America." iday to come under the regular ergy from religion to the refinement are tempted to sniff at the institu- Professor Fox is the author of num- rate of $4.00. Tomorrow the I of gasoline from crude petroleum. tions of the Middle Ages, thanking God erous historical works, including ra$ . T r T "Religion in human experience like that we are not like our ancestors, we among them "The Decline of Aristo- i ii I WHITNEY ANNOUNCES BUILDING PLANS FOR HOUSING NEW EDUCATIONAL UNIT First drafts for the building which will house the new unit of the School of Education have been practically completed by Malcomson and Higgin- botham, Detroit firm, appointed by the Regents as architects for the building. It is expected by Allan S. Whitney, dean of the School of Education, that the plans will be completed this June, construction work begun this Septem- ber, and that the finished structure will be ready for use a year from Sep- tember. The site chosen for the build- ing is just south of the University high school, along Monroe street be- tween Haven and East University ave- nue. Work of clearing the condemned school is essentially a demonstration school, where prospective teachers can observe expert instruction, the new secondary school will have as its ob-I ject the discovery of "new ways and means of educating children." It will be divided into a pre-school unit for children from one and a half years of! age to -the first-grade age, and a reg- ular grade-school unit compassing the grades from one to six, after the com- pletion of which the children can beI graduated into the junior high school which is at present in operation. "Public schools," said .Dean Whit- ney, "cannot do much experimenting except in a general way; we are cre-I ating a school which we can surround