PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN D)AIL Y ............. . .. ............. .......... .... kljixl. iNklvj:dlTlujulv LQ, 4ogol DEAN DANA CONSoUT W IT H A D V IS O R Y G R OUr. Cot 111 W (;A s s P s n Wverk AndI I'ropoi.edi Projects.. FAVOR M'S WEENEY BILL Samuel T. Dana, dean of the School of Forestry and (onservation returned Thiursdaty from Madison, Wis., where] hie attendieda meeting of the adlvisoryI c (-)ncil of thle Grealt LIkesExperiment' stat i«o ofwhich he,, is a member. The. coutnil discus sc(Ithe lMcSweeney }bill; introducedr0inlto Congres::s last year b)y tReretalt v ir Me eeney of Ohio,; whiich wkill lr I'm-t the estalblish- mtr T~ atoa poicy 'of federal foresry reearchand ent on record 1 as heartu3ily indfo -;lug thebill. An aldvisih)ilitv retalihiga branchi of 1the Lake Sttes Exp1erimenit Only Two -Elections Are To Have Effect ALPHA NU PLANS ANG'ELL HAS NEW On he atin Acodin ToCunantqn FALL INITIATION BOOK PUBLISHED - --- Alpha Itn, the local chapter of Kap- A new hok lc"Th 'ai ~ u<' i by ro- 'Of all the various e'e't ions held i nly ] on >state-wide amendments. pa Sigmza,_ will hold its annual fail in- fe1rli iilC '§~i1ofteUi- last Tuesday, only tw~o seem to have ricsamendments to the state conr- .itiati o n utanh n~ etvri scooyW ir ethsbe anly national significance, the vote onl TusdayIfternon, a 6ratifiedk byc plebis-cc cite to he effective andI were dlesigned Tedy f ron tt 1 'lc c onclfri Iielo nPhu v the amendments to t he state (oust hO - ([.oim ])r(4ve the government of the state' cording to an announcement by Lyle The lok xl i s1 UdV\ ; i oil tion in anew York a oW i he iii ulicijil):'io New York. They remedied defects E liserman, '30L, presie nt. o tinued, C'Mr. Varo is no neare~r as cef''>i'I!'cy1 .,ince his lien .1h:nan wIas elec d ini the macliinery of government and raised the governor's salary from $10,- 000 to1 $25,00)0 a year, p6rinitting him 1.0 ieceive more than any other 'state executive in the IUnited1 St ates h fsalar y of the state legislators was also raised to $2,500 a year, making it higher thanr any other state excep~t 'Pennsylvania." '.lust outside the greatest city in Aestchester county, the most pro- gr essive charter ever stibmiittedI in the hiistory of local government In Amner-' isa ,,W,"P rejected by the electorate." As speakers for the banq uet.; Prof.7 Tlames O'Neill, head of the spee c Y- Ipartment, Gail E. lDensnmore,a mid(' art, G. l3raadt have been secured. I )cns- more aind'Brandt are both fo rme=r me mbers iof 4,lphza Nu. Lyle l1ier -E man, president, wvill act as toastmflast- er, 1-oward Simon61 will give the A'l-j com othfe ne~ men, aiNI ono' of the' MT. PLEASANT.-Scarlet. fiver is' depleat ing the ranks of the Att. l11eas-' anit football t("1111. ;; aiml Nvfro I ,, I'l o! 1 rAneisper- sUItitl (115i }lisa niign oth, as, al : trdti" an tai tlU nieniher-!u. A ccon'dinin clI'i-oA sni-Inebrhad' Of thie 'soei-oey L~Am incaw, 1,I loo0k Oliels p piltci hel 01'1 le soci- tAlogi- rcla~ion lip m neet'vastudent affa ii' aad msoci S here ofA ii nit bu(i his i cn,;1l~ Weft and( activil c Alte 'S xta euricolar act iev W te Maton he- :4 "In Detroit,' he cont innued, "the stion]1in1 Wisconsin 1was also 4is- o m ta I£,~ ll , t H110 II t t,) a ;oat ii t ho (11enate i a ~hi ccof cuissed. lay a conlcenclus of opinion pulclwadpii oasadi It was decided not to establish the pinnow a d related mtoathetandj isar branch station until additional funds :avor owyrlae oHe eprr which hispoica maclhie may wer avilaleenjoy in Philadelphia.", Fey the terms of flue McSweeney bill, I e okflerslsw , which the council approved, an annual "InNe-Ym kth rsuls et appropriation of $2,t000,000O would bec given at the end of 1t0 years for re- search into all branches of forestry. T1he bill -wouml thus provide a gre(ater appr opriation. Raphael ion, director of the Greait Lakes district, led the mee.ting of the advisory committee. Existing wxork LA 3 and new pr1ojec(ts wer i (Iscussed. Dean D ~na resen1 5. ted the Uiniver sity 7 at the meeting. STACE ADVOCATES Io~ NEW COURSE HERE,-- election of John Lodge for mayor indi- catedl a reveirsion to the custom of early, America that the office should :sec k the man. In Piladdelphia thej candidate o' the Vare machine for Snayor was succe-ssful. James M. Beck, a noted constitutional lawyer who has,-;hell many'high lpositionisanld wvho is now aii od marn, was elected to Congress in the first Pennsylvania Never a waver in the Edgeworth fl vo TIMES TODAY ; y % gPdb'R t t a'L y i ".: R tw 1Urging a course in piublic utilities at the University as a. means of ac-- quainting the students who would be interested in such courses with phas- es of public utility organization, fi- nancing, management, operation, and utilization, Arthur W. Stace, director of the Michigan committee on public utility information, adldressed the :Barristers club at a luncheon yester- dayr noon at the Lawyers club, onj the subject of "Public Utilities and the Let al Profession." Stace commented on the close con- nection between the lawe profession "and public utilities, maintaining that the services of lawyers are often4 of the greatest importanc~e in public utility matters. Hie said that "They may be called upon as counsel for the utilties, or for the public, or for' regulating authorities. The utilities in manfacturing their product have to obtain water rights, secure plant sit es,'obtain franchises to do business, arra n -e financing, and engage.' in various negotiations and transactions reqluir ng legal advice and assis- tatce." SHOWSJ DA1tY i L ~AiZ Idi 214 IVIAI EA N I) A 4 HELA Popular MusicaI Comedy Star, write: "It seems that most all the mem- bers of the 'Lucky' Company A I ;i POLICY 2:04) 3:35 35c 5i00 15c 7:00 8 :40) 50C 25c -ADDED-' Felix Cartoon A NOVELTY. Al Jolson and Paul Whitman ,NEWS AND LOCALS ' a :: ; :;: smoke Lucky Strike cigarettes, and once waas tempted to try one, and I am glad to say I have enjoyed them eversince. I am very happy to say my throat has been in perfect con- dition aillseason. Lucky Strike is the only cigarette for me." I 1. I cc G r ,.' F ,, ______STARTILNG SUNDAY' tI d ,r GREATEST OF LOVERS SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN! ''ender- Sm perious- Ard nt icy- Wastful- p. Willful f Fickle- Furious- 4a -TA J rbt '' Ptcttas r r V a r f E df' . - . _ .. a ..... -.;. - " ! _ {.. . r 1 .4-- .4 i 64 4w9s,. e'. 4- 99i 3, a x , v , v4 i M'