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November 12, 1927 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-12

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R S L ICONVICTION Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the
____ geology department, and sponsor and
I edrof two meteorological expedi-
GIraued J1ury CotiulM xinimE. lxINtiori Of Itions to southwestern Greenland, re-
Aet~~l~s O %)pratp,. hi turned yesterday to Ann Arbor from
$hadlowting Or il Inrors his second trip to Greenland. Profes-I
sor Hobbs has been absent from the
INiVESTIGATION i! NEARS E ND University on leave since the middle
ofMay on this expedition of which
-- 111c chief aim was to substantiate at
WASING~cTON, Nov. 11.-Stray theory hie holds of the glacial anti-I
ends of theo skein of evidence in the cyclone and the origin of North At-1
Fall-Sinclair dl! trial tangle wereI lantic storms over the great Green-1
gathered together today by the grand, land ice-cap.
jury wihile prwocutingtr officers pre-' When interviewed lby a group of
pared for presentation of what theyl newxspaper men yesterday morning,
describeda s a startling disclosure in Professor Hobbs reported a very sat-
the case. isfactory confirmation of his views
These officers said the new angle with regard to the glacial anticyclone.
would be developed Monday or Tues- Balloon work, in which the expedition
day and that in the meantime they was principally engaged, proved con-
could noat even hint at its nature asc elusively the correctness of Hobbs'
premature announcement might result theory that the prevailing air currents1
in a checkmating of their carefully in Greenland blow down the slopes of
laid plans to piece this into the whole the ice-cap), being twisted in their de-
fabric, scent in a clockwise direction by the
The grand Jury will conclude itsj rotation of the earth. As a result the
second week of work with a two-hour Greenland area is surrounded by a
sesson omorowandthoe drecingbelt of winds, known meteorologically
teisiaionhrope oaomet thos ien as an anticyclone, rotating in a clock-
thenvesigaton ofpvientocobypTesdath. wise direction about the ice-cap asa
presentation cente.vTheensuraced indsasain
Then the grand jury will decide cne.Teesrae ida n
whether it is to make a presentment dicatedi by balloons, extend upward
upon which indictments would be to a height of 6,000 meters, above
based. which are air currents blowing con-
'While no one can tell what is in the tinually toward the ice-cap to replace
mindl of thegrnjuyth xeta the air carried down the slopes and
tionnow sgrandtjuryeepebe a away from the ice-cap by the sur-
ininoweis othasthere ii me mnyface winds. The direction of the wind
ninct mts o 7a ngle initmentat the meteorological station set up by

Ta Y. .. 4Y -II A N f Al V-A.. L/ -1 LiM:}W:ST! JIDy.A.M Y . ...Y~AiRA~Pi iC' .X'


Eventually Hobbs hopes to beC able
to predict the more severe storms
over the North Atlantic 48 lhours be-
fore they reach the traveled laties. AT.
present, however, he cannot nake a
definite statement as to the feasibilit v
of this project. The exten of the
area affected by the glacial a o i-
cyclone caused by the ice-cap is still to
be determined. On one or t wo()
occasions during the summer, how-
ever, a. comparison of weather
conditions at the Greenland station
and two days later in New York gave
promise that in thQ. future when the
matter is more fully understood,
warnings may be broadcasted of the
more severe Atlantic storms. On July
21 a hurricane of terrific violence

Pin'--cg's 0-Ire For. Ret urn
(By v -ci'ci PressI
'BTCTAIZESTI, !umania, NOV.)II. -
Speahing wit h eloquenice which hield:
audliece andjudges spellbolud for4
two hours , ll. Maloilescu, former und-
eTsecr t.a i of finance, who is on trial
!(chcrge+d With complicity in a Carohist
pliot, today revealed that former
f'rown I lriiue Carol didl not seek the;
throne he had renounced, but only;
nmembeirship on the regency.

"The prim e is too lo~ a I ad 4 at x p
to think ot olet hrenin~ his xxii an
Manoilescu dei la i~ 4 in I :~ ~ 'in
tional tones. \Viih a 0111 ''~ >1
tounded ex'''n iii; ow a xx U
ed at the JJT(>0T1t i~j~ pa
disaster to RaTila 1114.
Manuilescue ~1aT 9>
by stiitillg That t'a' w~

I Ih i j, a 1i1\ i' iio (eienti

poss- ible o t tribute to
let'l:ilins ol~ter than tI

S U jo1 101 ,' Mlloiie~cti~ wa aiy qesiton ttit
I ~' l.~ r'aI1OV aI ttitel'hip

:himl".ehany inl-
hose,1 etertaineod
weir theare neve r
1i islmind of
ag or t1he'conlsti-
111St him.
bodly xts t( he



. , _ ,,




PARFU I i--h/FFI /



- r - ~ ' ~am r8,,
// NeL
e - .en -theLifetime dme
e Titan I-'7i-, ar
I ~T :c JeL ca~u~ncseedpubeauy
moiv c~ tc~ . T eLifetime pen is Zuaran-
t;....1 wwcrifioa.-b 4 N*7to YC write flawlessly s 1n
a.:.a"" .. c. i o r-pfti r char es at any time.
It is p~thatpnd the most, days in
<ho i i. antand the l~east in repair shops.
P cc> ~ -ecause it is wo-'thb more.,
Kh2 Lady "L:A t~"nc", $7.50 Gathers lower
IL i~<' T z ersiz- pencil to match, $4.25
Leti soe..,ce .hr
us Fs, u'

A :


CS i~i i Uuimer prsiV J~ C1osincIiua
lig some not heretofore identified withj
the Naval oil lease scandal.
W. Sher'man Burns, who was em-
ployed by Henry Mason Day, one of
Harry F. Sinclair's most confidential
associates, to assign detectives to
shadow the oil trial jury, today pre-
sented additional records of his agen-
cy, showing the activities of his opera-
tives after Oct. 28, the last date in the
records he produced yesterday.
Several more of the Burns opera-
tives were examined on the basis of
reports they made to their superiors
and which went into the hands of Day
and Sheldon Clark, another Sinclair
associate who, with Day, now stands
charged with conspiracy to influence
the verdict of the jury.
Today's investigation brought infor-
mation that no such automobile li-
censes as some of those described in
those of the Burns men ever had been
issued in the District of Columbia.

the expedition near, the western edge
of the ice was always, accordingly,
from' the southeast. To the east of
the ice-cap on the east coast of Green-
land the wind would always be from
the northwest. Similarly north of the
ice winds would prevail from the west
and south'. This hypothesis, which is
Professor Hobbs' theory, has been
proved correct by this year's expedi-
There will be an All-Engineering
Smoker on Tuesday, Nov. 29, at the
Union under the joint auspices of the
Transportation Club and the Engin-
eering Society., It is expected that
the Engineering School will turn out
enmass for its first gathering of the
vanr rrbi3 Prpnf.fpnfurp of he meej~t-I



F AGRANCE of the
exotic--Coty's Chypre
--vivid and tantalizing--
its entangling perfume has
strange power to sway
the senses, Nvith its min-
gling of mivs~er and fire

Mrs. Maggie Dodd, a boarding house inag.willgbe an fadresuby John F.
keen~r on 414 cAlL t in te gmf wp4 lngwil b a adrss y oh F

1leeklC1vu 'ti2 SU-eei III Lne souinwesL 1

section of Washington, was called for
checking up one report of Operative
Samuel Kirby that he rented a room
in the Dodd establishment so that he
c9,uld better watch Juror Carl Holt.
A New York financier is only behind
the times when he says he is building
an apartment in which only million-
aires can afford to live.

Stevens, one of the outstanding trans-
portation engineers of the world.
The conmmittee in charge of the
affair is composed of P. M. Shoemak-
er of the Transportation club and the
student branch of the A. S. M. E.; I.
S. Salmond of the A. S. C. E. and
Lawrence Van Tuyl of the A. I. E.
E. These three men comprise the
Executive Council of the Engineering



Friday and Saturday


You'll SeelTistOeroaa
Ever BigFooballGam







Calfskin Gloves
in the
Slip on Wrist

6I9II ail h h l l I lill~ iili iii liii r3 ;s ;lilitllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN li litiilllll llltilt
~ -i-
"-/ '2 11/' $'. ir
Sweaters ad.'4 'at\,j' r o i J I
I -t
Gloves ~
fleece lined .
fur lined (} ' " T, {
Socks I-' ~ j/ "
- -
- f -
lou hnts S eater
d cay. Just the tlhing ;oi his af~iched. Many, many shirts of sweat
E cold wintry weather,.hu extraordinary valtue will sweaters with socks to match.
be purchased for immediate use. Slip. on styles are the most
- popular this season.
_ WoolSocksScarfs ;
$1.00 '$1.00 $1.75--$5.00
Snappy, new ties ar) e lp'- to Such weather as we have been Scarfs, resplendent with color.
j = appeal to the ronost fasidiopus hav ing, demands warm wool Every fashionable lapel hides a
man. Stripes ruloe 1 i ord scs Fancy plaids and stripes gay plaid or checked scarf.
this season. SeleIct ' oor ar'e here in a splendid array. Large square ones are just the
you wish for th~e nvy-a1.Al sizes. thing for the game, today. r
(First Floor)C




Michigan Students Find It
on the Best Dressed Men
You'll see it on the athletic young men who
have been able to throw a 40-yard pass them-
selves or smash through the line for a first
down. Double breasted, broad shoulders,
wide graceful lapels, trim lines at the waist.
"The Downtown Store for Michigan Mien"

"~ nlational Institution rom Coast to C ys&
1~ro ninn41u& jj

11, 'T 'TT' D 2 C'CnAD A XT






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