THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Y , :raa u k , THE MICHIGAN aILYs aTJ .Aa COMMITTEE ELETE ToSTUDY EDUCA TOTION Dc)m u Wli Hne5 A ;tpoiiited ('lii rian Of (CricuplITo Studiy EeI; mIeutairy School Ii ll15 TO SUGGEST NEW PLANS I Dean Allan S. Whitney of the School of Education has recently been ap- pointedl chairman or a committee which will make a study of pre- school and elementary school meth ods, anid make, suggestions. for the new ele- mentiiary school unit which is to be ,kdded( to the' present University high schl building. Also appoin~ted to the committee were several men and women connect- ed with many different branches of the University. These are Dr. C. E. Badg- ley, D~r. Cyrus E. Sturgis, Dr. Albert IV. Barrett, Dr. Carl I). Camp, Dr. Wil- liamr C. Trow, and Dr. John P. Par- s~sfrom the School Hof Medicine; Prof'. John F. Shepard,,and Prof. Wal- te.,, D. Pillsbury :rom the department of psychology; Doris Twitchell, assist- ant1 in Bureau of University Research; Geii . Carl J-Iib r of the Graduate School; and Shirley Titus of the School of Nursing. This committee met with President little at the beginning of the week and organized for work. The individual members will make suggestions for the curricula to lbe usedl when the new3 unit for pre-school children is institu- tedl in the new building, in addition to advising methods for the elementary unit. The varied fields of the different members of the committee is in keep- ing with the recent findings made by D~ean Whitney concerning pre-school age children. Osteopathic Physicians Dial 5669 Dars. Bert and Beth H aberer 338 Maynard Street Specializing in Feet -THE RAE_. -Now- IGeorge Arthur I I Karl DaneI ?Tunnel To Connect Spain With Africa SAME TRAFFIC RULES AS FOR OHIO I il i ommunication W ith Colonies GAME TO E ENF9 CED TQM11ORROWI g ~Pr eb iaI ' mne traffic regnia these lights te1 t oi ia tions ill bt, o,; crved this Saturday fic away f 1rom the stadti'ln. s at the Oio Sat game, Chief of MYore thi, 5,00 vi-siting cars were Sday. A ltl al uoR 90 ttraffic officers are Iest traffic jproblem vr('i onin c Xpocl ed to 1;. ava un i e on Saturday, the Ann Ai, ,;r police for(-e, riad the I I hlr°I p l orce lyi-ig ()ne t hof iial1; o:-pr)1- ei t to v its li ti by iroinDetrit, lyck satisfied w iththe ay i", hict i( u >I son, a ad ToJ lo, as well as b a proilemn'Iwal(,olved.tThe main La 5pca1totj (tci owhich aided iiliti ta~:.,i). v' ssoilit fort ;.y$fpolicemenll of the traffic situation W :i tile' anner' epeeatvsof the Detroit Au- in which the police htad iv'ideth(,1OeI I tmoil (lii eeat+ctd$1,000 worth. of city into (disricts ill such .a way ' hat sign., for the Ohio game directing ca' e naprtclr(ie- o Kautoists to the parking grounids, andshudpr iliit'taI (U11' these will not be removed until after !shulprk _iti__________~ tii< > ____________ _.______ontst.__toftwn_ i c -rcalcdocopywith ,the j+GUw'LTHE APPOINTED rt >regulations forniuiated by the At hletic 1 P/lassociation acid approved by c;ity of- TO TR ST ES I ,icials for larlking cars; and Annt Arbor resiidens are reqJuested to leave rClF.uthAo(itIiiC . their automobiles at hone (luring the tor of Anthropology ha s ju t r-'eod :"game. notice of his appointment to the'le T aid IMain street from Packard to theofTuteofhe1lsu anLb TAQ/~9 R 7~ Istadium will be closed to parking as F'G/$ TH1Qoratory of Anthropology located at 5 WAI F&'6R~~7~/~will State street from Hloover to the Union. Afterl the gm l rfi Santa Fe, NA. 'iThis is a new or gnu- - ~lights will be stop~ped, and anl officerj ization, listing anion; its officrs the Will be stationedl at each corner where leaders in the field of anthropology. If present plans materialize, Spain will be linked with Africa by a tunnelAN RO - -Inetae - T1E( under thie Straits of Gilbralter, as shown by the above. When completed, the N ItlR-inesae - - OLD tube will be 18 1-2 miles in length and will cost approximately $34,000,000. $1.25 one wiiay.,$225 round trip Communication with African colonies will he -greatly enhanced by means of the tunnel accommodations. Kil,( Alfonso who is pictured in the insert Leave Ann Arbor Leave Toledo above, has expressed himself as being in favor of the project. Trhe famous City Pharmacy Interurban Station rock is shown at the top. 8 A. M. 12 Noon 8 A. M. 12 Noon _____4P. M. 8P..4 P. M. C t9' Parisian Academy of Dances 'Talnitig for sla'e, iiiid r the 31Manageinenct Of Y 8. ST'IlOWS- :25 s'. " .'iti Ae. Ann Irhor, Mich. I'lioiii'7997 ~('lI;I [LEOF VLASSES<1 i A '.For Ba'let'.,;;(tI!1c. Toe. ('Iaraetei', (Greek 6 .; elan sic' 11, Sp 11' htIp:aiw'iitg, .and Train1ig for sercel. Iegi' r llhzedzyand 1111Thursday eve., 47u''cloc _, a iid Saturdfay :C l. in. Advanceed: 4 Al G u°( cck .Iailv <<'cxeept saturday and Su11{ day. rofess1iwnal :AAt 3 o'clock dilly (except TAo S: Oti l pe' we':e, tem ~of P10 wees............. 41.00 0 j4v55-jij ('t('h 1:trm of 101 weecs..............40.00 Thrfe lesons each wee 1'11rnio I1) weeks ...1,4)0 il i o6j1'' 1 [4)f1191; ;I. U,40 Three"- iont It...............100.00 CINhir-ell: Wednesdays atf5,0atI aturda~s atl 2 p). Ii. One inonfli'((4!leeks) 12.1%X; 1 onth1 s$34. Notev: Enroll at :3ny3 t lie. ~do open all day. Partial paynents arran1 zd. lrivv,, lessons at . any=; tim1En ,Q1Solos:tind[complete ballets staged. All1 -lasses of Cla.ssic (1:11c-s !under Ante1. ti'aliolpe ('arissle. Also: E xercise for he alth1. or lai 11s1(ndgelellen.( lasses Sed1nesdayL 1111(1,Ft i"yI 1orniiig, t11 ) o'clock. $10.40 per monthl. B~ o :S 6 alli-ro i!g ('lassev-s: Tued 7:is nid Thiursday afternoon, ft, 6 and ei cunll: S I') 9. Under thlree Prliai xpert instructors.' Nico>, lene, anld .ie1haise. 1'riots : Case,10 lessons, $10. ~ri at, 1 leson, ~ P(" . s"-on , ()X A 4 t 7 1 TODAY AND SATURDAY St.op at Union v Minutes later 1 1 I ox . 0 V. Al. I 13 j !{ LAST DAY-TODAY-LAST DAY You Can't Go Wrong On This~ One of ~~~ ~ ~ ~ fip itssucaeilxycaef I I THEETILUIE BIRD COACHI LINE, INC. Phone 9870, 118 Fourth St. vjER NOW SHOWING- AA WHAT WAS HIS SECRET? 4 I in Jei cI hest; love turned to hate; weird disappearances; a.muysterious parrot; the bafflig robbery; a stra nge kidlnppig-all veiled in M~ood-ch illiig, haunting glamour. ON THE l'iWSTAE- "ROOKIES" Clever Comedy Side-Splittin' Laffs Also-Phunny Reels Perfect Ventilation ____RAE__ -ADDED- AND 11OW FABLE CARTOON SPECIAL1 ARMIIISTICE DAY MTATINEE TODAY S.10OWS, .2:00-3:40 14 - I I WALTER McNA ALLL 11 : "VAGABOND KING" G~jC~t t PARAMOUNT -NEWS-MAJESTIC ORCHIESTRIA u' tlril FEATURI- WHAT EVERY ICEMAIitN AOWS" SUNDAY-- MOSCONI BROTHERS I y -r . , . .: .: r i . : .t " ""' :"' .m .', , -n 's; . " 1 , T ? ? , .r mh , , r , .. !g : rs ;. :; o + : ; , .; . .. . . : : : :i * * t; - "r. ..: : .' . %S . Ar ndBaty"yE O-TOP; News Scoop Miciga LoasAwysaBgLf t ... r. ..r: -COMING.;_ SUN.D .........,."...a- ........ . .._AY-. ...~ ...x.'"e. .; i a - ---------- I Goodniess gracious. Here are those Navy fellows again. Of course we're gla'd L Copyright 1i 7 Fart Schaffner & lrs to see 'em good fighters dressers, too. 'cause they're and pretty fair A. N. We must admit though our Oxford Grey overcoats have got an edge on that deep sea o 'coat which the service men wear and which- was de gned b1y F'Jrragut3 chief navg*iat-u,, 'e hear. (Its a shame hie wasn't the navigator of the Maine). Of course, our Oxford greys are lacking in gold braid and frogs, but then up here we don't wear frogs-we eat em. There's a chance these "Yes Sir" 1 aL AND THERE ARE STILL SOME FELLOWS who have { f Tender- Imperious- Ardent- Icy- Wasteful= Willful--. Futious- That's- :,% not availed themselves of the opportunity of looking over the Greyhounds Now these are not any particular kind of h / i s d Canine, buta ond erf ul assortment of navy boys Bennie and might out-smart his ten-spot. 'We do hope they won't out-, smart the Mich. dressers. They won't of course if you visit Thomp}son s South-U P. S. How 'bout gloves. We got pig, deer buck and kid, f$3.50-$5.00. You'll I SNAPPY SUITS in that new DARK GREY designed and made by' TAILORS that DO KNOWHOW. Hart, Schafner and Marx YES, SIR-FELLO WS, ,,-' , :1. . . pp / -'F , a . t lf lli ' i%, / i ,,.. . f 4.. L E ;, a_ c . E' { .r THCIA T'S 1MYd DOG- ""GRE YHOUND" I 1i I i I I I I 4C