Art I
Air 4p.
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VOL. xxxVII, No. 46.
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H AS GIV EN 1,700
Soloist And Tholins Will Constitute
3Itsleal Numbers For Evening
In Place Of Orchestra e
Four speakeirs and two soloists will
be included on the fourth Michigan 1
Night radio program to be broadcast
between 7 and $ o'clock tonight by
direct wire connections with WWJ,
thie Detroit News, from the University
studio roo~m on the fourth floor of
University hall. The program and an-
nouncing, will again be in charge of
} Waldo M. Abbott, of the rhetoric de-
Football, aviation and law topics
will be the center of interest on to-
night's broadcas , according to An-
nouncer Abbot.1o lton E. "Tad" Wie-
man, successor Fielding H. Yost, {
director of intercollegiate athletics, as I
head coach of the Varsity football
squad, will give one of the two talks
on football, his talk being addressed to
the "Stadium crowd," it being the
night before the intersectional tilt
with the United States Navy. Coach
Wieman will discuss the different
players who are to get into the game
Tillotson Will 'Tals.
Harry Tillotson, business manager
of the athletic association, who has
charge of the distribution of football ,
tickets for all home games, will ex-
plain the method of distribution, show-
Will Probably Answer To Charwes
Self Incrimination For Re-
fusal To Testify
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov, 10.--A charge
of criminal conspiracy to influence
the verdict of the Fall-Sinclair Teapot
Dome trial jury was laid today against
another of Harry F. Sinclair's asso-
ciates, Sheldon Clark, wealthy Chi-
cago snorts and oil man.
Following in the footsteps of Henry
Mason Day, vice-president of the Sin-
clair Exploration company, Clark
stood upon the ground of possible
self incrimination in refusing to testi-
fy in the grand jury investigation of
the oil jury scandal.
i $10,000 Bond Required
Like Day, he was hustled from the
grand jury room across the street to
the office of United States Commis-
sioner Needham C. Turnage, where
the complaint was made and a bail
bond of $10,000 required and furn-
Clark was suave and smiling when
he went into the grand jury room for
the second time shortly after noon.
He was red of face when he came out
a few minutes later, and his apparent
nervousness increased during the pro-~f
ceedings before the commissioner.
An immediate hearing was demand~-
ed by Clark, but Neil Burkinshaw, as-
sistant district attorney in charge of
morrow, Central time, since the stri-
etebarking ofete godsralnthe
time after -four years of destruction
and .slaughter.
An emotional outburst of thanks-
giving that the struggle was over
swept the world on that day. Then
the vexing business of rebuilding
amongst economic and physica,
wreckage left by the World war be=
As in the past, since that first wild
outburst of relief that the fighting had
ended on the original Armistice day,
there will be no formal celebration
in America of this ninth anniversary.
Today however, a new touch will Ibe
given the day so far as Washington is
concerned with the unveiling at Ar-
lington of the Cross of Sacrifice
erected there by the government of
Canada to the memory of Americans
who fell in the ranks of Canada's
fighting legion during the war.
Describes War As "The Red Laugh"
And A 21ajior Issue Before
The World T'oday
Describing war as "The red laugh,''
Rev. Frank Hartley declared it was
one of the major issues before the
wld tnrln in th Tnl tn lonri In
Remainder of Group Stays In Green.
land Throughout Winter Vor Ite-.
search In Meteorological Work
Prof. William H. Hobbs, head ofj
the geology department and leader of
two meteorological expeditions to j
Greenland, will return to Ann Arbor
this morning, a ,cording to a telegram
received this week. Professor Hobbs
returned to this country aboard the
Leviathan which docked in Now Yrork f
Tuesday, having been idelayed one 3
clay by severe storms over the Atlan-
tic. Professor Hobbs stopped on route
to Ann Arbor at the Eastman-Kodal
laboratories in Rochester where the
films exposed by this year's expedi-
tion are being developed, leaving
there last night for Ann Arbor.
Left In May
Professor Hobbs has been gone
since the middle of May on an ex-
pedition to prove a theory he holds
1on the origin of North Atlantic storms'
over the great Greenland ice-cap.
Professor Hobbs joined the rest of
the party, who had preceded him by
a week, at Copenhagen, and they all
arrived at Holstenborg, Greenland, I
on June 15, reaching their ultimate
goal, Camp Lloyd, at the head of
Kangendlugssdak fjord on July 2.1
Professor Hobbs and Ralph L. Belk-1
nap, other faculty member of the ex- i
pedition. left Camp Lloyd during the
Address, Cheers, Songs. and ; oflon
I Pictures Coinpose Program For
Tonight's Assembly
To make reparation for the 10-0 (le-
feat which the Navy adinistered to
Michigan's football team last year, and
to stimulate a fighting spirit in the
students which will tend 4oward the
realization of the motto "Sink the
Navy" the student body will a ,s nmblc
in a pep meeting at 7:30 o'clork to-
night in Hill Auditorium.
A program of speeches, yells, sring,
and movies has been prepared bjy the
committee in charge, under the direc-
tion of Fred Asbeck, '29. As a special
added attraction, Earl V. Moore nof the
School of Music will lead the singing
with slides of all Michigan song, a <nq
Sid Bryant and his orchestra from
the Union will play between events.
The Varsity band will also be Ares-W,
and will lead in the singing -and the
Michigan songs.
Charles Rich Is Speaker.
Charles T. Rich, prominent Cleve-
land attorney and father of George B.
Rich, '28, plunging fullback of the
Varsity football team, will deliver 06e
main address of the evening. Mr. Rich
is an ardent football fan both by in-
clination and family connections, and
is a conferee of Judge "Bill" lay, also
of Cleveland, who delivered an address
iWilliam E. Harmon, founder of the
Harmon foundation in New York City,
which has extended loans to more
that 1,700 men and women college
students' during the past five years.
Delinquency in payment has amount-
ed to less than one per cent,.
cclumittec To Present Resolution Of
Protest At Meeting To
Ile Ield fonday
Presentation of the resolution o)-
posing the 'automobile hail will be
ing how it has been affected by the ; worth ta.us , to renethi givernentagneestigattonGKbject- at the
_arghe taovernndeth inveaste- """ eteuphto igatiomntobect- tute given yesterday afternoon. He second week in September, arrived inm given chief consideration at the reet- teO
wand for tickets in recent years. Don King, above, Washington, D. Ithe fixing of Nov. 25 as the time for b"tnetrtmdwdueee aaIltnor nSp , n h igof hldthe Interonroparnity feron in o ar
"Justice Halts at the State Line" C. newspaper reporter who exposed the preliminary examination into the fwuek r adonngte yTsastdisn w ophaen mong ct ent.iSiceso thes e e dnxtMp yatrnnmbak
will bethe subject of Prof. Edson R. jury, tampering in the Fall-Sinlair government charges.pweted oneoyThorevmaEioeg n tiwhoasd mgetinglectures sinifcDenmark, Swe sceis- room 320 0_" the 1 na 43 'ccah
Sunderland, research professor inl the peitdaohree oeggni n engvn Teapot Dome trial at the capital, and Accompanied By Attorney de n nln drsig teacrigt tp ae etra. team
law school, who is the thirdt speaker Ray Akers, below, street car conduc- Clark was accompanied by his at- a ewe mrc n uoe ia oit tb- The resolution was passed at the Bue
tose ingt'sterdgtam.lgahosehs tr, bine of the jurors, who gave King itorney, Morgan Beech, until recently adteohrb .G elEg 0Ia r ota o nls meigo h oni nOt at
tkwilb nedd rmaiyfrthe tin that brought about the dis- clerk of the District of Columbia Su- warh beteenEnglad pntre Unitue ov. L sam 10, and was then referred' to a cnm_ the fa
hsentrsd nheeglpos-missal of the jury and ended the ipreme court, and a Chicago friend, wa ewe nln adteUie v Ban stead Said Safe mnittee corsisting of Jhn H. Glover, popula
slan and prospective law students, it trialI George L. Schein. Both attorney and Sae.'8 oga .Duiea,'8 n .son
will deal sufficiently with general rndagdwthhecmisoe War, Rev. Hartley asserted, has Paul Oscanyan, radio operator for A osh 2,t eptit ia all kin
public, Announcer Abbot said. f'] 1 bu neryhaig lr finally none of the glories that books attri-F the expedition got a message through form for presentation to te Board of sage t
Prof. Lawrence V. Kerber, the Gug- Gilkey 'Will Addr ss netdh sefntthdsusi. bute to it. Hie pointed to the view..!to the New York Times wireless sta- Ret.Tiscmite e etr ing to
genheim professor o Aeronautical re-tCo v a in "I am the man who is arrested, why Point of the two civilizations of; tion earier in the week, reporting clay afternoon and framed the ulti-
search in the University Is the fourth, i r s t O V ~ t~ a' osm akn? lr Greece and Rome, showing that the( that all was well with Kallquist, aero- mate form of the protest. In its orig- Follo
speaker on the program tonight. Pro- candeido"Ishme tlin?Clarrkhs -thn Greeks despised the God of War, logist, Bangstead, the Daish memi-ial text as passed by the council the motion
fessor Kerber designed the airplane IOf Series On Sunlda y ondemy shaesut car hisring n while the Romans glorified it. Rev. lber of the party, Dr. Church and rslto ed"eovd htteI-the co
that broke the world's altitude record ----fonfyou were in my place (turning to Hartley stated that he thought "the himself, who are going to reman inI terfraternity council is opposed to the Hoag,
at McCook Field, Dayton, O., the plane( Second Appearance For iMost 11opularI Burkinshaw) you would feel as I do] red laugh," a hideous laugh, was the Greenland throughout the,winter. Un- present automobile regulation, and Theate
reaching a height !of 38,700 feet. "Air- Of Convocation Series and want to get it over with as quickly most apt figure he could think of toI usually mild weather conditions for suggests that all upperclassmen who a footb
mindedness and Safety" will be the Speakers as possible:" describe war.1 Greenland are also reported, with alare scholastically eligible be al_ the list
subject of Professor Kerber's talk. A1 e h aefr h ern a Rev. Hartley pointed out that it is;mnimum temperature of 4 degrees lowed to dtrive cars' . machi
Soloists Replace Orchestra At the first or the Sunday mooring fixed, Clark had to wait in the rather a question which the peoples of theI above and very little snow. Prevail- Wayne Schroeder, '28, president of so tha
The appearance of the University student convocations to be held on the dingy little office for 15 minutes until world should consider. "Since 1918,"1 ing winds from the south are holdngI the Interfraternity council, announced reels.
School of Music orchestra, composedI fall series next Sunday morning in the representative of a surety corn- he said, "more and more destructive hack the Arctic wnter, which usually that the problem of deferred rushing The
of7 pees cedld o omh'sHlyddtoim Dr. Charles W. Gil- aycudarv ofrite$0- weapons have been designed. We are brings the mercury down to 10 be- would be taken aP at this meeting. footbal
broadcast, has been postponed until key, of the Hyde Park Baptist aycudrivtofnshhe$., church, 1000 bond beginning to employ the science of low for this time of year. As a re- The council has been considering this Charle
the fifth program two weeks from to- Chicago, will deliver the address tgrn uy nit Caki the world to destroy the civilization sut of the mild conditions, a mild question for over a year and it is hix Did lei
alight. This was found necessary, An- r. Gilkey is known as one of the I the randmejthr ilnitClainy of the world.'' winter for the entire Atlantic sea- peted that a committee will be ap- comed o
oftemesof the ocetaas with a, fame that is nation wide. He preetefra opan n it"wsRv Hartleyssbe. Greenland. conclusion in the matter. opened
plyi h ast adwihi sone of the foremost University ;Clark would he required to plead and Speaking of the relation of Christian- Te scanty snow has delaed The three men who are preparing start a
scheduled t participate to the Pen speakers andi has served in this eapac- trgottraonhendcm t ity to war, he declared that Jesus, Church and Bangstead in their effortsI the auto ban protest are also drawing the fta
meeting in Hill auditorium tonight. In ity at some of the country's leading BohWlimJ unfudro during his ministry, had to face a to establish provision caches fartherI up a resolution expressing the Inter- allowe
paeoth rhsr nhepormeducational institutions in the East th Wgiiyamnd.hBsrs o n.derma of tain ndta nevr aeinland for their pooe trip with traternity counci's disapproval of the hall a
tonight, two well known soloists will and Middle West.un gi eebfr h rn h tel euitdaymaso sledges over the inland ie this win- Present ruling prohibiting fraternity will ha
ee ;sipcuedThe topic upon which Dr. Gilkey will !jury duraginwerday.before they wrandhf trly nrependiatgdhans k noHeter. The starting sate for trip how- dances after football games. the bu
"Kemp Kenna, knownin University ,speak is "Refining Religion." He is durind the dy fr hyounwerernanfBrk- e int defending hs ingom.Chit's ever, is still tentatively set for Dec.) All dues of $5 from each fraternity
'grduedayr histhnnenivehrsiyo h undertadin of the idadars of 1ovme t rinshaw had a brief tilt outside the teachings were against the use of 1. They intend to spend two or three are due at the meeting Monday. Any Piar
]Michdgantee clys nwhthh niersiyo jemders othandn o he aidaenan grand jury room over the nmethods 'force and war; and that any isolated months on the interior of Greenland, group failing to pay these duesi
opershil lreer seerbvoaldw hteUnm odtie r thn any mems enanused by the assistant district attorney facts tending to show that Christ making meteorological observations, liable to expulsion from the council.- Se
be.ras ion rudelrseean ofthenmetings ofrtheymnge enrtiondin having the trial jurors undertake sanctioned force were out of harmony which, when correlated with data Since this is expected to be a highly
Uniers itySotrlfrmnoth metgsfth yunrgnra . to identify the private operatives with his whole teachings. which Oscanyan and Kallquist will important session, it is urged by the Ch
Univrsryogram, f Ms clubl bwthllt te prsntcansua hoi. e Young Burns suggested that when Dr. Francis S.Onderdonk, of the obtain at the permanent station on officers of the council and by Deanh
severalsvoloinsol o enihn rgclubded b reento cor. + Mount Evans at the head of Kan- Bursley that all fraternities have men
seveal ioln slos ein inludd i This is Dr. Gilkey's second ap-I his men are lined up for inspection architectural college, introduced Rev. gnlgsa jrwl omc oi tedne nacrac ih Pa
her repertoire. hernce on. the campus, his speechbyteetr rysmen spprH tewh 1sa etan oth prove or disprove Professor Hobbs' the suggestion passed at the last meet- in kil
The fou'r talks on the program to- here two years age attracting much correspondents and others be mixed in World war and at the present timethoynitsreusdtatherarn-L P
night will be alloted approximately1 attention. At a recent meeting, the with the detectives. Burknshaw em-I acting pastor of the Dixborough theosy engi t i reutedegat e tatend mre P
35 or 40 minutes of the hour, Mr. All-I compmittee on convocations voted Dr. phatically refused to do so and Burns Methodist Episcopa church while he in football by the board of control all meetings of the Iterfraternity concer
hot an'nounced, and the emasinn time Gilkey the most popular speaker who' wanted to know if the prosecutor did is taking courses in the Uiversity. fteYl tltcasoito eecucl
will be given over to the musical sum- (a perdo ovctossr not want to be sure about the thing. o h aeAhei soito ee onIcl
bers and the announcing, the latter of ies hedre on the campus.t YALE BACKFIELDtngh.AIL B E R O S
which is supposed to be limited to five Thr r ob fu paes nT e W ah rST R I EIVL The decision was reached by the sert
minutes.thrfaSTsARe INELnIGItBnsLTh board after a session of more thanI LISTED A T UNION ater
speaker on Sunday, Nov. 20, will be+ two and a half hours, and it was bas- on r
CREGO TO CAPANTAIN Rev. Charles R. Erdman, of the Pres- L Rain today Acantedorrow;mxd EWH E C . .6Br ed on Caldwell's participation in Persons having rooms availableP OREmxd NWHV ,Conov6-r
OP ORE TEAM !yeincuc fPictn .J with snow flurries tomorrow and muchI Caldwell, Eli star halfback, was de- football at Brown university in 1923 hrosb a nrte no the sec
CO O A OSTRIKE !colder. Strong shifting wnds. dared ineligible to represent Yale while he attended that intiuthe dyros ngby nalln h noncet e u
lected yesterday by the sophomore , 1a VOICES OPINION ON NEW60 TREND OF HIGHER EDUJCA TION ception committee. With another re- known
class to lead them into the annual bat- (By Associated res)i ord crowd expected for the game St- cent, t
te with the freshmen, Saturday morn-; DENVER, Nov. 10.--Peace proposals Generalizing on the collegiate sit- Yet too soon to make predictions, is 'ties today, be said. Harvard has re- urday extra accommodations will be a prog
ing. Crego polled 99 votes, while the sponsored by the workers to settle the a sign of the new movement, Profes- Gently created a chair of Illumination needed. Bach-B
other two nominees, Irving 1. Feldman, coal miners' strike in Colorado made j ation, Prof. Walter R. Spudsr Spauldingx 1ne and Ventilation which is in line with Stdns4ihn t eueacm A Min
'30E, ,and James W. Orwig, '30Ed, little headway today and prompted a head of the Harvard Music depart- (so Saudigtxlane. oled1oddervte, etetiel.ddelaaiocyomtt sae' ladngmetrwo scnonunofcsesist omodaesleedcaiooroisd tfotemoer tndncestsfr.corssay do sofo gessma d m byDo otDs n ,lJn
The games will start at 10 o'clock operators which, lin effect, expressed Ann Arbor, yesterday voiced a nunm-I nominal cost by the state, Professor fessor Spaulding favors a curriculum! may be made at a desk for this pur- Ann A
Saturday morning on South Ferry satisfaction with the prevailing con-I ber of opinions and speculations on Spaulding thinks, has the effect ofI which would provide for a complete pose in the main lobby this afternoon other c
Field. The freshmen will assemble ditions8 in the coal mining area the trend which higher education is bringing to the universities a large training in the English language and -- ally
with their band at the Union at 9 Announcing that there was no taking today.I number of students who would be literature, rather comprehensive CHEERING SECTION throug
o'clock, while the sophomores willI strike at the mines of the Colorado Somewhat aghast at the middle-; better off at work in the world. Those knowledge of political, social, and iversity
meet at Waterman gym at the samej Fuel and Iron company, President J. western large scale methods of turn less generously endowed by Heaven economic history, both American and OUTFITS REQUIREDI
time. F. Welborn declared men were re-I ing out college educations, Professor would do well to stop attempting to foreign, and a working knowledge ofI NAt
turning to work in increasing num-I Spaulding noted the changing atti-, educate themselves beyond a good a modern language, preferably French Students who appear in the cheer
COMMUNIT Y FUND hers and he saw no need for peti- tudes and ambitions of college stu- high school training. To save time with an opportunity to learn Ger-I ing section on Saturday next without 1 '.
tians proposed by the miners to sub- dents. There was a time he said, when for the individual and money for the man, Italian, or Spanish. Science{ their uniforms will positively be re-j
GROWS ,STEADILY m sit the dispute to the state industrial spractictally every Harvard undergrad-) state, he believes the weeding out should be added to the general cur- fused admittance to the section, ac..1 Fot
commission.I uate was studying to enter the min-ii process should be applied more ex- riculum, and specialization reserved cording to an announcement by theI game w
U1 to Thursday noon $20,193.50 had Miners meeting in Walsenburg yes-; stry. today the universities are turn- 1 editiously and rigorously. foren rdate work. nommmtePon thnoe. rherie cetinn afterno
sfirst pep meeting held before
Uo game.
ry Kipke, '24, all-American half-
in 1922 and assistant Varsity
will deliver the address f1or the
and the coaching staff. Prof.
Donaldson, of the fine arts de-
ent, will deliver the address for
Gculty. Professor Donaldson, a
r member of the faculty, has
.a keen interest in activities of
ds and should have a real mes-
o Ding to the gathering, accord-
members of the committee.
Pictures To Be Sbown,
owing this part of the program
pictures will be shown, through
urtesy of Myanagers Helsdon and
of the Arcade and Majestic
rs, respectively. There will be
all picture and two comedies in
tof movies to- be shown and two
nes will be in the projection pit
t there will be no delay between
pictures to be shown. are a
11 comedy "The, Drawback,"'a
ss Chase comedy, "What Women
r Me," and a "Felix the Cat,"
doors of the auditorium will be
Iat 7:15 and the meeting will.
at 7:30. Attention is called to
pct that only students will be
d to sit on the main floor of the
nd all townsp6ople and others
ive to sit in the upper dloors of
nists Perform At
conch Concert Of
oral Union Series
ing to a large crowd last night,
li auditorium, Guy Maier and
Atison presented a program of
;an ten numbers in their dual
t. The program represented
review of last night-s con-
ilwill be found in the The-
,Books, andl Music column
page four.
ond concert in the regular ser-
Jer the auspices of the Univer-
dual pianists, who are widely
for their color, range of ac-
.aste, and unanimity, presented
gram that ranged from the
auer "Fantasia and Fugue in
or," to the "Reminiscences of
uan,'' by Liszt.
artists were well-known in
rbor, having appeared here on
occasions. Mr. Maiet is espec-
known to local audiences
h his connection with the Un-
S.4hool of Music.
:ball programs -for the Navy
Kill be placed on sale late this
ion. according to an announce-