SDAY, NOVEivIBER 10, 1927 THE MICIGAN DPAILY ILLI[MARON BTTLE~ (4oe 5(1111 t o h L iy) ai CITA 1lPAlCN, Nov .-MVore thant 10,000 se ats in Mven,rial stadlium pro- pcer ae still avaih..ble for the Illinois- Chicago game and1 itll fans are assured r, locations "o it the 4 f sides of the field, since it is estimnat- edl that the attend-l ance will be ap- proximately 50,000, -and no customers will be reqluried toEi occupy seats in thet s o it t ht temporary stands back (Y. the goal posts. Caipt. Reitscli Saturday is Dad's Center- d °a y a n d 3,000j fathers of students are expected to be among the 50,000 fans. Tpickets will be available up to game time although there has been a1 big demand all week., Ca:ptainin leitseiiIs I Sha1pe. The Illitai camp is cheered by the fact thbat Ca ptain Pob Reitsch played the full game against Iowa in brilliant style after playing only part time again st Michigan and Northwestern. While battling the Wildcats and Wol- verines, Reitsch played with his 01(1d time all-conference skill, but he (lidL not remain in these games, longer than a will be ready to pit all his ability 'against the Maroon cap~tainII andl center, Ken Rouse. Sterling perform- ances in the vic- tory o ve r Iowa have earned special attention for P'j'ank XWa lieryand.[Leroy Wict :, sophomores, ::^:.. and Cecil Perkins .- I veteran tackles, as thev Illiniprae for the invasion~ of tlh e Chicago Maroons Saturday.? Despite the fact: that the Illini top P erkins the c o n f e r,e n c e 'I.ickle they are working grimily a&I: overconfidence wvill not be a (danger in their two retraining games. Zuppke's squad1 is in goodI ph~lsical trim. Timin, Humbert and ]D'Amnbrosio proved dependable ball' carriers against the Ilawks and the forward -wall, well reenforced by re- serves, again' kept the Ilini goal line uncrossed. Only two teams havej scored againist Illinois this season,I .ames and Northwestern. it f ,l G' THREE NEW MAANAGEI . S ARECOE $TO HEAD B'IG iLEAGUE. TEAMS INl f.Will, Hold In major league baseball, as in any, leag u, into a ('lo s' seond in the (jr'-, e other business enterpr ise, "the right uit 1rac( last iunimer, has been ( -.\ A '1~ to h1ire means the right to fire" is a awrd the lmsi ion vacat £Iby tufy E ASNNo, 9-(r thln lc Ihll~. ~, i'inII1ilJA that seems t)to lidlC the vi - t t (IcVlOpmeiits wl(Iein ,nother Counitiy 1tfnish lIC1 I1e 't1 :1 i(ous ball clubs. Alrealdy thr, eam"fli nInrs Will oseli'.ten . ,ab.,11arex colle11ge inl ei:I Xi~ eV hlave fired oIl0:fi eld generals tanld hir'ed pet 1E"10 o('Ur I1 be )£thl: ell('aU y.)e- jit t t,n i (?±h' iiyvi ta r nwoefote128bsblseason, lore the cluabs et art lbh(en' annual college, Nwill cm:t ertF'Ia and "others are expected to chanlge ,10111"IY to Ithe balitv Soiith next oe?- i mingflin ii1he lautma I S tate iii real- managers before the regular season ir Y. hgiate ehamipionsh its. of the hot stove league is terminated. 1 Thoutgh no(1veraeity of it. hlas be-1n , Ysilanti Normail hs wonl the ee With the release of lDave Bancrft I iven by the owners, it lhas been1runt- forr cwo ye rsi iisneC ession. as leader of the Boston, nationals ,oredl that Ray Sehalk's place at. the K alamlazco 1 . , inner GE ii MA.. several weeksg, t r nnu cmnt h ead of the ,Chicago White (Sox wilil1_.. (iown, i~il weesandotheesi cr11cn conmes this week that Polb O'Farrel, ;ili ia new 0(A,,iil',i{ hen tihe 12o 192Tanachers'te crdi als ed'seaappgetar to have thest eam Stuffy McInnis, the boss of the iTbhen thlere is lh- ca'se of Rogers 01.21 o ube ilehv endpsd lonh h a ,elsae o111- e[ ama '/00 : r~ a d Wi't- h~eor 1 from their respective managerial post s iige the New York',; inl 19225 evcr individuial hlioors. and new pilots appointed inl their a<(e he came to()them-l last year. Sonice Albion, Ailma, 1112 li ?izigan State pl'aces. lo mnite almouncienlfnt, how.ever, is an- I Reserves, Detroit Coillege of Law, G'Varrel's post has been given toa ticipa ted soon from John MCxrajw, Grantid Rapids ,iuniaor college aothl- Bill M eeknie, who led the 1925 lpresent 111acxrei of t he Giants and('I' teams ar e expo ec to enter m1en inl Pi'rates t oa pennant and world cham- :ho has a lte.'1ately announced~ and t he meet. pionship. This change seems to be (hled planis of cirieent (luring the Fr"iday afternoon the Varsity teams favoabl to ll oncenedat t. Luis ';?t to ofrs:atlichigan. State and Norte Dame will favorable t allbconcenedvat St.eouise milet ooyears Some believed that 'Farrel's slunm Fhans throughout the2 nation ar'e ateovrtefv ml ore r i ,' i POWER1O NAVY El EVEN PCSE 'EDBY MiKhIAN > .lolsp'vatAe a mi.l bothn is and, I a , v, 11-Ol ichga Uattak:inAll in tltOki be loss of (' ,lo.Wck-l ro hO b keely felt utin Ge1i e' ai6o ° ul t.hai lons an An Aborn pi'od-t% l i l Capain'i'Od e fr hi guralp_ Llo heyearlingeand local halves, ,and IRansford at full, the Navy; (" ili (11look iin i ely more in 1;'~v than last seasn(desp~ite the les c1'Sha ploy and Ti lamilton. 1lannegan is a great field pilot andI Llovri, wyho with all his 203 lpounds catn still runt the ''cenutry"' wit hin a. split,- (I'of 1;he world recordtimtue, nmor' tha i at ones; for Hamilton and Shapely. oei 1),-idsRafrwhe th,usts at the Michigan line last, year netted(1 (onsidlerab~le yardage, it may be recalled. Even three stars of this calibre have been challenged by last year's "'p ce)s," P'ael', Cliftoni, Welcher, andj Mb r.Hany'sgreatwork a-alit W,'t irgina ia Weloyan places himl about even wt Miller in the race for thte other halfback post, while Clifton .nay enter the lineup at fullback. TH1lSL" THIS coluM cL iNO"'Il('ES. lourg of 9::"'ndj 1::10p ?7lro(lI DeliEvery. Barbecue 1Inn. .Phne 44 1 . IAI TMY ANN BEA_',UTY A llO wa- vingtfacials, etc. 110S. tCi ver~sity. D~ial 7561l. 4 5,, 57 SPEC'IXIAL .sale thliis welk. il ! en -1 r1l1 coats at very att ra cti.e .!d serviceale, at only ,l20).Zwr- hug_ Pa'r Shop. -1 TYIEN'S ra cc':I . Zwerdling's Fur Shop.41: NOICE+-- T'heses I yPed tccu rately and1( reasonably. Call 71111) after G1 ' ~FOR RENT FOR 117ENT-Single or (doubl e 1room in1 privaite family. 31 k. Ann. 44, 451 FOR RZENT-Sevem- room1 house to private falty;. Address Box 10, wMichigan Daiy or Call 2155"'. 45, 46 FOR SALE FO~R SALE ,-Near-ly new blue over- coat andI suit. Gray suit. Size 56. 13614 (Ades. Phone49. 45 .411, 47 XWANTED-One 1927 liigusin Caill 8717. 41, 45 '\ZIVV701(1. P111I0 2145. 4 1'V 1:\Ti)Fo1'. ticke: tsfor Minne so allo"'ll lV.irgini harrs at 45, 46, 47 CallC''.ilnu11, t~i.45, 46, 47 NAVY J 'l'KT t OST- Sm;l eldi(nugg ,et Pinl. Re- wa<