n TSIVkSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .1 ca ® ' a PAGE FIVE Aft, ADVISORS INTRODUCE CHANGE IN ATTITUDE New Form of Special Permission Cards Places More Responsibility On Students SEEK LESS FORMALITY With the change of organization efected in the government of women students last year, when the single supervisionby a dean of women was abolished fo an advisory office com- posed of three women, a number of improvements were set under way. The work was divided among the three advisers, although all retained their interest in the whole, and an at- tempt was made to become more in- timate and less formal with the uni- versity women. The latest step in this direction are weekly college teas held each Thursday afternoon at which the advisers are hostesses. Now comes a change which is sig- nificant not only as a form but more so because it indicates the new atti- tude which has been adopted by the advisers toward the students. Al- though it is a mere detail in the reg- ulation 6f the office, it represents a new standard. It deals with a stand- ard card used in granting special per- mission with regard to matters not falling directly tnder the usual house rules. The old blank read that Miss So and So "has special permission to" carry out her desired plans on such and, such a date. This was signed by a member of the advisory office, fur- ther verified by the house chap- erone, dated and returned by the ap- plicant at a specified time. The dean in this manner passed judgment up- on any irregularities in the life of the student from day to day, such as shop- ping trips into Detroit during the week, absence from her house over night during the week, and the like. The card as revised bears the date, of course, and is also signed by both the adviser's office and the house head, Helen Newberry Residence Annexes ' Two New Houses To Its Organization WIMTFrfl CANIVAI IDl DISCUSS PORTIA'S A7Af AYNrr(I A 'T' 3*r 1 A f "V Aiming to relieve the housing situa- tion in Ann Arbor to some extent, the board of governors of Helen Newberry residence decided last spring to take charge d: Stoughton and Parmelee cottages and to treat them as units of Newberry residence. The two small houses are situated on Maynard street just across from Newberry. Owned by the university, they were remodeled and furnished by the board of direc- tors of Helen Newberry residence, and are in operation this year. The women who live in Stoughton and Parmelee are brought into close contact with the residents of New- berry. Taking their meals together, the women of the three houses are generally well acquainted with each other, a thing which is an advantage to the Newberry women as well as to those who live in the cottages. The women are allowed to visit the other houses to study during the evening, and save for a healthy feeling of rivalry, there exists a delightful esprit-du-corps, according to Miss Tanner, social director of the three houses. There is only one student organiza- tion, the meetings of which are held at Newberry. Officers are chosen from the entire group and each of the cottages has its own representative on the student executive board. More restrictions are necessary in such a large group than are observed by the smaller women's houses on campus. These restrictions are strictly obeyed and each of the cottages has its own, night chaperone. Stoughton and Parmelee are includ- ed in all Newberry's social events. It is even whispered that on one occasion the women who reside in the cottages went to a pajama party at Newberry. Except for two women who have lived in Helen Newberry residence be- fore, all of the inhabitants of Stough- ton and Parmelee are new on campus this year. With new paint and paper, the two cottages are gay and attractive and the furniture throughout is very hand- some. "The problems of a group of 103 women are not very different from those of a group of 86," said Miss Tanner, 'and since we are really succeeding in what we aimed to do, we are all happy in our new venture." ATHENA INITIATES Elect New Members NEWMEMBERS To Theta Sigma Phi 11111IlL11UMl 11.UIIIIIL ,AIIVI) JAl I VlLL llIV~ FM BA SHELD ON TUESDAY 'B To give each member an opportun- ity to develop her talents and interests Glistening snow and a blue canopy in a broadened, varied field of literary of sky will change Barbour gymnasi- attainments was stated as one of the um into a gay winter carnival scene chief aims of Portia Literary society during the Women's league andc Inter-church bazaar, Dec. 2 and 3. T- in a talk by Wilma Neubecker, '28 at Square, with Virginia Gies, '29, as the meeting held Tuesday night. The chairman, are completing their plans speaker urged that the society work: for the decorations and will carry out Itoward the English idea of a club, that this central theme in the arrangement is, a group in which there is a free of booths, lighting effects, and cos- exchange of opinions and ideas with- tumes. i Letters have been sent to houses on out the formal restraint of American campus by Helen Rankin, '29, assign- clubs at which someone reads a learn- ing articles to be made for sale at the ed paper as his contribution, and does bazaar. For those houses who have not feel obliged to aid his fellow mem- not received a description and direc- tions for the making of articles for bers when his turn comes by criticiz- which they are responsible samples ing and presenting his opinions on the of these articles may be seen at any subject. time from 3 to 5 o'clock this after- Margaret Meyers, '28, related the noon in the league parlors in Barbour history of Portia Literary society gymnasium. A completed article which was founded in order to give from each house will be due one week Michigan women more opportunity for, from today and should be handed in at practice in public speaking and to the gymnasium at that time. create a group which might help in promoting a spirit of rivalry in de- bates with Athena Literary society. New Dancing Class Thus, Portia is an outgrowth of To Meet Saturday Athena; members of the latter, in- eluding Charlotte Blagdon, '28, first president of the Women's league, leav- After Thanksgiving day, a new danc- ing the organized club to form the ing class will be started to meet on new one. Blanche Kynast, '25, was the Saturday mornings, according to M ithe first president of Portia. Ionerdaynsorng thepscaedug tons That the present status of Portia is Ione Johnson of the physical education but a point of departure for the future department. of the society, was pointed out by Between the hours of 10:39 and 12 Valerie Gates, '28, who suggested every Saturday, Miss Johnson will bel original and interesting lines of study at the gymnasium to instruct anyone t including speeches on campus char- who wacters, unusual things found in the wants to take advantage of this museum, pictures and works of art, opportunity to practice dancing. The tablets of commemoration, reviews of class is being organized primarily for books written by persons on campus, those people who do not have time to the dramatization and writing of one- devote to dancing during the week, act plays, and debates on vital college and for those Orchesis members who topics. are unable to come to the meetings on The program for the next meeting Wednesday nights. of the society will be devoted to an Members of the class may work as I informal discussion of 'What Mimes long or as short a time as they wish. Means on Campus." The ultimate aim of the class will beI to work toward membership in Or- Indiana leads in the production of chesis. Later in the season, work band instruments according to the preparatory to the dance drama to be recent statistics which show that the given in the spring will be done. 13 Indiana establishments manufact- ured over $8,000,000 worth of band PURDUE-Seventy per cent of the and orchestra instruments, 40 percent women are actively participating in of the total production in the United athletics. States of $20,000,000. KINC ACCPESORY I[Ii Specialized Course In Interpretative Reading Is Sponsored By Mrs. Winters Interprettive reading and public student works out her own presenta- Interpretive reading and public tions after definite study on how to do which was organized the middle of so. The material is such that it can October in Ann Arbor. The instructor be adapted to any audience. is Mrs. Ellura Harvey Winters. She IMrs. Winters graduated from the has descirbed the material of the University of Michigan in 1925. The s following year she was teacher of course as covering three general fields. auditorium science at French Junior The first of these fields is primarily high in Lansing and last year she re- for women who are advanced in this! turned to Ann Arbor and assisted Mr. line of work and who want private in- Hollister in his public speaking struction in interpretative reading. courses here. The latter course has a two-fold ad- vantage. The students gain practical A number of amphibian fossilized experience through opportunities here footprints were found by two stu- in Ann Arbor and nearby towns, and dents of the University of Colorado, the organizations themselves derive They were discovered in Nolan coun- benefit. They are enabled at any time ty, Texas, and now form an interest- to procure someone to give readings ing addition to the museum of the appropriate for any occasion. S university. At certain seasons the class concen- trates on readings especially pertinent INDIANA WOMEN EXPLAIN to that time of the year. The second line of work deals with THEIR STUDY OF MEDICINE the planning of special programs for i u or high vhools. The training is Out of the 400 students enrolled in very helpful to women who plan to freshman and sophomore pre-medical have charge of such work after grad-Ifresa andianph re pre-medycal uation from the university. courses at Indiana, there are only 11 The third field is even more special- onbeen ized. It takes in thestd of tps Various reasons have be given b3 oialects to icthestudy types the women for their choice of the pro- well suited. The class is so small fession. Not satisfied with being nurs. that Mrs. Winters is able to give each es, most ot them decided to plunge woman special attention. headlong into the .science of medcin( Besides the actual reading the I and come out with M.D. degrees. Th( course takes in a general survey of the influence of parents and friends caus- three different fields. Bibliographies ed the majority to decide in favor o~ are supplied so that the individual the profession. tsFathers who wer( may do as much as she wishes. Each doctors wanted to see their daughter ________s following in. their footsteps. That Athena and the other literary societies help to give a satisfaction a: accomplishment that can not be ob- tained in the midst of whirl of uni- versity life is the belief of Prof. Richard Hollister of the Speech De- partment, who spoke Tuesday night at the annual Athena initiation given at the Haunted Tavern. More than 50 were present at the banquet after which toasts were given with Florence Pollock, '28L, acting as toastmistress. Pauline Zoller, '28Ed, extended Athena's welcome to the new members. Dorothy Lyon, '29, respond- ed in behalf of the initiates. Mr. Carl Brandt gave his appreciation of the achievement of Athena as well as tell- Fall elections to Theta :Sigma Phi, national honorary journalistic society for women, have been announced, the following women having been chosen for membership: Margaret Arthur, '29, Elaine Gruber, '29, and Marjorie Hewitt, '28. Mrs. Dorothy Desmond, a former member of Theta Sigma, the local organization which later affiliat- ed with the national group, was elected to honorary membership. Initiation ceremonies have been set for Nov. 22 at the Pi Beta Phi house. A literary program will follow the initiation. NOTICES The junior and senior hockey teams will play at 4 o'clock today. The regular weekly tea of the ad- visers to women will be held from 4:15 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. THE LATEST SMO :.IIIIIIIIIIiliti llllllll[111111[11111[UI I ti I - MICHIGAN BEAUTE SHOPPE Now twice its size and doing 4 times the volume of business. Why, Courteous treatment, ex- pert operators, efficiency of = workmanship, plus a perma- . nent wave that can't be beat. All lines of beaute' culture, in- cluding ladies' and children's hair cutting by Mr. Julian, for- merly of the Powder Puff 2 Shoppe. =i - Rooms207.208 Michigan Theatre Bldg. ""a1E114[I g lflll l-IIII I N11lig 1Il lllllllll and specifies a time for the return df ing something of the history of the the blank. It reads, however, in a other literary societies here. Ruth very different manner: that Miss So Huston Whipple, first president of and So "has registered in the office of Athena, gave a resume of the first in- advisers that she" desires to do such itiation banquet. and such. Among the other guests were Pro- Comim"enting on what might seem to fessor and Mrs. Gail Densmore, Pro- be a trivial change, Miss Grace Rich- fessor and Mrs. James O'Neil and Mrs. bards, adviser to women, said: "The Hollister. At this time Professor new form places the responsibility O'Neil, new head of the Speech Depart- with the student. She decides what ment, and Mrs. O'Neil, were made hon- she wants to do and how she wants to orary members of the society. do it. An adviser signs the card not Directly preceding the banquet to convey her permission but to notify formal iniatiation was held for the the house head with whom the student following girls: Ollie Bachus, '29Ed; lives that the adviser understands that Elsie Blimen, '31; Isabel Ballou, '30; P'A 16 A I V %.X AM %.0 %.* A-# AJ AJ %of I V AL Set including cigarette Lighter uses energine. Comes in all colors. lighter and holder. Is durable and simple to use. e this student will not be in her house at the time specified on the slip. Whether the plan is good or poor is left with the student, for we feel that she grows in character by making such decisions for herself. She1 should have, the right.to order her1 time and affairs. "If her judgement proves to be poor,I she learns from that lack of wisdom; if it proves to be good she has the pleasure of the full responsibilt ty. In short; she defines her plan and is bound only to keep faith with herself. This to a large degree, is self-gov- ernment." SHOE SHOPS SHOW OXFORDS IN LEAD Shopping for shoes! The posses- sor of small and dainty feet might feel Joyous at such a suggestion, but those who aren't so lucky usually dread the lay to come when they must go shop- ping for shoes. A +few friendly "tips" on wha.t the shops are selling, how- ever, are welcomed by hte wearers of small and large shoes glike. If you are looking for a grey walk- ing shoe you may as well give up hope at once, because there isn't a pair to be found in Ann Arbor. Tan, brown, and black are being shown in abundance, though, and good looking l substitutes for greys are quite plenti- Especially good, the shop-keepersI say, are the one-strap, cuban heel models in all tones of the above men-I tioned colors. Clever little pumps, Owhich look like oxfords and have any- thing from cuban to spike heels are in high demand. And of course the reg-I ular oxford or English brogue always. popular, is on sale everywhere. OH1 WOMEN EARN FEES Seventy-five per cent. of the women working their way through the Uni- versity of Ohio are .freshmen accord- ing to reports from the Y.W.C.A. Clerical work is the most popular, Judging from the number of appli- cations. Stenographers are the most fortunate, for they receive better pay. More students were placed in tea room work than in any other type of em- ployment. Marguerite Cornell, '30; Jean Currie, '29; Grace Darling, '30; Lucille Dein- zer, '29; Elizabeth Harcott, '29; Mir- iam Kellium, '31, Dorothy Lyons, '29; Katherine McMurray, '31; Noma Reid, '28; Lois Webb, '29Ed; Gwendolyn Zoller, '31. At the University of Berlin sports are very systematically pursued with hiking ranking first in popularity. It is very ordinary to see the men stu- dents dress in knee trousers and socks roaming over thercountryside with guitars and mandolins singing as they go. Women of the rich cultural class in India are shocked when they hear about the capers of educated Ameri- can women. Only $1.00 MAR Y LOUISE SHOP Nickel's Arcade t 1 ,, 1 11 ". ____""""""""""-__________""__"t"_""_" " " " " "" " " "" " " " " """"""" WASHINGTON MARKET EXTREMELY MODISH Achieving the f ashion, new suppleness and slenderness demanded by our new arrivals will appeal particularly to the co-ed of fastidious taste. QUALITY f P SERVICE FROCKS Nothing Over $15.00 roe ewAlop4p RUBLEY S In MICHIGAN VS. NAVY And Miss Co-ed appears in the Stadium, Chic and warm in her Turtle-neck Slip-on Sweater. She wears sport hose to match, too. HOPPE the Arcade Near lime "Alai" 308 Maynard Street FLAVORY MEATS Genuinely superior roasts and fowls backed by the Washington Market's reputation for quality, and sold at prices you'll like. IT ISN'T TOO EARLY TO ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING FOWL Phone 4281 or 4282 FELDKAMP & FELDKAMP, Props. 201 East Washington St.I ........................................................................................ ........ ..... ... Michigan d'IMumis. Largest Yellow Turners and Pompon Corsages (Exhibition Size) FOR NAVY- Largest White Turners With Navy Blue Tie (Exhibition Size) All Homegrown "Ann Arbor's Original $15.00 Frock Shoppe" i I Personal Christmas Cards Printed or Engraved We don't want to seem pessimistic, but we're just looking ahead when we issue this little reminder : Order Your's Now! Every year we receive a great number of orders early and they receive the proper time and thought necessary. And every year we receive a like number of orders at the last minute which we are compelled to turn down because of insufficient time to fill them. Order your's now and avoid a last minute rush. 1,. . ............... ... .............. ......... .................. .... ..... .......---- - . -----u- I I ) 1/ Stearns Fudge Buttercream Bars Two of the finest confections 11 i 1:l !a I 11