ESTABLISHED 1890 4ir wow Alp. MEMBER ASSOCIATED { PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 45. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 EIGHT PAGES SINCLAIR OIL OFICIAL REFUSES To TESTIFY IN CASE OF MISTRIAL.i VICE-PRESIDFNT OF REFINING COMPANY DECLINES TO MAKE STATEMENT CLARK WILL BE RECALLED District Attorney Will Decide Policyl Of Court After Assistant Conducts I.quIry (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-Another Sinclair Oil official charged with hav- I ing had contact with the Burns detec- tives involved in the Fall-Sinclair con- spiracy mistrial refused to testify to- day in the government's investigation into the allegations of jury tampering. He is Sheldon Clark, vice-president' and general manager of the Sinclair Refining company, promient socially and politically in Chicago, and one of the judges who made the decision in! the Dempsey-Tunney fight in that city last September. Coming here under a subpoena, Clark was sent before the grand jury, but remained less, than five minutes. He declined to make any statement, but it was announced that he had only. been excused and would be recalled tomorrow. At that time, Neil Burkinshaw, as- sistant district attorney conductingj the inquiry will put to him cer- tain questions designed to elicit in- formation as to whether he had con- tact between the detectivesand Harry F. Sinclair while the Teapot Dome conspiracy trial was in progress. Prosecutor To Decide Pursuit Should Clark refuse to answer! those questions, District Attorney Gordon then will decide whether he will follow the court's pursuit in the case of Henry Mason Day, another of! Sinclair's confidential officers, who was taken before Chief Justice Mc- Coy in the District of Columbia Su- preme court. After the chief justice decided sev- eral days ago that Day could not bel forced to testify because he had claim- ed his evidence might tend to in- criminate him, the Sinclair official was taken before U. S. Commissioner Turnage and a complaint charging him and Sinclair with conspiracy toI MIDSHIPMEN TO BE REPRESENTED BY HIGH SCHOOL BAND SATURDAY' 3 I Although the Navy football team will not be heralded onto the field by its own hand when it meets Michigan Saturday, it will be represented by the South High school band of Grand Rapids, Michigan, which has been drilling three hours a day for more; than three weeks in preparation for the event. The South High band is composed of 120 pieces and contains a bass drum that measures nine feet in diameter and can be heard two miles distant. The organization has already won first prize in the state band contest for high sciools, and it should pre- sent a creditable demonstration. . The Navy alumni association of De- troit and Chicago will again put on their manouvers with the man-pro- FIRST-YEAR MEN PICK "I CLASS GAMEIS LEADER, Rogers Selected At Meeting In Union ! Last Night At Termination Of Entertainment FLEISCHMAN IS SPEAKER Lawrence E. Rogers, '31E, was elected captain of the class of 1931 at, the meeting of the class held last night at the Union. His election was by a large majority over his nearest opponent, Duff, '31. The election of captain was the ter- mination of a program of entertain-, ment arranged by the underclass de- partment of the Union for the oc- casion. Justin C. Weaver, '29, chair- man of the underclass department, acted as chairman of the meeting and opened the meeting, introducing Wil- liam V. Jeffries, Grad., president of the Union, who gave a short talk on the snirit of the class. George Rich, '28, gave the second talk of the program, commenting on the value of the games. I ALL SOPHOMORES I The meeting for the purpose of electing a captain to lead your class in the fall games nextI Saturday morning will be held at 4 o'clock today in Naturalh Science auditorium. Much of the pelled boats-a stunt that so highly pleased the crowd at the Navy game I . two years ago. The stunt consist of the activities of two make-shift seaI crafts that cavort up and down the field in pursuit of each other, one rep- resenting the Navy and the other Michigan. 1 CHEERING SECTION I Due to the fact that few stu- dents had received their tickets yesterday, the Student council 1 booth in the Union for the ex- change of tickets will be open } from 3 to 5 o'clock this after- noon. All students who signed to sit in the cheering section and did not receive tickets in sections 21, 22 or 23 are asked to consult with the committee to receive I seats on the 50-yard line. I ITRADITIONAL NAVY GOAT ARRIVES IN ANN ARBOR AFTER WEARY RIDE To JU GE rH TEH iThe vanguard of the Navy attack. I verines from the Detroit zoo. Follow- T IT I traditional goat, is to arrive in ing the official greeting there will be Ann Arbor this morning after a long'a short parade around the field, fea- [UPland wearisome journey from Anna- turing the animal collections of the polis, Md., where he is quartered respective institutions. when not otherwise busily engaged n n During the progress of the game, following Navy football teams about the animals will tactfully be kept on LOCAL PUSINESS MAN OFFERS'the country. On this particular joer-I pposite sides of the field, and from PRIZE FOR MINNESOTA ney the symbol of the Naval acade- these junctures they may snarl and GAME PANOPLY my will be chaperoned by two mid- growl and baa at each other to _F__IALSshipmen whlo will have complete jur- their hearts' content. GAME OFFICIALS NEEDED 1isdiction over the distinguished guest's-- activities while in Ann Arbor. + Charles Gilkey O: Chicago Announced During his brief visit here, thb A Sr k j7U r At Canvn Jntin tgoat will live on a diet selected from . 1 1 i FOOTBALL SQUADS TO BE GUESTSOF UNION Speakers Include Harvey Woodruff And Harry Bullion; Yost, Little, And Weiman Will Talk PLANS NEAR COMPLETION Arrangements for the annual foot- ball banquet at the Union are nearing completion, according to an an- nouncement made yesterday by Milton McCreery, '29, chairman of the re- ception committee, who has charge of the affair. The banquet this year will be held on Tuesday night; Nov. 22, in the banquet hall of the Union. All members of the Varsity and re- serve squads will be guests of the Union at the banquet, together with the coaching staffs, and though the program of speakers is not yet com- plete, Harvey Woodruff, sports writer of the Chicago Tribune, and Harry c is npeaier li onvoca uon Next Sunday Announcement of a committee toE judge the decorations on fraternity houses the day of th'e homecoming Minnesota game was made last night at the regular weekly meet- ing of the Student council feld at the Union. Prof. Emil Lorch will head the group, and Prof. W. I. Bennett, William Pitcomb, and S. C. O'Dell, all of the fine arts department will com- pose the reiainder of 'the judging group. Richard Spindle, '29E, is in charge of the event for the Student! council. A cup for the winning fraternity has been awarded by Charles Gra- ham, local business man. Men are also needed to officiate at the annual class games to be held Saturday morning at Ferry field, it 113P EN, STI'I)ENT COUNCIL fI I ON0R SOCIETY MEN I All members of junior and senior honorary societies who are willing to serve on the com- mittee in charge of the fall gam- es are asked to get in touch with Russel Sauer, '28, or with some senior member of the student council. was announced by Russel Sauer, '28, the choicest bits of tin cans and rubbish procurable in the vicinity. Before the game on Saturday he will: be officially welcomed to Michigan. by Biff and Bennie, the tvo live wol- Authorities Succeed In Getting Food And Clothing To Points Where They Are Most Needed TONIGHTIFEDERA TROOPS ASSIST 11 (Iy Associated Press) .EBOSTON, Nov. 9.--In the presence Concert Is Second Of Regular Series of outside help and communication, Sponsored By University New England's flood relief program Choral Union stood forth tonight as a race against ANthe white spectre of winter. Help had 1reachednearly all sections, wire com- Guy Maier and Lee Pattison, two munication was rapidly reaching of the foremost of modern pianists, every corner of the state, railroads and highways were opening up, but {will present a recital at 8 o'clock to- the relief at best was temporary spur- night in Hill auditorium, as the se- red by the knowledge that bitter win- and number of the regular concert ter weather will strangle makeshift series being sponsored by the Uni- communication lines, and lock scat- versity Choral Union. They are dual tered wrecked communities in the grip ofpianists, and their entire program ice and frozen mud that will not be will be made up of selections for two until the spring thaws. pianos. The team, well-known to Ann Army, Red Cross, and similar au- Arbor audiences through the resi- thorities have succeeded in getting dence of Mr. Maier here and his con- food and clothing to every point where nection wit the Universit School they were most needed, both in floodedR of Musict has been heard here on Vermont and western Massachusetts. ofa bn h d hRailroads are rushing eastward the other occasions, but will present a f a ,- r,, lationoreit at the LODGE WINS DETROI1T MAYORALTY ELECTIO.N B Y 12,000_MAJORI'TY SMITh'S IN I T I A L CONSISTENT LEAD IS OVERCOME BY LATE RETURNS OTHER OFFICIALS CHOSEN Presidential Aspirations 0 New York Governor Receive New Atiention As )eniocrats Are Wimners (By Associated Press) DETROIT, Nov. 9.-Citizens of De- troit, asked to choose for their chief executive one of two men who have served them continuously in high of- fices for a number of years have ex- pressed their confidence in the serv- ices of John '. Lodge, former presi- dent of the city council and in civic service for over 25 years. In an election yesterday was fea- tured by the late returns from out- laying precincts of an overwhelming majority favoring Lodge after Mayor John W. Smith had maintained a con- sistent lead in the earlier returns. Lodge was given a 12,000 majority. In addition to the selection of Lodge as major, the voters approved five or six propositions on city and county ballots, selected nine members of the city council and elected a judge of recorder's court. Of the ordinances carried one gives the Detroit-Ontario Subways, Inc., right'sto pass under the city with its proposed tunnel from Windsor to De- troit, one authorizes the issuance of I bonds for purchase of a cite and con- struction of a municipal airport, and one restricts appeals for new trials R following conviction in misdemeanour cases, this to prevent delay in the prosecution of minor cases. influence the verdict of the trial jury showing that ,your class makes was sworn out. Lay waivedl a pre- in these. games depends upon liminary hearing and was released on the number of men who vote $25,000 bond to await the action of and take part in all of the I the grand B er Day had as his attorney, Daniel I activities. Be a real member-of 1 Thew Wright, a former justice of the Inyourclass and vote this after- District Supreme court. Morgan noon, as well as take part in "! the events Saturday. Beech, a former district attorney andjRUSSELI D.SAUER 1 clerk of the District Wurt, is counsel for Clark, Turning from Clark's case, the In his opinion a freshman entered; grand jury questioned seven of the such competition as the fall games, Burns men at different times during ! not for what he could get out of them the day, and from their testimony be- personally, but for his service to the gan to piece out of the complete pic- groups to which his loyalty was t.o be tutre of the trial jury's surveillance. proven. Detectives Hold neeting Earl E. Fleischman, of the speech One interesting bit of information j department, was the faculty speaker the prosecution obtained today for the ion the program. The subject of his; first time was a description of a "pep" ! talk was "The Power to Endure." meeting hold by the Burns men at the Fleischman stated that the games Mayflower hotel, headquarters of Sin- were one of the first tests into which clair during the trial, after midnight ; a freshman entered in the University on Saturday, Oct. 22. The trial then to show his individual moral as well had been in progress five days. as physical worth. Charles C. Ruddy, who was direct- Russell D. Sauer, '30L, explained, ilg the private operatives, presided the rules of the games and announced and made an address. It was stated the various competitions into which officially that the detectives received !the class would enter to gain the additional instruction as to their pre- points which would make it winner of cise duties, these including the close the games. After his talk, the candi- shadowing of relatives of two jurors, I dates were nominated and the election John P. Kern, and Edward J. Kidwell, took place. Jr. Affidavits charging Kidwell with All 'M' men and members of honor excessive loquacity played in the dee- societies who are to officiate at the laration of a mistrial, games may obtain their badges at a More of the detectives will be ex- booth in the lobby of the Union. amined tomorrow in the effort to com- plete the story-of their activities. Wil- ART ASSOCIATION liam J. Burns, founder of the Buns OPENS EXHIBITION I agency, also is due to be heard with additional books, papers and recordsd which may bear on this case. Artist-exhibitors and their friends jwere the guests of the members of F'OX WILL SPEAK the Ann Arbor Art association, last night, at a reception given to mark TWICE IN SERIES the opening of the fifth annual exhibit of the works of Ann Arbor artists' Prof. Dixon Ryan Fox, of Columbia and amateurs in Alumni Memorial university, will deliver two Universi- hall. ty lectures next week according to The exhibition, said by members an announcement made yesterday by of the association to be the best ever department. The first of the pair of displayed here, will be opened to the lectures, which will be given on Wed- public today from 2 to 5 o'clock.f nesday of next week, is entitled, "Re- It will remain open at these hours fuse Ideas and Their Disposal," while I until Nov. 25. the second lecture, which will be ( The exhibition comprises 258 num- given on Thursday is "Culture in bers by 78 artists. Many o fthe works, Knapsacks," and will deal with the are for sale, all prices being given! thoughts of European soldiers while in the catalogue. Several of the; in A merica during the war for Amer- exhibitors are students or faculty lc-n independence. members of the University. The dis- Professor Fox is well-known as a l lay is under the direction of Mrs., speaker, and has also written sev- Everett Brown, one of the directors of oral books, the best known of which the Art association, who acted asl Bullion, sporting editor of the Detroit chairman of the Student council com- Free Press have been secured as inittee for the fall games. All mem- speakers. bers of the M club, the honor socie-' Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history ties, and the Student council are eli- I department will serve as toastmaster gible to officiate, and a member of at the affair, and President Clarence the council will be at the desk in Cook Little, Fielding H. Yost, and the lobby of the Union for the pur- l Coach Elton Weiman will also give pose of distributing badges and in-I short talks on the program. The new structions to these men between 91 j captain for the team will be announe- and 10 o'clock Saturday morning. ed at this time, and both Benny Oos- Other arrangements for the falN1 terbaan, '28, and the newly elected games have been completed, it was man will give short talks. announced by Sauer, and the sopho- The Union orchestra will furnish mores will elect their captain today' music for the affair. The banquet will in Natural Science auditorium. start at 6:30 o'clock, and all members The report of John Snodgrass, '28E, of the Union and prominent citizens on the student convocations which of the state are invited to attend. The have been arranged included the an- tickets for the affair are priced at nouncement that Charles Gilkey of $1.25 and are now on sale at the main Chicago will speak Sunday morning desk of the Union. as arranged. Following 'requests of several class REMAINING DIRECTORIES treasurers the Student council decid- ed to set a date for the collection of WILL GO ON SALE TODAY class dues, as they did last year. In view of the fact that the exact time A limited number of copies of the set last year was now known, the Student Directory are for sale at the matter was postponed, though the Press Building, according to an an- council will set the date again this nouncement by Wayne Brownell, bus- year as previously. iness manager. When these have Smith Reads Regents' Reply been sold there will . be no more The reply from the Board of Re- procurable. They will be sold to the gents to the request of the council, first applicants at the office from 2 refusing to consider alteration of the to 5 o'clock this afternoon, automobile ban at the present time, was read by Courtland C. Smith, '28, GILLMAN SPEAKS president of the council, and in view of the fact that there is nothing more ON STATE ROADS that can be done by the council at the present time to display the dis- "Problems of the Michigan highway favor with which that body views the department" was the subject of an automobile ban, the matter was tem- address given by G. C. Gillman, de- porarily tabled. puty commissioner and chief en- gineer of the State highway depart- CHAMIBERLIN AND PUSCHi ment, at a meeting of the newly-or- ganized Transportation club last DEPART FOR CONVENTION night. He discussed the highway systems Jo Chamberlin, '28, managing edi- throughout the state and described tor, and William Pusch, '28, business some of the problems met in highway manager of The Daily left yesterday construction, such as the approaches for Norman, Oklahoma, where they to railways, highway intersections, will attend the annual convention of and the handling of the great increase the Intercollegiate Press association. in traffic. He also told of the work They will represent the University at of the research department in the these meetings of this association, northern part of the state in dealing which will continue throughout the with snowdr.fts obsitructing traffic. Ii emainder of the week. wholly new program. According to announcemenL4s t'he selections will include the Bach- Bauer "Fantasia and Fugue in A minor," the "Sonata In D major," by Mozart, Rachmaninoff's "Tears," andl Liszt's "Reminiscenese of Don Juan." ! They will also play the Moussorgsky- Pattison arrangement of the Corona-1 tion Scene from Boris Goudonoff, and1 the Wedding Waltzes from the pan-, tomine "The Veil of Pirouette," byf Donahmyi and Maier. - 1 Having gompleted during the last: year a tour that carried them all overI Europe and the United States, Maier I and Pattison have won the reputa- tion of being masters of style, es-1 pecially in the dual piano field. Theirt recitals have come to be in great de-! mand by symphony orchestras, and every year has seen several supple- mentary engagements of this nature.{ Their repertory has been constantly, expanded, and it now includes sever-1 al of the most modern composers as well as new arrangements of old works. The program announced for tonight's concert has been declaredi especially pretentious by faculty members of the School of Music. Admission to the concert is by sea- son subscription to the regular ser- ies, although a few single ticikets re- main and may be secured at thej box office or at the School of Music' office on Maynards street.' REED COMMITTEE DENIED PRIVILEGE OF INVESTIGATIQN (By Associated Press) - PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 9.-The Reed Senate special committee investigat- ing last year's senatorial primary election in Pennsylvania and, other states failed again to get its hand on Pennsylvania ballot boxes today when1 the United States Circuit Court of Ap- peals decided that the status of the I Senate committee is one for the Sen- ate itself to decide and not the court. Thus, the Appellate court affirmed the action of Judge J. Whitaker Thompson, of the United States dis- trict court, who held that the status of Senate committees was a legislative and not a judicial question. The decision was rendered in the case of the special committeee, of which Senator Reed, of Missouri, is chairman. ii 1 I 1J l t l g a cuumulLlAliVL tl l ____________ Hudson river gateways in New York I WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-Yesterday's and have established connection with smashing Democratic victory in New Montreal by a roundabout route. York state was echoed by a revival of Only a few miles of railroad are speculation and questioning in Wash- under operation in Vermont, however, ington about the 1928 presidential as- and it will be weeks before service pirations of Governor Smith. can be restored on many lines where Opponents Reserve Judgment. bridges are out. Federal aid is needed The governor's friends saw in the in that state. I outcome of the election a new guar- Gov. John E. Weeks, in setting at antee that he would be invincible in rest the idea that Vermont considers next year's democratic natiolal t such aid unnecessary, issued a state- vention. His opponents reserved judg- ment in which he said: ment, but asked many questions about "Federal troops have been of the the election returns. The Republi- greatest assistance in relief work in cans followed suit. the flooded areas of the northiern Until today the captial had taken part of the state. This help is greatly .little notice of the Empire State cam- appreciated. Rumors have gone out paign, which involved no national is- that federal aid was unnecessary, sues, but was waged around proposed which was entirely wrong." amendments to the state constitu- The governor added that as soon as tion. When it turned out that the a state survey had established the amendments favored- by Governor exact status of the stricken towns, Smith were overwhelmingly adopted, "we can determine just whether fur- and one opposed by him and favored ther help will be needed from out- by the Republican state organization side sources." was overwhelmingly defeated, the politicians began to inquire just how TOLSTO Y LEAGUE much weight the governor's personal Sholdon the voters may have had in the SPONSORS SPEECH result. Those who want to see him in the White House had no hesitancy Rev. Frank Hartley, pastor of the in arriving at an answer, those who Methodist Episcopal church in Dix- ! do not are still asking. borough and a veteran of the World In the day's discussion around War, will speak on the relation of Washington, the New York results war to Christianity, this afternoon at dwarfed all of the other off-yearelc,- 4:15 o'clock in room 231 Angell hall. tion returns put together. The Re- His subject is "Nailed Hand or the publican victory in Kentucky, which of Mail Fist." recentyears has swung back ant The lecture is being sponsored by forth from one party to another, ap- the Tolstolegue d is being s en y eared to arouse little interest because the Tolstoy league and is being givenit ldnihrnaia suenr at tis ime accrdig t Dr.FracisI it involved neither national issues nor at this time, according to Dr. Francis conspicious presidential possibilities. S. Onderdonk, of the architectural , Vaire Victory Expected. college, in view of the proximity of The victory of the Vare organization Armistice Day, Nov. 11. Reverend in Phlidelphia was generally expected, Hartley served in the British army and although the Ohio upset of th'e during the World War, although lie is anti-saloon league caused some sur- still a very young man and is at the prise there was no comment from the present time taking courses in the Iwet and dry congressional leaders now literary college in the University. in Washington. Senators opposing the seating of SOPHOMORE PROM I William S. Vare as senator from Pen- DATEANNO UNCE D' nsylvania said hi, victory yesterday DA TE ANNOUNCED' in electing over aheliningly his can- ,didiate for mayor of Philadelphia Friday, Dec. 9, has been definitely would do him no good in Washington. designated as the date for the holding "It certainly will mean nothing to of the annual Sophomore Prom, ac- the Senate," said Senat r Norris, Re- cording to an announcement made publican, Nebraska. A like view was through the committee in charge of expressed by Senator Borah, Repub- the affair. lican, Idaho. Although final arrangements have A good share of the credit for the not as yet been decided upon, plans outcome in Ohio was claimed tonight for the decorations, favors, and the I by the association opposed to the pro- orchestras are well under way, sev- k hibition amendment. Its national eral orchestras having received bids chairman, W. H. Stayton, said in a for the occasion. statement that the association had The ticket sale for the prom will I waged, "under a smokescreen," a re- probably be 'started the first of next lentless campaign for defeat of the week, and the sale for the first week j Anti-saloon league's proposal to leg- will be restricted to members of the i alize a fee system in the handling of sophomore class. After that, the sale minor cases by local court officials. will be open to the entiro student "Stripped of unessential details," body.-i said Stayton, "the Ohio referendum !held yesterday was a finish fight be- FINISH W O R K ON I tween the association against the pro- UNIV RSITY MOVIE hibition amendment and the Anti-sal- oon league, in the league's home state and stronghold. Rural populations Work on the University moving pic- joined the cities in administering a CONSTRUCTION WORK ON ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING1 IS EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETED WITHIN FEW WEEKS1 All work on the new architectural mester. The large lecture room on donors are taking time to considerl building which can be done under the ground floor went into the hands their purchases in order to get the b . d of the painters yesterday. The stone best for the available money it was the present appropriations is rapidly staircase in the tower lobby has just b nearing qompletion. Contractors have been completed, and artisans are at explained. Additional space for small- torn down their construction shacks, present laying the tile pattern which er objects will be furnished by a ! debris is being cleared from the site, will be the floor of the lobby. The number of cases on the ground floor, and a general finishing up process shelves for the architectural library which have been installed but still is going on inside the building. Ac- on the second floor have been put remain to be glazed. cording to Prof. Emil Lorch, dean of in place, and as soon as the cork Experiments are being carried on the College of Architecture, it looks floor has been laid, work will be be- n the lighting of the drafting rooms