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September 22, 1927 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-22

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\ ) . !': 1 " ' PA!I lI{ii. '-, ' 1921'

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)

Volume 8


Number 3.

Freshman Advisory Committee:
Members of the faculty who assisted as Advisers during Freshman
week are asked to return to the Registrar's Office the folder containing
the credentials, together with the Attendance Register, at the earliest time
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Ann Arbor Art Association:
The opening exhibition of the year 1927-1928 consists of a group of Euro-
pean and American paintings of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.}
These canvasses are selected from the permanent collection of the Detroit
Institute of Arts. The exhibition is open afternoons through Sunday, Sep-
tember 25.
Bruce M. Donaldson, President.
Faculty Directory Cards:
Faculty directory cards for 1927-1928 supplied to the heads of the various
departments of the University are due in the Registrar's office on Thursday,
September 22. To insure the publication of the Faculty Directory at the time
when most needed, it is hoped that each department will be prompt in re-
turning their cards.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Predental Students:
Predental students are advised to have their schedule of work checked
by Miss Wallington in the School of Dentistry.hOthers interested ar einvited
to ask for information at the same place.
Marcus L. Ward, Dean.
Student Assistant For the Dean's Office, College of Engineering:
Written applications for an assistantship in my office may be made by
any engineering student interested. Good scholastic standing will be re-
4 George IV. Patterson, Acting Dean.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Changes of Elections:
Beginning Tuesday morning, September 20, and continuing through the
week, unavoidable changes in courses may be made in the following manner:
1. Call at the Recorder's office, Room 4, University Hall, and obtain the
proper blank.
2. Fill out this blank. If a freshman, get the signature and approval of
your adviser for the change. If a sophomore, get the signature of a member of'
the' Upperclass Advisory Committee approving the change.
3. Get the signatures of the instructor whose course you propose to elect.
4. File this blank, together with class cards, in the Recorder's office.
5. For the present, the signature of the Assistant Dean and the signaturea
of the instructor whose course is dropped are not required.
Florence Mohr, Recorder.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Changes of Sections:
Unavoidable changes of this nature not involving changes of courses1
should be handled through the department concerned. Such changes are not
to be made through the Recorder's office.
Florence Mohr, Recorder.
Changes of Elections-School of Education:
Unavoidable changes of elections may be made Thursday and Friday,
September 22 and 23.
Changes must be made in the office of the Recorder of the School of
Education, Room 105, Tappan Hall.
Membership in a class does not cease nor does membership in a class
begin until all changes have been officially registered in the office of the
Recorder of the School of Education.1
Arrangements made with the instructor ONLY are not official changes.
After September 23, changes should still be made in Room 105, Tappant
Hall, but only after payment of a fee of one dollar.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder. t


Spanish 155, must elect it this semester. It will not he repeated next semester SMITH BELE ES since they not o
NEW IE T OD S' li i "illin
'ir. Angell's Freahma n Group: BETTER d s but they
I regret that I will be unable to hold the metting tentatively set for to- oini the studentr
night at my house. Further notice will appear later. "New methods of registration have x wh ich hshld(I
R. C. Angell. turned out very satisfawtor ly adlh e he continued.
systems which were instituted for the Mr. Smith exp
f. _. 3h Experimental Dynamics: first time this year will be continued new plans woul
Hfours will be arranged Thursday, Sept. 22, 5 p. m., Room 402. in coming years,' Registrar Ira ll. ther speed up th
L. H. Donnell. Smith said yesterday. and thought the
"The letters which were sent out to a complete sucec
Rhetoric 1:( old students were the greatest helps, said were bein
Students who signed class slips for sections 23, 27 and 28 and who have
not been reclassified should consult the Rhetoric Department bulletin board
on the third floor of Angell Hall. Si ED
4. T. Solve.
French 31 at 1:00:
French 31 at 1:00; MTuThF, which was scheduled for room 401SW will Th I
meet in 304 UH.
Philip E. Bursley. I
Christian Science Society: One Logical Place
Christian Science Society meets at 7:30 tonight in Lane Hall.j
Richard D. Hall, '28E. to Purchase
or Have Them Repaired
Three Experienced Penmakers to Serve You
~--~_ _Over Our Retail Counter
Repeat Proposal for Trade Treaty In Extra curricula activities figured
Order to Avert Any Tariff prominently during the summer ses-
War with France rsion according to the following news'
EXPLAINS AMERICAN STAND ,briefs tabulated daily:R i e '
June 18-Over 1800 alumni ranging
from the classes of '61 to '27 gathered 315
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.-(A ')- fer the annual alumni reunions, each
A renewed American proposal for class holding separate gatherings.
negotiations of a most-favored-nation June 27.-Prof. James B. Pollock2
commercial treaty to cover trade ex- of the botany department delivered the
changes has been communicated to frst lecture of the sumner Ie-
Paris, in an effort by the state de- The Rockford players opened their
summer season with "The Butter and
partment to avert a tariff war with Egg Man."
France. Jne 28.-The first meeting of the
The note was said today in official annua session of the National Safety
circles to have been framed in the Congress held its first meeting with
hope that France would find it possi- 250 representatives from various
ble, once a complete explanation of states.
the American view point had been jJune 29.-The National Safety Con-
presented at the foreign office, to eli- gress banqueted at the union with
inate discrimination imposed against Governor Fred W. Green and members
American goods by new tariff sched- of the Safety delegation addressing
ules. The American hope even ex- the group.
tends to the early elimination of these June 30.-Dr. A. Franklin Shull
duties, pending the negotiation of a of the zoology department presented
commercial pact founded on uncondi- a new theory of evolution in a Uni-
tional most favored nation treatment. versity lecture. Ninety-seven sunmer
The American note is said to be students' took part in a tour of Ann
highly augumentative in character, Arbor and vicinity.
and to outline fully both the prin- July 1.-The first of- the six Uni-i
ciples of international 19elationhip versity Health Institutes were opened
upon which the American tariff act with Dr. John Sundwall of the de-
is based and secific nrovisions of partment of hygiene presiding.
that statute. 'It is conciliatory in Concert Series Statrted.
July 6.-The Faculty Concert series
French proposals for negotiations of opened its summer season with the
tariff reciprocity treaty are wholly presentation of Nel B. Stockwell,
unsatisfactory, in view of the inunc- pianist and Royden F. Susimago,
tion laid upon the government by tenor. Sixty students took part in an
congress for the equal treatment of excursion1to the Ford plant at High-
all nations in tariff questions, provid land Park.
ed there is no discrimination 'by any July 8.-Forty-six students left on
nation against American goods. . the Niagara Falls excursion which
Between the lines of the American was conducted by Professor Kirtley F.
note, and in the specific authoriza- Mather of the department of geology.
tion for counter discrimination con- An informal reception was given in
tained in section 317 of the tariff act, Barbour gymnasium by the Faculty
to which reference is made, French to the students of the Summer Ses-
officials undoubtedly will find a deft- sion
nite decision by the Washington ad- July 12.-Dr. L. L. Lumsden, sur-
ministration not to submit without geon in the United States Public PRINCE ALBERT is the kind of a
retaliation to what it regards as dis- Health Service lectured on the con
crimination against American goods, ditions of the Mississippi flood area. smoke you get clubby with, right
made effective by the new French July 13.-Seventy-five students went
schedule. on an excursion to the River Rouge offtheat. Youllbe calling each
Publication of the American note plant of the Ford Motor Company. other by your first names after the
has been withheld pending a French The excursion was canducted by Carl-
reply. If that reply is unfavorable, ton Wells of the Rhetoric department. very first pipe-load. It is so gen
the state department in all likelihood July ' 14.-Twelve boys from the i - - s
will publish the complete correspond- University Fresh Air Camp sold tags uln yfrieny, 11 spirit and in
ence on the subject with France, in on the campus in an etort to raise fact.
order that the American public may the budget of the camp. L. Crocker,
be fully informed as to the situation of the public speaking department P. A. treats your tongue and
and support whatever steps the gov- lectured on the "Floating University hrg
ernment decides to take. on its World Cruise."throat as genty as a mother
The note stressed that the Amei- July 19.-Dean Edward II. Kraus, handles a new-born baby. Never
can objection is not to the rate of head of the Summer Session lecturedN
duty, which is looked upon officially on "The Gem Cutters of Idar-on-the a bite. Never a parch. These are

as a matter of French internal policy, Nahe."detailsof course. The thing ou'll
but only to the discriminotion against July 22.-Rehman G. Domhoff, 30E, g yo
American goods as compared with died from injuries received as his car remember longest is that wonder-
those imported from other countries crashed at Broadway bridge.
with which France has# preferential Harvard Professor Speaks.ful taste! So cool, so sweet, so
tariff arrangements by treaty or by July 26.-Prof. Kirtley F. Mather of soothing.
special understanding. It is pointed the geology and geography depart-
out that France alone now discrimi- ments of Harvard spoke at a meeting
nates against American goods, and of the Men's Educational Club on
also that the tendency of the world "The Teaching of Evolution in the
is against discriminatory tariffs as American School."
was emphasized in the recent eco- July 27.-Mrs. Maud Okkleberg pre-
nomic conference at Geneva. sented a concert in Hill auditorium.
July 29.-The Summer Daily pub-
WISCONSIN-Of every dollar the lished a supplement to the Gargoyle "--n0 other tobacco is
state university received last year, 54.2 in this issue on page 3. Th:. Worn-
cents came from the pockets of Wis- en's league held a reception for the 4 1927, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
consin taxpayers, and the remaining Summer students in Barbour gymna- Company, Winson-Salem, N. C.
45.8 cents came from other sources. sium.

lly SdVC( thie studelits
oit tiei' regis"I t ionn
Yalso reiliored i rg
nests for intfonimtion
s sI andling in hurs
up work in thle ps.
pressed the belief that
1d he tried out to fur-
he work of registering
new systems this year
ess. Plans which he
g considered are the

Rented, For Sale, and Repaired by
Skilled Workmen
We are Headquarters for
and the New Royal Portables
Everybody wants one-



Let us serve you

Pen Shop
Ate Street

(' <ii i ttlmi0 02 St u(leiits in the spring
for t ili s"eaen" r and the payment
"of ""s t"""ouh the mails before stu-
ithel S me to Ann Arbor.
VISCONSIN -S eli- upomting stu-
dents N ,t the 'niversity of Wisconsin
have omanized a student labor union.
3 ISCONSIN---A new bureau of Ed-
'-matiionil Records aniid Guidance sue-
Ceeds the old regist rar's otiice at the
state university this fall.

"' u

it Serv


- .., :r.r.ed
f2 '







School of Education-Changes of Sections:
Unavoidable Changes of Sections or of Instructors should be reported at
the office of the School of Education, Room 105, Tappan Hall, as soon as they
have been made.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
University Health Service:
The University supplies practically all necessary medical attention to
regularly enrolled students whose tuition includes health service free. This is7
supplied only under the auspices of the University Health Service, located
east of the gymnasium. Students in the University High School, the School
of Music, and some graduate students are not included.
Office Hours-The offices are open during regular class hours and from
11 to 12 on Sundays and holidays.
Infirmary--The building is open at all times to admit students in need
of bed care. Such students are urged to come to the infirmary rather than7
remain in'their rooms.
Room Calls-When a health service physician is desired for attention to a,
student in the city, day or night, the Health Service should be called throughf
the campus telephone exchange. A small charge is made by the University for
such service.1
Financial Responsibility-The Health Service will not be financially re-
sponsible for medical attention given at the University Hospital or elsewhereE
unless previously authorization is given. Such expense will not be authorized
if the attention can be supplied by the Health Service directly.t
Wai ren E. Forsythe, Directing Physician.
Philosophy 31A:1
The lectures in Philosophy 31A will be given in Newberry Hall instead
of 348 W. Eng. Bldg., beginning this afternoon at 2.1
John Kuiper.
Psychology 81:
The following quiz sections have been assigned to different rooms than
those given in the Time Schedule; the new numbers are:
Section 5, MF, at 9, Room 210, P harmacology Bldg.
Section 7, TuTh, at 9 Room 215, Angell Hall.
Section 17, TuTh at 9, Room 2054, N. S.
Section 18, TuT-h, at 10, Room 4014 N. S.
Section 19, TuTh at 11, Rnom 2054, N. S.'
Section 20, MF, at 9 Room 210, Pharmacology Bldg.
Adelbert Ford.
Teachiing of French and Spanish:
Students planning to take Course D115 or D145 in Educatidn, French 157, or

',' x


No matter how hard you hit
it up, this long-burning tobacco
never hits back. You can go to it
before classes, and right through
to Lights Out. Get yourself a tidy
red tin of Prince Albert today:
The School of Experience' has
never produced a greater smoke
than good old P. Af

P. A. is sold every-
where in tidy red tins,
pound and half-pou~nd
tin humidors, 4nd
pound crystal-glass
hsumidors with sponge.
moistener top. And
always with every bit
of bite and parch re-
moved by the Prince
Albert process.

like it!



:L V V vvua u vw+ v +----- ---- -








Saturday Night
9 to 12


Friday Night
9 to1



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