9. 1927
+x -
More Michigan Women Should Benefit
By Golf Instruction, Says Mrs. Hanley
SAr OFl BL[BOOKVSMichigan Women Approve Dress Effect
In Fashions Anid Purchase Accessories
By Mary Ptolemy. '2
"Dug Out" Effect Will Be Featured.
Decorations; Music Will Be
Provided For Dancing
Including all women of the univer-
sity as guests, the Women's League
will give their third informal party
from 4:15 to 5:45, Friday afternoon,
Nov. 11, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall
of Barbour Gymnasium.
"Arrangements for the party are in
charge of Elizabeth McCurdy who is
assisted by the Social Committee of'
the League. Friday being Armistice
Day, the affair will be a "Dugout"a
party. Flags and army posters will be
used in the decorations to suggest
the days of the World war.
There will be dancing for all with
music provided by Edna Mower's or-
chestra. There will also be some
novel entertainment features..
The last party was held the Friday
before the O. S. U. game. At this
time the decorations were in Ohio
and Michigan colors. The next gath-1
ering will be held some time in the
first part of December.
Stone wall defense on the part of
goalkeeper O'Neal of the freshman
team staved off a last minute defeat'
and held the sophomore team to a
2 to 2 score yesterday in the final
contest between the two teams, ty-1
ing them for third place honors in
the university -inter-class hockey
championship standing. The final title'
game between the senior and junior
teams was postponed, due to the
threatening darkness and wet field.,
Playing anip and tuck battle dur-
ing the entire first half the two teams
exhibited an excellent brand of hock-
ey; the freshmen scoring the first
The second half opened with. the
sophomore team rushing their oppon-
ent's goal to send on easy hit across
theĀ° final chalk ie to tie the score.
1ot to be deprived of their earlyleal
the freshman team then took the ball
immediately after the net bully and
rushed it down the left side of the
field for a score that placed them at
a slight advantage.
The sophomore forwards found dif-
ficulty in advancing the ball beyond
the frosh backfield players but by
drawing Darrow, dependable defens-
ive back for the freshmen, out of po-
sition, the sophomore forwards took
the ball into dangerous territory. Ex-
cellent driltbling on the part of Bloom
carried the ball Into the striking cir-
cle from where she struck a long an-
gular shot for the final score of the
Play during the remainder of the
half .was done mostly in freshman
territory, the sophomore team making
near scores on several occasions. At
this juncture the, play of O'Neal play-
ed a decisive factor. With only a few
minutes remaning she kicked and
booted th ball out of scoring dis-
tance and saved the younger team
from defeat.
Other stars for the freshman team
were Schneider who dribbled well in
the open field, Nussbaum, Darrow and
Whitney. Nussbaum fed the ball well
to the forward line while -Whitney
played a heady, dependable game. For
the sophomore loom, and Bush
stood out for the artful dribbling and
fine offensiye prhy. Crane, Ghilson,
and Stahl also played well.
"I want to, develop some really good:
golf nrayers among University of
Michigan women," is the hope of Mrs.
Stewart Hanley, the state golf champ-
ion of Michigan. Mrs. Hanley was in
Ann Arbor last week to coach golf,
in connection with the physical edu-
cation department. At that time she'
expressed ideas on women's golf in
the University, which she declared
had "been on her mind" for three'
years, when she began. giving sup-
plementary golf instruction in the Un-
"I am not accomplishing the re-'
sults that I want in Ann Arbor, be-
cause I cannot work with. the girl
long enough. Two years at the most
is the length of time that I work with]
a particular girl. I want to develop,
some really skilled golfers, and I
cannot do that unless the golf players
have an ultimate aim to work to-
ward. I am willing to do my part, but
I can not produce a skillful player
unless the girl does her part too."
And right here, the interviewer
asked this pertinent question, think-
ing that it would be of interest to all!
those who have followed Mrs. Han-
ley's work during the past three'
years. "What is the incentive that
makes you willing to take so much
of your time to come from Detroit to'
coach University of Michigan wo-
men?" Aside from the fact that Mrs.
Hanley is tremendously interested in
women's athletics, and believes that'
physical development, however not
over-development, is important to a
woman's happiness; aside from the
fact that she believes golf a necessi-
ty, whereas team games end when
school' life ends, her most most im-
pelling purpose is this. In her own
words, "Michigan has been woefully'
deficient in the number of women it
has sent to the national tournaments.'
It is a facts that when I competed the
first time, only one other Michigan
woman was an entrant. Ever since
then, I have been looking for unde-
veloped golfing material-with vary-
ing results. Middle-aged women play
golf in unlimited numbers. I tried the
municipal courses in Detroit; there
the women played for exercise rath-
er than for the game's sake. Here in
The Rilling Athletic club of the
University of Denver each year spon-
sors a costume party for all univers
ty women. This year the party is to
be a military masque.
Each girl is requested to make a
date with some other girl and they
are to come to the party in couples.
one dressing as a man and the other
as a woman.
The Rilling Athletic club is a
girls' honorary athletic organization,
formed to foster a better spirit in the
gymnasium and to back all of th4
women's athletics.
Ann Arbor, I can reach more women
of the type I am interested in than
as if I toured the state."
"To a certain degree I am disap-
pointed, because I am positive there
are many women in school here whot
play golf and probably have a great
deal of ability in that line whom I
have never met. These people I
would like to have an opportunity to
instruct, with the idea of developing
the game in them. Whether or notl
they use the instruction in team play
or in individual play afterwards is
"Miss McCormack and I have just4
been talking over a plan for team
play. Ever since I first began work-t
ing with university women three
years ago, I have had this plan int
mind." (Rumors from the physical
education office are to the effect thatr
such a plan is being considered fav-
orably and will be adopted. )- "At
present. a girl has no aim in mind.
There might be a competition be-
tween afaculty team and a student'
team, each team to be composed of
the -four best players representing
the faculty and the four best players
representing the students.'
'Although freshman and sophomore
women are not allowed to elect golf,1
riding, or any individual sport fori
their gymnasium credit, they could bel
encouraged to employ their leisuref
time so as to be experienced golfers1
in their junior and serior years when
they will want to play. Past experi-i
ence has proved to me that two years
is too short a time in which a really
good golf player can be produced.l
I believe that an individual should
learn the fundamentals of sportsman-f
ship by team play first of all, but#
there is a dangerous tendency toward
drifting along in nothing but an ath-
letic routine. There is a danger, you
see, that my enthusiasm about golf#
will carry me beyond the point where,
I view athletics in a broad way. I
think it would be a fine thing if those
women who are interested in golf
and those who can really benefit by
additional instruction would be en-
couraged to work toward a place on
the university golf team and thereby
get the benefit of centralized, single-
purposed coaching."
Sorority Houses
At Northwestern
Planned Jointly
All the new sorority houses at
Northwestern university were open
for inspection last week. These hous-
es were all built by the University
and financed by the sororities. They
are located in two quadrangles one
block from the campus and are ar-
ranged around a general court which
will eventually be transformed into
a sunken garden.
At a breakfast held Sunday morn-
ing at the Cozy Corner 'members of,
Wyvern' discussed plans for the sale
of bluebooksufor the benefit of ther
Women's league.1
Since the paper in the bluebooksc
sold by Wyvern last year was of an
inferior quality, they will this yeart
have them made especially for Wy-
vern by an Ann Arbor printer and
a good grade of paper is insured.
They will be made in three different1
sizes and will be sold at two for five.
three for ten, and at five cents.
Ellen Grinnell will have charge of
the sale of the bluebooks and they
will be sold in the dormitories, so-
rorities, a few of the fraternities, and
at the candy booth in University Hall.
The sale of the bluebooks will begin4
in about two weeks.
Hockey Is Traced To
The Ancient Greeks
Women on this campus who have
been playing hockey have taken part
in the second oldest sport in the"
history of the world. Although hock-
ey is quite recent in the United States
handball is the only other game which
is of earlier origin. The beginning of
it is traced back to the early Greeks
who may have learned it from the
Persians who invented the popular
polo of the present.
Long' ago the ancient wonder-hock-
ey players withstood the attack of
from 50 to 300 opponents. Brass balls
were used as late as the 12th century
and there is a record of several suits
which were brought against players
for permanent injuries received. In
old French law books there are rec-
ords which state that those partici-
pating in hockey will not bring suit
regardless of the injury.
The American Indian has played
the game for centuries. In England
the sport took another turn when
King Edward III made .a law in 1375
forbidding the playing of hockey and
introducing archery in its stead.
Richard II issued a similar edict
which he gave out because he felt it
hindered the development of archery
and took interest away from training
for war. In' those days the penalty for
breaking those laws was very severe
-three years in prison and 20 pound
In the 19th century organizations
came into recognition like the old one
formed in England called the Marl-
borough Hockey Team. Hockey was
established as a main sport and a
scientific game with the organization
of the National Hockey association
in 1886.
gan girl. It means so much to her thatt
she has even come to classify dressess
along with accessories. She sees no
incongruity in purchasing a frock toS
match her necklace or her belt. Beads,'
buckles, bouquets, bandannas havel
been annoying panoramas, changing
constantly before her eyes to suit her
whims, until now she is not contentl
to vary her side scenery alone; shet
must shift her entire background.E
She sees the "best looking" gold
choker and fowler, but it is simplyt
atrocious combined with what she
happens to have in her wardrobe. Sor
she buys a new dress with gold but-
But assuredly there is a practical
explanation of this phenomenon. The1
fact is that Miss Collegiate doesn'tl
pay as much as she used to for each
gown. Style is what she pursues, andt
she knows that to catch it she must
continually instill new "life" into her'
outlay of clothes. Local shops andi
stores testify to the verity of her l
theory. They are kept occupied sup-
plying this much-demanded new ele-1
ment in dresses, which are selling at;
prices ranging from $10 to $25. Sel- i
dom does the. college woman pay
higher than $25. She can't afford to+
and keep up with the times.+
This is a "dressy" year-so the
buyers in Ann Arbor stores say. It1
is proved by what they are selling.
Never before has the "collegienne"
been so carried away by beads,
chains, dazzling rhinestones, tinsel-
anything that sparkles. Since the lin-
es of her frocks must remain simple,
she accepts the situation and resorts
to jewelry for the "dress" effect.
Sports costumes are just "passe"
with her. Presto! and she casts away
h u~LI a o egjmrn
fit ,.(..L UL LL lF VUFashion is everything to the Michi-I
they are still sold out. That is the
trouble with the college girl, the
storekeepers complain; she likes
-what she likes, and if she sees what
she wants she takes it, -Vihether New
York is wearing it ornot. "We don't
have time to turn if she likes it. We
sold scarcely any of those metallic,
hats all fall," said the shop propie-
tors. "Then all of a sudden there was
a big rush and they were all gone!"
Miss Co-ed innocently enough replies
that her taste for the metal hats is
a result of the popular metal trim-
ming on her dresses.
Despite warnings from the Health'
Service, the Michigan girl will not
walk on the ground. She will stilt
herself upon 3-inch heels. At least the'
high heel is what she buys in Ann
Arbor. Of course, woolen stockings
are impossible with Louis-heeled.
'immes: besides they are sporty. And
that is taboo. So the -stdres are profit-
ing this season in the chiffon hosiery
Coeducation may be the cause of
the fair coed's decking herself with
s ave noc.zaces and bracelets-or it
may not. Anyway, that is what she is
doing. But she wants to look "dress-
ed up," so she won't buy heavy wool
dresses.' She does like the light-wool
crepes, though, if they are a bit dain-
She will tell you confidentially that
she would rather buy her "little
things" (including inexpensive dress-
es) here in Ann Arbor than in De-
troit or any other large city. She
escapes the buffeting shopping
crowds, and gets just what she wants
at lower prices, simply because local
stores are making it their business
to satisfy her as their best customer.
In the inter-hour hockey tourn;
ment Miss Campbell's two o'cloc
Monday and Wednesday (Eman) wi
play the three o'clock Monday ar
Wednesday class (Whitney) at fou
o'clock today on the second field.
Thursday morning at 7:30 the -b
ginners' riding group, group 11, wi
meet at Mullison's stable. If six c
more women sign up an instruicto
will give lessons free. Horses shou
be reserved Wednesday.
The following volley ball games a
scheduled for 4 o'clock today: grou
IX (Talcott) vs. group II (Soukou;
and group III (Soehrens) vs. grou
IV (Culver); and at 5 o'clock grou
V (Benson) vs. group VII (Miller
and group VI (Weaver) vs. grot
VIII (Taylor).
Sophomore women interested .
making posters and bills for the Sop
circus can obtain further particula
by calling Dorothy Bloom, publici
chairman, dial 8907.
At 11 o'clock on Saturday mornin
the Ann Arbor Hockey club will me
at Palmer field. A Detroit hockey el
will be guests of the club on tI
day. Any graduate students or oth
Ann Arbor woman who playsis ui
ed to come and take part in t
There will be an Orchesis meeti
at 7:45tonight in Sarah Caswell A
gell hall.
hers of the sophomore women's ho
orary society will hold trials and
minister punishment to all freshn
women who disobey rules and rei
will find the Packard Restaurant
bigger and better than ever.
703 Packard St.
. / , . .....,, . . . .
ner snug feit hat for thne glittering
metallic chapeau. She gave no warn- UNIVERSITY of MINNESOTA -
ing to the shops 'round town that she Minnesota is to produce its first all-
was going to raid them for the gold college movie this year, the leading
and silver "headgear" before the parts being taken by outstanding
Michigan-Ohio football game. And memberso of the dramatic societies.
H a4v e It Done RIGHT
When you place an order of PRINTING
with us you can rest assured it will be done
RIGHT and ON TIME, and you won't
object to our prices, either.
_ 14-
7 N. looirttsfor 6etter imr~gessions"
= PHONE 8805
711 N University Avenue -:- Over Arcade Theatre
ti l111i111111111 liii liii i 11 111111l 1111! 1111 1li1i lll 11111iNlllll1
Parisian Academy of Dances
Training for Stage, under the Management of
Mne. Calliope Charissie
STUDIO-325 So. bth Ave. Ann Arbor, Mich.
Phone 7997
For Ballets, Classic, Toe, _Character, Greek
classic, Spanish Dancing, and Training for
screen. Beginners: Tuesdays and Thursday
eve., 7 o'clock, and Saturday, 3 p. m Advanced:
At 6 o'clock daily (except Saturday and Sun
day). Professional: At 3 o'clock daily (except
RATES: One lesson per week, term of 10 weeks ............$ 25.00
Two lessons each week, term of 10 weeks............40.00
Three lessons each week, term of 10 weeks .......... 60.00
Four lessons each week, term of 10 weeks .......... 75.00
Daily, per month, $40.00; Three months..............100.00
Children: Wednesdays at 5, and Saturdays at 2 p. m.
One month (4 weeks) $12.00; 3 months $35.00.
1Note: Enroll it any time. Studios open all day. Partial payments
arranged. Private lessons at any time. Solos and complete ballets.
staged. All classes of Classic dances under Mme. Calliope Charissie.
Also: Exercise for health. For ladies and gentlemen. Classes
Wednesdays and Friday morning, 11 to 12 o'clock. $10.00 per month. 3
Never too late to learn.
Ball-room dancing Classes: Tuesdays and Thursday afternoon,
5 to 6 and evening, 8 to 9. Under three Parisian expert instructors.
Nico, Helene, and Marie Charissie.' Prices: Classe, 10 lessons, $10.
Private, 10 lessons, $20. Per lesson, $3.00
mill 11
of' Hatc.
10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Snowing Time
,. ,
} '
Get a Pair NOW!
i1 '
.1. n~a..- ..'m
-= -
be prepared for the
Game Saturday
"There is no doubt that the state of
Iowa is backward in the best prac-
tices of physical education used over
the country, in allowing interscholas-
tic contests for girls," declared Eliz-
abeth Halsey, head of the department
of women's physical education, at the
convention of the Iowa state teachers
Miss Halsey lodged , vigorous pro-
test against allowing school girls to
engage in such vigorous sports as in-
terscholastic basketball. She also
condemned the practice of allowing
girls to engage . in strenuous sports
without preliminary medical examin-
"Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota
1a se prohibited inter-scholastic con--:
tests for girls," Miss Halsey said.
"The women's division of the National
amateur athletic federation is oppos-
cd to it. The state organization of di-
rectors of physical and health edu-
cation opposes it."
Two years ago the state athletic
association refused to sponsor a girls'
state basketball tournament. As a re-
$5 and $7.50 values
Black felthats are very
popular this season. They
are made gay with bits of
metallic, handsome feathers
ribbon bands and brilliant
novelty ornaments.
exotic--Coty's Chypre
-vivid and tantalizing-
its entangling perfume has
strange power to sway
the senses, with its min-
gling of mystery and fire,
"The Best Place to Shop After All"
323 So. Main Street
'. ,
'1 .
"Cara Cuff"
Velvet wins first
in the millinery
Everything is velvet..
velvet hats in all the
Gray, tan or black as
"Glide-On" Style
with the popular easy
shades to top
off the
All colors, Silk to the top
Spanish Shawls
$9.95 to $16.50
This is truly a sale
remarkable values. $5
and $7.00 hats reducec
$2.98. We wish to c
our shelves for new si
$9.95 up.
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