ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
ilversity. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
program will be in the form of a protest meeting condemning the attitude of
the Mayor of Chicago against alleged pro-British historians. There will be an
important business meeting for both the pledges and the members.
Lyle E. Elserman, President.
Youngstown-Michigan Club:
There will be a meeting of all Youngstown men at the Union in room 306
at 7 o'clock, Wednesday.
Thomas -Farrell, Secretary,
Hillel Foundation:
Professor Worrell, of the Semitics Department, will speak at the Founda-
tion house, 7:30 Tuesday evening, November 8, 1927. His subject is "The
Jews of Old Cairo."
Bernard Goldman.
7:30. Dr. S. W. ieyl o the Upjohn Copainy., Kalamazco, will address the Garden Sectiou,Faculty Womenii's Club:t
meeting. All Pliarmiuy students ae urged to ittend. Ou siers are always The Garden Section will meet u i
welcome: Thurisday, Nov. 10 at 3 p.m., in the .i-"
H. C. Byee, President. brary Lecture room. Professor I. 11.
-_____ -artlett will be the speaker. Visitors
Music Section of l'e Faculty Womneus' Club: are welcome, Dora 1, Dice.
The Music Section will meet on Iuesdlay the eighth of November at 8
o'clock at the home o Ars. Harry lacher, 1113 Ferdon road. Duri the rst
A Im
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:111'> 1.. . : !', _ I12I11']lla11.
S erlews ttlerri
Southern Rhodesia.
Number 42.
You will pay for a
ratus Exchange:
'he Regents at their meeting in March, 1927 authorized an arrangement
ie sale of scientific appartus by one department to another, the proceeds
e sale to be credited to the budget account of the department from which
pparatus is transferred.
)epartments having apparatus which is not in active use are advised to
iunicate with the University Chemistry Store, of which Professor R. J.
y is Director, in regard to the disposal of this material. The Chemistry
headquarters are in room 223, Chemistry building. An effort will be
to sell the apparatus to other departments which are likely to be able to
. In some instances the apparatus may be sent to the University Chem-
Store on consignment, and, if it is not sold -within a reasonable time, it
be returned to the department from which it was received.
'he object of this arrangement is to promote economy by reducing the
nt of unused apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such appar-
will realize the advantage to themselves and to the University in avail-
hlemselves of this opportunity.
Shirley W. Smith.
rsity Lecture:
ir Rennell Rodd, formerly British Ambassador to Italy, will lecture on
Old and the New Diplomacy" at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 8, in the
al Science Auditorium. The public is cordially'invited.
F. E. Bobbins.
tion of Faculty 3femabers:
'he DICTAPHONE STATION has been moved to the basement of Angel
room 208, immediately adjacent to the elevator shaft.
E. Whitchurch.
es in the Institute of Religious Education: -
ill meet for the first time today.. All classes are In Lane Hall and are,
to students and the general public. Classes are held Tuesday eve-
with the exception of Mrs. Mallory's which meets at 4 p.m. There will
expense connected with the enrollment in any of the work of the In-
e. For further information concerning the Institute call Lane Hall. !
Thomas M. Iden, Director.
lasses will meet at scheduled hours today. Sketches of the campus are
at this time.
S. T. Schlosberg.
ing Sophomore and Upperclass Women and Those Who Have Not
lied the Requirement in Hygiene Lectures:
'he second Hygiene Lecture will be given on Tuesday, November 8th, at
ock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring blue books...
Margaret Bell, M.D. I
es Colloqium:
r. A. D. Maxwell of the Astronomy Department will speak on "The Space
ibution of Stars by Spectral Classes" at 4:15 Tuesday, November 8, in
1041, East Physics Building. All interested are cordially invited to at-
W. F. Colby. f
ematlcal Club:
egular meeting will be hed in room 8201 Angell Hall, on Tuesday, No-
er 8, at 8 p.m. Prof. Ford will present, "The behavior of analytic func-
in distant portions of the plane." All persons interested are cordially
The U. of M. Pen
Gargoyle Staff and Tryouts:
Meeting Tuesday afternoon at 3:30.
You 611 pay for a
whether you have it or not.
Frederie W. Ziv:
Theta Sigma Phi:
There will be a meeting at 7:30 tonight at the Alpha Omicron Pi house.
Dorothy Morehouse.
The regu'ar meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 1954 Cambridge
road. Professor P. M. Jack is to speak on "Contemporary Revolutionaries in
N. C. Fisk, Clerk.
Hedda Gabler Tryouts:
University women interested in trying out for Mimes' production of
"Hedda Gabler" please report Tuesday, Nov. 8, in the small ballroom on the
second floor of the Union at 1 o'clock.
E. Mortimer Shuter.
Sealp and Blade l13en:
Pledge dinner at Lane Hall 7 o'clock. All members are requested to at-
Roy B. Blass.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: I
There will be an important meeting at 5 o'clock followed by a dinner at 6.1
All members are urgently requested to be present. Room 308 Michigan
Walter North, Jr., Librarian.
Athena Literary Society:
Initiation will be held Tuesday, November 8 in the Athena room at 5:30.j
Immediately following the initiation we will adjourn to the "Haunted Tavern"
for our formal banquet. All members are expected to be present.
Pauline Zoller, President.
Harvard Men:
All Harvard men are invited to attend a Harvard Club dinner at the
Michigan Union after the Minnesota game, November 19. The Detroit men
will be here in force. Please send your reservations to me at 208 Tappan
Hall or telephone 4121-31.
C. N. Schmaz'.
Sophomore Prom Committee:
. There will be a meeting of all members of the Sophomore Prom Coin-
mittee in room 304 at the Union at 7:30 p.m. today (Tuesday.)
' George E. Holbrook, Chairman.
Prescott Club:
The Prescott club will meet in room 303, Chemistry bulding tonight at
You can not use an inferior pen without paying heavily for it.
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- - - - - -
-ing Debating Society:
s in room 336 Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Prof. Menefee.
D Club:
Romance Club will meet today, Tuesday, at 4:15 at the Michigan
oom 316. Graduate students in the Department of Romance Lang-
e invited to be present.
Julio Del Toro.
Mathenmatica Society:
Student Mathematical Society will hold a meeting Wednesday, No-
) at 7:30 in room 3017 Angell Hall. Norman H. Anning will give a
"Some Algebraic Epicyclics."
ffadelyn C. Kingsley, Secretary.
4am I
*"4 1
Branch A.S.M.E.:
lar bi-monthly meeting will be Iheld tonight in Natural Science Audi-
t 7:30 p.m. Babcock and Wilcox motion picture "Steam" will be
Mr. George R. Lyons,,B. and W. representative at Detroit, will speak.
nts and others interested are invited.
Francis Norquist, Secretary.
Louse 0 Rewr sentatives:
bill that will be discussed this evening will be: Resolved, that this
lieves that the principles of the Baumes Law should be extended to
tes. The question will be debated by members of the Republic, Labor,
ocratic parties. Visitors are welcome to the kopen session. Im-
business will be transacted in the closed session, so that all active
are urgently requested to be present.
Robert J. Gessner, Speaker.
h% , 'ri,, House of Kuppeacheim
ing to'ight at 7:30 o'clock
on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. The
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