fT ' :;fi.
lieago Eleven Puts Vp Great Battle
Against Micligan Despite
Several Injuries
Navy, vastly improved over the
reen Middy eleven which lost to
otie Dame three weeks ago, stands
ady to invade Ann Arbor onco
rain, stands ready to give the Wol-
rines a great battle, after loafing
rough a game with West Virginia
resleyan, 26-0. Only in the third
iarter -did the Navy regulars get in
.e game together and the result was
Tree touchdowns in rapid succes-
on '
Apparently Michigan has also
ached the peak of her game which
more varied this year than at any,
me in recent years. Flashes of
rong off tackle slashes have been
nxed in with the Wolverine trickery
id passing previously this year, but
remained ,for George Rich to
artle Chcago and prove that the.
aize and Blue-can plunge the line.
ichigan Mahes Best Showing of
The Wolverines played their best
ime of the 1927-season Saturday to}
>wn a great Chicago eleven, one{
hich must be given full credit forl
s fight against odds. Mendenhall,j
ar triple threat back, was kept out
the game because of injuries and
apt. Kenneth Rouse, the Chicago
nter and tower of strength, was
reed to the sidelines, injured, soon
ter the second half opened.
Instability and uncertainty in the
olverine backfield should have been
ttled by its fine performance
:ainst the Maroons but such is far
om the case. Joe Gembis is back
shape and ready to battle for a
sition in the backfield. Leo Hoff-
an also is back in shape after a
ther indifferent time' last week and
ady to fight for his old quarterback
b. Vic Domhoff is another man who
pires to play at quarterback.
Navy Possesses Fine Backfield'
Navy also has its backfield to think
Tut with at least eight men of high
libre. Capt. Hannegan is the regu-
r quarterback but has been dividing
me with Whelchel. Miller, Lloyd,
d Ransford will probably make up
e rest of the backfield, according to
>ach Jack Blott who has been scout-
g the Middies, although Clifton has
en getting the call over Ransford
fullback. Spring and Bauer are
[,ers who play regularly in the
ckfield for Coach Bill Ingram.
jorWM CnG1S1E MPA19
~for m[en cae hince 1g4g
BY Herbert E. Vedder
King winter made his first real ap- put the l aII in play only se mi
pearance of the gridiron season Sat- times during Ile period, one of
urday but King Football was supreme _eni hui a punL M
at the Chicago-Michigan game Satur-
day, not a costly fumble being record- th hail or25 ()NSLt1t s
ed in the entire game. There were n, t -
only two semi-fumbles, both by the l
13yMorris, Qu fi ll4 L T h 9 ' ti tt v J° w Dan
UATENDUNIEIBeginning the 1927 cross country
-- season with a squad composed al-
re ,ind Tissee Are mest entirely of inexperienced men,
Ci he onI oach Emil Iverson has developed
nn P 'n ~x"}n+ tri ,tf;
one of ttie strongest harrier outlits
Maroons, but on both occasionsthese
wveer only temporary lapses and~ they
recovered both times.
Perfeet footbail b well coached
tearnp shoWed itself in the penal-
ties lted. Five yards as the
total aniilint assessed by the ref-
eree and that wa4 meted out when
two suceessive Anderson-cNlud-
ough passes were ihconplete. I
Again in the final period ihia
reverted to the (lefensi e and Chica
carried the ball from her own 4 to
Michigan's 20-yard line before the
Wolverines woke up and took the ball
on downs, smearing every Chicago
play. Passes played a big part in this
ILLIN'S UEADS BRI TEN boasted by Minnesota in recent years.
With the experience to be gained in
Illinois leads h1 Conference and their remaining dual meets, the Goph-
Princeton 1ow snsalone amongthe ers should prove a formidable threat
oeaong to the Big Ten leaders in the titlej
I ngwersen RIespects Stronng. Runnlug
Attack By11ise(nsin It e
In Big Ten ames
(Special to -the I)aily)
IOWA CITY, [a., Nov. 6-From be-
ing one of the attrctions at its own
homecoming, the University of Iowa.
football team moves on to Madison
Thursday, there to lay the home-
coming game wth Wisconsin.
In the face of Wisconsin's splendid
stands against Michigan and Minne-
sota and its clear-cut victory over
major teams of the c.ountry, unbeaten
and untied, after a Saturday in which
there were fewer marked upsets than
on previous week -mn.s
For the most part the various elev-
ens ran true to form. In the Big Ten
the decisive defeat it("Ied upon I
Northwestern by an inspired Purdue ;
eleven marked the closest approxima-
n tifntOreal 1 i nin of the don e buck-
Coach Iverson's harriers have en-
gaged in two meets thus far, up-
setting predictions in their first race
by trouncing the veteran Iowa team,l
24-31, but dropping the second by the
same score to Coach Tom Jones' pow-
erful Badger outfit two weeks ago
at Madison.
Jim fiiller pIayed lis first ganle
a quarter hack and did a perfiect
.ob of running the team. -In addi-
Purdue, the
Badgers are
Jim Miller{
Backfield star. who stepped in at
quarterback last Saturday at ChicagoE
and played such a wonderful headya
game as field general that he would
seem to be a fixture there for the re--
mainder of the year.
As Coach Wieman said yesterday,
"Even a second guesser could not
have picked out a better play for any
stage of the game than dlid Miller.
The team was run nerfectly." All the
more credit must go to Miller since
that was the first time he had ever
played quarterback.
The aggressive and ambitious Ma-
roons, with Leyers leading the wa3
and Rouse running over Bovard, pro
ceeded to tear through for severa'
good gains, but the Wolverines tight
ened up characteristically when it
real danger.
The first Chicago rush ended
when McDonough was forced to
punt after the Maroons had ear-
ried the ball from the kickoff to
Michigan's 48-yard line. A few
minutes latter Chicago took the,
ball in midfield and Leyers was re-
sponsible for two first downs, one
on the Wolverine 40-yard line and
the other on the 28-yard stripe.
few times he parr!e(d the hail and t, but a phantom Ralph Welch and The Cardinal victory may be at-
y played1 the safety position in a the handicap of injuries combined to tributed in a measure to the inex-
rn~yannr yond r ep~roacht.force the now thoroughly tame Wild- perience of the Minnesota runners,
arcats to accept their third successive and Coach Iverson is justly satisfied
n LeRoy Heston, "Rampant Willee" trouncing. with the showing of his charges
got the call and started at right end The light that again gleams bright, against the veteran Badger cross
for the first time Saturday. He justi- ly along the Wabash is not the only country team which is recognized as
fied this selection and played a fine shining beacon, however, for Tennes- one of the strongest in the Confer-
"heads up" game all the way. He got see and Georgia again easily disposed ence.
down under punts first and smeared of fairly reputable rivals to rank for The Minnesota coach has built his
several promising Maroon plays. another week at least along with the team around three veterans from the
'assau Tiger as candidates for what- 1926 team and one outstanding soph-
No analysis of this tiicago- ever consoling glory there is to be l omore candidate, Ceylon North. Capt.
3ichigan game could he coniplet found in the mythical national cham- Harold Binger is the most dependa-
without a tribute to Cpi. ieanic pionship. ble ok the experienced Gopher run-
Ooterbnan. ile was 1ore taiam an Notre I)ame Ties Minmnesota ners and displayed his last season's
all-American end though 1e wa Of course, the terrific struggle be- form by placing second to North in
tween Minnesota and Notre Dame and the Hawkeye meet and well up among
with the utmost respect. Especially,
Ingwersen's men fear the running of
"Toad" Crofoot, captain and quarter-
back, w1ao learned his football in his
home town of Mason City, Ia.
Wisconsin Won Last Year
About a dozen successful passes
ixecuted by Wisconsin meant the dif-
ference between defeat and victory
when Iowa played at Wisconsin's
homecoming last fall. The score was
20 to 10.
Tie llawkeyes are setting them-
selves to wind up the season in great
style against Wisconsin and North-
western. It was in 1924 that Ingwei -
sen's team rallied for the final two
games and ruined Wisconsin's home-
coming, 21 to 7, then went up to
AnnifArbor to defeat Michigan.
Predictions published in The
last Saturday for the day's ft
games included 24 teams cor
chosen as winners, 5 losers
had been selected to win, and 6
which ended in ties.
Purdue and Pennsylvania, th
ter coming back to form with
its regulars off the injured li
the first time in weeks, upset th
dictions, as did three less con
ous teams. W. & J. and Pitts
failed to settle their controver
repeating the 0-0 tie of a yea
while St. Bonaventure, and John
kins of the smaller teams, tie
nell and Columbia respectively
Wesleyan no longer deserves
classed as a "smaller team,"
not only tied Syracuse, but it
ed a Notre Dame trick in send
its second team in the first qt
Its first team is said to have ou
ed Syracuse later. Minnesota
Notre. Dame.
H. E. V-e-P. C. B
ie lat-
all of
st for
te pre-
roar h~
Libby, alternating with him, did not '
have such success in his plunges, andj
when Michigan stiffened McDonough
was forced to try a place kick stand-
ing on the 30-yard line. The effort'
was hurried and short. A few plays
later Chicago had the ball again but
Miller intercepted a pass on his 26- ,
yard line and the Maroons ceased to
be a menace until near the close of
the game..
The second quarter was one of
Michigan superiority with the aid
of the wind but the only scoring
chance ended in failure when Gil.
bert's place kick attempt snapped
into the cross bar full force. , f
quite generall suicidal for the 3Ma-
roons amid on defense lie played
"all over the field.,
between West Virgnua and Pittsburgh,
both of which resulted in unbreakable
deadlocks, helped to remove three
elevens with records unblemished by
I tie or defeat from further considera- I
o ,
Once "Ooster" snagged a Maroon tiun for post-season honors.
pass 20 yards back of the line of Coach Knute Rockne's Fighting
scrimmage and on several occasions Irish squad met a powerful Gopher
he circled around to stop plays on the eleven that would not yield in defeat,
other side of the line. Then, too,' all of the Notre Dame cunning una-
Michigan followers got their first look vailing. But the tremendous drive of
at Oosterbaan as a line plunger. HE the Norihnen merited more than the
made 17 yards on four attempts. 7-7 snatched in the final minutes
of play when Dr. Spears sent his most
Statistics show that the Wlyolver- expert goal kicker, Pharmer, into the
ines even made more first do-wnts game for the sole purpose of making
With 11 to Chicago's 10. Michigan the try for extra point.
gaihed 165 yards by rushing to As usual it was something resem-
hicago's 1 and 65 by Pm sinmg tO bling Rockno strategy that gained for
the .Mmaroons' 4. r. The 3taroons the South Bend team the verdict which
hrowpver iurpi'se d anid t uiif itpnfed .l....,--1 of l-.+,
' 2 pb
, a
t ' ' ,'
sT '
. w., ..
_ S
" d
g;g ,,&&. ,psts~ .,s . a
Qhe -!4
(Continued on Page Seven)
sy The third quarter Wolverines were ite ''I"'~' b ut ail.S tr Ii e ii
r ago, truly "marvelous to behold." They tie oiermes about 7 yards. Notre ame' wily pilot started not
Hop- started off with determination at the ~-~ his second team, but only two or three
d Cor- very outset, pounding Chicago line as Many new hotels are being con- backs who might be called "second
Ohio Rouse was injured and forced out istructed in Seville, Spain, in connece- string Notre .Da me." The entire regu-
to be pay.iller made things bewilderiong tion with the lbero-American Exposi- lar forward wall lined up at the kick-
for it by taking the ball on a triple pass tion which is to open Oct. 1928. oil aud ivith the advantage of several
work- and racing around end for 17 yards on recovered iumbles mana;ed to score
ing in two tries and then Rich crashed the .Interest rates in savings accounts first.
in Japan have been reduced from sev- W. & V V.iand Ptt Play Scoreless Tie.
t.l-enand eight per cent to less than six 1iNeithtr I he tremendous drive of the
tied An idea of Michigan's third ( inued on Page Seven.)
quuarter calihre may he indicated
by a few statistics. The Maroons -
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