EM ER S. 1927
We id f~igan Biu
Published every morning except MondayI
iring the University year by the Board int
ontol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial1
-SOn itin
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led to the use for republication of all news
ispat( hes credited to it or not otherwise
edited in this paper and the local news pub-
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Phnes. Editorial, 4925; Business 2114.
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ditor......................Ellis B. Merry
;dit r iicigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
taflf Editor...........Philip C. Brooks
ity Editor..............Courtland C. Smith
Vomen's Editor...........Marian L. Welles
portsEditio....... .....HerbertCE. Veder
heater, Books and MLdusic.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
elegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross
sistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
obert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
Stewart lfooker Kenneth G. Patrick
'aul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
sther Anderson Tack L. Lait, Jr.
vargaret Arthur Marion 'McDonald
m~touns A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy
ratton Buck Charles S. Monroe
ean Campb>ell Catherine Price
esise CIurch 'THrold I. Passman
Villiam 11. Davis f Morris W. Quinn
larence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg
[argaret Gross David Scheyer
'alborg Eleland Eleanor Scribner
0.,uriori - Fo<llmer Robert G.- Silbar'
ames B. Freeman 1-loward F Simon
tobert J. Gessner George, E. Simons
C aine E. Gruber 'Rowena Stillman
dice Hagelshaw Sylvia Stone
isrph E. Howell George Tilley,
Sare.s Rt. T fnan Fxiward L. Warner, Jr.
lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer
)~": . I. 111C Leo J. 'oedicke
3atiy Knox Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Asking governors, who after all, are
politicians, for the best method of
solving what is at best, a huge engi-
neering project, seems like asking a
farmer a question on advertising with
the intention of writing copy on his
The solution of the matter demands1
that experts be called in and that they
be given the full power to proceed.
An engineering project of this size
certainly demands the best profession-
al attention. The river should be kept
out of politics and should be put in
vertising..............Richard A. Meyer
[vertising ... .......Arthur M. Hinkley
vertising.........Edward L. Hulse
vertising . .....John W. Ruswinckel
counts.................Raymond Wachter
rculation........George B. Ahn, Jr.
blication. .........G..Harvey Talcott
Fd Bahcock Hlal A. Jaehn
orge Bradley Janes Jordan
arie Brumlr Marion Kerr
wcs 0. B7 awn Dorothy Lyons
mes B. Cooper Thales- N. Lenington
iarles K. (orril Catherine McKinven
nhra Cromel A. Mahaffy
elen Dancer Francis Patrick
Lai)y Uivcly ti ~eorge M. Perrett.
Egeland Alex K Srherer
oa Felker Frank Schuler
' nBernice Schook
therine Frochne Mlary Slate
s= ri Fvlket Gerrge Snater
eatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
elen Gross Ruth Thompson
the nanas or experts at once.
After the first gust caused by the
announcement that the Protesant
Episcopal church of the Holy Apostles
in New York will allow Dr. Edward
Cowles, psychiatrist, to conduct clin-
ics for healing within its doors has
subsided, the thinking element of the
nation may after all come to the con-
clusion that the policy is really not so
sacrilegious as it might seem.
For years so-called "Christian heal-
ers," mostly quacks, have been multi-
plying with mushroom rapidity
throughout the nation. These men,
who purport to cure by various and
sundry mysterious devices, owe what-
ever success they may have to a prin-
ciple of psychiatric response which
has been known for years. The real
scientists, through this all, have stood
outside the pale; lacking the popular
confidence of the quacks who feebly i
copied their methods.- t
T combine these two factions of
science and superstition into one logi-
cal process seems only sensible. If
the thing must be connected with re-
ligion to gain confidence, then there
is no reason why the scientist should
not gain this. public confidence in
place of the imposter and on the whole
the policy of the New York church
does not seem nearly as absurd as it
may appear at first sight..
If we are to believe literally the
full purport of the recent note dis-
patched from Agent General S. Parker
Gilbert to the German government,
the financial condition of that nation
is not sound at present, and , the re-
parations under the Dawes plan and
the repayment qf German financial ob-
ligations are both imperiled. The rea-
son advanced for this financial ex-
tremity is overborrowing and over-
spending by the small states and com-
munes of Germany, which has reached
such proportions that it threatens to
assume national significance.
While the situation may not be as
serious as it seems on the surface,
there is apparently something wrong
with the fundamental arrangement of
German finance which allows the in-
solvency of the states and communes
to threaten the national credit. The
centralized financial system of Ger-
many, whereby all local needs are
placed in the national budget and all
taxes go into national hands, has the
advantage of simplicity, without a
doubt, over the more complicated sys-
tems of England and America.
On the other hand, there is a real
danger in a situation such as has ap-
parently arisen at the present time,
for if the national government secures
the total revenue, it is also responsible
for the total expenses, and overly ex-
travagant local governments will not
fail to make use of this fact.
The system in Germany has not
broken down, to be sure, and with
some definite and sensible che'ck on
the expenses of local governments the
German central government may still
make'both ends of the budget meet. To
become unduly alarmed about the fi-
nancial status of Germany is foolish,
for of -all the natins of entral FEro
are obsolete and cruisers are few and
small. The aerial department of the
navy is in bad shape and will require
complete equipping.
The United States can never afford
to let the navy fall into disrepair An
international trade and carrying busi-
ness which is now the first in the
world demands that we have some ade-
quate means of protecting this com-
merce and maintaining our integrity
in all of the ports of call in the world.V
With all of the other large countries
of the world enlarging their naviest
and, making them as up to date ase
posible, it would seem sheer folly to f
rest on the oars of a delapidated gun-«
boat and wait for the inevitable in-
sult. .
On the other hand, the United States
should not enter into an armamentt
race with England or any other coun- 1
try, or even take the preliminarya
steps thereto. Its navy should be ef-
ficient and adequate for its prepared-
ness needs, but no more. With Rep- 1
resentative Britten on the committee 1
which will consider his bill, it seemst
likely that the available congression-
al machinery will be operated to se-
cure that desirable mean.
Another meeting of the Internation-
al Radiotelegraph conference is being
held for the considei'ation of the docu-
ments which were ordered drafted by
the general congress in the opening
meeting of the delegates. Much of the
material which has been drafted for
addition to the International Radio'
Treaty will be considered for incor-
poration in that document.
This conference has done much to-
wards settling the affairs of the in-
dustry and of the traffic in communi-
cation in the world. A peaceable set-
tlement of the wave lengths, and a
sane agreement as to the future prac-
tices of the industry mark this as a
session which has done much for
radio and which will do much in the;
future for the settlement of those
common disagreements which arise in
the best conducted trades and indus-
That the conference has been so
successful in reaching this agreement
without any fuss or flurry is a tributeI
to the men who are prominent in the'
industry, and to Herbert Hoover who
is president of the conference. More
such conferences in different lines of
endeavor would do much to settle the
disagreement which is today so rife in
the world.
Saturday night there was a great
whoop-ti-do in and about the Mimes
theater. Jessie Bonstelle, queen moth-
er of Bonstelle Playhouse, was in town
for the evening's performance of
"Dulcy;" and arriving fashionably
ate with her entourage, she barged
into the Mimes some five minutes after
the curtain. The entrance was well _
timed and executed-Miss Bonstelle is
an accomplished actress.
There is an unwritten law in the
Mimes that no one is seated during
an act, since the intimate nature of
the theater is such that the atmos-
phere must be preserved without in-
terruption. But when this law was'
applied to a member of the royal fam-
ily, it occasioned a considerable dis-
play of temperament. There was some
stamping of feet and an interchange
of harsh words that was quite excit-
ing for a moment, and the action on
the stage quite paled before that in
the lobby. This was no great loss,
as the first ten minutes of "Dulcy" is
pretty bad, but it is somewhat discon-
certing to witness a dramatic mono-
logue and a comedy of manners at the
same time. It is difficult to say which
the audience enjoyed the most.
-* * *
A Review, by R. Leslie Askren
The second performance of the Fac-
ulty concert series was a pleasant suc-
cess, with Mr. Samuel P. Lockwood
directing and Mrs. Grace Johnson
Konold as soloist.
The opening number, Strauss' Over-
ture to "Die. Fledermaus," was very
nicely done, as was the Shubert Sym-
phony in C. Minor. There was both
grace and taste in the direction and
the excution was satisfying. The
'chefs-d'oevre of the program were
Tschaikovsky's "Elegy" and the "Peer
Gynt" suite in which a very delicate
weaving theme for the muted violins
appeared, while the deeper toned
string and wind instruments supplied
a melodiousy4 sonorous background.
The effect was delightful.
Mrs. Konold in her soprano solo,
"Ah Je veux vivre," from Gounod's
"Romeo et Juliette" was a little dis-
appointing. Within a limited range
her voice develops a very beautiful,
bell-like quality but outside of that
range her success is not so great. The
aria she chose to sing is a light, wil-
lowy thing that a young girl like Jul-
iette would sing with more melody
than drama. In her interpretation
Miss Konold was a little out of char-
acter with her dramatic suspirations
and aspirate "h's."
The accompaniment given Mrs. Kon-
old by the orchestra was one of the
splendid things in a splendid concert.
The effect was of a melodious and
tender background to a very sweet
song. One of the few really good or-
chestral accompaniments for voice
solo that I have heard.
* * *
"KITTY," by Warwick Deeping
New York: Alfred Knopf; 1927; $2.0.
A review, by Clarence Becker
Feminine followers of Warwick
Deeping will exult in "Kitty," the
story of an English shopgirl whose in-
telligent guidance makes a man out
of one who has never been able to
break away from the apron strings of
a selfish designing mother.
We find Alex St. George a terror-
stricken yduth,--his outlook made un-
healthy by a constant milk and honey
diet,-utterly unprepared when he
receives the call to join the ranks of
the British army. And then he meet:
Kitty, wise, practical Kitty who read-
ily appreciates his innate qualities,
sympathizes with him, and instills in
him for the'-irst time an honest desire
to live. Her typical feminine perspic-
acity sharpened by practical business
experience, her emotions happily bal-
anced (over-balanced, perhaps) by
reason, Kitty wages a glorious battle
to overcome "in-law" interference
with her love for Alex.
Warwick Deeping thoroughly knows
his own country, his people. His
characters are genuinely human, not
exaggerated types. Their actions,
their trials, their happiness, their
tragedy must be recognized not as
I mere creations of an imaginative
mind, but rather as being truly repre-
sentative of Englishmen as they ac-
tually are. 4 The author does not resort
to the sensational and dramatic. His
l theme is broad, his style is simple. his
' r
f. Hammer
ay 1-lotelich
Hannah Waller
Night Editor-K. G. PATRICK
Since the opening of school in Sep-
tember, the custom of speeding near
the intersection. of South end East
University avenues has become more
pronounced than ever before. Each
day, at noon and at.1 o'clock especial-
ly, busses, private cars, delivery
trucks, and vehicles driven by the
young operators from the nearby high
school speed down upon the intersec-
tion with total disregard for the pass-
ing and crossing pedestrians.
At the much less busy corner of
Church and South University the city
has seen fit to erect a traffic light;
but at the other corner, no means of
insuring safety to those who wish to
cross the street and remain in one
piece is in evidence. No light beams
to stop the rush of drivers with the
same things in mind; the signs of
warning are weatherbeaten. and al-
most unreadable.
As yet, no serious accident has cost
a life although such are imminent
many times a day. Someday, an auto-
mobile will come faster than the pe-
destrian allowed, and that pedestrian
will be killed or seriously injured.
The City. or University should take
action to stop this excessive speed and
carelessness on the part of the driv-
ers who pass this point at the busy
hours of the day before some particu-
lar mishap points out the danger in
bloody terms.
Questionnaires were recently sent to
the governors of 31 states affected by
the Mississippi flood, by the House
Coomnittee on Flood Control. From
the results of these questionnaires it
is apparent that most of the governors
of the states affected regard the plant-
ing of Torests and the construction of
levees as the logical ways of prevent-
ing disasters such as this in the fu-
Arnulfo Gomez has been executed
and the Mexican revolution has died
with him. The uprising that started
so auspiciously a month ago lies com-
pletely buried, and Calles is again in
the saddle in Mexico-with no pros-
pect of trouble ahead.
The end of the rebellion will be
hailed with a sigh of relief by Mexico's
neighbors, for it is encouraging in-
deed to feel that there exists a strong
government at last in that troublous
Spanish-American state. The quick
suppression of this recent revolt may
mean the dawn of a new era for Mex-
ico and with her the North American
continent, for one of the principal dif- i
ficulties of our own government has
always been the question of proper
dealing with Mexico.
After the elections have been held,
and General Calles' candidate Obregon
is elected it is.to be hoped that Mexico
will continue the forward march she
has now so impressively begun. Sub-
stitution of the ballot for the sword
is the only means by which any nation
can insure the stability she must have
for proper economic and commercial
Next Saturday there will be opened,
under the Hudson river, linking New
Jersey and New York, the Holland ve-
hicular tunnel. Representing as it
does one of the most remarkable en-
gineering feats ever accomplished, the
great tube will also connect practi-
cally down town New York with New
Jersey by a route half an hour shorter
than the present ferry service.
It has taken years to build the tun-
nel. During the early stages of con-
struction the loss of life was tre-
mendous, numbering dozens of work-
men. Men labored through long hours
under terrific air pressure to progress
a foot or two under the river. All ofr
this sacrifice has been made to the
great cause of progress, and now suc-
cess has crowned the persistent ef-
Though defeat stared them in the
face at times; though momentary
she is potentially the most stable at
No doubt Mr. Gilber's criticism is a
wise one, and Germany must look to
her local governments and their ex-
pense' accounts. There is no cause
for any serious alarms about her na-
tional solvency, however, at least at
present; for Germany is at present
meeting every obligation in full-and
on time.
After the statements by Secretary
Wilbur on Navy Day that the United
States Navy is now in the best condi-
tion of its existence, and the subse-
quent denials of this fact by many
senators, Theodore Robinson, assistant
secretary of the navy, and many other
men, Representative Britten of the
House Committee on Naval Affairs,
announces that at the opening meeting
of Congress he will introduce a mea-j
sure to provide "thirty new
and a progressive system of
cruisers lapses cost the work
building ' traed anAdl death
of weeks; though
stalked through
The dispatch of such a list of ques-
ions to all of these men who are so
itally concerned with the flood is aj
tise move if it is meant simply tol)
up the United States Navy. their tunnel; the men in charge bored
The reasons that are given by Brit- on until the two ends met and New
ten for the move are the fact that Eng- York and New Jersey joined hands
land is now adding to her navy in a way under the Hudson. A nation that ap-
that makes our forces negligible beside preciates sheer determination, coupled