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November 08, 1927 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-08

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Little declared. "It naturally leads
one to ask the question whether there
is evidence in the history of the pro-
cess of evolution which would tend to
show that such a condition is in any i
way fundamental or general.
"To anticipate what i hope I may
be able to shW, v t mIn say that it
seems entirely probable that the oc-
curence of 'experience' without 'ex-
planation' is characterizcd of a com-
parison between two situations, one of
which represents some fundamentally
higher order which the other lacks. I
hope to show that this fact may well t
have a very far reaching application in
any study which we may make of the
evolution of the soul. To do this it will '
be necessary to review a series of
more or less typical incidents in the
relationship between simpler and more
complicated units of material.
31 mute £Relations.
"First let us consider the inter-re-
lation between a non-living bit of ma-
terial,-let us say-a minute particle
of gelatin and one of the simplest of
single celled organisms, a protozoon.
When the tw(' come in contact certain President Little
definite things happen. From the Who stoke before the Pilgrim Con-
point of view of the particle of gelatin, gregational church at Lansing Sunday
there is a change in environment. It when he delivered the annual Ayers
exper-iences in a purely chemical way lecture, taking as his subject,' "The
the body substance of the protozoon Evolution of the Soul." President Lit-
which has surrounded it. The mater- tle stated that a finer freedom will
ials comprising the protozoon becom- have to be free from selfishness.
ing chemically active, disintegrate the
gelatin and it is taken in as food to it has ordinarily come in contact.
become a part of the substance of the President Little then went on to
former. The whole process is entirely explain that if the protozoon comes in
out of control of the gelatin. It merely contact with a sea-urchin it in* turn
undergoes experiences of an entirely is broken down and changed into the
different order from those with which material from which the sea-urchin is




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