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November 06, 1927 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-06

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lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
) p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)

%0 W"Mmwp



Number 41.

ate Council:{
The regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held in the President's
ce at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, November 14.
F. E. Robbins.
versity Senate:
The first regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1927-1928
be held in room C, Law Building, on Monday, November 21, at 4:10 p.m.
loon W. Bradsliaw, Secretary of the Senate.
versity Lecture:
Sir Rennell Rodd, formerly British Ambassador to Italy, will lecture on
e Old and the New Diplomacy" at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 8, in the
ural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins.

Frst renorts of the work which facts to reveal, on which he plans to ,back down the fjord. It took him -
Carl O. Erlanson, member of the bo- publish later a monograph. This work three days to paddle his way back to
tany faculty and botanist on Hobb's is being done by Erlanson on a fel- Camp Lloyd.
Greenland expedition, has been doing lowship extended to him by. the On Aug. 25 he left Camp Lloyd anId 1
halong the southwestern coast of American-S'candinavian Foundation l eturned to Holstenborg where h
Greenland are contained in a letter for study in Greenland. boarded the Danish government ship
just received in Ann Arbor. Erlan- When he began to botanize, he Disco which was taking some officials
son h b found the work slow and difficult. of the Danish government on their
of Grseen, sadn arera ha Most of his specimens had to be annual tour of Greenland. The ship
oGreenland, an area which has sought in the dense tangles of rank t9
hitherto not been botanized, in fur- grass growths which cover Greenland made its first stop on the northern Og4
therance of his researches into the in the summer. The slowness with Journey at Egedesminde, which is a
distribution of plant life. He reports which discoveries were made also whaling center. From then on the
a collection of about 400 specimens, roved discouraging; two new speci- ship's company ate largely of whale to
I ncluding many duplicates, among mens a day proved ample cause to be steaks, which Erlanson claims are
which he mas found several unex- elated. superior to roast beef, and "matak,'
pected items, In his letter Erlanson describes the made of whale hide, tasting like al-
In these studies Erlanson is col- mosquitoes and black-flies of Green- monds, and used as a preventative
laborating with Dr. Erling Porsild, land as remarkable for their multi against scurvy.
recognized authority on the flora of tude and size. The clothes worn by The letter gives us an interesting
Greenland and the far north. Since the party were at times covered with sidelight on the Danish government
Sept. 11 he has been located at God- them, and nets and gloves had to be of Greenland. At every settlement
.bavn on Disco Island where Dr. Por- worn continually. They are, he says along the coast a party was given.is
sild has his herbarium of Greenland. the scourge of the Arctic summer. aboard the Disco to the chief men
Until he has an opportunity to com- Erlanson speaks lightly of his ad- of the town and their wives. After
pare his findings with those of Por- ventures, which he calls not particu- the banquet the officials and the
sild, Erlanson cannot say definitely larly exciting. At one time he fell Greenlanders exchanged most f0o-%rIw
whether he has discovered any new off a cliff into a lake of ice water. ery and complimentary speeches, lu-
species, but a cursory compar- Another time he was returning to bricating their tongues with frequent
ison, made shortly after his ar- camp up the Kangendlugssdak Fjord applications to the bottle. As the
rival in Godhavn, indicated that he in a canoe when a storm suddenly evening wore on the company would
would have interesting botanical arose and blew him for a wild ride wax more and more convivial; pledg-
es of loyalty and fraternity would be
will be here in force. Please send your reservations to me at 208 Tappan exchanged, and the next day the Dan- -----
Hall or telephone 4121-31.
ralo eehn 111 ish officials. would sail away, leaving
C. N. Schmalz. the pleasantest possible impression of
Graduate English Club: Danish sovereignty.

idl and Lust I Woodward, at Eliot N I G H T S
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ty, School of Education:
he regular faculty meeting of the School of Education will be held
ay, November 7, 4:15 p.m., in Room 109, Tappan Hall.
C. (. Davis, Secretary.



November Faculty Meeting, College of Literature, Science and the Arts:
The November Faculty meeting will be held Monday, November 7th, at
4:10 p.m. in room 2225 Angell Hall.'
1.BReport by Professor Crittenden for the Committee on Teachers
2. Report by Professur Rich on various problems involved in classi-
ficatibn of students..
John R. Effinger.
Bureau of Appointments:
At the meeting of the Bureau of Appointments, Saturday morning, tem-
porary enrollment blanks were distributed and directions were given for their
use and for cooperating with the Bureau. This week the office, room 105
Tappan Hall, will be open from 8:30 to 12 o'clock and from 1:30 to 5 o'clock
every day but Saturday for the annual enrollment. Permanent blanks may be
secured by all who wish to enroll and must be filled out in the office. After
Saturday, November 12th, one dollar is charged for late enrollment.
Hellen R. Shambaugh, Secretary.
Rhetoric Students and Staff:
Professor Jack will be in room 3227 A.I. for consultation every Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 to 12 o'clock, and every Monday
and Wednesday from 1 to 3 o'clock.
P. W.:Jack.
M.S. 13: t
Classes will meet at regular scheduled hours on Tuesday, November 8th.
Sketches of the campus are due at that time.
. T. Schilosberg. !
Freshman Women:
The second Hygiene Lecture will be given on Monday, November 7th; at
4 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Bring blue books.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Entering Sophomore and Upperclass Women and Those Who Have Not
Finished the Requirement in Hygiene Lectures:
The second Hygiene Lecture will be given on Tuesday, November 8th, at
4 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring blue books.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Physics Colloquhn:
Dr. A. D. Maxwell of the Astronomy Department will speak on "The Space
Distribution of Stars by Spectral Classes" at 4:15 Tuesday, November 8, in
room 1041, East Physics Building. All interested are cordially invited to at-
W. F. Colby.
To All Seniors:
During the last few weeks this paper has sought to impress upon every
member of the senior class the necessity of arranging for -photographs for
the 1928 year book. It is scarcely a month before all pictures must be in.
Orders for these pictures may be secured at the business office of the MICHI-
GANENSIAN any afternoon from 1 to 5 o'clock. If the pictures are taken after
the expiration of the time limit, they will not go in the MICHIGANENSIAN.
Byran Hunt, Editor.
Mathematical Club:
Regular meeting will be held in room 3201 Angell Hall, on Tuesday, No-
vember 8, at 8 p.m. Prof. Ford will present, "The behavior of analytic func-
tions in distant portions of the plane." All persons interested are cordially
Athena Literary Society:
Initiation will be held Tuesday, November 8 in the Athena room at 5:30.
Immediately following the initiation we will adjourn to the "Haunted Tavern"
for our formal banquet. All members are expected to be present.
Pauline Zoller, President.
Harvard Men:
All Harvard men are invited to attend a Harvard Club dinner at the
Michigan Union after the Minnesota game, November 19. The Detroit men
|&4...,..... . ........................................................................................... .. .


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."ar!!Y lrrrlrr}!"tTf +Rrtrsllia

Subscribe For the Weekly

There will be an important business and social meeting on Monday eve-
ning, November 7, at 8 o'clock in Room 306 MVichigan Union. All graduate
English students are cordially invited.
R. B. Parks.
Phi Lambda Upsilon:
The regular November meeting will be held on Monday, November 7, 1927,
at 7:15, in room 303 Ch. Prof. H. H. W4llard and Dr. L. 0. Case will speak.
R. V. Shankland, President.

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Sidney Lee-King Edward -VII, volume 2....$8.50
(eorge Sand-The Search for LoVe-by
Marie Howe................ .......500
Tallmadge-'The Story of Architecture in,
America ........ ........ ..... 3.50
Peck-Shelley, 'His Life aind Work, 2
volues... .............12.50
Ayres--Science the False Messiah..........3.00
Grey of Fallodon-The Charm of Birds......00
Baumann-The Last Victorians............5.00
Melville---Tobias Smollett................5.00
Briggs-Great Poems of the English
Sullivan-Our Times-America Finding
Herself ............................... 5.00
Saxon-Father Mississippi. ...... . 5.00
Bradford-P. L. Moody, A Worker in Souls. 3.50
Bradby-The Great Pays of Versailles . .. 3.50
Sekermerhorn-The Seven Strings of the
Lyre. (The Romantic Life of George
Sand) .... .......,............. 4.00
Bertrand Russell-Philosophy............3.00
Johnson-Andrew Jackson, An Epic in
Ho "espun ........................... 3.50

iuphi--The New Reformation ..............2.50
Fabre-Curiosities of Scienee ... ..... 2.50
3liunson-Robert Frost-(A Study in Sensi-
bility and Common Sense)............2.00
Finger-David Livingstone, Explorer and
Prophet............. .... ..2.00
de Chambrun--Shakespeare, Actor, Poet.. 3.0
Moore-Celebate Lives..................2.50
Hwang Ung-A Chinaman's Opinion of Us.. 3.00
Radin-Primitive Man as Philosopher,.. ... 3.00
Alexander voil Gleichen-Ru sswurm-The
World's Lure......................5.00
Osborn-Creative Education.............2.50
Hocking-MaIn and the State...........4.00
Andre Gide-The Counterfeiters.........3.00
I arris-The Latest Contemporary Portraits 2.50
Busbey-Uncle Joe Cannan...............00
Maurice Paleongogue-Cavour.............6.00
George Horton-Recollections...... ....4.00
overton-Mirrors of the Year ............4.00
Watson-With La Salle the Explorer.......2.50
Biecknock-Byron, A Study of the Foet ....' 4.00
Raymond-Story Lives of Master Writers.. 2.50
Ward-Charles Darwin ...................5.00

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