ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr Air Aim 47 ati1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I .r .r.,. .i.... rw.rM.r ... Vol. XXXVIII, No. 42. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1927. EIGHT PAGE ICHIC 0 PO ERS CHIC G0, 14-0 NE ENGLAND STATES SUIFERFROM HUNGER Ii. AKEI .OF FLOODS FEARS REMOVED CONCERNING FATE OF MONTPELIER AS REPORTS COME IN CONFERENCE STANDINGS PLAYS BRILLIANT GAME AT CHICAGO W L Illinois ........ 3 0 Minnesota.....2 0 Michigan ......3 1 Chicago........2 2 Ohio ...........2 2 Purdue.........1 2 Wisconsin ......1 2 Northwestern .. 1 2 Indiana........ 0 1 Iowa .......... 0 3 T 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Pet. 1,000 1,000 .750 .500 .500 .333 .333 .333 .000 .000 COMPLETE PLANS FO TRADITIO0NAL CONTEST~ FIRST AND SECOND YEAR MEN TO SELECT LEADERS FOR ANNUAL BATTLE SAUER HEADS COMMITTEE Bands Will Lead Contestants Of Each Group To Scene Of Encounter The student body of the Uni- versity is urged to be on hand at the Michigan Central station at 7:15 o'clock this morning to welcome the Varsity football squad following the victory at Chicago yesterday. The splen- did work of the team merits the -greatest support, coming as a triumph after the defeat at Illi- nois last week. THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE STUDENT COUNCIL MflTDn fAMr DATTIR~ HAIL THE VICTORS TRIUMVIRATE OF OOSTERBAANI BILBERT, RICH IS IMPORTANT IN WOLVERINE'S GREAT ATTACK CRISIS NOT YET REACHE Less Loss Of Life Than Estimated Early Communication Furnishes One Hope In Disaster ED In (By Associated Press) BOSTON, Nov. 5.-Cold and hunger stalked the hills of New England to- night in the wake of the most disas- trous flood of this section's history. Substantial reductions in the appar- ent loss of life furnished the one bright spot in late reports today. Ap- prehension over the fate of Montpelier, capital of'Vermont, was removed with the establishment of direct communi- cation. Although 30-square miles in and near the city have been complete- ly inunated, only one know death has resulted. Crashing through power dams, res- ervoirs and all other man-made ob- stacles, scores of ordinarily peaceful monutain streams are raging towards the mountain towns, bearing with them debris of mills, stores and cottages. The crest of the flood and the crisis in the cases of scores of towns will not be reached before tomorrow noon, but already there has been recorded a toll of two score and more known dead and a,property loss which will run into many millions. Shortage of food and of medical supplies to meet the grave conditions left by the rushing waters is the im- mediate problem bf the most stricken districts. The exact number was im- possible to ascertain because of in- terrupted communication. Village Wiped Out0't It was learned that the village of ' Gaysville In -the township of Stock- bridge, Windsor county, Vermont, had been virtually wiped out by the flood- ed waters of the Whi~te river. A mes- senger tramped over the mountains to Burlington to report that because of the floods the town of Waterbury was in need of food. That seven persons, including Lieut. Gov. S. Hollister Jackson, had lost their lives in Barre, Vermont, was definitely learned this afternoon through a radio message from the Barre Times to the Associated Press, which was picked up by an amateur in New Bedford, Mass. Later word was that 13 others were believed dead. The lieutenant-governor fell into a pool in Potash brook while trying to reach his home yesterday and was drowned. His body was recovered yesterday afternoon. Barre Suffers $2,00000) DamageI The message said the city of Barrel has been damagea to the extent of $2,000,000. A radio message to Army headquarters in Washington from Fort Ethan Allen near Burlington, Vt., said that there were eight known dead in Vermont, but did not give names or locations. It was uncertain whether this included 'those in Barre. A report reached Burlington late today that a large dam at Pittsford, Vermont, had gone out, and that the city of Rutland was "panic-stricken as a result." The only message to get through the crippled wires from St. Albans, Vermont, today to the Associated Prss, said that the St. Albans Mes- senger was trying to verify reports of "big loss of life" in the the Missis- ouoi valley in northern Vermont. To tle deaths previously reported there were added Iate today seven more fatalities due to the flood wat- ers. Even mascots are barred by the recent order prohibiting animals from parades in Great Britain. BROWNE W IL L SPEkK' ON PHASES OF HEINE Lecturer Is Nationally Known Writer Of Seve al Books, Including Work On German Poet HILLEL SPONSORS LECTURE Dr. Lewis Browne, nationally known author and lecturer, will speak here this morning at 11 o'clock in Lane hall on some phases of the life of Hein- rich Heine, famous German poet and philosopher. Dr. Browne has spent several years in the pulpit where he attained national fame for his theories and practices of liberalism in the pul- pit. In addition he has written sev- eral non-fiction books which rank among the best .sellers of recent years, including "Stranger Than Fic- tion," "This Believing World," and a very recent book, "That Man Heine," which has aready evoked much fav- orable comment., His Ann Arbor ap- pearance will be under the auspices of the Hillel Foundation. Dr. Browne was born in England, but received a great part of his educa- tion in this country, coming here at an early age with his parents. He worked his way across the country to California, desiring to come into con- tact with laborers and people of all classes.. He found the working man in his true conditions through this work and became immediately interested in- the laboring class and its problems of life. After residing with his parents in California for some time, he en- rolled in the University of Cincinnati where he studied for several years. Dr. Browne, in writing his books and preparing material for his many platform speeches, has always main- tained the policy of personal investi- gation and research, often travelling widely for many months in order to gather material. Commenting on his attitudes toward certain subjects, Dr. Browne has remarked, "When I fil~ ished college, I was very much the radical with all sorts of theories re- garding the working man, the labor problem, and so forth; I asked my father about these matters, and he said: Go, find out for yourself!'" This procedure has been followed faithfuly by Dr. $rowne in all his work. LITTLE TO SPEAKI IN LANSING TODA Y' President Clarence Cook Little will deliver a lecture on the Ayers founda- tion series at the Plymouth Congrega- tional church in Lansing this after- noon. The Ayers foundation is an en- dowed institution which brings a num- ber of prominent men to Lansing each year. President Little, who returned this morning from Chicago, where he ad- dressed the alumni banquet held Fri- day night and attended the game yes- terday, will speak on "The Evolution oif the Soul." YOSTMEN SHOW SUPERIORITY SECOND HALF WITH SMASHING GAME I I LC 4 rt I 1 j 1 A i -7 IN SAlln~erry ieii 'USCORE ON PASSESI All plans have been made for the fall games, annual traditional scrim- 1 - Failure Of Place-Rick In First Half mage between the sophomore and T TIE Marks Only Chance Of Michigan freshman classes, which are to be held To Score In That Period on Ferry Field next Saturday morning Both Teams Score On Fumbles, Notre preceding the Navy game. With the Dame Ina First Period -And By Herbert E. Vedder George Rich exception of procuring the officials Minnesota in Last STAGG FIELD, Chicago, Ill., Nov. Plunging Michigan full back who from the members of the honor soci- - - stood out prominently as the most eties on the campus, all of the ar- ERRORS MARK ENCOUNTER 5.-Michigan's great reversible scor- brilliant ground gainer of the game rangements have been completed by ing combination of Capt. Bennie Oos- with Chicago yesterday. Rich con- the student council committee in (By Associated Press) terbaan and Louis Gilbert, the elus- d the charge of the affair. Russell D. CARTIER FIELD South Bend Nov. ive, entered into a triumvirate with tributed well over 50 yards in the Sauer, '30L, is chairman of the com-'' course of Michigan's two drives for , mittee. 5.-Converting each other's errors in an irresistible plunging George Rich touchdowns in the thoid quarter, and As in previous years, there will be the scoring zone into a touchdown here-today as the Wolverines staged as usual played his great part on the three events, the cane spree which each, Notre Dame and Minnesota bat- a great comeback to smash Chicago's willcoun fo onepain; te pilowMaroons, 14-0. defense ully hiw hirhatolh count for one point; the pillow tied to a 7-7 tie in a windy blizzard - A crowd of 57,000, the largest ever dheflarush, which will count for pnton historic Cartier field today. Unde- to see a football game in Chicago and the flag rush, which will count for three points. The last event, the flag feated in 22 years on the home grid- except for the encounter of the Army rush, is the most important on the iron, Notre Dame made a touchdown and Navyslast fall, shivered through program, since it awards three points out of its only real opportunity in the "Tad" Wi Wolverines, after to the winner. The numbers of the first period, and stopped the furious h'a imnsWleieatr two classes who go out for thesefispeodan stpe th fuos having their only scoring chance in TALK HERE TUESDAY otewne.Te ubr ftepaE kifaltoenothMros events has much to do with determin- drives of Minnesota until the last few the first two periods,ran attempted ing the winner and all freshmen and minutes of the game.h place kick, fail, tore ito the Maroons S sophomores are urged by the commit- hen, from the 14-yard line, where with a vengeance from the very out- Sir Rennell Rodd, Formely Brita's tee to participate. one of the numerous Notre Dame fum- set of the second half and adopted Ambassador To Italy, To Speak On Will Meet This Week. bles was grabbed up, Capt. Herb Joest- Chicago's typical line smashing game "The Old And New Dy" Meetings have' been arranged for the ing, who had failed to smash through to gain their victory and keep the elections of the captains who will lead for a touchdown, tossed the ball across Wolverines in the running for a posy IS WELL-KNOWN AUTHOR the classes into the fray. The fresh- the Rockne goal to Walsh to even sible conference title by a march men will meet at the Union at 7:30 the score. Art Farmer was called down the field. It was Michigan's best Sir Rennell Rodd, one of the most o'clock Wednesday for this purpose, from the bench to pick up the extra game this year. distinguished men in the English dip- and the sophomores will meet at 4 point that ended the battle with hon- The Wolverines had the punch nl lomatic service and former Ambassa- o'clock Thursday in Natural Science ors even. the way and left no doubt in the dor to Italy, will deliver a lecture on auditorium. The captains are charged Broncho Nagurski, the alert Minne- thinds of witnesses as to their super- "The Old and the New Diplomacy," Iwith the conduct of the class in the sota end, who grabbed the Notre Dame iority over Stagg's Maroons To Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 8, at 4:30 rush and have the responsibility of fumble in the closing moments, shared George Rich must go the credit for o'clock in Natural Science auditorium. leading their men into action. honors of the day with Johnny Niemic, playing the greatest game of his ca- Since 1885, Sir Rennell Rodd has I Following the plans of the former the Notre Dame halfback, who circled per, one which stamped him as a been one of the leaders in British dip- I years, each class will have to arrange the Minnesota end for 17 yards, and a leer, oneni r sap honors ason lomatic service. He has been con- for its own band. In other meets of touchdown early in the first period mythical elevens It was Rich's de- nected with the service in Paris, Ber- this kind it has been the bands of the Spears changed tactics i the sec- fensive work durin the first half of lin, Athens, and Rome. HE was in classes which have been the features ond half. He deliberately handed the fesive wrdi heirst Chal of charge of the British agency at Zanzi- of the day. Arrayed in their oldest Irish the offensive by kicking time and the game that shattered Chicago' s bar n 183 an wa Secetar of he and again on first downs, but Rockne's hopes of crashing through the Wol- bar in 1893 and was Secretary of the clothes, and playing numbers that j ai irs t roc verines and time and again it was Legation in Cairo from 1894-1901. Fol- ranged from Chopin to Berlin, the versatile carriers, except for occas- e wo halted a aon ie. lowing his work in Cairo, Rodd .was bands have done much to inspire the inal flashes by Flannagan, Collins, ePrie kicked off shon rive. appointed Councillor of the Embassy classes All of those men who pl Dahman and Niemic, could not ene-ssort to open the at Rome until 1904 when he was given any musical instrument are asked to trate beyond midfield. The Gophers second half and Rich returned the the position of Minister to Sweden. gt in touch with their class captains hovered over the play waiting for a ball to his own 39 yard line. Ooster- In 1908, he was appointed Ambassador immediately after the election. break. Late i the period they took baan was pulled back of the line of to Italy; which 'position he held. until Honor Alen Will Have Charge. the offensive and marched down the scrimmage to plunge, and he and the close of the World War. He has field, holding the ball inside the Notre, Rich just fell short of first down. the loseof te Wold Wr. H ha The officials who handle the meetI Dame 10-yard line when the period Gilbert thenputdotfbunsn since that time served as a British will be upperclassmen selected from e punted out of bounds on delegate to the League of Nations inthe various honor societies on thened the drive in the final lap, yard lineHurt 1921 and 1923. t h t I campus. A plea is made by the coin- the ball was carried to the 3-yard line. At this stage of the game Capt. In addition to his diplomatic work,'mittee in charge that all men who are There it halted when 'a Notre Dame Ken Rouse who had played a bang- Sir Rennell Rodd is well known as a eligible and who wish to share in k hrd d writer, some of his best known works this work get in touch with Russell Joesting, giving Notre Dame the ball. injured and taken from the field. This being: "Customs and Lore of Mo dern.I Sauer, '30L chariman of the com h Gophr ffas start- Greece," "Sir Walter Raleigh," "So- B GraladDiplomaic.M irsan t on fall games, at once. led but it lacked thepowers of its pre- then the Wolverines took charge o "The inces 1ot Achaa and the The games, according to the an- decessors and the South Bend team th game. ,,,.n nouncement made by the committee again took the ball only to fumble on terLb h e a Chronicles of Morea." Sone of his yesterday, will begin as soon as the an attempted kick that permitted Na- Afters aioundaOostempteda M iDo better known poems are: "The Un- contestants reach the field. The feh frn rudOseba;M~n known Madonna," "Poems in Many menis at the d. fresh- gurski to make his decisive recovery. ough was forced to punt and Michi- Lands" "Love, orship, and Death," men will meet at the Union at 9 Two smashes penetrated gan took the ball on her own 48 yard and," " o'clock Saturday morning, whilp the Dame line and then Joesting passed to line. Miller started the ball rolling ad« d..sophomores will meet at Waterman blgin Mingersxtardstharoh lig Sir Rennell Rodd is one of the most smthme ime. Afterm n Walsh, and Farmer made the score- distinguished men in English diplo- I tiing kicktackle and Rich made it first down mtcsrieadltrtran is'the traditional war paint they will be ____________,ake n ihmd tfrtdw service and literature and is on Chicago's 40 yard line after Puck- mae of the most prominent men to ap- led to the field by their respective T ON We r nt g hd .ii o te os pomien mn o 1-bands and the battle will start as PRIN ETON DOWN elwartz wvent through right guard for pear in Ann Arbor in the past few soon thereafter as is possible. OHIO STATE 20 -0 two yards. Miller made 11 more yards years, according to Unimversityofficials, > > on a criss-cross following a triple who are bringing him here. YESTERDA AS PURDUE WINS pass play around Oosterbaan's end; to make it first down on the Maroon's GUILD W ILL GIVE RESULTS (By Associated Press) 29 yard stripe. Gilbert made a yard THREE PLAYS AT -- PALMER STA.DIUM, PRINCETON, at end and Puckelwartz was stopped (ry Associated Press) N. J., Nov. 5.-Princeton's flashy elev- by Small, substitute center, but Rich WHITNEY THEATER Notre Dame, 7; Minnesota, 7 (tie). en, exhibiting a stonewall defense as tore through center for another first Illinois, 14; Iowa, 0. well as a sharp, hard-hitting attack, down, this time on the fading Ma- Roked for production on the nights Purdue, 18; Northwestern. 6. swept aside Ohio State and won by the roon's 15 yard mark. end, and divided the plunging with Rich who had conformed beautifully to the adage of "let George do it." Bennie tore off 5 yards and Rich smashed for another first down in midfield. Gilbert slashed off right tackle for five, Oosterbaan made 3 more on a plunge and Rich secured first down on the Maroon 40 yard line. MORE Rich reeled off 5 yards, and Puck- elwartz committed the thievery of another first down on Chicago's 28 yard line. "Smashing George" took 3 at right guard and a like amount at right tackle. Then, the Wolver- ines still believing variety to be the spice of life, turned to a forward pass for their second ,touchdown. Reversing the Oosterbaan to Gil- bert combination again, Louie hurled a perfect pass over the goal line to the Wolverine captain for the score. Gilbert main kicked goal. Chicago with the wind at its back, made heroic dashes in both the first and thecfourth quarter, but the Wol- verines c6uld not be broken up when the plagys counted. Libby Leyers starred for the Maroons and time aft- er time tore into the Michigan line with vengeance and results. Trying a desperate last quarter comeback the Maroons unleashed- a clever pass attack and drove to first down on the Michigan 33 yard line on a pass from Libby to Anderson, the two mainstays of the final Ma- roon efforts. After an incomplete pass another heave. McDonough to An- derson .was completed and Ooster- ban ran the latter out of bounds on the 20 yard line. Passes here failed and Michigan took the ball again. The first quarter for Chicago was a series of smashes and incomplete passes and defensive play for Michi- gan, Gilbert being badly outkicked on account of the terrific wind. Chicago stopped Michigan's sacond quarter assault for a moment and took the ball but was forced to punt, Puckelwartz receid McDonough's punt on his 5 yard line and returned the ball 42 yards. Gilbert slipped off tackle for 3 yards and' a pass was complete from Puck to Gilbert for six more and Rich made first 'down on Chicago's 34 yard line. Puckel- wartz completed another pass to Gil- bert for an 18 yard gain. Chicago held and Gilbert was forced to try a place kick, standing on the 30 yard line. The oval hit the cross bar and the hualf ended soon afterwards. The lineup: Chicago P Michligai Krogh LE Oosterbaan Lewis LT Pommerening Weaver LG Palmeroli Rouse C Bovard t Weislaw RT Gabel Wolffe RG Baer Priess RE Heston I McDonough QB Miller II Bluehm LH Puckelwartz ' Libby RH Gilbert ' Leyers FB Rich Officials-referee, F. E. Birch, (Earl- 1 ham),iumpire, W. D. Knight, '(Dart- 'mouth), field judge, Daniels, (Loyo- Ila), headlinesman, Ray (Illinois). t - SIDELIGHTS "Biff and Bang," Wolverine mas cots, were cynosure of all eyes du ing the contest. The two mascots r were drawn around the field in their specially constructed vehicle. Tryouts for the business staff of the University of Michigan Glee club will be held 4 to 5:30 o'clock at room 308 Michigan Union from Nov. 7 to 12: All sophomores or second semester freshmen who are interested urged .to report at that time. F. DI Burger, Mgr. i i i . ,. GRIDGRAPH CROWD SHOWS LITTLE ENTHUSIASM OVER CHICAGO GAME Absorbed in literature o all types Friday night at the team send-off it frm novels to ewspapers, little ex- took a small boy to get the crowd cheering. By the time the varsity citement was shown by the crowd of cheerleader had awakened to his du- some 2,000 people who witnessed the ties, the team was well on its way to gridgraph of the Michigan-Chicago Chicago. Yesterday afternoon the game yesterday afternoon in Hill audi- small boy again took the' initiative torium. Aside from a string of urch- in the matter of yells until the cheer- ins who occupied the entire front row leader took charge. and who continually roared for blood, As usual, the display of the game .,11 4..,;. ,I ;, f a Q- - mrh .r of Nov. 17, Nov. 24, and Dec. 1, at the Whitney theater, a special company of the New York Theater guild will present three plays in Ann Arbor. The New York. Theater guild is a ten year old institution that was first organized in the old Garrick theater in New York City. Since its organi- zation it has progressed until it nowI occupies its own magnificent JohnI Golden theater. The company is rec- nized throughout the English speak- ing world as one of the finest of its type in existence. Its appearance in Ann Arbor will be included in its firstt attempt to make a road tour. STUDENT ADMITS FORGERY CHARGE John H. Lauffenburger, '29E, plead- ed guilty yesterday morning in circuit rennrnn a ch hr ef forgerv and was : Wisconsin, 20; Grinnell, 2. Indiana, 33; Michigan State, 7. Princeton, 20; Ohio State, 0. Yale, 30; Maryland, 6. Dartmouth, 19; Brown, 7. N. Y. U., 20; Carnegie Tech., 6. Bucknell, 20; Lehigh, 6. Pittsburgh, 0; W. & J., 0. Syracuse, 6; Ohio Wesleyan, 6 (tie).E Wesleyan, 12; Williams, 0. { Holy Cross, 7; Fordham, 2. Columbia, 7; John Hopkins, 7. Georgetown, 7; Lafayette, 2. Penn State, 13; George Washing- ton, 0. Army, 45: Franklin & Marshall, 0. Cornell, 6; St. Bonaventure, 6. Montana, 0; California, 0 (tie). Iowa State, 7; Drake, 0. Marquette, 26; St. Louis, U., 0. Auburn, 6; Tulane, 6. Oklahoma, 28; Washington, 7. Navy, 26; West Virginia Wesleyan, 0. I U of D. 38: Haskell Indians. 7. decisive score of 20 to 0. While the chilled crowd of close to 40,000 spectators looked on, Prince- ton's brilliant sophomore halfback, Ed Witmer, of Pittsburgh, scored all three of the Tiger touchdowns with one of the year's greatest exhibitions of ball carrying. Witmer's flashing, plunging drives were the outstanding features of a game that kept Princeton's un- beaten slate clean. In the closing minutes of the game, led by the twisting dashes of Byron Eby, Ohio's forces swept down the field from their 18-yard line to Prince- ton's 3-yard line where Eby made it first down. Four plays were unable to buck the Orange and Black wall, and the Tigers took the ball on downs as the final whistle blew. ROSS ADE STADIUM, Lafayette. Ralph Welch, whose playing is well- remembered by Harvard, appeared in Rich smashed for 4 yards at left guard and Chicago took time out. The strategy apparently did little good and Rich went through behind Baer and Bovard for eight yards. He failed Ito make first down by inches on the next smash but he followed this up by making it first down on Stagg- men's 4 yard line. Here the Maroons stiffened in a desperate effort, Rich making a yard on each of his next ' tries. Michigan Scores By Lateral Pass Wolverine smartness w'ould be served, however, and a simple lateral toss from Oosterbaan to Gilbert and the first touchdown was a formality with Chicago completely off her guard. As at Wisconsin when this play scored the execution was per- fect. Gilbert kicked a 'perfect goal tc make the score Michigan 7 and Chi- While the 57,000 persons seated in the stands were chilled to the mar- row, occupants of the press box were kept comfortably-almost over com- fortably warm- by an elaborate steam system. The DAILY repre- sentatives in the press box have con- cluded to petition the athletic associ- ation for a similar system in t he new Michigan stadium press box. The Michigan band made an mn- pressivd showing in 'forming the block "M" during the halves. Michi- gan's cheerleaders led the Wolverine sections in voiciferous cheering dur ;nr 1ha a . n L- j