T NE NIK-I IT SAN DATF V API :. +P.. x TCVIT." ca artt PA./T-t YI .:ri"~.E~ ~s.1'" T4!a . D A11LY OFFC IA L BU LL ETI N Publication in the Bulletin is cons tructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. mn. (11:,30 a. mu, Saturday.) lu lal 'reekltwnitfiuii mcat jf1Nitltvsau'i will gvea short cxplanl- at r ol'3 tal a fter coicl si on ot t w mal S :'aturdayv. tiia 63 i an fi Taern. The Vegtari~ianSocietY invites tho-"(.whticwish to attend to make reservations by telep~honing 271 ----- - - ------- FRENCHMEN CONQULR ATLANTIC .Volumte S. S t1){IAY, O VLE1tfR i Number 40 Novembewr Eaculty Meeting, College of Literature, Sciencre and the Arts: T eii v nle aii. etn iil b ed M n a ,N v m e t ,a 4:10 p.m. in room 2225 Angell Hall. Bulsiness;: 1. Report by Prof'essor Crittendn for the Committee on Teachers Certif icaltes. 2. Report by P'rofe-ssor Rtich omn various problems involved in classi- fication of students!. John It. Efin~iger. Members of the Dngineering Faculty and Others: The mnembers of the Detroit Enlgineering Society will be in Ann Arbor on Saturday, Nov. 5th, 1927, as guests of the Engineering Faculty. There gill be a Dinner at theichigan Union at 4:15 p.m., the same dlay. Please notify Professor ,T. I. Cissel for reservations. An Inspection 'Trip is planned for 2:30 p.m., and it might be interesting as well as ente-rtaining to' mee-t with those making the tour. Starting point will be at the new Stadiumu. You are cordially invited to join with us in helping entertain our fellow, Engineers fromt Detroit. .. IH. Cissel. C. E. Wilson. Chtas. 1hainter. Cozis!1i ij(i~e t tuda~elt Loans~: TheW re wil be a mleeting of the Committeec on Stuilent Loans oan Monday, November 7th, at 2 :30 p.m. Students who aire applying for' loans should pre'- sent themselves at Room 2, University Hall, J. A. Biursley, Chairman., ing only about 50 per cent of the de- ficiencies assessed. WORKING OF TAX LAW ittrniey sResfin n h is U -F R DICUS ION fhc ofthe general counsel whio ;veserved in the office more than By V O B DSC O SIfiN [Ux years. Since July, 1924, 52 gat- in the income tax unit alonje several resignations of clerks and technical CONSIDERATION OF I DIVIDUAL4 officials in the last seven years.", INCOME RATE~lS IS While this view by the Treasury POTPOI NEl) o conditions c onfronting the Board; APPAL © T o.ix Appeals did not become nw APPAL.BOARD SWAMPEDI until t(Oday, the legal profession and I the business world has complained Tax Petitions Pile Up Three Tunes for some time about the congested As Fast, As Ckeneral Counsel condition of the board's machinery Can Dispose Of Thmeim and representatives from both, with suggestions for remedlying the situa- ~(BY Associaited press) tion, were among the witnesses call- WASHING-TON, Nov. 4 -- Turning$ ed for testimony. ao(f Last Perf orance Tconight at 8::30 Comedy Club's Biggest IT "Great Catherine' rospecflve t'eachers: The annual mneeting for enrollment with the bureau of Appointments will eke place at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, November 5th, in the Auditorium of ewbemry Hall. It is ve ry 'important that all seniors and graduate students F all schools andI colleges on the Campus who "expect to enroll with the ureau this year should attend. Enrollment at this time is free but a charge 'one dollar is reqluired for late registration. Hlelen R. Shianiaughi. reslimtan Womp1en: The second H3,gvene Lecture will be given on Monday, November 7th, o'clock in Sarah Casw"ell Angell hall. Bring blue books. Margaret B~ell, M.D. from the section of' the tax law bav- ing the closest appeal to the average citizen's pocketbook, the rates on in- dividual income4 and person(,ii ex- emptions, the House Ways and Means Cormittee went to the other extreme today by directing its attention to ad- ministrative features of the whole re- 'venue statute. The direct contact between the taxpayer and the Treasury establish- GERMANS I NSPEcrT NEW AIR TUNNEL The aeronautical engineering de- partment of the University was in-! spected yesterday by a delegation of I four German scientists who are in-. vestigating the aerodynamical devel- opments in the United States. The delegation is composed of Dr. This is the first photograph to reach this country of the start of the French airplane piloted by M. Costes and M. Le Brix from Senegal, Africa to Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Their 2,000 miles flight across the South Atlantic is the' first one to be successfully completed from east to west this year. This is the second time that the South Atlantic has been flow from east to west. atC and 'eshmxan Group:, Mly group is invited.~to comue to my house this afternoon for the football urns. - R. C. Angell. 1 nilersi0tyFE[ millit iiy Oretr1a QIcfE'rti The University Symiphony Orchestra, Samel Pierson Lockwood, conduc- tor, assisted 1,;- Grace Johnison Konold, soprano, will give the following pro- gram in the Facultyv Concert Series, Hill Auditorium, Sundlay afternoon, No- vember 6, at 4: l5 o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited. No admission charge.' Overture to "Die Fledermaus" (Strauss) ; Symphiony No. 4, C minor (Schubert) ; "Ahi! Je veux vivre" from "Ronwo et Junliette" (Gounod) ; Elegy, 'Op. 48, No. 3 (Tchaikovsky) ; Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 (Grieg.) ('harles A. Sink. Phil Lambd~a I psilon: Thie regular -Noveniber meetkng Zvil ble held on iMonday, November 7, 1927, at 7:15, in room 30<1 Ch._ Prof. lH. H. Willard and Dr. L~. 0. Case will speak. Ri. V. ,Stanklaid,, President. Phi Delta happa: Mlembers of Phi De ta Kappa will meet at 1 p~m. today for the regtular' weekly luncheon. 1t. ID. 3Iacl'itt, President. Cosimoplitan Club: There will be a social gathering on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in Lane hall. The foilowig members will give short talks on their respectivel countries: M is I Koizumi on "Modernism in Japan;" Mr. M. G-. Bueno oil "The Philippine Independence Movement;" Mr. C. A. Petcoff on "The Political Situation in Bulgaria ;"' Mr. IH. C. Chang on China.. All membaers- and their friends are cordially invited. /i Raja Rowraiii, President. Graduate -:1Fug;It ('1Cu): Thiere will bepan important business and social meeting on Monday eve- ning, Novemberh-1 7, at 8.o'clock in Room 306 Michigan Union. All graduate] E~nglish studen s tare cordially invited. R. B. Parks. Phililppine-i1jehiran Club; The Philippine-Michigan Club will meet tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the Upper Roomn in Lane Hall. Important matters will be discussed. Every mem- ber is requested to be present on time. Domiingo, L. Rivera, Secretary. Upper Room ;Bible Cla-ss "Upper Room" Bible Class meets in the Upper Room in Lane Hall this eve- ning at 7 p.m, All "Michigan" men cordially welcome. ye'- wruay VYiLI ani appe~al by of air traffic of the German govern- the National Federation of Business imn. rf ' .snd ~ ~ ~ ~ met ProfesinlWmnsCusfr. William Hoff, of the en- ~tn PrfesioalWomn'sClbs orgineeiiimg college of Charlottenbnurg, an increase in exemptions for single leln ~' inbl amadD persons, was absent from the pro- reeik ewad1)tofhegv rawhich offered little spice even, ernmemut institute for aeronautical re- for committee membhers themselves . txApelssarch at Adlershof, Berlin. InteIgl andbusaiSs The men inspected the wind tunnel I t \~i nGent V\ \TOW~R3. a rl r- nmfort~b-le \\ 'h11wever, tihe day':; hearing was view-' 1 ed from it(different angle as matter:; relating to thbe Board of Tax Appeals, generally the final arbiter in man), tax disputes, were amaong subjects uip for discussion. lmmediately ?rior to the start of the hearing, the Treasury D~epart- Iment adised thme Joint Commit tee ol Internmal Revenue Legislation, a ta, agency of Congress, thbat. pet's'ion: basing filed with the Board of T.[ax Ap- peals exceceed the number (ispolSed of by more thanm 200 per month. Thme *Treasury report, in part, said: The office of the general counsel is literally swamped with work. Though the, ature of the problems remains substantially the same, tht burden has been transferred froml th- .Bureau of Internal Revenue t6 time general counsel's office and time Board of Tax Appeals. "In cases before the board involv- ing amounts of $10,000 or more, tme Government has succeeded in sustain- "The Last Warning" of the IUniiversity andmo tok notes on I the constriietion of it, for use inm thej building1 of a similar tunnel. UNI~VRSITY OF' ILLINOIS --Three mcii have been suspendedl for viola- tions~ of thle not-car rule. TTNIVERSIT1.Y OF ILLINOIS-- The ,Junior P'romn is to be hlcd Dec. 2, Itmis year. 7'SUCKERS3 12 4L~ -~ u Fm . . ,aAt , y ___i, - :' _ - y< ') [ ; titi , , :.. / , j _ , _ , ; Excellent Meals Ladles aitd Gentlemen Single Afeals - 5c, 65c WeekIT Board -$57 Cor.. Sate and Washington sow, sH aR 427 I . A. J. TOWER CO BOSTON~ j ./ .._..._....... __ -tom r E mI mJ 4i I II 1 ,111 A I 00e the George G. Alder. ' f tle Creek Supper: Mrs. Eifleen .Smith, Battle Creek dietitian, will supervise a supper 'featur- 900m EWE AG GAIV[E Oil 111 Will 111 hull i i Kaufman & Connelly -s Comedy I fi With: Phyllis Loughton,. William C. Bishop, CharletLivingstone, 'Vrera Johnson', Thurs ton TZhiem ,Richard Woelihaf Samuel Jonnell, Harlan Cristy and /others Glorifying the American Dumbelle Who swiped the Professois iaterman's II 1 AMM IA sInks .Dulcy says: I 'There's no reason why any student should--because he can buy a perf ect Waterman's for the trifling amount of $2.75 and keep his con- science clear. If you want a low-priced pen that is as perfect as even high-priced pens can be made, ask, your supply dealer to show you a Waterman's No. 52. Hmil Audlo~lI "When I go to the theatre,I just want. to laugh - there's enough sorrow -in ifte, I always ;say." Admis1011 50c -alr 5c THEATREI It will write one word or one thousand words with unerring, I accuracy. I