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November 05, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-05

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Appreciation Of Beauty Is The Purpose,
Of Art Course Maintains Miss Adams

A ,
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ALLNEW MEMB RS Z"The chief aim of the history of art
course in the literary college is to
irs. V.111 S."'Ale Ad1i Dr. 1101(ye awaken students to the examples of
On ( nezral (1rganizat hn art they see about them, and to teach
, A id l rPwse Of Club them to obiserve they-beautiful things
. .that have a place in everyday life, but
CONFERENCE TO BE HERE are so often passed over unnoticed,"
said Adelaide Adams, instructor in
Froni now on until 1930, the atten- fine arts, in an interview today. "It
. would be impossible to give them all
tion of WV1.AA. should i1necessarily be that is known about art in a three-
turned toward the Athletic Conference hour course of one semester. But we
of American College Women which can teach them to be ntelgent about
will meet in Ann Arbor in that year, recognizing famous statutes and pic-
aCcor'ding;.to AMls. Van 'iclie i 'n eonzigfmossattsnn i-
tures, and classic forms of architec-.
speech ofwelcome < the nyew Mn- ture in modern building."
bers of .,A.:at th firstp arMty of therMiss Adams weit on to explain how
organization Thursday night. Mrs. most of her students who confessed
Van Sickle explained that Michigan's that they had before hardly more than
athletic organization was honored glanced ar the front of Angel Hall,
with tle Presid3ency oC the national now took great pleasure in identifying
organiza tion at ihklat national con- its columns. She told about hov,.
vention wihoslides o. several rather conspicious


were shown to the class, a large part
of which did not recollect of ever hav-
ing seen the houses. After looking
at the slides, and hearing the houses
discussed, they noticed the houses, and
becane more wary.
The nature of the course is misun-
derstood by a surprisingly large num-
ber of students. Some believe that it
is a course in practical art, and are
disappointed because they do not get
lessons in drawing and painting.
Others have the still more fallacious
idea that it is a pipe.
The personnel of the course consist
of an almost equal number of men
and women, the women predominating
slightly. A great many engineers take
it to provide an element of the classic'
in an otherwise technical schedule.
Men and women taking the course re-
ceive .approximately equal grade, al-
though Miss Adams believes that wo-
men have a slight edge in that they

The second meeting of the Ann Chi Delta Phi, National Honorary
Arlbor branch of the University wom- Literary Sorority, held its fall inita.
en will be held at 3 o'clock today at tion Thursday night, November 3, at
Martha Cook. dormitory. 8 o'clock in the Red Room of Martha
Henderson, executive heyd of the Professor Robert Wenley of the Cook building.
alumnae council brought the remain- Philosophy department will speak. . The following nine girls were in-
dmr of a pledge le br)- the San Fran- Prof. Wenley has just returned from itiated into the sorority: Louisa But-
r( o Bay group (f Micyhga . i Fran- a two-year leave of absence. He had ler, '29; Elizabeth Asset, '30; Bettina
womien to the b I(II fnd of ithe charge of the American Union in Lon- fBush, '29; Helen Dancer, '30; Valerie
women's leu.he ('i.lu ed of ldon, England. He has studied the con- Gates, '28; Margaret Haxton, '29;
this pledge is th omole for the ditions of the country as he found Sally Knox, '29; Vivian La Jeunesse,
thoi pledgis the r condon~ e fir th e ay-them after the war. His topic for the '28; Frances Sackett, '30.
eno tthe fir. pleg eal ythe meeting will be "The Romantic Story The next meeting will be held Wed-
groupf took o,( atnoe ih the of the University of Education in Eng- nesday, November 9 at 7:30 o'clock at
gro ::;up too out anltherith th land." Helen Newberry. The program will
although they ! , a!llyNe three years Miss hIubard from Detroit will also be largely social for the purpose of
left before piyipet should be neces- give a short talk during the course acquainting the sponsors of the or-
sary. One of the most imlpOrtant miem- of the meeting. ganization with the new members.
bers of this gromi'p is Mrs. Nellie Ham- The International relations com-
ilton Ornbaum, ia jvrmer Ann Arbor mittee will open a circulation library. WISCONSIN W OMEN
woman and a gaiduate of the univer- The sections in the pre-school, ele- PLAY HORSESHOES
sity in the class of '03. Mrs. Orn- mentry, and adolescent, will be joined. PLAYl
baum's father « 1 iformer mayor of All members may call 8500. Women of the University of Wiscon-
Ann Arbor and dedicated the fountain l. . sin have been staging an intramural
at the end of the diagonal. The presi- Women A -e Victims horse shoe tournament in which they
dent of the group is Mrs. Harold 1., av- had several close and very ex-
Cl;rke oli , s " rl n"x I Of Iaboo, Says Davis citing games. Finals were played last
Noble I{olbrooh, .a gnidaduatw inIthe ' Saturday, Oct. 29, between Gammna
class of '02. Phi Beta and Kappa Delta. Ringers
In the letter se-lt to Mrs. Henler- John Landon-Davis, author of "The were made on both sides, besides some
r P R -o the treasurer of New A e of Faith." has written a newI o .. t, v_. ., -
" '-- ', Iecua.1ILULLm liII4rm

Alph Omicron Pi emerged victorious
in a hard fought hockey game held
between that house and the Delta
Gammas. This game was started on
Wednesday last but had to be finished
at a later date on account of dark-
ness. The contestants were very
evenly matched the score being 0-0 un-
til Sally Bonine made a 'goal making
the final score 1-0.
Play will be resumed during the
first- few days of next week while
practice sessions are being held until
that time by most of the teams left
In the competition for championship
honors. Two games remain to be
played off in the inter class tourna-
ment. These are to be staged between
the sophomore and freshman teams
and the junior and senior teams. In
the intra-mural games the semi-final
and final round of the A tournament
are yet to be played off while the
final match of the B tournament will
close the tournament for that group.
ILLINOIS.-Eighteen per cent of
the undergraduate body at the Uni-
versity of Illinois are from Chicago.
Memlers of Wyvern will meet
for breakfast at 9:30 o'clock to- I
morrow at the Cosy Corner Tea
room iistead of the Haunted
Tavern as was previously an-


Univeit la s t} t r ints. That this Po- I houses in Ann Arbor which represent-J are lixely to bo more observant than
ihn lcerat rspos.iilit upnIed the revival in classic architecture men.
Nichigaim wem- en, 's. Yan Sickle,-
emphasized, ad that it will fall to the FIRST WOMEN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE IN
lot of the neower3 memibertof. W.A.A.,
to assume the greater share. This UNITED STA TES BEGUN BY .QUAKERS
was part of the content of the-


speeches given Thursday night at the Pennsylvania boasts of the only wo- Druggists refused to fulfill their pre-
"nthe group stated,. We are very happy
party of W.A.A. members in Barbour man's medical college in United States. scriptfons. Office owners refused to have made our last payment but
gymnasium. . The Woman's Medical college at Phil- let their offices to a woman doctorj s
Teof raobahrising adegohby wos Quakterseventy-six years Iltterofcst oa otr will be just as much interested in con-t$
he 1xcutie phymmadsi -s.x yBut; the college struggled on. "Your tinuing to word for more funds to
introducing herself. Gladys Appelt, Its career has been one of contin- business" Dean Ann Preston told them send on and will forward as soon as
'28, president of W.A',A. presided. Not uous striving against public opinion. "is not-to war with words but to make we hae a start."
only w re the purposes and organiza- It started with a class of forty girls good your position by deeds and The San Francisco g r o u p of
tion of each sport explained to the as- most of them being Quakers. People h'alihig. +Prob'ity, simplicity, modesty, alumnae women is not the only activei
sembly; but the interests sponsored jeered at them on the street, ministers hope, benevolence, and prudence, are group of California women, there be-
by the, organization, intramural ac- preached against them and hinted needed by women and the physician." ing organizations in Pasadena, Los
tivities , freshman volley ball, and the that its teachers were corrupting the Since the founding of the college more Angeles and San Diego, all of which
like w d re also the subject of discus- morals of the innocent young girls. than 1600 have studied there and gone 'Ou1ps are actively interested in;
sens. hospitals refused to let them attend out. to practice as doctors. raising funds for the new league;
Dr. 1Margaret Bell gave thm i:eneral clinical lectures and scoffed at the Since the beginning, the Women's building.
organi gation and purposes of W.A.A., idea of accepting them as internes. j Medical College has always carried on
for the enet of those for whom this -- _-.- --- a unique friendship with the Orient. JUNIORS PRACTICE
is the Irst year of membership. In JOURNAL REVEALS In various oriental countries, as T
the first meeting of the year, the new INTIMATE NOTES China, India, and Turkey, women are S
niemhe:s are formally recognized. not allowed to be attended by monns
Agaiat theo begeiningl of each new doctors. Dr. Clara Swain, the first 1i2. prepar'atin for" choruises tor the
season, an assembly of the 6rganiza- Katherine Mansfield's "Journal" is woman medical missionary, wasthConling lunior C hmir play, classes in
tion wi[l be hld 'for, the saie purpose. a collection: of minute notes, unposted trained in Philadelphia. She was dancing are being h ld C'every Monday
lr. iiVan ,i (:ke., winS is, faculty ad- letters, fragments of diaries, bits of successful and tactful to the extent and Wednesday from 5 to 5:t. o'cloc'k,
viser of the organization this year, stories sentences and even phrases that two native princes built two hos- under lim r directioin of Vera John-
oflceia1y welcomed new members in- that Miss Mansfield llainned to use in pitals under her direction. Other stion, '2t, in Barbour gyimiasilim.
to the organization. in 'addition to her writing. Yet the whole combines graduates followed her example anld Jniiiiori wonien thereby hve the op-
the national convention to meet. i in making a most interesting little more hospitals were built. Finally piortilmnity of )ra'citi( ing tstep, suh as
Ann Arlboi. in 1930, she drew attention book. the East began sending their students are used in the play andi "of limbering
to a digt i(I convention hoomeet a Every page reveals a little of Kath- Ito study in Philadelphia. The first up," ' oCbss winh has occasioned
Ohio Stae nix spring. (ladys Ap- Ierine Mansfield's desperate and gal- 1 Oriental student to obtain a degree, many aclis in i(i past. Already more
pelt expressed the hope that at least lant struggle against poverty and ill-I'Dr. Anadal Joshee, was also the. first hait 7 J.unmrs may be seen at the
a ness. Every page catches for us del- Hindu woman to receive a degree in appointed h(o1ur in stedMly practce.
and wugg n teo l aknthe oficately and exactly a little of the un- any country. ltliough atIteahi, c( at the class is
the suanysaid faching WsA.A.this usual perosnality of the author.- In the 75 years of existence, the ijo; t a ~i''prerclui$teo do trying out for
yeay. Whether or not Miss Mansfield had Woman's Medical College has had not the play in December, it is felt that
yea1La v .'s fOur-piece orchestra genius the poems ann short stories nly the significance limited. to teach- this advance tiri s n'. will make the
came in just >n time to conclude the that she has left have a remarkable ing medicine but it has proved that later ictual traininig uch easier, as
- charm that cannot be imitated. 'It is women are capable-.to- enter-profes- well as givig' till; committee more
ganr s iong hFo the srest of the eve- impossible to analyze this this charm I sions heretofore limited to men. More knowledge of the field from which
,:sfotci jadequatelyt. .It. is, made ups of little- than 7,000 ,womewn abi -pvm .ctcing doc- they must seleet tlie hooruses. Juniori
ethings-a peculiarly happy arrange- tors in the United States women are invited to enroll.
mefreshments of pumpkin pie and nent of .words, a touching naivete and ~.
coffee, and favors in the form of min- crystal clarity and sureness of touch.
ature golf sticks were served. About yAbovellrity andtouch.
75 wyon ii xv me preseit. Credit for Aov all there is sincerity and truth.
the wue w ' tie affsait, goetor e Miss Mansfield seemed to know what
cernit'tes chairen ignez Clark, '2, expisite work she was capable of and
Dommty Lyonsm29, Heen Cawkfd' was the first to recognize a failure to
'2,h ayn Margaret Sthl30 Crand oreach the high mark she set for her-
thi assista reale3man '30 self. She says in her Journal, "Fin- F
theirlassesants, Arlene Heilman 30, ished 'An Ideal Family' yesterday.'
It seems to me better than 'The Dove' 1
and Aletta Morton. but still not good enough. This looksC*
n and smells like a story but I wouldn't
FiELD vHOUSE SHOULD B buy it, I don't want to possess it-to
READV FOR NOVEMBER 15 live with it. No."---.i

gVt 1UU dL1, l;$Ya .tc Wun excellent sho0ts, Abt thle Gamma Phi
book, "A Short History of Women,. ,eta roprasentatives were victorious.
which the Viking Press will publish According to the Daily Cardinal,
on Nov. 7. In this volume he claims, the. entire tournament has been a
that women have been the victims of great success, and in spite of the bad
superstition and taboos through the weather conditions it was never neces-
ages. sary to put off a set. Excellent spirit
"The primitive, savage, the primitive and good sportmanship hive been
Christian, the feudal- knight, .the shown through the entire contest.
seventeenth century Puritan, the
eighteenth century essayist, the Vic- WASHINGTON--Students at the
torian drawing room tea drinkers; all University of Washington are planning
alike thought and acted about women I an 18-hole golf course to be laid out
as they did because the same super- on the edge of the campus.
stitions about biology and the same I-------
miisint erpretation of feeling were com- ""...""""""" ......."""""" ...
mon i)to all. The dawn came when peo-

.........................,rs"............sa..s.....+s. r..

Ale, beganz to'suggest that women were ' .
quite as reasonable by natur~e as men
and that wrong education was respon-
sible for any difference between them
in this respect. After that came polit-
cal emancipation and economic eman-
tipati l today we can say that
the first is complete and the second
ahimost as far advanced as it is for in-
dividuals of the ma'e sex. n
"liut there still remains another
sort of emancipation, thetemotional,
which had not quite until recently
been so much as begun."
Informal discussions on university =


Luncheon Specials
Served at all. hours

Drop in between classes

Nickels Arcade
.rr..r..... "."... ". r«.. ... . .. . . . . . ............, .,s . . ' '.t ' ... . .... ........ .......

t raditions led by various faculty mem-

>,. .:..
: 6
l; "
A' ,l
pl 1j, :
er h
y3: ,
ti }
-y :

"When will the new field house be
finished?" is the question women on
campus are asking. According tthe
contract Dr. Bell says that it should
be ready by:Nov. 15. With the excep-
tion of the basement the building will
not be used for some time. Equip-
ment for archery, rifle and golf will
be set up in the basement some time
before, Christmas. Showers and lock-
ers have already been built in. Heat
anid water have been installed. Ded-
ication of the field house will not take
place until the spring, when it will
then be eptirely furnished.
KENTUCKY.-Pupils in the public
schools of Lexington which are closed
because of an epidemic of paralysis,
are continuing their studies by means
of assignments that apear in the news-




302 S State






g for
ness e
f imp

Hers are being held to give the Fresh- I .'I111111111i1i11i11i11i1i1i1
man women an oportunity to learn
URBANA.-Women at the Univer
} ity of Illinois are holding a tennis
show a pr
run wilfully
They are a
and cuffs.
S selves in so
like fabrics
4 -
Every glee club
:ssential to per-4
men engaged
proving the ma-
re and keepingj
esenil t ~r
s, such as the
er investigationI )
?ethods may be
fection-a spirit
tandard nor too
-permeates the
and offers invit-

gtol School

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