ESTABLISHED 1890 It Bk1 47 at MEMBER ASSOCIATED wPRESS I 11 1 1 E', VOL. XXXVII, No. 41. ANN ARBOR, MCIIIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1927 EIGHT PAGES DAM IURST IN HEAVY RAINS AND RIVERS OVERFLOW TH EIR BANKS LOSS OF LIFE IS HEAVY ,Property Cost Will Run Into Millions; Train Service, Conimunieation Are Interrupted (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Six relief workers were ordered today by the National Red Cross to go to the New England flood area and take charge of relief work there. Death and destruction were today riding the crest of angry flood waters that swirled In unprecedented fury over five New England states, part of New York and up into Canada. The cost, in human life and in prop- erty damage, could not be counted, for the waters had not receded to re-, veal the full tragedy of their passing, and coinnhunication to many of the most seriously devastated districts was still completely destroyed' It wals easy to estimate, however, that the loss in property will run well into the millions of dollars, and it is feared that when the final count of human sacrifice to the storm's ferocity is made the total will be more than a The flood began two days ago when dams i n New England rivers, strained beyond endlurance by excessive rain- fall, bgayn bursting asunder to release upon the valleys through which they ran more terrible torrents than the in-j habitants had ever seen. i~iivesock Are Destroyed Houses in the whole districts were washed away, livestock was swept to death froin field and barn, fugitives from the rushing flood were drowned,1 and in the manufacturing centers in- dustry was brought to a complete stan'istill. SMALL CROWD GATHERS TO CHEER GAME AT CHICAGO VARSITY TEAM IN RAINY SENDOFF DRAWS HUNDREDS The sendoff to the 'Varsity football proper leadership, was the sum total TO BATTLE SCENE team at the Michigan Central station of results of the third and final send- Nrly 9u0 members of the student yesterday afternoon was a rather wet off of the present season. body, travelling in special football afarI'nwrt h tdn o'clock, C. S. T., and went directly automohbi'es were exected to arrive IN fA iiiiPAF affir InanwertotheStde T ,he team arriveda inChicago at 9:11 trains, special busses, and in private Rt~ I Council's request for a large turnout to the South Shore Country club intChipago wert exphtad ear ise of the student body to cheer the team where they stayed last night. They morning to witness the Michigan-Chi- at their departure for the Chicago will not go to Stagg field until game(a fotalgStgfiel i FORMAL COMPLAINT INCLD game, a large crowd assembled at the tm toa, and after the game they atorfootbl. gmeatPaERfedShi O AL COANT I. M. D S station about fifteen minutes before will go directly to the Sherman House, afteramoOn. :;EfseAilAcENT, A.COSPIAY the Twilight Limited arrived, but where they will be guests at a ban- everal mean pecial convey IN CONSPIRACY thet TwilighthaLimitedsarrived, but ;ance were provided for this game andI nothing much happened to cheer the quet and will have rooms until time readily seized by the student football representatives to greater ef- to leave. tt FALL SUFFERS RELAPSE forts until just as the train was pull- Tonight, arrangements have beenb The Michigan Central and thef ing out. made for the members to attend shows Ann Aror railroas schedurrantissued Against Sinlaireid Shortly before the train arrived, a in the Loop as guests of the theater trains for the occasion, grantingsstop- aUr Pending Outcome Of Grand very large crowd was on the platforms and they will leave at mid- o e e wnstJury Investigation but the Detroit train, wet weather, night for Ann Arbor. Oriole and the Highway Transport U aiid lack of apparent enthusiasm The team and the 'Varsity band will company, farnished excursion busses' (By Associated Press) dwindled away the numbers until return to the city about 7:30 o'clock for the tip. It is estimated that many W. about 100 were left to cheer the team SundIay morning by way of the Mich- of the student drove cars of their own WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-A formal as it left thre station. A 'Varsity cheer- rgan Centralto the game. Not a few of them at- complaint charging Harry F. Sinclair astleftration., A 'ity chee- t a Ctempted to pick up rides. and one of his agents, Henry Mason a small red-headed boy to start theI Ticket sales for the Michigan allot- Day, with conspiracy to tamper with crowd cheering just as the train left. Amn t wee well over 12,500en the the jury which was hearing the crim- As a last minute effort the cheerleader Lig to Harry A. Tillotson, business inal oil conspiracy charge against the appeared on the scene and led in one igtHayA.Tlosnbu Ines ,,oti"but by h e d e tmanager of the Athletic association. wealthy oil operator- and Albert B. slocomove,"utby"ths"tim1eatthedThe varsity band, which made the Fall was issued today by U.S. Com- the red light of the train was well trip to the gme, left yesterday noon missioner Needham C. Curnage. around the curve. Three cheers, led in order to arrive in time for the ban- A warrant against Sinclair also was by an Inexperienced boy and a cheer- overnor Adams Creates Deparentquet given last night by the Detroit Isworn out but subsequently District leader, and given enthusiastically by a Of Law Enforcement To and Chicago alum. Attorney Gordon said this action had Restore_____Atone Gronsadthsdero~ a small crowd which needed only the Restore Order been a mistake and that the warrant hdbereMINERSONPICKETINGmever, that the warrant simply was held in abeyance pending final action by the (y Associated Press) f grand jury which is investigating ac- DENVER, Nov. 4-A state law en- tivities of detectives of the Burns cement denartment was formed to- agency in shadowing members of the TALK ON NOTED POET for em N ov.ep 4-mstaea w r en - G M E PLAY BY PLABrisaYsitn dsrc t day by Gov W. H. Adams in the hope : trial jury. Ny Gthtstateoffice. cd A s ith he lesult Of Chicago. Battle Will le rThe complaint was sworn to by Neil ss uh Shown On Scoreboard Today Bukinshaw, assistant district at- strike situation in the Colorado coal In Bill Auditorium torney in charge of the grand jury n- eds and make it unnecessary to __uy, immediately after Chief Justice --- nobilize the national guard. McCoy, of the District of Columbia Dr. Lewis Browne, Well Known Author The sudden move of the chief exe- MUSIC BV RESERVE BAND Supreme Court, had ruled that Day To Portray Life Of Heine cutive was determined unon after ~ -could not be compelled to testify be- Famous Philosopher several instances of picketing at Attended by what is expected to be fore the grand jury since he had taken coal mines had been reported to hin the largest following of a gridgraph the position that any evidence he HAS WON FAME AS WRITER today. The new organization is head- t i t is a might give would tend to incriminate boardl in Illl auitoriunm will show the Imgtgv ol edt nrmnt ed by Louis N. Sher, former regular him. Dr. Lewis Browne noted author and army captain. lie immediately re- play by lay results of the Michigan- Day Walves Hearing.; lecturer, will speak here tomorow cruited 15 ex-service men for the or- Chicago game this afternoon. Day and his counsel, former Justice morning at 11 o'clock in Lane Hall on ganization, and within an hour after Because o the fact that the vasity Daniel Bright, of the district court, ac- some phases of the life of Henrich they had been sworn in, the new bandis making the trip to Chicago nIcompanied Burkinshaw to the coninmis- Heine, famous German poet and phil- officers were on their way to Wal- in thme auditorium to 11i soner's office and were present while osopher. Dr. Browne has written sev- senburg, in Hersano county. They prseithuiorumatofurnish i the complaint was preferred. Day eral non-fiction books which have were armed and carried three riot music throughout the afternoon. evor- surrendered himself, waived a prelim- been among the best sellers in the past guns. tend the showing and will lead the inary hearg, and was liberated on a y ear, including "T h i s Believing Provision for a state law enforce- cheers. $25,000 bond to await the action of World," "Stranger Than Fiction,' and met department has been on the A special wire has been leased from the grand jury. r "That Man Heine." His Ann Arbor I statute unused for several years. The Western Union that will bring the re- Whie the stirrn g events were appearance will be under the auspices last legislature, however, appropriat- suits of every play direct from Stagg nspirg i and around the district of the Hillel Foundation. I ed funds for its continuance. field in Chicago to the operator of the court building, Albert B. Fall suffered Although born In England, Dr. "The state officers will cooperate gridgrapha a relapse in his apartment at the May- Browe rceied he geatst artof with peace officers, enforce the law, Charles D. Livingston, 28L, will be flower hotel ahmd was ordered-to bed by his education in this country, coming maintain order and exercise our best in charge of the operation and man- his physician, J. J. Kilroy, here as a youth with his parents. He judgment," Captain Sherf said before agement of the board, as usual. The the former Interior secretary's phy- worked his way westward across the ' departing for Walsenburg.rapid continuity of the reproduction sical condition was bad on account of country after his arrival here, coming A striker's demonstration was held of the plays in the previous showings his previous illness. into contact with laborers in all kinds near the Walsen mine of the Colorado attests to the competent direction of Fall's immediate ailment is a con- of conditions, all of which was excep- Fuel and Iron company in Huerbano those in charge. Plays are diagramed I gestion of the lungs, superinduced by tionally interesting to the young stu- county this morning. 25 armed mine on the gridgraph in less than three a chronic pleural condition. The dent.- After residing in California for guards kept the demonstrators off the minutes after they are completed on former cabinet offier, who is 66 years some time, he came tb Cincinnati company pronerty. During the pro- the actual playing field. old, had pneumonia less than a year where he resumed his studies, enroll- gress of the meeting, which was at- IScores' of other important games ago, and was in bad physical shape ing there in the University of Cin- tended by 200 strikers. Sheriff Capps throughout the country will be an- when he came here in mid-October for cinnati. two deputies arrested three of nounced from time to time. Special ls trial with Sinclair. He had expect Speaking of his attitudes toward the I. W. W. leaders on warrants bits of interest incidental to the game ed to leave today for his home at certain subjects, Dr. Browne has com- 'charging them with picketing and in- in Chicago will be flashed to the op- Three Rivers, New Mexico. mented, "When I was finishing col- timidation. Two of the leaders were erator in Hill auditorium as the game With attorneys and secret service lege, I vas very much the radical pulledgpff . truck that was being used I proceeds. men engaged i running down many with all sorts of theories regarding fr a speakers' platform. The gridgraph display is sponsored apidly developing new "leads in the the lab'oring man, the labor problem, Pickets were reported in Las A by the alumni association under the case, the grand jury nquiry proceed and so forth; I asked. my father sma county again today for the first direction of Wilfred B. Shaw, editor of only slowly during the day with six about these matters, and his reply time T his week, and three were ar- the Michigan Alumnus. question.I haleC er inevitably was, 'Go, find out for your- rested on charges of picketing near The doors of the auditorium will be Herzog, William H. Poucher and John self.'," That has been the method Trinidad this morning. 1opened at 2:15 o'clock this afternoon, er, m . used by Dr. Browne ever since that A late check of the mines in South- the game starting at 3. n admission Chales Marchall, a chauffeur, reputed time. Before writing any of his books, ern Colorado today showed little im- price of 50 and 35 cents wi to have been in Sinclair's employ he makes careful investigations, gen- provement over the previous day in charged. here, and A. C. Gill, a Washington erally including prolonged trips number of men at work. ~ As has been the practice on days ofInewspaper reporter, who investigated abroad. During a recent trip to var- No new effort of the miners to at- I out of .town games, the Majestic reports that private detectives were ous parts of the world, Dr. Browne 'tempt to end the strike by bringing JTheatre will show a gridgraph in con- obtaining information about prospec- was a frequent contributor to niany the grievances before the state in- nection with the regular matinee pro-tv uosbfr eoltilsatd of the leading magazines in this dustrial board for arbitration was re- gram. The doors will be open at 1iveon Octorsbefore he oil trial started country. ported today, o'clock, and the feature will be shownJT Dr. Browne has spent several _yearn_ _before the game. IThe grand jury Meets Tomorrow. y AR TITheTgand jur will meet for two in the pulpit, during which time he ART T TH LDhours tomorrow to carry forward the attained national fame for his the- .0 LABOR ORGANIZER investigation, and, upon reassembling ries and practice of libralism in ANNUAL SHOWING PREDICTS S T R I K E Monday, will have it before William J. the ministry. Burns, head of the detective agency; Many distinguished artists will be IN UN I ON SPEECH his son, W. Sherman Burns, to whom represented at the Fifth Annual Ex- the chief of the private operatives EARTH TREMORS hibtIprsncndtosith um-i hibit of Ann Arbor artists and ama- If present conditions in the automo- here reported; and Sheldon ' Clark, ROCK CALIFORNIA teurs, which will open next Wednes- tive industry continue Detroit may in vice president and general manager of day, in the exhibition gallery of the time see a strike similar to the one the Sinclair Refining company, who (By Associated Press) Alumni Memorial hall, under the aus- which occurred at Passaic, declared telegraphed today to District Attorney T f\ C4 AXT-4MIT 1AXT-- _A rinces of th A A l Artur E. Rohan labor organizer at h 0 . i fnm i.. ..Ald WOLVERINE S TAR STABGMEN WILL R EN EW RIVALRY WITH MiCHIGAN WOLVEUNES FAVORED TO WIN FIRST GAME BETWEEN TEAMS SINCE 1920 GILBERT BACK IN LINEUP Stagg's Defense Against Pass Attack Will Determine Outcome Of Today's Game By Herbert E. Vedder CHICAGO, Nov. 5-Memories of an intense rivalry of the dimming past will be freshened in the hearts and minds of thousands of Michigan and Chicago alumni and supporters, and the present generation of students at these two great middle-western uni- versities will enter upon a new era of gridiron competition when the Ma- roons and Wolverines battle once again this afternoon on Stagg Field. The game will start at 2 o'clock central time, which 3 o'clock Ann Arbor time. Revamped and shaken up, Michi- gan is the favorite, but this makes no 'difference to the old master of the Midway. Michigan, after her defeat b,y Illinois, is ready to rip into Chi- cago with vengeance; the Wolverines .are in perfect shape, but this makes no difference to Stagg-he knows he has a great team and that no Michi- i gan-Chicago game is decided before the battle. Tragically it would seem, but nev- ertheless true, the figure of Fielding H. "Hurry Up" Yost will be missing from the active combat in today's re- newal of conflict with the men of Stagg. The names of Heston, Eck- ersall, and Curtis are also missing, 1 but in their places stand those of Oosterbaan, Gilbert, Baer, Rouse, Mendenhall and others. Tomorrow will be another great Maroon-Wol- verine combat; nothing else is pos- sible. Michigan's starting lineup was un- announced when Coach Tad Wieman and the team boarded the train this afternoon, but it is probable that the -starting whistle will see Miller at the quarterback post, wvith Gilbert at one half, Puckelwartz or Whittle at the other, and Rich at fullback. Dom- hoff and Fuller are almost certain t- see service during a part of the con- test. BOSTON, Nov. 4.-Flood waters to- night still gripped New England. Rain had ceased in most sections, but streams which had taken a toll of at least a dozen lives and probably more continued to rise. Railroad service was paralyzed in Vermont, New Hamp- shire and Western Massachusetts. Scores of bridges have been swept away with several dams. Highways were many feet deep in water over an extensive area. The damage will be several imillion dollars. thre were rumors of heavy loss of life in Mentpelier and Barre, Vermont. Both cities were cut off from all communication and the ru- mors could not be confirmed. Last night both placed reported heavy storm damage, and Montpelier sent an appeal to Burlington for boats for use in the flooded streets. The flood came without warning. The heavy rains of the past summer had left the streams higher than usual at this season. Rain began to fall yes- terday in Vermont and Western Mas- sachusetts. Last night it became a downpour and spread into New Hamp- shire and eastern Massachusetts. The rainfall varied from three to seven inches in different localities. Count-I less brooks carried surface flow intol the little rivers which quickly became rushing torrents, went over their banks and in. turn sent a mighty vol- nine of water into New England's1 great rivers,the Connecticnt and the Merrimac.I There was no withstanding the force of* the walls of water which swept down the valleys. Foundations of. bridges crumbled and the superstruc- t'umes crashed into the streams. Where, :uai!ll streams had been damned to1 form reservoirs or mill ponds the great a(ldded weight of water burst the damn. Hiouses were swept away by the deluge and hundreds of others were left standing with water up to their! second storys or higher. ALBANY. N. Y.. Nov. 4.-The lIud-I .on river valley was menaced today by one of the worst autumn floods inl its history.1 In addition to receiving the over- flow urm its countless tributaries Nwol ~ by more than 36 hours of driv- ing; raif , the bursting of dams along the Ioosi, river in Vermont poured down into the Hudson a mighty vol- umn of water that raised the river some ten jeet above its normal level. ; L : .j r E , 1, .w t 11 : 5 i . 1! I E S :i !I ',, Michigan's telar guard, recovered! from his injuries sustained in lastj two games, is expected to prove a stumbling block to Chicago line plung- ers today. BAND WILL PLAY ON ST AGG FIELD THIS AFTERNOON! About 75 members of the 'Varsity band, Director Nicholas Falcone, and Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the University, left yesterday noon for Chicago, where they played at a din- iner given by the Chicago and Detroit alumni last ight. This noon, the band will again ;play at an alumni dinner, and will go di-j rectly from there to Stagg field forI the Michigan-Chicago football game in the afternoon.. Much rivalry is expected on Stagg j field between the bands of the two in- stitutions as they are both of the same size and play about the same style off music. According, to reports, the drum-major of the Chicago band has been out of school for a few years and is considered one of the best in the Middle-West. The Michigan band will form the block "M" before the game, and the M-I-C-H between the halves. One of the musical features of the trip will be'the playing of a new medley of Michigan songs, which was just completed by Nicholas Falcone, the new director of the band. It is said tc be one of the best pieces ever written for rendition by a band, and to be especially suited to the 'Varsity organ- ization. Tonight, the band will be on leave. The members will return on the same I train with the football team, leaving at midnight and arriving in Ann Arbor at 7:30 o'clock'Sunday morning. SLEET COMPELS FLIERS TO LAND ((By Associated Press)1 CURTIS FIELD, N. Y., Nov. 4 -- Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and Majorl Bovard At Center In the line Capt..Bennie Oosterbaan. will be at left end with Pommerening and Palmeroli at tackle and guari posts on the same side of the Wol- verine forward wall, Bovard will b; at center with Baer, Gabel and prob- -Ably Nyland on the right side of tht line, although Heston may get the call at end in place of the latter. Coach Stagg has not announced the Maroon lineup definitely, but it is expected that Preiss and Apitz will be at the end berths, Weislow and Lewis at the tackles, Weaver ano Wolff at guard, and Captain Rouse at center, MacDonough at quarter, 'Mendenhall and Anderson at the halves and Burgess at full will prob- ably compose the Chicago backfield combination. Although the Maroon team does not boast a punter of Gilbert's ability, Stagg has developed three capable kickers in Anderson, ;MacDonough. and Mendenhall. MacDonough is cf sidered the most accurate of t.- . trio, although Anderson gets more distance on his punts. Libby Returns Chicago's passing game may be considerably strengthened by the re- turn of Vic Libby, who was injured in the Purdue game and has not started a contest since. Should Stagg start him in the Maroon backfield, the Chicago team will present two dan- gerous_ passers, as Mendenhall is the artist at the throwing end of Stagg's long passing game. The Maroon squad, with the single exception of Bob Spence, end, will be in good shape for the con test, as Mendenhall, Grenebaum, Libby, and Anderson have recovered from the injuries that have been troubling them. Likewise the Wolverines, ex- cept for Joe Gembis, injured half- back, and possibly Leo Hoffinan, will be ready for service. The result of today's cpntest will hinge largely on the ability of the Chicago defense to halt Michigan's strong passing game which is certain to be called into play frequently with Gilbert back in the lineup. The lineups: MIchigan P Chicago Oosteraan TAE ,;h i r { I t 1 i i l LOS .ANGELESC, Nov. 4--A series of moderately heavy earthquake shocks along the central California coast today halted railway traffic over the Southern Pacific railroad north of Santa Barbara and shook the in- land town of Santa Maria more se- verely than any earth disturbaince since 1906. The earth tremors continued dur- ing the day. Seismographs at Sanw Clara, California, recorded tremors ats 12:02 p. in., although no cities re- ported they felt these shocks. The main disturbances occurred after 5 a. in. The shocks apparently were heavi- est in the vicinity of Honda, a rock- bound promontory 35 miles north of Santa Barbara. S1'U U We Ann roor Art associla- ltM lr-..U u1, lutU6 1 a, ct tioni. a meeting of the League for Industrial Among the more nationally known Democracy in the Union yesterday eve- ^painters, whose works will be shown n ring. are: A. Maestro Valerio, who has just According to Mr. Rohan, wages are returned from a year and a half in i steadily going downmin the automobile Italy, Leon A.. Makielsky, formerly plants and the amount of work ex- connected with the University and peted of each man is rapidly increas- now one of the leading portrait paint- ing. He emphasized the fact that the ers of Detroit; Jean Paul Slusser, who I employers have effective associations has just returned from a sunimer at and that to combat them labor must the artists colony in New Mexico; organize in order to protect its Vaughn Slocum, a sculpture of note, rights. who has spent the summer studying at I Speaking of the difficulties in the the Philadelphia Academy; John Koch, w y of the formation of unions amongj recently returned from the artists the automobile workers, Mr. Rohan colony at Provincetown; John James cited the fact that in Detroit most Clarkson, the holder of a Tiffany union members are forced to work Scholarship; and Lillian Goodimew, under assumed names to keep from, who har spent the summer studying being blacklisted by the eniployers' as- in Paris. Many other less well known sociations. City authorities in a but, according to the sponsors of the number of places are also exceedingly exhibition, no less meritorious, will I hostile, according to Mr. Rohan. Gordon trom Cnicago tnat he woui arrive here Monday or Tuesday. Clark was in Washington while the trial was in progress and the government i charges that the Burns men reported to him as well a, to Day. Then came the first sensation, For- mer Senator Atlee Pomerene, associa- ted with Owen J. Roberts, of Philadel- phia, as oil counsel, filed a motion with Justice Siddons for the issuance of a rule against Harry M. Blackmar, former chairman of the board of the I Midwest Refining company and a mis- sing witness to show why he should not be adjudged in contempt of court. Thomas E. Lanphier, who took, off for Buffalo from Mitchell field near here, in separate planes, today were forced down by rain and sleet near Binghampton, New York. Col. Ling- 1 bergh notified friends here. The planes were undamaged, h said, and they plan 'to go on to row,landing at Buffalo for fuel to- morrow, and continuing to Selfridge Field, Detroit, where Lindbergh vill be the guest of Major Lanphi2r for several days. I H AD flDEfDE NTTATE11E , . 1 3 t C t i{ MONTREAL, oecasioned by eastern Quebec of one life and thre persons. a-n(s of dollars Que., Nov. 4.-Floods incessant rainfall inj today caused the loss the serious Injury of It destroyed thous- worth of property and! Charles G. Ruddy, chief of the Burns detectives operating here, probably will be called before the grand jury tomorrow, it was stated by Burkin- shaw. Ruddy told' newspaper men tonight that he reported to both Pay and Clark, but that at no time did he J- r Kt RPR IN I r CHOSEN BY ARCHITECTS Sheldon Ely, '29A, was elected .by the juniors of the architectural col- lege as member of the J-Hop 'com- The Weather .1 i so