q TVUF N4TCVTMfAN nAn V FRIDAY; NOFMBET 4I 11 +1 'cl..1YAI'. -A l ti 1 iLL.1 Vi' L. 'if 1L. 1."'A .,._.,.o.. .. ..,..., ...e.,,.........,. ..j. j DAILY OFF ICIAL BULV[TIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) MELLON CHOOSES NEW FIELD HOUSE BEGINS TO ASSUME FORM; NEWASSISTANT WILL CONTAIN ALL INTRAMURAL ACTIVITIES The huge structure that is to house quarters of Waterman gymnasium, all men students and faculty members the new .lant for ntrmura sprtsthe ample and spacious courts for r - __.__.ir a ___ __ _.t !_e.te e lant for intramnural sports---------; . . they are competing for the varioui ; 1.L i m ii W~l Y! t I A Volume 8. ------------ F11"IDAY, 'NOT EMBER -I. Number 39. University Lecture: . Sir Rennell Rodd, formerly British Ambassador to Italy, will lecture on "The Old and the New Diplomacy" at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 8, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. Brosseau Foundation: There will be a meeting of the committee on the administration of thej Brosseau Foundation on Friday, November 4th, at 2:30 p.m. in Room 2, Uni- versity Hall. Students app'ying for loans from this Foundation should present them- selves before the committee at this time. J. A. Burskcy, Chairman. ~~- _ .-- 'Women Students: Dr. Sappington will take my office hours at the Health Service Friday and Saturday, this week. Margaret Bell. Prospecthe Teachers: The annual meeting for enrollment with the Bureau of Appointments will take place at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, November 5th, in the Auditorium of Newberry Hall. It is very important that all seniors and graduate students of all schools and colleges on the Campus who expect to enroll with the Bureau this year should attend. Enrollment at this time is free but a charge of one dollar is required for late registration. Helen R. Shambaugh. Girls Going to Chicago Gamtne: Please come in and pay the chaperone's fee before 4:00 o'clock Friday.j Beatrice W. Johnson, Adviser of Women. University of Michigan Band: Capes will be given out at 11:00 this morningat; the Band Hall. The Band forms there at 11:30 to march to the station. Russell Malcom, Student Manager. University Club: The second Club Night is on Friday evening, November 4th. Professor Jesse S. Reeves will talk on South America. Club members are again urged to bring new faculty members as guests. Program Committee. Chinese Students' Christian Association: A regular meeting will be held in Wesley Hall on Friday, Nov. 4, at 8:00 p.m. All Chinese students interested are cordially invited. It. C. Chaung, Secretary. Pan-Hellenie Ball Committee and House Representatives: There will be a meeting of the Pan-Hellenic Ball Committee and repre-! sentatives from each sorority, at 4 p in., Monday, Nov. 7, in Barbour gymna- slum. . i basketball and hand-hall will be ap-ahti am rn. is gradlually assuming definite shape a ne aaletic teams or not. on the former site of the old north preciated as a distinct improvement The building iitself, as well as its stands of Ferry Field. Under the'by followers of these sports so favor- purpose, is unique. It is the first |ed at Michigan. In addition to these attempt of any school to provide ac- terms of the construction contract commodations for athletics for all on this latest addition to Michigan's ath- facilitie h foras, sa is pravon in so gigantic a scale. lecsse utb onee yfor smuash courts, a regulation in- ____ leic system must be completed by february, 1928. 1door baseball diamond, boxing and DETROIT ALUMNI The building will resemble the Yost wrestling rooms aml the finest gym- PLAN TO ATTEND Field house in lines of design and nastic equipment procurable. Of spec- architecture. It will be 420 feet in ial interest will be the space alloted CHICAGO DINNER length and 110 feet wide. The build- to indoor tennis courts and putting ing plans call for the use of every greens for golf enthusiasts. The University of Michigan Club of available inch of space, and with the The finest part of the entire 'new Detroit has routed its special trains exception of the swimming pool, lit- building will be the construction of to Chicago so Ihat the alumni will ar- tle or no room will be provided for a large swimming pool. This struc- spectators. The building isis the only one of the rooms that rive in Chicago about 8 o'clock to- for practical application of intramur- makes special effort to seat specta- morrow night to be in time for the al athletics only, and will be utilized tors Accommodations will be pro- party given by the University of Mich- and constructed with that objective. vided here for 2,200 persons at a igan Club; of Chicago at the Stevens The most imposing feature of the sitting. Hotel, following a banquet of the Chi- new unit as viewed from without will Among the other advantages of the cago alumni there. be the main entrance, which is tc building will be included the training The Detroit Alumni are going to be beautiful and unique in form. The rooms and a locker room large give a post-game party the following entrance will lead to a lobby from enough to accommodate all who wish night at the Rainbow Gardens. which corridors will extend to the to make use of any of the equipment. various athleticrooms.e d hOffices for the directors of intramural The number of American automo- Rooms will be available for every athletics will be housed in the ne w biles shown at the recent Paris salon conceivable type of indoor sport. structure. was second only to that of French Shifting from the old and cramped The plant is intended for the use of makes. /'T A '"n T1AIXTT/- if xIT I to place Comedy beside Club's 4 A Ift -mb wmmwol I D)ancing TONIGHT and SATURDAY NIGHT 9to1 9to12 We can'L all go to the game this week-end but we can have a good time at one of Granger's dances. Plenty of pep and enthusiasm and music by Bill Watkins' Wolverines. "Great Catherine' and "The Last Warning" Kaufman & Connelly s Comedy 4 Andrew J. Mellon, (above.) Henry 11. Bond, (below.) Recently appointed assistant secre- Margaret Widman. tary of the treasury by Secretary An- drew J. Mellon, Henry Herrick Bond Cosmopolitan Club: j will succeed to the place left vacant There will be a social gathering on Saturday evening, November 5, at 8 by the resignation of Charle- r. o'clock in Lane Hall. The following will give short talks on their respective Dewey. eouhtries: Miss 1. Koizumi on Japan; Mr. M. G. Bueno on the Philippine Dewey resigned in order to become Islands; Mr. C. A. Pettcotf on Bulgaria; and Mr. H. C. Chang on China. All financial adviser to the Polish govern- members and their friends are cordially invited., .Iment Raja Howrani, President. Bond is an attorney from Massa- I chusetts, and has long been connect- Exhibition of Water Colors by Cuss Gilbert: ed with income tax work, in which he The exhibition of water colors by Dr. Cass Gilbert of New York City which I is considered an expert. He will as- is being shown in the Architectural Reading Room, 205 West Engineering sume his new duties immediately. Building, will be continued throughout the present week. They can be seen from 9 to 12 o'clock and 1 to 5:30 o'clock. An Arbor B n A Emil Lorch. ,Ann ArborTo B e Un Gegebie RangeClub Air Passenger Route There will be a short meeting of the Gegebic Range Club Friday evening at 8 o'clock in room 304 of the Union. All Gegebic Range students are in- Passenger air service between De- vited. troit and Ann Arbor is contemplated L. E. Hfelgren, Secretary. for opening at an early date, it was said at the Detroit headquarters of the League for Industrial Dentocracy: Air Taxi Service, Inc., yesterday. Def- Mr. Arthur E. Rohan, General Executive Secretary of the United Automo- inite plans it was said, have not been bile, Aircraft, and Vehicle Workers of America, will discuss the problem of arranged for a schedule. unionizing the open-shop automotive industries at a meeting today (Friday, November 4th) in the Michigan Union at 8:00 p.m. (See Bulletin Board for Mexico has had floods in the val- room.) All those interested are invited to come; a small admission fee will leys of the Lerma river, storms on be charged. the west coast and heavy rains in C. ). BrOitel. other parts of the country recently. has. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. . Dancin g every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Granger' s Academy I I , mill R Wi I I Walk-Over TUX A plain toed gun metal ox- ford is sometimes preferred for dress occasions. Here is . one that meets all the re- quirements of fashion. $8.50 STADIUM Ease that pleases the foot, style that satisfies the eye and that firm supporting feature, the Main Spring Arch. In Black Glove Calf. **-g:. if.,q I Glorifying the American Dumbelle With: Phyllis Loughton, CharlesLivingstone, William C. Bishop, Vera Johnson, Richard Woellhaf Samuel Bonnell, Harlan Cristy and others Dulcy says: :w SPECIAL TRAIN -to -CHICAGO FOR THE Michigan-Chicago Football Came iLa SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th I Li. Ana Arbor Ar. Chicago GOING 12:00 Midnight (E.T.) Nov. 4th 7:15 A.M. (C.T.) Nov. 5th ROUTE, VIA MILAN & PULLMAN SLEEPERS Sleepers Ready for Occupancy RETURNING Lv. Chicago Ar. Ain Arbor WABASH RAILWAY 11:2i P. )3. 7:30 A. M. (G.T.) Nov. 5th (E.T.) Nov. 6th Give your feet a holiday Slip your feet into a pair of Walk-Overs so that they, too, may give thanks. w 11 ;q I AND 10:00 DAY COACHES P. M. (ET) Nov. 4th HOFFSTETTER'S WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 115 So. Main St. $8.92-ROUND TRIP FARE-$8.92 (Railroad Fare Only) "Its the intention, ANN ARBOR RAILROA D 'p N II Just because you can not go to Chicago, you need not weep. C- Get your gang together and come down here for a dinner. Enjoy our well cooked meals, service, and radio music. A good place to stop after the dance pr theater. Always worth the walk. Radio Music Private Booths ...r onight After the Show Come into our shop for a little bite to eat. Delicious luncheons and fountain specialties of the most exquisite make-up. TRY OUR NOON AND EVENING LUNCHEONS For candy PE T" We carry a specials I IiLJILLJNcomplete line not the gift, that counts - I always say." Tonight, and Saturday T H EATR E m ;. look in our QUUEE-11E d'hKA7l of varied 11 EI 11 111