TI-IF, WT1.7-IIIGAN nATLY '1" T aTaeF MTCa~I-TTCAN l l. lSiATY ^Till.. DAILY OFFI CIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is cnrstructive notice to all members or the University. Copy received by the assistant to the President until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. in. Saturday.) FALL REPORTS &HO INCREASE INFA fCULTY PPES!JJ-IENT SHOT Elighteen Members Initiated Into Ad~e1phi House Of Representatives At Ceremonies VOlum21e 8 .r THURSDAY, ])OVEIIIIER.11. Muninr 3S. miotion~s j Anid Affected By 'Ncw Pro- Ogle To Deaths~ Re(signlations Faculty, Sclhool of Edutcation:S The regular faculty meeting of the School of Education will be held on STAFF NOW MnaNvme ,41 ~. nRo 0,Tp~l al TOTALS 112 C. 4). Davi~s Secretary. Reports based upon the budget a)dopted by the University for the re- F'rench 2 - tes veler: !snuption of classes this fall in comn-' My 3:00 o'clock French 2 will1 meet hereafter in room 305 SW.pasowihtervouye'sbd El .+ getcr ~ indicate that the University op-. Engineering, Architecture, Fine Arts, Studenits and Stlaff : facult inuincteose of theirnk, The designer of the beautiful lighting effect: at the l3'anama-lPacific inl aut nldn tls ftern{ ternational Exposition, and at many other expositions Im-fore and since4 in of instifuctor or above and the grand various parts of the world, Walter D'Arcy Ryan, will lecture Thursday No- total staff including assistants shows vember 3 at 8 p.m. for the Jackson Engineering Society in the Recreation an increase of 82 over that of a year ; Room of the First Methodist Church in Jackson, on West Michigan avenue, ago.i nraehscm nsieo nearly opposite the new Consumers Power Company huilding. Mr. Ryan uses'the facraswerehacoe Unesit hadj a great many beautiful colored lantern slides in his lecture. He is not only a h atta hr teUiest a the international leader in spectacular lighting, bvt also an excellent speaker, 189 p)rofessors listed at the beginning thouh sldo herd n tis artof he ounry.Allinterested are invited to of the college year 1926-27, owing to atten. iiithisdeaths and resignations it listetd but Attend.~gbie 180 at the beginning of theprsn __________________session. The decrease, however, was Prospective Teachers: more than made up by promotions The annual meeting for enrollment with the Bureau of Appointments will that brought the number of associate take place at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, November 5th, in the Auditorium of professors from 57 to 86. Newberry Hall. It is very importaglt that all seniors and graduate students The gain in the number of associ- of all schools and colleges on the Campus who expect. to enroll with the ate professorships also had its affect Bureau this year should attend. Enrollment at this time is free but a charge upon the assistant professors who.se of one dollar is required for late registration, ranks have dropped in number from Hlenit R. Sliainbaugli. a 170 to 168. A number of instructors _ were also being advanced and at the University' Wonten (; oiig to ChIicaigo Gamne: same time ' a larger group was beingj All women studcnts spending Sunday in Chicago are requested to returnt added which made the total number on the special train leaving Chicago at 11:55 (Central Standard time) Sun- of instructorships increase from 273 day evening. The University requires its women students to ride in the to 308. pullman. As a result of these changes the B-atrice W. Johnxsoii, Adviser of Women, ( number of faculty members increased -- - 1from 689 to 742. The university staff Advisers' 'leau: I totaled 1120 at the beginning of the All University women are reminded of the regular Advisers' Tea this after- present session, whereas a year ago,, noon from 4:15 .to 5:30 at Barbour gymnasium. Girls of the Augsburger it r'eportedl 1038 as the total. League House will be assistant hostesses. ~rc V (II 41,Avsi Urniversity Club:4 3 Adelphi Houmse of 1Rp^ e(sent ativesl Initiited 18 new membhers ait the cere- "monies Tuesday night-sai to be the largest single group of initiates e ver to be taken in at one time in thej history of the organizatioli. The group consist&O)f:..Parkes, H-. Partica, K.AWillis, C. Vanderwoot, 1". 1 umbrique, J. Young, IV. Lirkant. G. Harrison, G. Sn-mtih.W. Graham. W. Yeagley, L. Hartwig, Ml. Schnitz, C.F Urist. R. Ball, A. Schroeder, S. We-' Gilliard, and Mr. Levy. The subject for the next debate will "e:*Resolved, that the principles of thle Baumes Law should be extended to other states." The members were divide~d into three parties- Derno- croats, Republicans, and Labor- the latter two being those partaking in e next week's debate. Visitors are wel- come to attend this session. Speeches of welcome were given by Speaker Robert J. Gessner and by the scretary and treasurer of the "ociety. The nurnoses and aimb c,: t~e organ- ization were outlined and exlai8ned. ta~l 3'l': i- lourlot is. Above, preswtent of Greece, who was severely wounded recent ly when ,hot in the head. li lt______________________ . - - - - . I i I ii aPE~ail TRIN -to - CHICAGO FOR THE MicMian=-Chicago Football Game SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th a i i I 1 i i I iv. Aim Arbor Ar'. Chicago GOING 7:5AiL ((.T.i) Nov. ith ROUTE. VIA MILAN RETURNING Lv. clicago 11:25 P. Jr. Ar. Ann Arbor 7:30 A. M. & WABASH RAILWAY (C.T.) Nov. 5th (E.T.) Nov. 6th PULLMAN Sleepers Read SLEEPERS f'or Occupancy AND DAY COACHES 10:00 P. M. (ET) Nov. 4th $8.92---ROUND.TRIP FARE--$8.9 (Railroad Fare Only) ANNABRR LRA I The second Club Night is on Friday evening, November 4th. Professor Jesse S. Reeves will talk on South America. Club members are again urged to bring new faculty members as guests. Programn Committee. chii Delta Phi: There will be a meeting tonight at seven o'clock at Martha Cook building, Room 204. Will the following girls please be at Martha Cook building at eight o'clock tonight: Frances Sackett, Sally l .nox, Helen Dancer, Elizabeth Assett, Bet- tina Bush, and Margaret Haxton. Chiese Students' Chiristiain Association: A regular meeting will be held in Wesley Hall on Friday, Nov. 4, at 8:00 p.m. All Chinese students interested ar cordially invited.+ H. C. 'hang, Secretary. FrsmnGr' leCu:Freshman Girls Glee Club will meet in School of Music auditorium at 14:30 Thursday, Nov. 3. (Gwendolyn Zoller, President. Christian Science Society: The Christian Scie~Nce Society meets tonight at 7:30 in Lane Hall. _ Alice Fouchi, Secretary. Sigma Ganna Epsilon: There will be a luncheon Thursday noon, November 3, at 12:15 p.m., which will be served in the Ladies' dining room at the Michigan Union. The1 recently elected members are invited and it is hoped that all will attend. All members are urged to be present. It. E. Taylor, Corresponding Secretary. Men Students In Physical Education : All men students enrolled in the Four-Year Course in Physical Education- are expected to be' present at a meting to be held on Wednesday, November 9th, at 8 p.m.. in Room 20, Waterman Gymnasium. Mr. A. W. Thompson, State Director of Physical Education will speak on the topic "Athletic Problems1 in the High Schools." All Faculty men in Physical E~ducation are invited tof attend. G. F. Patterson. UNION BUTTONS ARE HERB MAL)ISON, Wis.-Horseback riding is gaining in favor at the University Those of the class of 1929 whio have of Wisconsin. Three years ago there registered at the Union but have not were no student owned horses. Last received their buttons may obtain them at the offices now. A new ship- year six students owned them, and at wenthasarrvedto fll he equre-present there are 10 privately owned lenorhas arrrved tifilletheabequire mentu of the class,.ossbadd ntesals A trial will convince you that White Swan Laundry methods ace the best in Cleaning and Pressing { White Swan Laundry CO. Cash and Carry Branch Office, Press Building, Opp. Maj. 7 a.m. to 8p. m. -. -'-~~---.~~ - I Sue tie ff IN mw Alm ]VIE TONIGHT AT 8:30 A HIT to place beside Comedy Club's "Great Citherine' and- "The Last Warning" Kaufman& Coon oilys Comedy glorifying the American umbelle With.. Phyllis Loughton, C harlesLivin gstone, William C. Bishop, Vera Johnson, Richard Woellhaf Samuel Bonnell, Harlan Cristy and others Tonight, Nov. 3, 4, 5, Friday and Saturday IL Seats for all performances now-75c Tel. 4151. r1 C' Ak #4 w 5. +"8 Y a ". r' 4 , < 1 "1 Uw AMU t ) Ad isio- Iamg llry3 c SORS OPEAT 2.15 X; 11111 IIW Rol M IK It. Sw > 1 - ~ ~ - - ---- - 11 1 11 11 limmonw, Vr I / If Uinable To Go To The Game - Da -----r 0RI I1C at tlie %.ha-l Ui MUSIC BY SID11 BRYANT and his MICHIGAN MEN Good Floor- Special Lighting Effects r Friday Pep Dance Saturday Dancing 0 It - Iif If 11 i