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November 03, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-03

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"Michigan--Win Or Lose"

Ret rves to )leeI 1hysicIl Educatin
Team n 3liday Mmnus Services
of Star Players


All men intending to be cand
dates for the freshman bask
ball squad are asked to repo
to Coach Ray L. Fisher at
o'clock tonight at Waterm
gymnasium p r e p a r e d t og
through a preliminary scrin
mage. Candidates must bri

Eltire Squad of :S alet 1Will Leav e

For (''Cengo Fridaiy Aftern To lt ( J' i tcr ' ' Vi , Tha I );tily -ports- aa iccis t bat 10bettear ('I trilbit iolcould he fouind !
('fifrii'1t (to Cstom itnthe il~t t'll p etteittr fromnt1e iic Ii o tAlumnli to'Coachll 'ai Victan recetived
( ' _ _________ y ,' .:._r l 'I It- ,1 "- 1, o - ilm ti t 1, f r o m ~a s t e t c ls ~ io u p t u t ss s a i e t w t a r d l t h e t l u n t,
GiEMBIS REP} ORTS A'A7LIN , Iv 4itt'l V'V11 1

g f)

Louis Cilbert, perhaps the most
widely known halfback in the Middle
West after his absence from the Wol-
verine lineup against Illinois, ie-
turned to the team yesterday after-
noon and went through a long work-
out, devoting his attention mainly to
punting. He is in the best of shape
and ready to step onto the field
against Chicago now.
With Harry Kipke as his kicking
partner Gilbert punted from midfield

Although early season predictions


out of bounds off or iiside of the 10
yard line time after time. Most of the
place kicking was taken care of by
Palmeroli and Fuller,
Baer Rack in Shape.
"Dynamite Joe" Gembis reported
for practice in sweat clothes hut was
not allowed to do any strenuous work.
It is as yet uncertain whether he will
be in shape for Saturday but he will
make the trip. Aside from Gembis
the entire squad i in excellent condi-
tion. The batter d but sturdy vet-
eran, Ray Baer, is in shape and plan-
ning to do big things against Chicago
to assert his rights to consideration
for mythical honorg.
Since it will be the final out of town
game of the season Coach Tad Wie-
man announced yesterday that the en-
tire squad of 38 men will make the
trip to the Midway. Of this number
16 Wolverines are making their last
out of town journey. Those included
on this list are Hoffman, Domhoff,
Gilbert, Babcock, Miller, Puckelwartz,
Baer, Gabel, Harrigan,, Grinnell,
Palmeroli, Heston, Fuller, Sullo,
Nicholson, and Captain Oosterbaan.
Maroons Have Varied Offense.
For the first time in years the Wol-
verines will not leave -Ann Arbor
Thursday night for an out of town
football game. Departing from their
usual custom they will not depart un-
til 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
when the Michigan Central Twilight
Limited will pick up the squad. By
this plan it is thought that the men
will get better and be less nerv-
ous. Upon arrival in Chicago at 10
o'clock tomorrow night, the Wolver-
ines will go directly to their quarters
at the South Shore country club'
getting their first practice on Stagg
field immediately before the game.
Defense was stressed again yester-
day afternoon 'with Coach Court-
wright a'nd his Physical Eds playing
the role of Maroons. And it appears
as if the Wolverines might well afford
to prepare for the Maroon attack. For
the first time in some years Amos
Alonzo Stagg has put a team on the
field with a really varied offensive.
The Maroon plays are tricky and in-
clude not a few passes.
Mendenhall, is reputed to be one of
the most dangerous halfbacks in the
West, beip a general triple threat.
He can pass and kick as well as'
plunge like so many of Stagg's backs.
M\fcDonough, quarter, Anderson, half,
and Burgess, full, round out the back-
The line will be dominated by Capt.
Keli Rouse, star center. In Rouse,
Al Bovard will tackle his second
tough assignment in two Saturdays,
having faced Bob Reitsch, captain of
the Illini a week ago.
Following yesterday's d n m m y
scrimmage, the Wolverines will shift
to the offensive today. Passes are
ant to play a big part in the Michigan
attack, with Puckelwartz and Gilbert
available, and much time is to be spent
on this phase of the game.1

Mr. Elton E 'T"Tad" 'iema n, ed to say a few words about this - __. a 'their own equipment.
Atlletic ASS(,iit on last game of ours. Injpries h so depleted the ranks Coach Fisher expects to have
Ann Arbor, MiciiV'an. If you or aiiyone else thinks that we , of Coach Ray Fisher's army of re- a squad of more than 100 report
ear Tad: out out of the race, iierb, you serves that the physical eds, coached tonight and from now until the
a :deserve some moie oen ltter, be- by Courtwright, are no longer rated middle of February will be faced
Tliis is an (open letter to you, your cause Michigan ain't half through. the underdlogs in the all-important with the task of cutting the
staff and our team, and none of you 0' course we were beaten by the struggle scheduled for next Monday. , candidates to a workable number
will have to duk. llini, beaten by a better team that Douglas, a guard who 11'0 shown from which numeral winners will
We t1hought <( 01 nOfdra wing ul (lid everything better than we did, great promise, recently re-, -.red a be selected.
resolutions, but tly always seem O even to catching Alichigan forward severe injury in the form of a dislo- Last year's team was one of
formal and t'oll, and vye want yOu to ht passes.htany team that is keyed cation of the clavicle bone of the the best Michigan has evei had
believe that this conies from our for two games in a row, as the Illini shoulder, the same sort of-fracture as and several of its members are '
hearts. were against Northwestern and Mich- that sustained by Gembis, Varsity expected to make strong bids
In the first lace, '[ad, let's all igan, is bound to have a let-down, l fullback. for places on the Varsity this '
congratulate Illinois. (ive them our and it looks to me as though the Hammond and Getman, tackles, suf- winter.
very best wishes for the balance of Indians will be knocked off before'fered a broken nose and painful arm I
the season. Any tean that deteats a long, and I wouldn't be much sur- injuries respectively, while Totzke,
Michigan team that fought like 0l11s prised if Iowa did it Saturday. formerly a Varsity halfback, and now Old Scotch Pastime
(lid Saturday deI' (rVs all the praise I was at the game, Herb, and, to one of the outstanding players on
and credit it hdt received or will re-;leak frankly,hit made me sick to Coach Fisher's reserves, is afflicted Attracts Athletes
ceive. have Illinois think that was the bestI with a twistedI ankle.
Comillen1d Mic,10giam "Fibr'l 'team we had up here this year. If we With all the stars of the reserved
Tad, most all of its here in Illinois had played like we did against Ohio squad except Hughes and Borelli on By ,Jabez MatcIntosh
were at tue game Saturdiay- and we'd have won, but of course Gilbert the injured list, Coach Fisher has been An old Scotish pastime threatened
there may have been a 1ichigan team was out, and our attack was pitiful drilling his charges in a more open to demoralize and disable physically
that fought harder-and gave more to watch. Didn't you think so? You'd attack. the entire Michigan coaching staff and
than ours did Saturday- -but we don't 'better agree with me, because if you Coach Edwin J.. "Mather's freshman t en Min ahing staf and
remember when-and some of is date 'don't you'll tell Wieman who wrote team, the roster (f which has dwind-
a long time back. It was wonderful this letter, and then where will I be? led from more than 150 to less than American and some not, but the dan-
and brought tears to our eyes and iTeamii Ph'yed lean 50 players, are also preparing to meet ger was averted when the 16 foot pole
joy to our hearts. You all were as. But don't take me wrong, because the reverse outfit in whatnshould of cabersweighing 85 pounds, which
great in defeat as yvu ever will be I'm not razzing the team. They fought prove to be the deciding contest of had caused all the damage, was
in victory, as only MICHIGAN can fight, and ifj the new Michigan Three. smashed by Bob Brown, Varsity gridj
Tad, we can't win all the time. We the boys that stayed home could have The yearlings are fortified with an captain in 1925, with an enthusiastic
all feel that we will get mur share, seen Benny, and Baer, and Gabel, and abundance of material although none jbut nevertheless ridiculous thrust of
the same as we always have, with a few others, they would almost have of the gridnen are in any way sensa-C his physiogomy, or more precisely,
you and Harry Kipke and all the rest been proud to have lost, because the tiona Sherwood, Shusf and Cokeis ose
of the boys on your staff doing your boys always played CLEAN. appear to be the class of the centers, Coach Stephent J. Farrell, slightly
stuff and the team-God bless every Anyway, I'm not discouraged, be- with Decker, psuffsi Bauer, and Law- Scatch of course, introduced the huge
one of those boys-fighting as only cause I think we'll beat Chicago, and s the possible guards that will caber to the premises in the generalI
men with Michigan hearts can fight. Minnesota, and I think Illinois will RI be used.svigindtyvefYo d o sand
And Tad, please pay our respects lose a game, and mabe two, and then kRichardson, Schiller, Colvin, and veigled everybody into trying his handl
to that lad, Taylor, again. What a true we'll be on top again. Do you remem- Cook are expected to get into the line- at the business which he calls tossing
Wolvrin hehas rovd -imsef t be baketbll aceof 125-6, henup at some time in the contest at the the caber. Incidentally that caber is
Wolverine he has proved himself to her basketball race of 1925-26, when tackle posiions. The ends include as hard to "toss" as it is for Wiscon-
be-and GILBERT; please do not for- we lost the first four games, and then Sweet, Blank, Elser, Markley, and sin to beat Michigan at football, forI
get to give our best to him. He was won the championship anyway. You '!SalzuollaI the tossing requires making the caber
tried last Saturday, on the bench, can bank on Michigan fight, and I'm| h au ak.
more than he will ever be in a game, going to bet on it, which was more at In the backfield Leitle and Marshall turn a full flip.
and e'r al betinhe asnt fule tha Ilinos wulddowhih i wh atfull; 1-Holmes, Simmerall, Dobbins Jack Lovette and all the strong boysa
and we're all betting he wasn't found than Illinois would do, which is why and Wheeler at quarter; Anderson, tried it the other night but Lovette
wanting. We are all praying for his I didn't lose much. Thornton, Brown, and Knike at the found the pole so heavy that it fell
speedy and complete recovery. And, Michigan Mike. halves, appear toashow some effi- backwards across his shoulder, in-
Tad, we all agree with you, Michigan ciency. flicting a nasty bruise.
doesn't need victories at such big Mo AsAnp n r- Coaches Wieman, Blott, Veenker,I
costs. Y i D u pesCeB R Brown, Kipke, and all of the weight
Prond Of Eufire Team DI- BASKETBALL MANAGERS men on the track squad attempted the
We would like to mention each and 10 OU CS ----- feat but all failed dismally until final-
SI Mossa nd S encer won the all-od

ranked the Iowa cross country team Cleveland Man Chosen to Suicceed fiut
as one of the strongest outfits in the Johnson In Office of Aiiierlcan
Big Ten for 1927, Coach George Bres- League President
nahan's charges have been slow in
rouming into form and consequently TERM IS THREE YEARS
the Hawks have yet to display any-
great power. (Bv Assoiited Press)
The team's unexpected defeat at the CHICAGO, Nov. 2.-Ernest S. Barn-
hands of Coach Iverson's inexpe- ard of Cleveland today was electedl
rienced Minnesota harriers two weeks
ago was the first indication of the president of the American leagui fill-
Hawk's unexpected lack of strength. ing the office Ban Johnson vacated,
The Gophers outdistanced their vet- when the former "Czar" of organized
erai rivals and captured the first two baseball resigned after serving the
places in the race, winnipig 24-31. league he organized for 27 years.
Despite this early season reverse, The American club owners unani-
however, Coach Bresnahan has a for- mously chose Barnard, former presi-
midable array of talent on his large dent of the Cleveland Indians, for a
Hawkeye squad and once the Iowans term of three years. Although the
round into shape they should be a salary figure was not not made public,
hard team to beat. The Varsity squad it is believed to be approximately $4 0,-
includes three letter winners from 000 a year, the same as Johnson was
last year's team in addition to a large receiving when he decided to retire.
number of promising sophomore can- Barnard also was made treasurer of
didates. the league.
The Hawk team is moulded around William Harridge, who, for 15 years
Capt. Leonard Hunn, Brady, and Me- acted as private secretary to John-
Cammon, letter men from the 1926 son, was elected secretary of the lea-
outfit. Captain Hunn is ranked as gue, a newly created position. 11am'-
'one of the best cross country men ii ridges term is also for three year;.
the Conference and tied for first with Previously Johnson held all three
peershis teammate, in the Big Ten positions.
championship meet last year at Min- The new American league head, who
started his career in sports as a 1G-
Bra.y and McCammon are both de- year-old football coach, promised to
pendable rumners of considerable ex- continue the high ideals of baseball
1 perience, the former placing third management created by Johnson. He
ahead of Hunn in the dual meet with said he always has been i thorough
the Gophers. Moulton, a sophomore, accord with Mr. Johnson's principles,
is perhaps the most outstanding of and so long as he remained president
the new men, and has already proved of the American league there will be
himself a runner of unusual ability by no changes in his general policy.
Ifinishing ahead of Hunn and Brady in The headquarters of the league will
recent trial runs. In addition to these be maintained in Chicago with Presi-
candidates, Coach Bresnahan has dent Barnard taking up his dut.j9s im-
some capable performers in Hakes, mediately.
Cue, Wagner, Classen, Dopping, Derry
and Welter. NEW YORK-Charey Paddock is
Iowa's harriers will receive their planning to resume indoor running
hardest test of the season Saturday this winter after a lapse of seven
when they compete in their second years.
dual meet entertaining Coach Harry
Gill's veteran Illinois outfit over the NEW YORK-Tex Rickard has in-
home course as a feature of the an- troduced basketball on ice at Madison
nual Hawkeye Homecoming program. S'quare Garden.




every Doy on the squad but tim4
doesn't permit it. We are just mnighty
iiighty, proud of them. And, Tad, w
are all going to see you again nex
Saturday and to show you how mue
we will be with you, get out you
little old pencil and figure the follow
There are some 20,000 students an
alumni going to be at that game. AR
every last one that can't get there
their friends, add their sons, daugh
ters-and their whole damn family ant
multiply it by 100 per cent.
Yours for Michigan, win, lose, o
P. S. By the way, Tad, we are send
ing copies of this to the Michigai
Daily, Alumnus and press of Chicago
and Detroit. We want everyone tA
know how proud we are of our boy
Dear Ilerb:
Open letters seem to be the fashion
and since Al S'mith received a few re
cently from Tom Marshall and Wil
Rogers, why, its only right that you
should get some, especially since you
asked for them, which Al did not
However, I'm not trying to get you
to run for mayor of Detroit, but want


pus tennis doubles tournament by
defeating Hammer and Wilbur in a
hard fought match yesterday, 6-4, 3-6. I
6-3. Hammer and Wilbur won the I
right to compete in the finals by vir- I

semester freshmen wishing to
try out for basketball manager
are requested to report at 7:00
o'clock tonight at Waterman

Iv little Harry Kipke negotiated the
trick. Blott then showed his all-
American relative that Walter CampI
knew what he was doing and, untilI
Bob Brown smashed the pole withl
that enthusiastic but nevertheless

Every night at practice the Navy
team gathers around and sings "I
Want To Go Back To Michigan." It
seems to have become a vital part of
the day's practice, and an important
cog in the machinery of preparation
which the Navy team is being put
through for the game with Michigan,
Nov. 12.
It will be recalled that at the Michi-

gan-Navy game last year the entire
regiment of Navy midshipmen sang
this song time and again during the
,the game, and after the game marched
across the field and sang it in front
of the Michigan stands. Evidently, in
the midshipnan's mind, "I Want To
Go Back To Michigan," is practically
the national anthem of the University
of Michigan.
. ... ..... ....


dm d
At Chicago, November
$092 Round
$89a FTrip
PRailroad Fare Onij

- tue of their win over Phelps and Kim- ROBERT LELANg ridiculous thrust of his nose, only the
ball, 6-3, 0-6, 6-4. two had been successful.
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r 5th



l - I -




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Ar. Chicago.... 7:15 a. m. ( " " ) Saturday, Nov. 5th
Stopping at 63rd St. and at 53rd St., which
is in the immediate vicinity of Stagg Field
Lv. Chicago... .11:55 p. m. (Central Time) Saturday, Nov. 5th
Ar. Ann Arbor. 6:30 a. m. ( " " ) Sunday, Nov. 6th
$11.90 Round Trip
Tickets will also be sold at slightly higher fare '$11.90) for special
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B. W. HOLDEN, Ticket Agent







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