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November 03, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-03

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University yar by the Board in
Contr ol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postofice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
f postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mster General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phoes: Editorial, 4925; Business 2:214.
Telephone 4925
Editor...........Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor................Philip C. Brooks
City Editor. .............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Spurts Editor............Herbert E. Veddert
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor............. Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor..... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G . Thomas McKean
J. Stewart liooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern - Nelson . Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Jack L. Lait, Jr.
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy
beratton Buck Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie Church Harold L. Passman
Willian . Davis Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg
Margaret Gross David Scheyer
Valborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner
nlarjorle Follmer Robert G. Silbar
James i. Feeman Iloward F. Simon
Robert J. Gessner George E. Simons
Elaine E.. Gruber Rowena Stillman
Alice Hageshaw Sylvia Stone
Joseph E. Howell George Tilley
rharles R. Kolfman Edward L. Warner. Jr.
Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer
Rjonad J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke
Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising................Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising ................Edward L. Hulse
Advertising ............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts ..............Raymond Wachter
Crculation.............George B. Ah, Jr.
Publication..................Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock Hal A. Jahn
George Bradley James Jordan
Marie Brunler Marion Kerr
James o. Brorn Dorothy Lyons
amoes B. Cope Thales N. Lenington
Charles K. t orrel Catherine McKinven
ltarlara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy
Helen Dancer Francis Patrick
'Mary Dively George M. Perrett
Bessie IT. geland Alex K Sherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
bu ti L an Bernice Schook
Katherine Frochne Mary Slate
Doulass Fuller George Snater
Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
kcruert Goidberg Herbert E. Varnum
E. J. Hammer Lawrence Walkley
Carl W. Hammer Hannah Waller
Ray Hotelich
In the plan for the lowering of the tax
rates which exist in the United States,
Secretary Mellon has included no pro-
vision for the lowering of taxes on auto-
mobiles and trucks. His plan of action,
according to his 'statement, provides for
a fight on all attempts to lower the ex-
isting tax on automotive vehicles in the
light of the reductions in all other fields.
This seems very evidently to be an ill-
chosen discrimination against the auto-
mobile. Placing and retaining the auto-
mobile to be taxable as a luxury seems1
to be an unwise course in the view of
the place that the automobile occupies in
our society and industrial life today. The1
excuse thatis given by the secretary is
the fact that it seems only fair to the
railroads to retain the tax, because of th
fact that the automobiles are the greatest

competitor of the railroads at the pres-
ent time.

States. For some time in the past there
has been criticism of the delegations sent
to South American countries by the
Washington administration, and the ap-
pointment of such men as Hughes, Mor-
row, and Wilbur in addition to his con-
templation of a personal visit the Presi-
dent sufficiently answers any such aver-
\Vith the possible exception of the
delegation which represented the govern
ment at the Washington disarmamen
council in 192o, the caliber of the ap-
pointees has never been surpassed in re-
cent history. The obvious conclusion i
that the administration is taking seriously
the Havana get-together, the purpose o
which will be the consideration of differ
ent phases of international law as now
conceived. On this conclusion, the dele-
gation is bound to have a profound ef-
fect on the resolutions adopted.
Speaking before the meetingof th
field workers of the department of com
merce recently, Secretary Hoover out
lined some of the plans which e ha
made for the future and some of th
things that he hopes to accomplsh in th
department. The question o the service
of the department to the people in th
various states was the prinary consider
ation, and in the course of the speech i
became evident that the service whic
has been rendered by the department i
all parts of the United States has been
distinctive one and has marked the de
partment of commerce as the most activ
of all the departments in Washington a
far as accomplishments are concerned.
The work of this department is a wor
that may be either distinctive or medoicrc
depending on the man who runs it, with
out bringing any noticeable opinion fro
the outside. That the work during th
time Hoover has been in the reins ha
been outstanding, is but another measur
of the worth and ability of the man. Thi
is no new venture for him. Already hi
name stands on the rolls of fame of th
world for his work in many disasters.
This work of the department under hi
is just one more evidence of the fac
that Herbert Hoover is the outstandin
public figure in America today. In th
face of everything, without ballyhoo, h
has carried on, doing the thing that ha
to be done in a way that called it to th
attention of the world. Herbert Hoove
should he decide to run for the presi
dency of the United States, will stan
above the whole ballot on ability alone.
The many graduates of the Universit
who have become authors in some line
or other are at, last to become recognize
by the student body. The Union is car
rying out a plan instituted last year bu
on which nothing was done for the col
lection of books which have been writte
by alumni during the past years.
The collection will be something ofa
tribute to those alumni who have writte
and it will stand as a tribute to them. I
is more useful and lasting than a mer
monument as well as of more educa
tional value. Pendleton library will b
greatly improved by the addition of thes
shelves of books.
The first interstate passenger airlin
in the United States affording service on
a regular schedule was established Tues-
day morning between Detroit and Cleve-
land. The roar of a Stout monoplane
as it soared aloft on that inaugural flight,
heralded another innovation in commer-
cial aviation in America.
Thus far there has been much talk of
passenger air lines, but little actual re-
sult. Mail planes, to be sure, ply regu-
larly across the continent, but it remains

for adequate capital to become interested
in the formation of large commercial
The line between Detroit and Cleve-
land, besides bringing those two cities
several hours closer, will do more for
the concrete progress of aviation than
any number of transatlantic attempts.
The Ford interests and the Stout Air
service are to be congratulated for their
new accomplishment and the people of
Detroit, Cleveland, and the whole nation
owe the new and progressive enterprise
their best wishes for success.
The statement of Clarence W. Barron,
economist and publisher, recently that
the colleges of America have neglected
their trust by failing to be of much aid
to modern business, has raised a storm
of protest and dissension in the east and
has involved educators and business men
in the embroglio. The opinions are
varied, but in general the commentators
agree in saying that Mr. Barron has
been far too sweeping in his statements.
Education in the United States isI
caught between the devil and the deep
blue sea and it has as yet never taken
the time to form an actual and lasting
program which will define its views and
its intentions. From the academic ranks
there comes the plea that we retain some
of the liberal features which mark an
acquaintance with the classics; from the
ranks of business there comes the de-
mand that we fit men and women to take

the teaching of business and business
methods must ever be subordinated to the
purposes of a broad education. If a per-
son can get at the same time a liberal
education and a little knowledge of busi-
ness that is a good thing. But the >ri-
mary purpose should never be allowed to
become the study of economics or of
bookkeeping, to the neglect of the arts
and the sciences. When business
usurps the place of art in the University,
t the whole end of a university education is
- defeated.
f Annonymous communications will be
- isregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
V confidential upon request. Ltters pub-
lished should not be construe as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The
- Daily.
"The Board of Regents does not have
e authority to prohibit ownership or opera-
ation of a motor vehicle by a student, so
. long as he has complied with the state
s laws," BoylIe's opinion says. "But the
right to attend public schools is condi-
e tioned upon compliance with reasonable
. rules and requirements of the school
e authorities, breaches of which may be
- punished by suspension or expulsion."
t (Emerson R. Boyles, deputy attorney
h general, in the Detroit Times of October
n 30, 1927.)
a We thank you, Mr. Boyles. Your
- statement reduces the 'bone of contention'
e to one simple point-that of reasonable-
s ness. That the auto ban is unreasonable
is admitted by many of its staunchest
k advocates, to say nothing of the general
e, student opinion. Why, then, should we
- Isuffer such a regulation? The Univer-
u sity authorities 'wax hot under the col-
e lar' when answering this question, andI
s cite various causes which might be gen-
e erally termed 'the evil influence of autos.'
s We grant that in certain specific cases
s the auto ban is justified. Fortunately, or
e unfortunately, those cases are few in
number. Nevertheless, the University's
n reply to the deserving driver's application
t is a cold "Sorry, but the good must suf-
g fer with the bad." It is this paradoxi-
e cal attitude which we must combat with
e our single weapon, speech. Here again
d we are at a great disadvantage. Not
e every college student cares to display his
r, rhetorical accomplishments, and the re-
- sultant lack of written protest indicates
d a lack of itterest. (Suh a charge was
actually made in reference to the 'small
attendance' at the Adelphi debate which
in reality had a capacity aidience). As
y a matter of fact, the 'auto ban' is a more
s frequent subject of conversation than the
d football games-and that's going some
- Again we thank you, Mr. Boyles. You
t have done us a service of immeasurable
value. Your concise opinion has cut a
n wide swath through the maze of charges
and counter-charges which were pur-
a posely worded to confuse the student
u and conceal the real issue. We have
t grouped our way through stilted peda-
e gogical phraseology concerning (in their
- realtion to the auto ban) such subjects as
c Morality, Pleasure, Legal right, Viola-
e tilns, Graduation, Marriage, Survival of
the fittest, Paternalism, Automobile ac-
cidents, Student Co-operation, and even
Class distinction. And now at last we
come to reasonableness! How there can
be any argument substantiating that qual-
ity of the ban is beyond all comprehen-
sion and imagination....
Some time ago it was suggested that a
vote be taken approving or disapproving
of the ban, the voters to be University
students. So far no action has been takeni
on this suggestion, and the authorities
have been sigificantly careful in neglect-
ing to mention it.. In case they fear the
possible results we suggest as an altcrna-
tive that the vote be taken on the 'rea-
sonableness' of the ban. The vote would

then be iidicative without being insulting.
Such action is no more than our due.
Remember-unjust legislation is often
caused by allowing the legislators im-
munity from laws of their own makiig.
And another thiunn.
Andrew V'olstead, framer of the pro-
hibition law, is incessantly bothered
by telephone calls urging its repeal.
It's fortunate, indeed, that George
Washington is dead and escapes crit-
icism for being the first president of
this country.
John Lodge and John Smith are1
waging a heated battle for mayor in
Detroit--or rather Smith is. It is ru-
mored that several respectable per-i
sons are supporting Smith in spite ofj
his platform.;
So far, one faculty man outside thef
immediate administration circle hasl
been found who favors the auto ban.
In direct quotation he admitted liking
it because it allowed more room to

F TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents
"lDuley" at 8:30 o'clock in the Mimes
* * *
A review, by Vincent Wall
After having seen "Dulcy" ruthlessly
assaulted, seduced and raped several
times by amateurs, it was a relief to find
last night that Comedy Club had really
Idone right by the show. The laughs-
carefully pointed by Professor Campbell
-were frequent and enthusiastic. And
in general the production remained on
the sunny side of boredom for the en-
tire eveniig.
"Dulcy" as a play is similar to many
of the other efforts of those persistent
and able collaborators-George Kauf-
man and Marc Connelly. It is what the
American public likes-just as it likes
mammy songs, the comic strips, Charles
Lindbergh and hot dogs. As such it was
produced by Comedy Club. It was in-
tended to be lightly entertaining and in
this matter was eminently successful.
in consideration of this, the virtue lies
entirely with the direction-which Rob-
ert Wetzel handled with a careful and
expressive sense of values; and in the
part of Dulcy, comfortably and ably done
by Phyllis Loughton. It is a one-woman
show, and Miss Loughton gave creditable
account in every way. For Dulcy has a
thousand surprises for everybody (in-
cluding herself) and the problem for the
rest is to create suffcient business for
themselves while she talks. In this all
were successful, but some more than oth-
ers. William Bishop as Gordy was one
of the successful ones; lie is proving
himself to be one of the most able actors
oi the campus. Richard Woellhaf absent
from the campus boards so far this sea-
son, returned last night to play another
excellent bit as the scenario writer. Har-
lan Christy, having served his butler ap-
prenticeship, was seen for the first time
in a straight role, and almost stole the
show in spots. And in addition there
were two finds, Lillian Setchell and
George Priehs, both of whom show con-
siderable promise.
* * *
Despite the fact that Guy Maier is
without question the major artiste of the
School of Music, there are several others
whose professional engagements are
worthy of note. Palmer Christian is
planning a complete season of recitals,
the dates of which will be announced
later, and Mrs. Okkelburg has already
initiated her season of concerts with an
appearance in the Matinee Musicale se-
ries in Indi polis.
Joseph E. Maddy, head of the Public
School music department has recently
returned from a tour of lectures, which
included an address before the New York
Music Round Table, and a lecture de-
livered before the Music faculty of Col-
umbia college. He is also scheduled to
address the Michigan State Music Teach-
ers convention, and on Friday night of
this week will appear before the Ohio
State Teachers Association.
A review, by Gerd A. Gillihoff
The Students' Recital Series opened
auspiciously with a piano concert given
by Dalies Frantz, a pupil of Guy Maier.
Mr. Frantz plays with feeling and sin-
cerity and brings a fair technical equip-
ment to his interpretations.
We thought Mr. Frantz was most
happy in his treatment of the Bach and

Weber numbers. The playing of the
"Prelude and Fugue in F minor" was
very lucent; that of the "Perpetual Mo-
tion" very brilliant. The melodic line of
Chopin's "Etude in E Major" stood out
clearly, but the middle section was mud-
died. Mr. Frantz was not so fortunate
ii the "Ballade in G minor," somewhat
hastily played. The tempi were taken
too fast, and that divine major melody,
which has such a calming effect after the
unrest of the beginning, lacked the sing-
ing quality we like to associate with it.
Liszt's "Twelfth Hungarian Rhap-
sody" was the climax of the program.
This number, which loses much whenI
played in a small hal, creates the illts-
ion of a symphony orchestra. Mr.
Frantz gave a dynamic performance of it,
and we were enthusiastic about his play-
ing, although we do not care for Liszt
especially. His compositions are like a
fake pearl necklace. They glitter, but
they are not real.
We would like to have heard Mr.
Frantz play some Brahms and Schu-
mann instead of his last group, but we
enjoyed his recital just the same, and
felt that here was one promise, at last,
that was in the process of being ful-j
* * *
The simultaneous American debuts
of Greta Stuckgold and Richard May-
er will take place this week when they
do "Die Meistersinger" at the Metro-
politan. Although they have long
been continental favorites, they have
not been signed by Mr. Gatti-Casazza
until this season.

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It seems rather a futile argument, and1
01(2 which will hinder the cause of devel-
opment and the justice of taxation, to
reason in this manner. If the automo-
bile is the chief competitor of the rail-
roads, certainly a tax on automobiles is
not the consistent and logical method of
changing the situation. If automobiles
are to take the place of railroad travel,
then it seems that to tax the auto thatJ
the railroad may succeed is a poor way
of taking money out of the pocket of the
,man who will not use the train to make
the bill of the man who does use it
Sure discriminatory taxes, levied on
such illogical excuses, are .the reasonsl
for the general contempt of taxes in the
United States. In the farming country,
in the industrial country, taxes are called
unfair and illogical. It is just such mea-
sures as this one that lead to the diffi-
culty. The automobile tax should re-1
ceive the careful and the sincere atten-
tioii of the solons at once.
When the Pan-American conference
opems at Havana Jan. 16, it will have
among its American representatives be-
sides President Coolidge, former Secre-
tary of State Charles Evans Hughes,
Amnbassadors Fletcher and Morrow from
Italy and Mexico, former Senator Under-
wood of Alabama, and Ray Lyman Wil-
bur, ipresident of Leland Stanford uni-,
'ritv. Nl r. Hughes will head the dele-

deep-rooted smoke-hankering.
No matter how 'fast you feed it,
P. A. never bites your tongue
or parches your throat. Just cool
contentment and solid satisfaction
with this long-burning favor-
ite of experienced jimmy-pipers.
Ream out the old pipe and give
it a brand-new deal with good
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deproaed moe-hnei


YOU can take the long, circuitous
route and come to P. A. by de-
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Open a tidy red tin of Prince
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Your first taste of P. A. in a
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ference in the Dean's office. Sweet
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where in tidy red tins,
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always with every bit
of bite and parch re-
moved by the Prince
Albert process.



their place in the commercial work as In accord with our specialized
efficient and experienced business people. civilization, it would seem that some-
A university should be more than a one might be added to the Michigan

~I I E AL ..B ERI im;uh


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