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Hope To Complete Big Project In
Tljnm To Accommodate Visitors
To Games Here Next Fall
Officials of the Ann Arbor Savings!
bank announced tentative plans for a
new building to be erected at the
northwest corner of Main and Huron
streets in a statement issued yester-
day afternoon by Wiliam L. Walz,j
cashier of the bank, The structure,
according to present plans, will be
from eight to ten stories high and
will include a modern hotel as well
as a bank and' office building.
Confirming reports that such a,
structure was planned, Walz stated,1
"We are contemplating the razing of
the present structure and the erection
of an up-to-date, modern, fire-proof,
bank, ofhice, and hotel building.
Preliminary sketches have been
made which make us believe that the
building will probably be eight to
ten stories in height. The bank will;
retain its present location, with con-1
Mderably larger space, having a main
banking room 60 by 100 feet, three
stories in height, with a mezzanine j
and basement. The plans also show;
about 100 office room and 120 hotel I
rooms, each equipped with bath. Walz
stated further that a number of ex-
perienced operators are desirous of
leasing the hotel. In addition, he de-
scribed the offices as planned to be+I
of the most modern type,many of
them already having been reserved.
Controlled by Bank
The building itself will be owned by
the bank organization and J. E. Beal,
owners of the present bank block oc-
cupying the site of the contemplated
building. Discussing the contemplat-
ed structure and the advantages to be
derived from it, Beal issued the fol-
lowing statement: "After Ann Arbor
had passed the 20,000 mak in popula-
tion, hotel meh all 'over the country,
eager to build hotels at strategic
points began to drop into town to
look up locations. Inevitably thct-
would come back after looking over C
the town, to the corner of Main and
huron streets, opposite the CountyI
Presents Testimony
In Conspiracy Trial
OIn Foreign ServiS
Records Reveal Substantial Decrease
In Enrollment of Freshmen
In Various Schools
Though the number of entering
freshmen is considerably lower this
fall than a year ago, the enrollment of
the University shows an increase of
103 students over last year, according
to the official count completed by the
offiec of Registrar Ira Smith yesterdayt
The number of students entering,
this fall with advanced standings from1
various junior /collegessand other in-
stitutions is larger this year than in
any year in the past, and the grand
The new football number of the 'the number as well as the cover
Gargoyle which goes on sale today on drawing. Another feature drawing is
the Campus, the November issue, in- by Elbert Vyse, '28.
eludes many special drawings and "How to Play Football" is discussd
articles on football themes. j fully with the prediction "just fiftten
The colored cover is done by Maurice minutes a day." For this feature
Lichtenstein, '28, and is entitled "Just Coach Snivil and Coach J.J.J. Twerp
a Couple of Good Flagkmen." Licten- have been interviewed and a discus-
stein has two full page drawings in sion of favorite plays ends with no
score. Many diagrams illustrate the
I plays.
Editorials on the campus election,
the Student Council, and a prediction
of a razz for the "Mimes new operatic-
burlesque,O The Same to You' make up
uithat section of the magazine. The
usual sections are run, The "Music
HathCharms" and the "Books." In
Plais To Offer Chicago Fine ro ranit the latter, Charles Horton Cooley's
On Last AwayFro-Home Trip new book, "Life and the Student" is
For This Year reviewed as well as books by H. C.
TO r VE TW O NCER(T S ' Witwer, VictoreMacClure, George
Moore, Barry Benefield, Negley Far-
son, and a book of poems by Dorothy
The 'Varsity band will lea1f at Parker.
noon tomorrow for the Michigan-Chi- In this issue there are 27 pages of
cago football game at Chicago, Satur- editorial matter, the largest number
ur, day, to participate in one of the most which appears in any college humor
ilce active programs ever given by the publication. The number of pages has
ice. band on an away-from-home trip been increased this year and the
Tin b lrA h nr m m oe NT1 rin i nivo - --- A4..-
MajorsGeneral Douglas McArth
above, is first on the list of ma;
generals, slated for foreign servi
At the present time he is commandi
building, as he best place for
account of the extra width of
two streets which are thus1
adapted to higher buildings.
Need For Hotel Felt
"As the city has grown to
inhabitants, not counting the
it on
The testimony of Edward C. Finney,
pictured above, first assistant secre-
tary of the interior, was considered of
vital importance by both sides in the
i Fall-Sinclair oil conspiracy case which
was yesterday declared a mistrial, and
is expected to-figure largely in the
next trial.
f Judges Will Pick Three Designs For
Final Consideration By Entire
J-Hop Committee Personel
Decorative schemes for the class of
1929 J-Hop will again be selected by
competition ths year, according to
announcement made yesterday by Al-
fred C. Bowman '29, decoration chair-
man for the affair. Details in sub-
mitting designs will be largely the
same as in former years, and the
contest will be open to all who are
interested. Professional decorators
and art clubs are free to plan schemes
and submit them as well as students;
no connection with the University
being necessary.
Competition for the awards will
open today, according to the state-
ment,; and all designs must be in the
hands of the judges or the committee
by Saturday, Nov. 26 at the latest. No
designs submitted after the specified
date can be considered.
The judges that have been named
by the committee to act on all de-
signs are Dan Emil Lorch, Prof. Wil-
liam C. Titcomb, and Prof. Jean P.
Slusser, all of the architectural col-
lege. Three schemes from among
those submitted will be picked by the
judges, and the final awarding will be
made by the entire J-Hop committee.
The prize for the selected scheme will
be $25. Additional arrangements will
be made for the awarding of the con-
tract according to whether the win-
ner be a student or a professional
The sketches of all schemes sub-
mitted should show the colors as far
as is possible, the committee states.
They should convey a clear idea of the
whole effect as it will be carried out
in the gymnasium, where the J-Hop
will be held, as in former years.
Special emphasis is placed on the part
played in any design by the booths,
stands for the orchestra, fire exits,
running tracks and entrances. The
final requirement is to be taken into
consideration in that the whole scheme
shall be fire-proof when, finally erect-
Despite the awards of former years,
students are ,especially urged by the
committee to take part in the contest.
All designs must be submitted to
Bowman at 806 Hill street by the
date set for closing the competition.
Showing the play by play results
of the Michigan-Chicago game Satur-
day, the gridgraph in Hill auditorium
will function for the last time this
As in previous displays, the results
shown on the board will be brought
direct to the auditorium from Stagg
ield in Chicagoby a specially leased
Western Union wire. The board again
will be under the direction of Charles I
A. Livingston, '28L.
The Varsity reserve band will pro-
vide the music for this game, as the
regular band will make the trip to
Chicago with the team. Two Varsity
n a r_1oa -~ -1%41mh na n f , a !'.
total of the enrollment on Tuesday the Third Corps area. He is sched- ~ 'iitmeaw' ~ it i;pic ia agraiii~o utra
-lhaChicago, late Friday afternoon, and matter will be continued throughout
night was 10,614, of whom 914 are ex- uled to succeed Major General Fred will go directly to the Steven's hotel the year.
tension students. The total number W. Sladon as commander of the Phil- where they will stay during the night. ;
last year was 10,313, including 716 ex- iplpine department when the latter's Friday evening, they will be present JUL}CHD[r
tension students. The total number term expires in the spring at a banquet given by the Michigan 'S N rlTofesmnntedhiyahw---lu icuboCiaginoncin
of freshmen entered this year, how- alumni club of Chicago in connection IU IU
ever, is only 1,642 compared with 1,817tm
1 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~C AlhfPTQwith the Detroit alumni club. At this'aya grnic ledi 7 B SN S 0 M T~ bnut
Freshmen enrolled in the College ofnet President Clarence Cook LI
Literature, Science and the Arts this Il n eea te oalswllS U G D B C U C
year total 1,153 as compared with 1,216 give addresses. Of special interest to
MOeaaoAXhenube nhall will be the initial presentation of a
oyear ago, and the number in the Umedley of Michigan airs which has Final Plans Made For Pep Meetings
tecture is 323 compared with 404 last__ been written by Nicholas Falcone, di- On Night Before Ninnesota
rector of the band. About ten of the And Navy Game
year. Disc'ussion, on Cuts in CorporationmoepulrMciatnsaei-
Including the students who attended Income Taxes Occupies Time corpoa i hin PLAN FIRST CONVOCATION
the summer session this year the Of House Committee Saturday this number. . theirTNAN
grand total is 12,614, as compared with I Saturday noon, they will give their
12,313 last year. The figures this year 400 MILLION CUT SOUGHT they will play at the Windermere hotel All students of the University are
include 7,344 men, 3,270 women, and urged to participate in a send-off for
3666 summer students making a grandAsaensti Michigan alumni luncheonty football team when it
fo Ther thegVarsityctootballrteamwhenn-
total of 14,380, from which are sub- ( Associated Press) The biggest function for the organ- ves tomorrow for the Chicago
tracted 1,666 who attended both the WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.-Through ization will be at Stagg field in the laves tomorrow fo the Chicgo
summer session and the regular term. its various trade organizations, busi- afternoon when the football teams of game, according to the terms of a
the wo chols illmee. Te 'ar-relolurtion unanimously-' adopted by
Same Number of Women ness today placed its argument for a the two schools will meet. The Var- the Student council at its regular
The total number of women stu- reduction in the tax on incomes of band, which numbers about thehsam eekly meeting held last night at the
dents in school here Tuesday was e-~ corporations before the House Ways As no plans have been received from Union. Only a small turnout of stu-
aetly the same as the total on theianMenComte amaoiyfChagplndtathebd dents saw the team off to the Illinois
same date last year, being 3,270. and Means Committee, a majority of Chicago, it is planned that the band
The figures for the individual the spokesmen advocating a three and will enter the field, march to the place contest, and since the largest delega-
in front of the Michigan stands, where toofheYear, including the band,
schools and colleges on the campus one-half per cent cut, compared with they will form a block "M," and play will accompany the team to Chicago,
over the two-year period follow: Col a one and one-half per cent reduction "Varsity." the council members advised that an
lege of Literature, Science, and the recommended by the treasury. This will be the last time that the appropriate send-off be arranged.
Arts, 5,630 this year as against 5,528bFnlpla fo th
last year; engineering college 1,214 Discussions of this levy, now thir- ana band s e to p ly o th ti Fnl pans f he ep meetingto
this year as compared with 1,211 last teen and one-half per cent on a cor- nd th e d enilg ett them-ae he te nish before the Nv
year; architectural college, 1,542 this jprtosnticmmk eti selves for the evening after the game. game were also drawn at the meeting
ya aginstr 1,548 las yea; 4 d tsporations net income, make certain They will return to Ann Arbor on the last night and the committee in
year schgainsth4syear; edgai reduction and, occupied the commit- same train with the team, Sunday charge reported that the two alumni
ical School, 666 this year as against Imrig ~kr a enscrd
605 in 1926-27; nursing school, 236 tee's attention to the exclusion f morning. jspeakers had been secured. A pep
this year as compared with 256 last practically all other subjects. The number of men making the trip meeting will also be held before the
is not yet known, but it is expected Minnesota game, according to the
year; Law School, 565 this year as Democratic committee members fre- that about 75 men, Robert A. Camp- plans of the council.
against 534 during last year; College q e ty s e1h w te op r tionb u aIe ,R b rtsA a p x e td- in s t
f Parmacy, 96 thisa year comx coulask ed hto 10 ecorporationd bell, and Director Nicholas Falcone It was announced that a contest fori
with 113 last year; School of Den- the tax ireduction held to the treasury will make the trip on the special train. the best fraternity decorations will be
wit 13 as yar Shol o Dn- heta rdutio hldtothteaur staged in connecion with the Minne-
tistry, 374 this year as compared with maximum of $225,000,000. The wit-L sotage. A oca bine mn h
400 last year; School of Education, nesses were not inclined to discuss LARUE RECOUNTS o game. A local business man has
740 this year as compared with 706 the administration estimates. EVENTS OF TRIP donated a cup for the best decorated
last year; School of Business Admin- 1 Wiile the committee was in session, _sdEr t
wih_7latyer;ad rdut college of architecture has agreed to
istration, 114 this year as compared Senator Harrison, democrat of Miss-' xeine nonee narb apointg af rcomiteue tos juged te
with 57 last year; and Graduate issippi, returning to the capitol, an- Experiences encountered on a rub- oappoint a committee to judge the
School, 804 this year as compared with nounced he favored a tax cut of Ier exploration tri
732 last year. The School of Forestry $400,000,000, the same figure urged by ern part of Brazil were recounted last Nov. 13 was set as the date of the
night at a meeting of the forestry club first Sundaysuetcnoai.
and Conservation has an enrollment of Garner and Representative Collier, tystudent convocation.
24 students. Mississippi, another minority member by Dr. C. D. LaRue of the botany de- The University moving picture is
One reason for the decrease in the of the 1louse Committee, and also Sen- partment who spent last winter in the nearing completion, as far as the reg-
freshmen class enrollment, officials be- ator Simmons, ranking democrat on j tropics. Dr. LaRue told of taking long ular part of the filming is concerned,
lieve, is the fact that the admission the Senate Finance Committee. trips up the rivers and of the difli- it was reported by John Starrett, '28E,
requirements were raised higher this ______,_-_ culties of cutting trails through the a member of the committee apointed
year than ever before; and the second jungles in order to reconnoiter the by the Student council to assist. Sev-
reason to which the decrease can be y T aterritory for possibilities of growing eral laboratory scenes, and scenes of
attributed is th'e comptete ban on - - . - rubber there for American firms. Con- special events, such as the honor so-j
student automobiles, which may have Aids A ir I Ii auSe tinuous rain bothered the party to a ciety initiations, still remain, but oth-
been responsiblIe for some decrease. _certain extent and their , sleep was erwise the work is nearly finished.
NEW YOR K, N o v. 2. -Colonel disturbed by sounds of tapirs and The fall games will be held on the
APPLICATIONS FOR Charles A. Lindbergh's flight to Paris jaguars prowling through the woods, morning of the Navy game, Nov. 12,
J HOP DUE BACKC last May so stimulated public confi- but no great dangers were encounter- as announced previously.
" O Ldence in aviation that since then ed, Dr. LaRue said.
All applications taken out last week United States Air Mail poundage has William Pletcher, '27, also spoke CURRENT SEASON
for tickets to the class of 1929 J-Hop increased more than 50 per cent, Wil- at the meeting, telling of his ex-C
must be turned in today at the side lianm T. MacCracken, assistant secre- periences as a forest ranger in Nez OF COA'EDJ Y CL UB
desk in the Union lobby between 1 tary of Commerce for aviation, said Pres National forest in western Mon- OPENED BY PLA Y'
and 6 o'clock. tonight. tanawhere he spent the summer.
====--- ---=====--=---
Comedy Club opened it current
TO WIN VICTORY IN FALL-SINCLAIR OIL SUIT s theatre with the production of
GeogeS. Kaufman's and Marc Con-
- ------ --- nelly's three act romantic comedy,
"Although the supreme court's re- The last suit ended in a verdict of guilt or innocence of the defendants. "Dulcy. Phyllis Loughton, '28, direc
. . gulity for Sinclair on the contempt No Direct Evidence tor of last year's Junior Girls' p
cent decision setting aside the teapot Another factor which Stason men- pay,
dome oil lease included evidence of charge and an appeal is now pending. tioned as adding to the. task before I
conspiracy on the part of Harry S. The first and second suits were won the government counsel is the fact A review of "Dulcy" will be
Sinclair and Albert S. Fall to defraud by the government and the leases that there is no direct evidence evail- found iin the Theatre, Books, and t
.twere consequently set aside on the able to prove the conspiracy charged Music column on Page 4.I
the government, it by no means in- Igrounds that there had been a con- by the government; the entire net of
dicates that the criminal case now be- spiracy against the government. In evidence is purely circumstantial. The
ing tried against Sinclair and Fall the decision, it is stated that certain government is attempting, Stason in- eludee rote, an theucastn-
will necessarily result in a convic- evidence tended to convince the court i dicated, to prove that Fall and S'in- udeme, '29, CharleersLiThurston
tion." E. Blythe Stason, of the Law that Fall was "a faithless public offi- clair met on Fall's ranch at Three ,28L, and William esD.Livingstone,
school stated yesterday, in comment- cial." All of this, as S'tason claimed, rivers, New Mexico, on Dec. 31 pre- ,,uLcy" Will cotin ip, s run
ing on the situation regarding the le- would leave the average layman to ceding the closing of the lease on the through Satd continue its run
gal phases of the present trial. believe that a conviction is bound to oil lands, remaining there two days, fo theaiur ayfnight,rand tickets
The entire matter is bound up in result. and planning the details of tle charg- for the remaining performances may
six different suits, Stason explained, However, there are, according to ed conspiracy. It is further maintain- be secured at the Mimes theatre box
four of which have already been tried. Stason, several very essential differ- ed by government attorneys that Fall oce.Tis wlt be the last dramatic
The first and second are civil suits ences in the cases which may effect received $230,000 in liberty bonds production in the Mimes theatre after
endeavoring to set aside the leases on an acquittal. In the first place, ac- from Sinclair. All these points pre-You h as7 Uoncluded its run.
the Hills reserve and the Teapot cording to the law governing the civil 1sent great difficulties for the govern- ___,.___as_______uded ___ts __run __
Dome area. The third suit is a crim- case which set aside the oil leases, all ment in attempting to prove these
inal suit against Fall and Doheny, that was necessary to permit this ac- charges "beyond a reasonable doubt," TO DAILY SUBSCRIBERS
charging conspiracy, the fourth suit tion was to find a slight preponder- as it is necessary to do. {
conains a similar charge against Do- ance of the weight of evidence tend- With regards to the gift of the lib- All subscribers to The Daily j
heny, Doheny, Jr., and Fall, while ing to show that there was a con- erty bonds claimed by government who have not yet paid their sub-
the fifth nit i the nresent ne. The !nirev noainst the TTnitd State. hut onnsel Staon sid that it i not serintions ar askd to dos o at !
Fall Issues Statement Declaring He
Is Ready For Nen Trial
To Begin Anytime
(iy Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-Another
startling chapter in the dramatic
story of the naval oil leases was
closed today with the declaration of
the mistrial in the hearingof criminal
conspiracy cTarges aainst two of the
fart actorsae in the lngdrama'
Albert T. Fall and larry F. Sinclair.
A grand jury will write new history
in its investigation of charges of jury
pandering before the former interior
secretary and the muiltl-millionaire
oil- operator and sportsman come to
the bar of justice again for a new trial,
probably in January.
Youth Figures In Case.
Meantime these principals in the
celebrated case have been crowded
completely out of th spotlight by a
hitherto unnoticed young leather-
worker, who probably has never
seen his name in print before this
trial. He is Edward J. Kidwell, juror
number 11.
For fleeting minutes Juror Kidwell
this morning sat in the juror's box,
pale-faced andstrembling,rthe'center
of a thousand eyes, waiting whatever
fate may be in store as a result of
charges that he had talked freely
about the case against the orders of
the Court, and he said he expected to
have an automobile "as long as a
Newspaper correspondents swarmed
about Kidwell as he sought to leave
the court-room and followed him for
a block before he would break his
silence. Then hehemphatically denied
the statement attributed to him by J.
Ray Akers, a street car conductor, and
Donald T. King, a newspaper report-
Taken To Courthouse.
Still visibly agitated, the young
juror finally broke away from his in-
terrogators, only to run into two
deputy marshalls, who served upon
him a subpoena to appear before the
grand jury. He was taken back to the
Courthouse and placed in the oflce of
Neil Durkinshaw, young assistant dis-
trict attorney conducting the grand
jury inquiry.
His name was finally called and he
was told by Dukinshaw that he could
appear before the grand jury volun-
farily, and that he need not answer
any questions unless he desired, as
all the information he gave might be
used against him at some future time.
The juror gave no reply, but walked
steadily down the corridor toward the
doors behind which sat the score and
more of men composing the inquisi-
torial body. As he neared the swing-
ing screens, he hastened his step, as
though anxious to have done with this
feature of his case.
For an hour and 30 minutes he re-
mained closeted with the jury. Upon
emerging at noon he started down an
opposite corridor from that in which
the newspaper correspondents and a
crowd of curious men were waiting.
When the reporters overtook him he
still refused to talk, but said later
that he had "told the truth" to the
grand jurors and he again denied that
he had discussed the Fall-Sinclair case
with anyone.
Immediately after Kidwell emerged
from the grand jury room, A. Mason
Jay, vice president of the Sinclair Ex-
ploration Co., went in for the third
time. He was out in about 10 min-
utes and told inquirers that he had
refused to testify further, standing on
the constitutional immunity that his
testimony might help to incriminate
him. He too, agreed to return to
court tomorrow.
While the stirring events were de-
veloping at the District of Columbia
in the main cdurtroom, Albert T.
Fall issued a statement from his
apartment at the Mayflower hotel,
saying that he was ready for a re-trial
immediately, and expressing regrPt
that the government found it impos-
At a meeting held at the Union last
night, the following were appointed to
the Sophomore Prom Committee: Fred
Babcock, William Demler, Harry Coll,
Richard Cole, William Lowry, Alice
Blome Lilliam Setchrell, Basil Carr
and Lawrence Walkey.
students, the demand for a modern I
hotel is increasing rapidly. This re-
quirement is becoming so insistent'
that something must be done about it
for thousands of dollars are be di-
verted to other cities where up-to-date
hotels are accommodating people wh(
wish to stop over in Ann Arbor, es-
pecially on such' occasions as foot-
ball games, May festivals, commence-
ments, and conventions. We might
have our share of the large conven-
tions which are yearly seeking such
places where suitable rooms and
meals may be obtained. These factors I
bring money and reputation to a I
city, something of which we are now
"Appreciating these demands, the
owners of the Ann Arbor Savings
hank block have decided to erect at
modern building+ for a bank with a;I
hotel -and office floors above. Efficient !
hotel men stand ready to .lease thatj
portion of the block, while the .joca
t n. conivenient to the County build- !
i g, city offices and the great national i
highways, east and west, north and
>oouth, bringing to its doors tourists
from all over Michigan and other'
states makes it advantageous for offic-
es. It is hoped that the new hotel will E
be comuleted by next year in time for
the football games."
The student body of the
versity is iirged to be pres
a send-off for the Varsity
ball team at 5 o'clock tom
afternoon at the Michigan
tral station, according to th
clution nassed last night.
resolution follows:
"The student body of the
versity is earnestly urged
present for a send-off for
?IVarsity football squad wh
e Uni-
ent at
he res-
e Uni-
to be
r the
en it