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November 01, 1927 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-01

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T1 r',PA :'lVl-'VT nrR 1, 1927.


........ ......... ..... . . ....

No. 12):

i r.pr fa II~41Q .t i mlb;

! 0 Ira

'Mi's. Ira IT. Sniiftlis F'reshmain group wvilme'et at Barbour gymnasium
I ltuesdy at 5 oceloci. (Conic prepared for a short hike andl a "weinie" roast.
31. Kramer, Scribe. I
C'oncret e P1 il,4' 1iclIeehlre :
I (Col. J. 11. V:I o!. Field PI gilleer of the Portland Cement Association,
,w ii! talk!, m i e svbject of the design, construction and maintenance of con-
yCrtUs I r.'iiflents at 7: 30 paw., Tuesday evening, November 1st in Room 1213,
l~a~ I:lg~ eerngBuildling. All who are interested in this subject are invited
R. L. Morrison.
University 4(tll).
'Ilie second CIub Night is on Friday evening, November 4th. Professor;
Jesse S. Reeves wxill talk on South Ameerica. Club members are again urged'
to briiirg newtifaculty nieniberm as guests.
' Prograi Committee.

o wing,:;to(aceltinors :aehere Nwill be no meet( ing Tuesday nig111ht,
November 1st. Further ainnoncement of meeting s will be by p~ost card.
P1't flosopy 139:a
F1i'Otes Oi' Parker will meet his (Iclas tday.
.JiIx K~ijirer.


the Lobby of Angell Hall on Tuesday and Wednes-dray vfrom~ 9 to 12 a mn.. and
2 to 5 p.m., for the purpose of stamping and recocrdinzg the balance of the keys
for this building. All those having keys which do not bear the Universityi
mark, kindly call at the desk,
11. Glenn Bixby, Buildings and Grounds Decpartmen;t. I
Faculty, Colleges; of Engineering a and Arch iA'eclutre:
There !will be a meeting of the face hy cof theseccl .i( cn uesday,
November 1, at 4:1& p3*m., in Room .348, srlhgie'i'KIK!i
Speech :33:
The room of the Tuesday at .; meeting of this clasp has be n chianged from,
3209 A. H, to 1025 AI.
Scnior Engincers:
There wil be a class meeting Tuesday, Novenibe r 1-6 t; 10 (o>Kioc k inl
room 348 W. Engineering Building.
ti.4C. li i ', I'M ent or.
Entering Sopliomore and Uppiercia ' Woinezi and 'Chose Who Have dot Finl-
ished the Requirement in Ilygleiie Lectures:
The first Hygiene Lecture will he given on Tuesd~(ay, November I st, at 4 :15
o'clock in Saivh Caswell Angell hllt. 1ring Blue Books.,
Mat ~ret el. I ThI1I

i 'the next' eFein of the Faculty Womien3'. Club will be a cardl pa
at tlhe Mien Igan Ui,;, on ThurSday Nov. 3 at 2::340pmm. Please bring ca
and'p~enIcils and notify one of ,the followxing if planning to attend:
Mrs. Earl Dow, Phone 9427
Mrs. A. B. Peck, Phone 327S.
Mrs. W. L. Badger, Phone 6352.
}hrs. W. L. Badger.


The raiay V Rneadn cin il etTusaluoemeb, t2:0 :il
The ram Redin Setio wil met Tesdy Nvemer , a 2:0 wth erLe is a v('of the stern end of a 20-foot miniature model of one of
Mrs. F. R. Finch, 1610 S. University. (1,pooe e1ta'.hni ie ,dsge octdw h unn
Josephne .foors' time between the Ui z;:td State; and Eng land to four days.
An American P; pl:nin~,g to build ten of these ships to operate .tween
Iitlanidvr Coirlitors :; the United St ates, E'nglIand, and Fran ce. They will be 800 feet in length,
Manuscript~s o be submitted for the fi rst issue of thle Inlander should be with ean 80-foot beam, andl of 20,000 t ons each. Ini addition to the repuited(
left at the Rhetoric office. or nailcd to the Press building before Tuesday, jsp~eedl 50 perr cent -re rter thlaze that of existing liners, the ships will be
November 1. Callk me for furthler information, equipped with at.lpiajl t service.
Elizabeth Wellmnt. E owerful s -

rIhYSlcs C0110(111111i Youn-~st o i M iclil ga i Club : thle boundary1
Dr. J. M. Cork will speak on "The Crystal Structure of the Alums as 't'her~e will he a meeting of all Mlichigan nien Wednesday at 7 :00 in the Alaska, so that
Determined by X-ray Methods, " at 4:15 Tuesday, November 1, in roo:nr 10x11, Union room 304.1 night will know
East Physics Building. All interestedl are cord(ially invited to attend. Thonias Farrell, Secretary. 1 line.
W. F. Colby.___________
i -- FTue lns fl ute of Religious JEAIIIcit iont:'
Sophomiore Womtten Announce the Opening' Dinner to be held in Harris Hall this evening at
There will be a meeting; of all Sophomore W''omen at five o'lock tIodaIy at course,; to be given in the Institute will be made at this time. Reservations CIIO
Sarah Caswell Angell hall, for the purpose of electing General Chairman and i p.m1. Rev. Frederick Cowin wil give the address. Announcement of
sub-Chairmen for the Sophomore (url,' (Circus. All Sophowore ~Women plee!se i'for the dinner may b)e made by calling Lane Hall, 4261.
comec. V 'e tTlonmais 3. Ideit.
- Lengm, for Industrial lhiiiocracy:
Alpha iu: I zArthur E. Rooan of the United Automobile, Aircraft, and Vehicle Work- K
The meeting tonight will he at seven-thir'ty on the fourth floor of Angell ers of America will address a mneetinrg of the League for Industrial Democracy
Hall. The program will consist of the legislative enactment of ane educational at the Michigan Union, Thursday, Nov. 4th at S8:00 p.m.
bill and followed through all the or'gans of governmient unrtil it becomes a law. ;Jud~itht Meyer, Executive Committee.
The purpose of the discussion is to furnish a backgr'ound for the 'Varsity dle-- ---
bate question of the desirability of a stricter p~enal code. Visitors are cordially Freshmran Union Groups:
invited. The groups under the follo'wing leaders will meet tonight at 7:15 p.m.,
Lyle E. Eisermuan, President. in the Union.
Igrwry, room 222.
A delphi hfouse of Representatives: Miller, room 316.
Formnal initiation into the society will take place this evening promptly Ihrig, room 319. S
at T'30 o'clock in the Adeiphi room on the fourth floor of Angell H-all. The Fi'eshmnap not Enrolled in a group may report at this time to one of time i
following initiates must be present at that time : H enry Parkes, H-. Part ie'a, group..
F. Willis, C. Vanderwoot, F. Dumbrique, J. iYoung, W. Birl~rant, G. harris5onr, _--il4. eir himaUdrlssDprmn
Cl C....:tL IT r1.l..~ It Ir 1 .- --- - - - - - - - - -_ -__-_

eam'chlight is to mark{ \VASH INGTON. - Rear !Admiral
between (Canada and James Meredith Helm, 71, who helped
tfishermen fishing at.fet Cb
IrvvIP1 ho onw tgy blockade the Spanish flet i Cua1i

Wile) ifley e1 cuss Me

1898, iscdead.


Scranton, Pocahontas
Kientucky and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
r7his business has, been growing ever
ince it was established. The secret-
'~givinw; absolute satisfaction to our
Customers," We believe it pays to do
Iasirtess in a friendly way. If you
think say tao, let's get together.

U.. 61UitiI, Wv.Uraua, W.Y.xeagley, L. W. lHartwig,WM. Schutz, C. t ist,1). Stoner,
R. Ball, A. Schroeder, S. MeGilliard, W. Edwards, and Levy. All active men-
bers must be present for the ritual, and old members xwill give spkeeches of
welcome and of purpose to the initiates.
Robert J. C-es slier, Speaker.
Tryouts for Central League 1ebates:
fhe tryouts for the Central League debates. (men's debate) Have been
postponed until Monday, November 7th.
On this date all contestants mnust appear at the Adelphi Room, fourth floor
Angell Hll, promptly at 4:00 p.nm., for determining order of speaking.
JI. Nf. O'Neill.
Gargoyle S~t a ffand Tryou S:
Meeting Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Frederic W.. Ziv, Managing Editor.
House Presidents :--
Signing Out Slips for the months of Septenibe and October are duce in the
office of Advisers of Women November 0th.
Alice C. Lloyd, Chairman, Advisers of Wtomnen.

fDr. Stanley D. Dodge of the Geo-
graphy department spent part of the
past summer engaged in field work
in the Vermont Valley. The problems!
chiefly engaging his attention were
the distribution of house types in
the southern end of the valley, in the
vicinity of Bennington. This town was
also studied in light of its history,
geographical setting, and the relations
of these items to the aspect of the
area as a whole at the present time.
The field work was interfered with
seriously b~y the persistence of stormy
weather, but a start was made, never-
theless, in the gathering of important
line;, it's early to buy tie
ready-made "if~s th,7any
one may buy--tnt it's just I
tree to pcpii'e for that most
personal of all 4its---- youzr





Look for the daisies when
you buy shoes o' Scotch
rvj.t &m IeCher. Daisy mark-
ing; prove that the hide is
genuine .Scot's g-'ain. That
the leather has been rolled
in ye olde Caledonian style,
not stamped in the fashion
~o pcpuiar around Brockton,
MĀ°ass. (Th-i3 proves the ol
song, "Daisies won't tell" is
all wrong.)
Fyfe's line of Scotch shoes
are all daisy marked, for
most of the hides are tanned
in Glasgow town. The shoes
have lines that would do
credit to Bobby Burns Style

Phones, Office :4551-4352 Yard Office : 5152

G o r i .yiDb e l
Dulcy says:
"I'd rather have a
glass of cold water
than all the fancy
thinks in the world."
Cast includes:
Cl arl.sLivingstone,
Wiliaam Bishop,
VWra Johnson,
Richard Woelaf,
Samuefl dBonnell,

~A :-i an Corsty.



Th~e Senior Ensian Setting
a-e ein mac fast, it is niot wise to procrastl-
nate u itlij Lkst. Make an appointment.

' I a

C! ! E z

.. .. '.t
" ..
,. .
, :1
-::"" '": {yam '"'
f" '" ..
": t
t , ;'
.y ._ .... ~
lip I
I i
-.rare - ss -zr

Fall! and Winter 0-u $s that
walk :way with honors

b .

in the parade

of smart


A great array of suits awaits you at Del Pretes,.


they are more than- just 'suits,' Tailored with the preciseness
demanded by men of taste. They present attractive pictures
in style and color combinations at pleasing prices.



- $45



What more could ye want,
nelon, for 1 0 dollar-r-rs.

For Super quality buyers we
have five Fyfe styles at

New Fall Topper Special. ..... $27.5,0
Overcats, single and double breasted,
Oxford greys, tans, and blues
$25 to $4
Newest Hats. ......... , . $5.00



. ' .. ems.. E-

I!tI U


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