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November 01, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-01

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TiT1<<:SDAY. Nt IVPiNT- E 1 _ 1927"


L Y a :V I P 1 I'..) 11) 1'. r l L. 1 ;+.: i.


dusablet haLl ack, twhouwas keptu Iof
' r the Illinois game Satuirday bec ause f"

MLichigan Team Earns Title
ing Wolverines" As It
Befoe iliois

Of "Fight.

'I lvo es~tern(Coniferenice ElIevenis Get
First D~efeat This Year At
Hands of Foes


-~ -- - . EtL, I1Gt'ID LFIRIlUUll
By Herbert E. Veder fVollowing the numerous upsets in
Whether Michigan with Louis Gil th various important grid contests
bert in the game, could have tied or Saturday, which witnessed the elim-
beaten Illinois Saturday is a question i mtion of prospective title contenders
which cannot be answered and one in nearlyevery sector of the country,
which should be forgotten-Chicago X.; is possible to determine the leading
is the next opponent of theWolver- 1 cams with more or less accuracy.
ines. Whatever else one may say the TPwo Big Ten teams met defeat at
Illini must be given full credit' for the hands of Conference opponents
playing a fine game of football, for the first time, while two more
The Wolverines were forced to howed down before the superior pow-
"::: :: 'er" of teams from outside the realms
swallow a large and bitter dose ofr:;sm$dt e s
their own medicine; Coach Zuppke's (f Conference circles. In addition to
men played "heads up" football all Michigan's upset by Illinois, Chicago
the way and took advantage of Mich- Garland Grange tasted the dregs of defeat by Coach
igan's mistakes to win. But it must Who on Saturday provedn, much to Jack Wilce's rejuvenated Buckeye
not be thought for an instant that the the sorrow of Michigan supporters, eleven in a hard fought battle 13 to '.
Illini were the only fighters. that the name of Grange is Michi- by virtue of a 50 yard pass late in
Stunned as they appeared through gan's jinx. In the first quarter he the final quarter.
much of the first part of the game, fell on the ball when one of Mllichi- Coach Hanley's Wildcats succumbed
the Gilbert-less Wolverines fought, gap's men fumbled it, this play re- to the powerful passing attack of the
fought, fought all the way. The Maize sulting in Illinois' first touchdown. big Missourians and lost, 34 to 19,
and Blue athletes certainly earned the In the last period Grange was in- while Harvard staged a comeback by
title "Fighting Wolverines." No tean ildirectly responsible for the last rush pulling a surprise victory over Pat{
can stay keyed for more than two of Illinois against the Wolverines: He Page's Hoosiers. The Gophers remain-I
weeks at a stretch; and after the great caught a pass on Michigan's 19 yard ed in the running for the Big Ten
games against Wisconsin and Ohio a line and in the next few plays the title by downing Wisconsin in a hard
really noticeable letdown would not ball was carried to the 3 yard line. fought game, 13 to 7. Iowa, playing
have been too unexpected. "Pinky," as Grange is called by his a non-Conference opponent, defeated
ha e b edo n x e t d Denver university, 15 to 0, w hile Pur-
Illinois Blocks Well teammates, is extremely fast and is
As far as blocking and interference down for the punts every time. due trampled Montana State in a
go, there probably was not a team in - one-sided contest at Lafayette. I
the countrv that did better than the :iVMNACTIC TVA MUV[ A 4 Foremost among the ron-Confer-


an infection, will be in shape for the
contest with Chicago, according to
official announcement yesterday fromj
Coach Wieman. Gilbert is in the ros-
pita1 at present though practically in
perfect condition, and he will report
for practice with the team tomorrow.E
A week ago the trainer noticed a
small, inconsequential bump on Gil-
bert's elbow and on Wednesday the
consulting doctor was called in who
pronounced the buin "nothing toI
worry about."
All during practice last veel Gil-I
bert was in the best shape i .-had
been all season-perfect, in fact, aside'
from the little bump. Friday the bump
formed into a pronounced wartlike
piece of flesh and that night the arm!
throbbed, causing considerable trou-
It was not until about 11 o'clock
Saturday morning that even Coach
Wieman had. an inkling that Kalama-

arsity Cros-Country
(-te DefIA t Over
A . to 3.i
MONROE, '29,_I
Captain onroe, only
any Michigan Varsity
his harrier squad ag
State here Saturday, a
hosed handily of the
Coach Stephen J.
country team exactly
year's feat against th
in the first Conferen
season when the Woly
ed over Purdue by a
~J :3.
Martin. sensational
more, led the entire fi
ers across the tape At
3 1-2 mile grind as
maker captain last se
roe, Wuerfel, Herbert
Carlson trailed in the

Q * Six Michigan swimmers are namned L f(A~ ~ in the 440o yard event are
e tin the ack stst, tw'o Wolverine
selectedby ank.Suimers have ee hosen for the
lRunners 1 )[pli- Intercollegiate Swimming Guide jus a1I-Allmerican team Snindle, Ig T u
Purdue Bf eleased for publication. On this iitle holder, and 1 ubbell, who placed
Score team the eight best performers in third in the Conference meet, are the
anCh of the seven events are. listed. recipiens of the honor.
IS CAPTAIN Pormr Caitain Samson, 'apin Dar Shrr is tho wearer of the Maize
nall, Wagaer, Spindle, Ilubbell, and and Blue pickM1 for the breast stroke.
y junior pilot of Shlurr are the Wolverine natators so lie placed third in the Big Ten meet
team, will lead honored, at 'rbana last spring.
gainst Michigan To Paul Samson gees the dist mtinm F'aney diving was the only event in
fter having (1is- of having his picture appear upon the which Mlichigan 1'ailed to place a man.
Purdue team at cover of the newly published Guide, Out of 56 possible positions on the

Farrell's cross
duplicated last
e Boilermakers
ce test of the
verines triumph-
score of 20 to
Purdue sopho-
[eld of 21 start-
the end of the
did the Boiler-
eason, but Mon-
t, Wells, and
order named .o

thus recognizing him as the best in-
tercollegiate swimmer in the country
last season. He is also selected in
four events, an honor accorded to only
two other swimmers, his teaninmat,.
Bob Darnall, and Lewis of Rutgers.
Samson's many recordl - hireaking
Sreiformances last year have earned'
him places in the 50, 100, 220, and
440 yard free style events, thus show-
ing his versatility in the short as well
as the along distance swims.
Bob Darnall, captain of the 1928
team, is also named in four events,
from the 50 yard up to the 440 yard

give the Maize and Blue a score of free style. Bob Wagner is the other
only 20 points, five above the mini-'Michigan swimmer named in the free
mum. style, being placed at the 440 yard
Only two Purdue runners nanaged distance. Thus three of the eight men
to break into the first 11, but the
rules for scoring permit only the
first five men of each team to be cred-
ited with points, thus allowing Purdue
to claim sixth to tenth positions.
Saturday's race with the Lansing
Lions will be run over the full five
mile course starting at south Ferry
Field and ending at the University
golf course. Monroe, Herbert, and
Wuerfel, are especially strong at the
longer distance which is the regula-
tion Conference run.
Reports from Michigan State credit
the Spartans with a better team than
usual, Captain Wylie, also track lead-
er, being expected to furnish Monroe
with some keen competition.

all-American team, Michigan took 12
places. The nearest competitors to
the Wolverines were Yale with seven
all-American selections and Minneso-
ta with six.
Other collegiate swimmers who re-
ceive outstanding mention are House
of Yale in the 50 and 100 yard free
style and the back stroke; Lewis of
Rutgetrs in the four free style events;
and O'Connor of Stan ord in the 100,
220, and 440 yard free style.
Prominent in jividual Iperformers in-
elude Wright of Columbia, S. Hill of
Mlinnesota in the free style sprints;
Langner of Yale and McCaffrey of
Notre IDame in the distance events;
and Young of Georgia Tech in the
220 yard free style and back stroke.
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Illini Saturday. From start to finish
it was a team proposition with speedy
backs and a fast, hard charging line
which Illinois supporters call the best
in the Big Ten.
Stars were hard to pick out on the
lini team. All of the linemen, prob-
ably 20 in number, appeared to ad-
vantage most of the time while the
entire backfield went together in run-
ning plays, the ball carrier only be-
ing a part of the thrust. The India*
backs displayed unusual formations
and always had one man in motion
when the ball was snapped. Then they
broke fast. T'he wondereof it all was
that Capt. Oosterbaan stopped the Illi-
ni thrusts at his end with any regular-
ity with the perfect interference
The play for the first touchdown was
as fast as this writer has ever seen.
On a double pass Timm raced around
Michigan's right end almost before the
Wolverines got started. Thescore was
only a formality with the perfect in-
Indians Score On Blocked Punt
In scoring their second touchdown
(Continued on Page Seven.)

Sponsored by Dr. George A. May
and coached by Karl Kammermeyer
an informal gymnastic team has been
organized and is preparing for its
first exhibition of the year which is
scheduled to take place Nov. 17 at
Battle Creek.
This season marks the first attemp
within the past four or five years to
revive gymnastics as a -sport in the
university. The informal team is con-
templating a series of exhibitions in
their effort to obtain recognition for
the sport. Practically every other
Conference school recognizes this
sport and sends teams to compete
in the regular Big Ten meet which is
held annually.
At present the team numbers more
than 20 candidates including a num-
ber of experienced performers as well
as several promising freshmen. At
the beginning of the season Bill Pal-
mer, '29, was elected captain of the
team. t

ence contests in the Middle West was
the defeat of Georgia Tech's highly
touted Golden Tornado at the hands
of Knute Rockne's 'fighting Irish,' 26
to 7. Nebraska took the measure of
Syracuse in another intersectional
game, 19 to 0, while Haskell defeatedI
Regis to maintain an unmarred rec-
Upsets in the ranks of eastern
teams proved even more numerous
than in the Middle West. Dartmouth's
19 to 0 reverse at the hands of Yale's
powerful machine progd the most
surprising of these contests. Pitts-
burgh and Princeton won their gam-
es handily and loom as likely con-
tenders for the eastern title, while
New York university, previously un-
beaten, was held to a scoreless tie
by Colgate.
Navy managed to down Penn main-
ly through the power of her reserves,
while Army had an easy time in dis-
posing of Bucknell, 34 to 0. Penn
State surprised eastern fans by the
size of the score she piled up in
rouncing Lafayette, 40 to 6.

zoo Lou would not be able to play.
A doctor was called in and advised
that Gilbert should not play. He was
immediately rushed to a hospital
where he was operated on to prevent
spread of the poison.
Gilbert went through a light kick-
ing drill just prior to the game and
the stands were stunned when he did
not line up with the Wolverines. Not
even his teammates knew he would
not play until 1 o'clock and Gilbert
was not informed definitely of the
fact until a few minutes before the
He might have played; but on the
other hand, had he played there was
imminent danger ,f the poison being
pumped through the blood to all parts
of his body.
Coach Wieman is to be commended
for keeping1 Lou out of the game as
a player's health is more important
than any football game.

LAFAYETTE, Ind., Oct. 30--, The
meeting between Purdue and North-
western in football, in the Ross-Ade
stadium next Saturday afternoon will
be toe fifteenth between the two uni-
v'ersities since 1895. Two victories
by the Purple in the last two years
have given that team the edge in
games won during the series, eight
to six. No tie games have ever been
pl ayed.
Purdue's most decided victory ovei
the Evanston eleven came in 1916.
when the Purple was turned back,
38 to 6, while a 29 to 0 game in 1891
was Northwestern's biggest margin of


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