TUESDAY, NOVEMB ER 1, 1027. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE'THREE -.7- ........... I f HO[M ILINO OF MUSEUM, BEAUTIFUL CRANBROOK SCHOOL,. BUILT BY GEORGE BOOTH,'R IS ICHIGAN'S FIRST LARGE PREPARATORY INSTITUTION r~ PROCEEDS ACCODNL. TO ARCHITECT'S PA BOOl(FiNM, GLAING . ,BRICK WORK~l, eserved Seat Sale MEDICAL CLASS t ui~ )CS. a , Li K hR s fl K I W ' I > REGENTS RECEIVE REPORT Uniiversity Deta is Special Engineer And ; taff To P'loo Various i i Work on the new museum, rising on the corner of Washtenaw Ave., is proceeding rapidly and well up 10 schedule, according to the latest building report receivedl at the office. of Director Alexander Ruthven from'h the engineers, Albert Kahn, Inc., of Detroit. 7f Among the operations entirely com- pleted are those of roofing, glazing, except the exhibition hall, brick and stone work and lathing. Other opera- tions including. those of electrical in- stallation, carpenter work, plastering,' heating installation and marble work are progressing in a completely satis- factory manner. y< With the exception of the cases for - _ _ x? > , the exhibition hall, all the drawings- for the equipment have been drafted The above shows the main building and much of the equipmenC bhas beenl located in Bloomfield Hills near lBirmil ordered. While following ont the assemnbly-hall, and the lilbrary in the ri, general ideas of museum cases, those The school was built by GeorgeC to be used in the new museum are felt to-'be an improvement in the )boarding school in the state of Mi(l general type, embodying several new night by an address by President Ciare Ideas of design. Ever since it beC-( member of the Board of Advisers of came certain, ten years ago, that a (laculty f the University who serves cf new building would be constructed tengihdprmtwoste for the museum, equipment plans have o h nls lprmnwoi h bee studied and the purhas of pr The school ,is located on Lone PineI manent equipment postponed. When 65 acres of rolling land typical of Oakl the construction of the building was the River Rouge which has been broad assured, an equipment engineer wasii tional dlemands of the boys. The buildi retained, who with his staff, has plan- ned the various items of the new mu- noted European architect who spent a seum's equipment. -ory capacity. The annual report of the Director The development of the school is 1)1 to the Board of Regents has just been one of the most beautiful and complet issued in the University Bqulletin. It i i(keveloped(. contains. a report on the work of the various , ctions of the department cof MANAG LTA-Airplanes, manned by Zdology, the specimens re cived and U Iniic(I States marines, cooperated in exchanmged during, the year, an ac- anattack, by a mixed force of marines count of the researcheos of the snaff and American-officered Nicaraguan) members, together wvithi some notes on constabulary on rebels north of Oil- the construction of the new museum alali it was announced today. by Director 'Ruthv'n. November Gargoyl e 17 Qi £acrjestselingj Oratorical association, byi the fact tihat within the past few Months three fea- ture articles have been published in national publications by, or concern- ing, three of the men who will appear in Ann Arbor on the series. The American Magazine recently carried a story on Will Durant, author of "The. Stork- of Philosophy" who will appear, here Nov. 30; Scribner's published a story, "Ritchie of Maryland," about G~overnor Albert E. Ritchie, of Mary- land, who speaks here Feb. 15, and the National Geographic contained Com- mander Richard E. Byrd's story of his Atlantic flight. Byrd appears here Nov. 22. presided at the ni-: . ti/ ai ALUMNI (T DEr v V iT.L N ;D; tVoit is Pla: IIl the distinguish - ii.-s~~ co~mpany the Navy teami c El- i.4 Among the details of thoir p.'gram. which will be announced in the near future, is a banquet to be given after the 'game in Detroit for the Navy team and the visitors from the East. This banquet will take place at the Hotel Statler. oC the no~w Cranbook school for boys, nglam.In this building is the main ight wing. C. Booth awdiis the first large boy's chigan. If, was opened formally last once, Cook Little, in his catpacity as a the school. Another member of the on this board is Prof. Morris P. Tilley chairman of the board. Rloadl in Bloomufield Dills. It occupies land county traversed by a branch of Ieuedi into a lake to meet the recrea- ings were designed by Eliel Saarinen, short time here last year in an advi- la-xu to continue year after year until te preparatory school in the country Lightt Lunches i:4 is Toasted Sandwiches Quickly Served BETSY ROSS SHOP . Nickels Arcade ................... I _____________________II 14 .01 BV SPECIAL APPOINTMENT f OUR STORE IS THE - of,,Ann Arbor Replete with new features, enlar-- ed in editorial matter and size, wvith1 a niew cover by Ichtenstien, regarded by Collegb Humor nmaga'zine as one of the greatest college artists in the country, the annual football number of the Gargoyle will make its appear-. ance next Thursday. The quality of the paper iaa the magazine has been improved and this allows greater care and effect in'-the printing of the photographic, effects. Cargoyle at the present time is a larger magazine and has more euditor- lal matter than any other college hu- mnorous magazine. The staff, seeking to better the magazine, predicts that: thi1s number will be a new peak in the history of the publication. 17 I bkick L1egrees~ 31 copY1n~ At all I dealers Buy a I dozen'. Superlative in quality, the world-famous give best service and longest wear. Plain ends, per doz. $1.00 Rubber ends, per doz. 1.20 a. r r r rp The character of the'suits and overcoats tailored by Charter House will earn your most sincere liking.' i jt I i 3 k p* J. F. WUERTH CO. A, FIEGEL, Prop, 322-324 South Main Street I I I m a I I_ American Pencil Co., 215 Fifth Ave., J.Y. Makers of UNIQ UE Thin Lead w,' Clored Penicils in 12 colors=$ 1.00 per doz. what kin d dojyou wrte? ,, '5 I BRIST"LE GOOD'S Make Your Selections from Our' Quality Line of Hcz i r Brush~es Cloth Brushes Military Brushes Tooth Brushes EBERBACH & SON CO. Established 1843 200-202 E. Liberty St. Oratorical Associatio II kp . Commandr ..ve. v~ +v~v ~ v .w.ww rx r~1.s~r.w .:ar ea~a wvw _. . ._. . . _.. .. ... "_1 n~cure r ( ie WCOA Me. rrrrr. r..rrorrrr. Byrd 1IF the profs find it hard to read your hiero- glyphics, they really can't be blamed if they give you lower marks than you may think you deserve. Take no chances. Get a Remington Portable and let it do your writing for you. It will speed up your writing and the full legi- bility, and neatness of type- writteni work cannot fail to help your grades. Remington Portable-the recognized leader in sales and popularity -is' the smallest, lightest, most compact and most de- pendable portable with standard keyboard Car- rying case only 4 inches high. Weighs 812 pounds, net. I , UL y Gov ."'Albert, E. Ritchie and four other excellent numbers Let us explain to you our easy payment terms. Rgrnington, F OR almost half a century instructors in engineering and drawing have used and recommended Higgins' Drawing Inks. The entire faculty will appreciate Higgins' Writing Inks - Higgins' Eternal Black, and Higgins' Red, which lend them- selves to many uses. Professor William Lyon Phelps of Yale says "Higgins' Eternal Ink writes jet black and dries instantly, need- ing nio blotter. It is the only ink for the pen that l use." Higgins' Eternal will appeal to you use it for correcting papers) in. .its also, both for personal use and for highest degree of perfection in studnts thmes. rpncrts. etc. 'izns' Re'd Writing Ink. It is Gi.OD SEATS LE F