I PACE FT TOP MICHIGAN DAILY " t - - SNDTAY, OCTOBERI PAG1 1LVE TM l ICT-i CAN DAILY - PIP 'I ILTA o 3 A y .j WOMN n'RAISA EXPRESSES 1 1AM APPROVAL OF ANN1 ARBOR AUDIENCES I ' P , Y I S H, ELL(By Haron MeDonal.) WSen thD rush of autograph seekers rWomen Prcar Individual Sptorsits all iasculine with one exception- icy Are Fundamentally Weak 1hall soliiewhat subsided, Rosa Raisa In Cooperation turnedtWetks and asked if were the trer nloely youag lady who had called bout the interview.', YOUTH NEEDS ACTIVITY Ater we admitted that we must be, - -h said, "I like Ann Arbor aud- a. That team play is essential to wom- ienic ", I feel that they are with me. an's development, and that motivation The y are more like Latin audiences in for this sort of athletics must be sup- that respe t than most American aud- ' plied by the school teachers, were the w,'se mey points emphasized by Dr. Margaret "I was born in Russian Poland," she g Bell of the physical education depart- said in answer to questions, "and I ment in a speech given on Friday be- studied for five years in Naples. Then fore a convention of Detroit teachers, in 1913 I made my debut in Parma, held in Detroit. Italy, singing in Verdi's first opera. Girls, stated Dr. Bell, should first. After that I toured Europe and Amer- _ learn to enjoy games and team play. ica." Here Rasia broke off to speak V Later when they reach college, per- in rapid French to a friend who was haps ,they wi~l take up individual congratulating her in the same fluent NO sports if the opportunity for it is pro- tongue. vided. "America is my home," she resumed, "Girls traditionally have led, and the "and I am an American ciizen. When Smajority of women still do lead, in- am not on tour, I live in Chicago. I dividual tides," declared Dr. Bell- have been on the concert stage 13 "Woien are tamlously weak in cooly- years, so you see how old I must he!'' t eration and all the qualities best de- We smiled our contradiction of this veloped under . ood leadership in team last statement. and then, fearing that play. All of the best qualities of we had already taken too much of the womanhood could be improved by lie siger's time, we ended the interview experiencesof play in games of high and withdrew--we hope gracefully. organization._ "In the main, the younger the child NOVELTIES WILL the greater the necessity for activity,' so that by maturity when growth and FURNISH FUN TO development. are at their height, only W. A. A. MEMBERS enough activity is requiredl to maul ----' ratam health. - All the members of W.A.A. are "In addition to the physiological and cordially invited to be present at the development qualities of exercise, first party of the year, which will be there are c rtain character building held from 7:30 until 9:30 o'clock " qualities lbroight out through activit yThursday in Sarah Caswell Angell to which the child can best be exposed hall. Anl atmosphere of fall will pre- in competitive play. We are always talking about good leadersip and the vail, Edna Mowers orchestra will pro- carrying over of the qualities involved vide music for dancing. in lea copettio. Te prpoe o Stunts, "dancing, and refreshments all education is the motivation of are ianned as ntertainment forthe thoughtful leadership. guests. A brief program will tae "xtra-mural competition for girls place at about 8 o'clock. The officers is not indicated at the present time," and managers who make up the Exe- continued Mr. Bell. "This is because cutive Board of the organization will contnue Mr.Bel. "Tis s lica e re>rsented at this time, after which there are few/schools where the train- l ing' of the inferior, poorly trained Dr. Bell will give a short talk on the child would not be neglected for that management of W.A.A. The new mem- chid oud otbenelete fr hatlers will be formally recognized fol- of the child of superior abilities andh training. lowed by a welcome from Mrs. Van Also, the skill of average girls is not Sick wh i the faculty adviser of sdeveloped that it is necessary to go tie organization. outidvekforcthaetition,ites ina The patronesses for -the party in- - lude Dr. Margaret Bell, and the mural program is all inclusive. It is a euer. M a Bl an de serious mistake for women to emulate members of the physical education de- men. Women, as a result perhaps of partment, Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Bea- tradition alone, are not yet prepared trice Johnson, and Miss Grace Rich- to stand publicity expoitation. The ards, adviser to women, Dr. Sapping- exposure is too much and many good tonl of he Health Service, and Miss qualities becoming to womanhood are Dorothy Osborn and Mrs. George W. apt to be sacrificed." wWoodworth of the adviser' office. Dr. Bell expressed her belief that If any members of W.A.A. have not wholesome athlrties should be under- yet recevied invitations to the party, taken for recreation. Americans can, call Audrey Wright at 21716. For any she declared, justly be criticized for member desiring to check up on her 1 the thoughtless use whici they make points, there will be someone at the of their spare time. A foundation of W.A.A. desk on the landing of the athletic skill should be laid during the stairs n:in Iarbour gymnasium from first school years by means of team 3:30 to 4:3 every day this week. games. "By senior high school an- athletic hobby could be securely moti- Stock judging will be done by the vated, and where college succeeds the women of the University of Kansas at high school, the finishing touches the royal livestock show to be held at clbm e Kansas City on Nov. 12. The meat cudbma--.judging team will be selected from the TORONTO - Sophomores at the meat judging class of the University University .of Toronto have imposed home economic department. This is upon freshmen women the wearing of the first contest on record for meat harem veils of netting. judging teams composed of home econ- omics women. The women are re- POUGIKEEPSIE-With t h e a p- quired to identify 25 retail cuts and proval of the faculty the seniors are the by-products and also five classes raising $1,000 for a smoking room, of cuts. ~' ti Gruen Cartouche, $35 R'EN 14 kt solid gold case, $40'* ,Gruen Cartouche, $50 Gruen OctaThin, $40 Others, $ato $375 Other pocket watches, $25 to $500 I A Deposit small savings in a Gruen Watch Wear a Gruen Watch from our store today, on payment of a small part of the full purchase price. This is your first "savings deposit" on a k watch that you will soon own out- right by making similar deposits ata° intervals-in amounts to suit your convenience.a Out Divided Charge Account Service makes it wholly unnecessary to put off for a single day the joy of wearing or presenting an exquisite ". j Gruen Guild Watch. Come in and choose from our wide variety of these famous Tan,$50i Watches-today. This offer applies Other Gruen strap to any Qrun Watch in our stcr-. watches, $25 to $175 American And Norwegian Women Shov Striking Contrast, Says Birgit Foss SOCIETY "Norweigian women are more inter- ested in sports than are American women," says Miss Birgit Foss, who arrived in Ann Arbor from Oslo, Nor- way, two weeks ago to spend a year here as classifier in the main library. Miss Foss was in America five years ago, and studied at the New York State Library School. She was also employed on the staff of the Cleveland public library. For the last three years she has servedon the staff of the public library of Oslo. "In Norway," says Miss Foss, "you would not find women going in large numbers to a football game as they do here. The Norwegian woman is more interested in taking part in sports than in watching them. "This is especially true of skiing, the Norweigian sport. This sport is enjoyed throughout the long northern winter, and quite as many women as men participate in it. Last year there was skiing in June, but that was an exceptional case." According to Miss Foss, tobogganing is another favorite sport among the Norweigian women. It has been de- veloped almost to an art in that coun- try. The toboggan slopes. are not straight but have sharp turns. The only means of steering the toboggan is a six-foot pole held under the arms. At the turns in the path there is constant danger of being spilled out, and the sport is frafght with danger. Nevertheless, it is regarded as great fun, and just as many-if not more- women than men take part in it. "Walking," remarks Miss Foss, "is greatly enjoyed by Norweigian wom- en. When there is no snow they goI for a long walk every Sunday from 9 or 10 o'clock in the morning until 61 o'clock in the afternoon. "The Norwegian woman's interest in sport is undoubtedly one important reason for her splendid health. She is, more sturdy looking than the Amer- ican woman, and has naturally rosy cheeks. Norwegian women are even more healthy than Danish women, who are interested chiefly in indoor gymnastics and do not ski." Miss Foss explains that Norway was the first European country to grant universal woman suffrage. This was achieved in 1913. Since that time sev- eral women have been elected to the Storting-the Norwegian parilament. Women in Norway are especially ac- tive in social and educational work and in legislation affecting women and children. They seek to better living conditions for the poorer people and to establish children's homes and mothers' pensions. "There is more respect for wom- en here in America than in Scand- inavia," observes Miss Foss. "There the old continental ideas prevail. In some sections it is not customary for women unattended to go about on the downtown streets iftci S or 9 o'clock. l 1 1 1 l 7 But Norway is imore pi tr ive than Pledges again furnish inspiration either France or Sweden in this rH- for the week's social events. Members spect. of )elta Unina were h stesses at "In Norway metn eor assist their a party Saturday night given in honor wives with the h wik. Whileoft their pledges. Patrons and patron- there are many more eivan ls than in America, yet in families who have esses were Professor and Mrs. Arthur maid the wife mutst do all the boi e- i oamith mand Mr. an E r. work without assistance. She eve" itha ea John Effine polihesherhusand' shes.Em- Alhha Omega Pi held a dance for polishes her husband's shoes 1:mi-|terpegso rdyngt o ploymtent of married women is not so I their pledges on Friday night. For- general in Norway as in the inted mad initiation for the following mem- States.0 ne reason for thi, is the hers was held this morning: Mary large amount of unemployment there. Roach, ':0, Marian Reish, '30, Geral- All fields are crowded and many of the (line *Wilkinson, '30, Margaret Smith, peo Me emigrate to other countries." '29, Elizabeth Ieninger, '30, Ailleen That Norwegian women are deeply Stuart, '28, Sela Krump, '30, and El- Chi Delta Phi To Initiate Members Chi Delta Phi, national honorary literary society, announces the fol- lowing women as successful candi- dates for admission: Helen Dancer, '30; Elizabeth Assett, '29; Frances Sackett, '30; Margaret Haxton, '30; Bettina Bush, '29; and Sally Knox, '29. Initiation services will be held on Thursday night, Nov. 3, at 8 o'clock, at Martha Cook building. The work of the society is purely creative; manuscripts of the members are read and criticized in meetings. Try-outs are judged on the basis of manuscripts only. Try-outs will be held again the first part of next se- NOTICES Freshman volley ball captains wiil hold a very important meeting at 3 o'clock tomorrow at Barbour gymna- sium. It is absloutely necessary that all captains be present. Monday at 4 o'clock on the old hockey field League II will play Delta Gamma. At the same time Pi Beta Phi will play Alpha Epsilon Phi on the new field. FACULTY CLUB ENTERTAIN Mrs. Alfred H. White chairman of the Hospitality Committee of the Faculty Women's Club was hostess Wednesday at the Pi Beta Phi sorority interested in higher education is evi- denced by the fact that they have en- tered the colleges in such grat num-, hers that an effort is now being made to interest them in specialized and techincal fields rather than in a gen- eral education. While Norwegian women show a great deal interest in medicine, they are entering all pro-I fessions, and in this they differ littie from American women. "It should be pointed out," says Miss Floss, "that in Norway there is a sharp distinct i on bet weed- a college and a university. 'he university re- sembles more closely the American grailuate school, while the college is{ for undLrgraduates. "The names of Norwegian women,1 although they sound ;range 0 oAm '- icans, have usually very 1eimUiful meanings. Mhany of hieni are taken. from the old Icelanlie sagas, frm1 history, or from 1he old Norse myth- ology. Sigfrid, which is a man's name in Sweden and Germany, is in Norway given to women. Other com- mon Norwegian miames are Berglojt, Ingrid, Gudrun, Eagiihihl, Karen. Bir' git, Dagny. Sigrid, Astrid, and Sigrun.j WOMEN IN WHO'S WHO Of the thirteen women who reside in Michigan, whose names are found in! Who' s Who in America for 1026-7, not one of them is a graduate of the, University of Michigan, and only one of them has studied here. Most of them received their education either in private schools or were privately tutored at home. Very few attended any college. Theprofessions of these women are: author, artist, teac~her, minister, lecturer, art critic, musical educator, and president of garden club. Until this yer no woman was ever brave enough to join the ranks in the school of forestry at the University of Minnesota where students of that school, which has heretofore been 100 per cent male, pack 75 pounds on their backs every morning and hike 15 miles. canor Culbertson, '30. Alumni pres- mester. house to the members of the Newcom- ent at the ceremonies were Virginia ers Section of the club. Those who Van Zort, '24. Winifred Sample, '25, tor of the dormitory, on Friday. On were members of the section last year Winifred Benedict, '25, Frances Nor- "Wednesday, Miss Lytle was the guest as well as newcomers on campus this ton, '26, Margaret Clark, '27, Jose- of honor at a tea given by Mrs. Dean year were invited, and more than 65 phine Weiler, '26, and Marjorie Web- W. Myers. attended. her, '27. Ir. and Mrs. L. S. King of Detroit ... . ......... ..........,.....,,..,..........« and Thomas S. Anderson of An Ar- bor acted as patron and paii onesses at a Iailow'een dance given by the JDelta Delta Deltas honiorig t' :ir H ot Dri ks Pi ieta Phi entertained members o' Ihe physical education faculty at din-fo th c dd y w1r on Friday night. The guests were co da s hahel McCormick, Laurie Campbell, Hiuty Figge, Annis Hall, Tone Joh Coffee-Tea- son HIdna Rawlines, Louise Pathisor, 1an Sickle, and Pauline Hodgson. Hot ChocOl to 'The patronesses of Alpha Phi and their husbands were entertained at dinner Thursday evening by memys BETSY ROSS SHOP of the chapter. The guests were Pro- Ickels Arcade fessor and Mrs. Hugo Thieme, Mr. i mmmd l rs. J. Beal, Dr. and M rs. F. R. -.., .. "", "", """" """-" "_ "'_ '" ,........~., - -..... ..- .........«.« .- Wiadron, Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Peter- son. !lliljl iillilll llil ll llill The board of directors of Betsy Barbour dormitory gave a luncheon it- orMiss May S' Lytle, the new direc ach Costume Type ;GEORGETTE OR CREPE Dermands Its DE CHINE UNDER- i r s r r r r r r r t t i 4, Ji i i i r r t i 1 '# Appropriate Accessories The Evening Mode Glitters, The After:oon Mode is .scphisticated and the Sports Mode is Chic But aiva s the accessories c re apprcpritc ont only for tIe occasion but for the indi- vidual. Agnes McIntyre Consulting Costumer Ih the Arcade DRESSES THINGS ARE NEW i . New underthings for fall are specially designed for wear under the slim silhouette. To this end sheer georgette and the lighter weight grades of crepe de chine are used. Incorporating the neces- sary fullness by by unique cut; using elaborate or simple tailored trim- mings; laces, ribbons, appliques and embroidery. Here in splendid as- -ortment Step-ins, chemises, com- binations. In solid colors or in dainty flower prints. $3.75 to $6.50 I# r I - I-. rS SELLING ULLYN i Rent a Typewriter By the Month or for the Semester - Your Choice Underwood, Royal, L. C. Smith, Remington, and Others i We Keep Them in Order Rider's Pen Shop M, REPAIRING U 4d £ This is the shop for Coats and Dresses I 0 Her~e is ,he place to get the latest and smartest thing in Fashions Book without straining the old allowance check. The keynote here has always been "Style" but here style and exhorbi- Vant prices do not go hand in hand. You'll be surprised how it pays to walk downtown. \j a For afternoon and evening Events $14 .75 $ 1.75 that answer the question, what to wear? s n- s Silhouttes flared draped Fabrics velvet satin Wi 6OW~ . 1" t vG itti Now is the time Phone 4434 it "Ruby Ring" bilk Stocking Perfection at the price of ordinary hosiery $1.65 to $2.50 i '0-OMW mw e IF_ I I 1 1