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October 30, 1927 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-30

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year. by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited, to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
if postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
m,ster =General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
f $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor......................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor............Philip C. Brooks
,City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith
'Wom'en's Editor._..........arian L. Welles
Sprts Editor...... ..Herbert E. Vedlet
Theater, Books and Msi c.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor . ... Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Edtor...Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. cinch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Jack L. Lait, Jr.
Margaret Arthur Marion MacDonald
Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy
biratton Buck Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie Church Mary E. Ptolemy
Sydney M. Cowan Harold L. Passman
William Ii. Davis Morris W. Quinn
William C. Davis Pierce Rosenberg
Clarence N. Edelson David Scheyer
Margaret Gross Eleanor Scribner
Valborg Egeland Robert G. Silbar
Marjorie Follmer Howard F. Simon
James B. Freeman Ceorge E. Simons
Robert J. Gessner Rowena Stillman
Elaine E. Gruber Sylvia Stone
Alice Hagelshaw George Tilley
Joseph E. Howell Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke
Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwerdling
Sally Knox
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager..... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising..............iehard- A. Meyer
Advertising...............Arthur-M. Hinkley
Advertising ............. . .Edward L. Hulse
Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts...............Raymond Wachter
Circulation.............George B. Ah, Jr.
Publication..................Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock Hal A. Jaehn
George Bradley James Jordan
Marie Brumler Marion Kerr
ames O. Brwn Dorothy Lyons
ames B. Cooper Thales N. Leningtnru
Charles K. (orrell Catherine McKinven
Barbara Cromell W A. Mahaff
Helen Danicer. Francis Patrick
Mary Dively George M. Perrett
Bessie U. hgeland, Alex K. Scherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben' Fishiman Bernice Schook
Katherine Frochne MarySlate
Douglass Fuller George Spater
Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephensdn
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg Herbert E. \'arnum
E. 3. Hammer Lawrence Walkley
Carl W. Hammer Hannah Waller {
Ray Hotelich
The Regent . the University in
answer to student opposition toward
tee auto ban have announced their be-
lief that "the experiment should be
given a thorough tridl before any ques-
tion of its modification is considered."
In so doing, the Regents have given
a vote of confidence to President Little
and his assistants who have come to
believe that the present measure
should be utilized. It is only meri-
torious and nautral that the governing
board of the University should support
its admiiistration in this matter as it
has done consistently through previous
Yet, after thorough consideration,

The Daily cannot agree with the Uni-
versity administration on the matter.
Specifically, it disagrees upon the abso-
lute necesssity of the action which
substituted the present total ban for
the moderate one of last year.
From the University administration
viewpoint, of' course, that action is ex-
plicable, and, perhaps, the most ad-
vantageous. Last spring, when con-
fronted with numerous student acci-
dents and with the neglect of students
to register their cars before operating
them, the President felt he had to
seek a more adequate solution. To
change from a moderate ruling with
student surveillance to an absolute
prohibition with strict faculty enforce-
ment would be a radical step. But
the President was unwilling to chance
another so-called failure of the auto
regulation, or rather, to witness fur-
ther student accidents. Hence , the
present total an-for it is obvious
that if no students were permitted to
operate cars, there could be no acci-
dents, and no neglect to register veh-
icles. After the University had dem-
onstrated that it could easily enforce
a regulation, the ruling, it was ex-
plained, might be relaxed to permit
certain groups the automobile privi-
, But how about the students while
the University administration is ex-
perimenting with its enforcement
ability? "Except in extraordinary and
exceptional cases," the body of stu-


iches, they are now forbidden to do
Rather than thus treat University
students as children, it seems that
a more intelligent and humane action
might have been taken. If the admin-
istration wished to test the efficiency
of faculty enforcement, it could have
more conveniently chosen the milder
(regulation whereby juniors and sen-
icrs would be permitted the use of
automobiles. In fact, it was quite,
evident that any objectionable fea-
tures of the automobile situation last
year were due, not to the moderate-
ness of the ruling, but to the weakness
of the enforcement agency. Even
after some semblance of an honest at-
tempt to enforce the regulation was
made, the University did not provide
the special officers which it has em-
ployed in behalf of tge total ban. If
such University officials had been
used from the beginning of last year
or even last spring, the results would
have undoubtedly been satisfactory.
If they had been used in behalf of a
moderate ruling this year, at least up-
perclassmen would have been allowed
a privilege of which they are gener-
ally capable.
The so-called defects of last year's
system, moreover, were scarcely
weighty arguments for an auto ban
on the entire student body. The ne-
glect to register cars in the second
semester, was only a laxity to ob-
serve a feature of enforcement. The
more significant offense would have
been the opeeration of a car by a stu-
dent who was a freshman or who was
not scholastically eligible.
Secondly, the prevalence of student
automobile accidents last year merely
showed the inability of the small min-
ority rather than the need of a pro-
hibition affecting "the great majority."
Of course, this problem might be cov-
ed by a complete ban. Such was the
simple, obvious solution; but it was
hardly the "intelligent" and ''humane"
one. If an experiment in automobile
enforcement had to be undertaken, it
would have been much more to the
point to seek out the incapable and
unwise operators which are really no
more prevalent among University stu-
dents than in society in general than
to proclaim a blanket prohibition.
Though the University administra-
tion adopted the total ban because
it was the easiest 'means, the attempt
has demonstrated that it would be
scarecly more difficult to enforce the
moderate one. If juniors and seniors
scholastically eligible were allowed to
operate automobiles, for example,
the enforcement officers would b
required to detect violators among ap-*
proximately fifteen to twelve hundred
licensed operators instead of among
the six hundred or more who now
have been given special premission to
In brief, then The Daily still be-
lieves until the present total prohi-
bition is relaxed, the students are
being unjustly and unnecessarily de-
prived of a privilege rightly theirs.
America's attention is fast being
drawn to a fact which the European
nations have long appreciated-that
conservation of all resources is in the
end the wisest policy. The resources
of the United States have been dis-
sipated by the scale upon which busi-
ness is done, until now, it is apparent
that there must be a widespread re-.
form in all fields and a revision of the
present method of utilizing the pro-
The coal mining idustry is the lat-
est to bear investigation. Official

figures show that for every ton of coal
mined one-third of a ton is lost per-
manently . Secretary Hoover has call-
ed the coal mining industry "the worst
managed industry in the country."
Our resources are being destroyed
permaneintly and the great waste will
in time become an economic liability.
It is the place of the government to
regulate industry in such a case as
this. While America does not endorse
the entrance of the government into
business under ordinary circum-
stances, it is right that the country
should take a hand where the 'indus-
tr'y cannot conduct itself in any other
than a wasteful way.
Coal is essential at the present time
to the continuance of industry. And
indications are that for many years to
come coal will occupy this same posi-
tion in our civilization. The govern-a
ment should take some immediate steps
to regulate the industry and make
sure that it is operating to the best
interests of all concerned.
There used to be somewhat of a
tradition among teachers of history
that the facts of the case were the
things to be striven for, and in some
of our more backward communities
this prejudice still exists. Not so in
Chicago, however, for there they have
a 100 per cent mayor, whose repre-I

Just as the streets of Ann Arbor
have been made safe for baby car-
riages and University students by the
abolition of automobiles, there comes
the announcement that a student has
thoughtlessly been killed in Detroit.
* * *
The Detroit accident, to be sure, is
almost outside the jurisdiction of the
dean of students here. Bur if students
insist upon going into Detroit and
driving automobiles until they get
killed, some drastic action will have
to be taken.
* * *
The first posssible action that
comes to mind is the complete abolish-
ment of Detroit. Although the Regents
failed to act upon this proposition at
their meeting last Thursday, it should
be adopted at once.
* * *
Naturally some inconvenience would
result in the complete abolishment of
of the great motor city. But regula-
tions in the interests of student pres-
ervation must never stop at mere pros-
pects of inconvenience.
*. \1
Though he has not been interviewed
Mayor John Smith of Detroit has in-
dicated no objections whatsoever to
the abolition of his city. "If Univer-
sity students are going to get killed
here," he would say in his character-
istic quiet manner, "it seems to me
that the only logical course is to re-
move the city, and thus eliminate all
possibility of student deaths."
* *5 *
When informed that this is exactly
in line with the University policy
Mayor Smith was overjoyed. It is
the first time he has agreed with any-
one since the vote upon the Detroit-
Winldsor bridge.
* * *
No exact method of destroying De-
troit has been decided upon. The most
considered proposal suggests promot-
ing Harvey Emery to the full rank
of Assistant Dean and giving him com-
plete charge of the work.
* * *
Even if he had been iterviewed,
Assistant to the Dean Emery would
no doubt have refused to comment.
* * *
The biggest surprise of the game
with Illinois yesterday at Urbana was
the Sucker's answer to Michigan's
celebrated "U. of Milk" cheer.
* * *
Root de toot!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
We're the gang of Illinois.
We can't smoke.
We walk too.
We just play with boys that do.
Illinois! Illinois! Illinois!
Michigan students received lots of
tips from their friends at Urbana.
Most of them are returning home with
the thought that this isn't such a bad
University, in spite of everything.
* .* *
Illinois men did not seem too de-
pressed after their years of heavy re-
strictions. "Of course we can't smoke

on the campus," explained Horace
McGurk, prominent activity man, "but
most of the landladies won't report us
if we have cigarettes in our rooms, so
we get by pretty good."
Assisted by Richard Barthelmess,
mentioned in a few circles as a rising
moving picture actor, Michigan's own
and original movie stars, "Daisy"
Denton and "Peaches" Wilcox, ap-
pear today in their premier produc-
( Stirred by the news 'that Mich-
igan's own campus movie will I
j not be shown in Ann Arbor, a I
special Rolls investigation com- 1
mittee has been at work studying I
ing the situation. Although no 1
positive evidence has yet been
uncovered, the committee ex-
pects to have definite information I
in the immediate future.
Benjamin Bolt.
matters it if the exact statements are
not true, for they all are far iAi the,
past anyway, and 100 per cent Amer-

B 0 0 K S
bond. king" in the Whitney theater at1
8:15 o'clock.
* * *
A review, by Leslie R. Askren
It is like casting pearls before swine
to produce a play like Charles Rann
Kennedy's "The Servant in the House"
before an Ann Arbor audience. What
is more depressing is the thought that
Ann Arbor audiences are, even so, more
intelligent and discerning than the
average. The only optimistic view
possible is that the strain of football
games is too much for local emotional
It is unnecessary to panegyrize over
the play itself beyond saying that it
was one of the most genuine that has
been produced in this city this year.
By the glittering standards of 'Thea-
ter' it is a good play, but it is hardly
fair to use such an artificial measure.
To call the play genuine is to suggest,
e ~ii


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Charles Alais, in the role of Manson
that it goes beyond the rather tinsel-
and-spangle stage. It penetrates to a
depth that seems indefinable. A depth
that must be indicated by allegory
rather than defined.
Charles Allais, who played the part
of Manson, the allegorical Christ, has
done fine work with the Theater Guild
in New York. His most recent part
was in "The Barker" which played so
successfully at the Blackstone theater
in Chicago, and previously he has
played in "Androcles and the Lion."
His performance last night of the
difficult role of Indian butler, and by
allegory, Christ in reincarnation, was
splendid. His perfect control' of emo-
tion and ability to indicate the rather
intangible character of Christ which
arises out of the play by symbolism
rather than definite allusion were
Frank Howson as the Reverend Wil-
liam Smythe played a Dart of tre-
mendous emotional power with ad-
mirable force.
* * *
The first Students' Recital of the
season will be given by Dalies Frantz,
pianist, Wednesday evening, Nov. 2,
at 8 o'clock in the School of Music
auditorium. Frantz has been a pupil
of Guy Maier for the past year, and
this year was awareded a Juilliard
Foundation scholarship to continue
his work. His program is as follows:
Prelude and Fugue in F Minor.. Bach
Perpetual Motion.............Weber
Etude in E Major, Opus 10.....Chopin
Etude in C shary Minor, Opus 25..
Ballade in G Minor.........Chopin
The Harmonica Player ........Guion
Liebestraum .................. Liszt
Twelfth Hungarian Rhapsody ..Liszt
With "Good News" and the "Zieg-
feld Follies" established as hits since
the first of the season, and with "Rio
Rita' and "Hit the Deck" held over
from last year, there has been no'lack
of eye and ear entertainment in New
York. "Manhattan Mary" in addition
has found some favor, and "The Five
o'Clock Girl" with Mary Eaton and
Oscar Shaw as co-stars is almost
something sensational. In addition
"Yes, Yes, Yvette" and "Sidewalks of
New York" are fairly well established.
Now, however, all attention is turn-
ing towards "Rosalie," with which Mr.
Ziegfeld hopes to duplicate the suc-
cess of "Sunny," since both Marilyn
Miller and Jack Donahue are in the
cast. Ziegfeld and Guy Bolton are do-
ing the book, and George Gershwin
and Sigmund Romberg are collaborat-
ing on the music, which should prove
to be of more than usual interest for
that reason.
* * *
Incidentally, it might be mentioned
that Thomas Denton and Leland Wil-

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